The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
@Ooglyboggles – if you liked that, you’ll just love this:
In the movie, the Jenny’s doctor and Oliver decide not to tell Jenny that she’s dying of some mysterious wasting disease – because why should she have anything to say about her treatment options or how to spend her remaining days, right? The poor thing would probably just weep and weep about being parted from her beloved Oliver, and that would make Oliver sad. She does eventually find out, of course, but she is placid and loving anyway and never says even a cross word to her darling.
Even though she was smart and capable enough to be admitted to an Ivy league college despite not having Oliver’s privilege’s, it’s just a writers’ trick to get her in proximity to our hero, Oliver, with those all-encompassing class differences intact. She has no qualms about giving up her career to support her man.
I think, or at least I hope that the meaning of the tagline was that “love means never doing anything for which you’d have to apologize” meaning, never hurting someone you love, but it’s all too easy for it to mean “love means always forgiving your beloved no matter what they do to you.”
Don’t forget the one guy making a joke about male prison rape. Because that’s such a hi-larious topic? I guess? It definitely proved to me that MRAs care super-hard about the welfare of men. For extra grossness points, the butt of the joke was his own son.
@Paradoxical Intention – well done!
I would post an applause .gif here but I’ve only barely learned how to post still pics lol gifs are beyond me for now.
Abunga should be familiar with this one.
(Well done, PI.)
Alot of thoughts are beginning to stir in my head, the kind of thoughts that are against the comments policy. In any other fiction this type if person would be a vampire, sucking the worth and vitality of others while shedding crocodile tears, a villain in every respect. I’m a little surprised no one has made a morbid parody of this duology.
Crisis temporarily averted in France, aka a reasonable but uninspiring guy is against the far right. That’s a relief.
Allow me to very strongly disagree with “reasonable but uninspiring”, but only like, tomorrow, okay. First I gotta cry myself to sleep, and contemplate the very few years I have left with a roof over my head.
@John : let’s just say that among the top two, there is at least one guy who don’t have written in his program to persecute me and many other directly, instead only doing it by inaction or incompetency.
I won’t blame you to fear Macron, since at best he will do nothing and keep things as they are. I just fear him, who is the exact same breed of people as Holland and barely better than Sarkozy, a lot less than the two brand of fascists we had.
I do happen to be among those who will be actively persecuted under Macron, and yeah that’s a part of his program. So yeah, fuck you.
I do want more information here.
Or nah. What part of “tomorrow” escaped you? Chill…
@Axecalibur : I didn’t asked for when exactly to have them either. Can one ask explanations about why its position is bad without being told to “chill” ?
“Love means never having to say your sorry”
Then I’ll say it now. MRAs are fascists. Also reactionaries, but I don’t think there was ever any question on that front.
@A Fungus Among Us
What, I’m on your least favorite list? I’m hurt. And here I depilate religiously, wear skirts and dresses all the time, and hardly ever post gifs. To be honest, I hardly understand most of the gifs people do post. Hell, I can even write long-winded insults, you bilious blithering buffoon. Purple prose isn’t terribly taxing, nor are overwrought tones synonymous with erudition. Brevity, after all, is the soul of wit (Can you tell me the reference without looking it up, you ignorant imitation intellectual?)
The fact that you can’t tell I’m laughing at you makes it that much funnier, to be honest.
@Sinkable John
I haven’t really been following your elections, mired as I am in local fuckery, but skimming Macon’s policy page I hate him already. Solidarity.
Ohlmann, with all due respect, Sinkable John said he would debate this tomorrow.
That seems pretty explicit.
So, ask him your questions. Tomorrow. It’s clear that he is upset right now; respect his feelings, also.
Sinkable said that he does not want to argue with you because he is upset and exhausted from the election results. He is also upset due to your words that Macron won’t go out of his way to persecute IVF folk. Sinkable knows that Macron would actively discriminate and persecute IVF folk like Sinkable.
Also since he said that he doesn’t want to argue until tomorrow, and you kept pushing for said arguments; that is a bit rude. Please consider Sinkable’s feelings and drop this.
How about some strategic fun while there is a bigot troll to play with? There is the word “xenophibia”. I’m working out some feelings of emotion implications and I have an interesting one, better objectified bigotry relative to different emotional states.
The usefulness of a model like Plutchik’s wheel of emotions is that it puts some structure down onto what emotions seem to be and how they relate to one another in an introspective sense. Xenophobia is only about fear. What about a concept of xenonausea? What about specifically anger or supreme related bigotry? And positive bigotry like positive racism?
Can useful structure be found that can be useful in solving the social problem?
One feature of the model is that there are four axes that show symmetrical relationships that suggest basic useful information that is not normally a part of how we look at our interactions. There is (going off of middle intensity):
*fear-anger (think fight-flight)
*anticipation-surprise (surprise is “freeze”)
I’m sure your imaginations are filling in gaps like mine. A feeling and an action associated with information that can be bound in memory. And what would these things suggest about experience outside of bigotry? In individual and social contexts? Non-conflict behavior?
Wtf…”supreme related bigotry” should be “suprise related bigotry”. No bigotry against supreme pizzas either please.
Imma call him Macaron from now on. Not even as some kinda insult, I don’t know shit about him. I just think it’s funny. Undoubtedly not original, but I’m just a millennial philistine anyway ?
No. Of course not. I’m evil that way
Look, I ain’t even mad, fam. And I doubt John is gonna swear a blood feud on you over this. It’s all cool. Just let it be. Or don’t. Your call…
Never thought of that before. Color me vaguely intrigued 🙂
Dairy-free Abunga makes nearly-57-year-old me feel positively youthful! I enjoy a great deal of modern popular culture and don’t feel the need to disparage those who are passionate about things* I’m not. Heck, I even used to enjoy the kids next door literally playing on my lawn!
*unless your things are bigotry, fascism, patriarchy and stuff like that. If they are, then fuck ya.
I just visited someone in the hospital, and there was a woman in her sixties playing the theme to Game of Thrones on a piano in the atrium. But it’s only dumb millennials that like that stuff, right?
RE: French Election:
I’ve read A LITTLE about the election. It’s alarming to see how much support Marine Le Pen is getting. I don’t know enough about French politics or society to make a judgment about her opponents. From what I’ve read & heard about Le Pen, I wouldn’t want her to be my President.
Emmanuel Macron is only 39 years old. I looked him up in Wikipedia, out of curiosity. I wonder if that will work for, or against, him. His wife is also 24 years older than he is. Unusual, to say the least.
That is probably one of the most obvious “just typed over a photo in MSPaint” product images I have seen.
It’s also just a terrible design.
So, interestingly, I checked the web store, and it appears to be a Cafe Press like site, so I don’t think we can blame the bad photoshopping on the group themselves. We can blame them for choosing polo shirts that force the message down so low, though.
In a twist that everyone could see coming, another major design reads, “This is what an anti-feminist looks like,” in case anyone was in doubt that stepping on women and girls is what “justice for men and boys” looks like in their opinion.
I hope whoever you were visiting is okay.
I’m gen-X and am a big GoT as is my good friend who is about a year and a half older than me. My aunt’s husband just recently asked me when the show was coming back on having noticed that it’s usually on by this time of year. My dad doesn’t care all that much about the show but he does like the books. My uncle likes both the show and the books and so does his daughter who is older than I am. So yeah, I’ve met plenty of non-millenial GoT fans.