The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
It’s true; whenever I’m working out, I just sit a read some of what he writes and it just gets me hankering to pump iron and beat the shit out of the punching bag. It’s motivational; his raw, masculine energy just reaches out from the words on the screen and grabs me. It just gets me in the mood to fuck something up. It’s a shame that healthy, male impulses and drives like this are so stigmatized in modern civilization. Heartiste really understands that sometime, men must be men, not eunuchs.
Actually, @Dali is a hoot. She just has better things to do than make 1000 puns on your name. I, on the other hand, don’t lead nearly so exciting a life, Mr Miggyzptlk
“Blatant insecurity” and “hatred of minority’s” is what you see as masculinity? God you are such a misandrist.
What statement? “You could have said no.”?
I have to laugh at your dedication to pretense in your trolling style, Abunga.
Is this literally a Brownshirt? That’s the image they want to convey?
Seriously though, fuck off, Miggs. Or like, stick to one thread or something. Last thing I want is to wake up and see you’ve been vomitting all over another thread – which is exactly what just fucking happened.
There’s days I have the patience to deal with that idiot. Election day is not one of those.
I wouldn’t compare her to Jill Stein but I guess they do have about the same chances. But I actually like Arthaud, unlike Stein.
I have to give you a worse trolling grade. It’s less funny when you overdo it. Lies need to have a certain believability, dear. You’re trying too hard.
The beginning was excellent and “muscular writing” was lovely, but the last few posts have been lacking. I am disappoint.
If AbbungaMiggy went his own way, he could be pumping iron or reading a good book, or conversing with friends (are we the closest thing to friends you have, Miggy? I wouldn’t be surprised), or taking a nice walk on the beach.
But no, here he is again, whining about gifs now. So manly and adult!
Yeah, yeah, but only sometimes.
The very first work in the western literary canon, The Iliad, is absolutely crammed full of pop-culture references and asides to current events. I haven’t read it but I’m told that Journey to the West is the same.
Homer would probably have spoken in gifs if they’d had them. Shakespeare and Eliot certainly would. It’s probably easier to list the writers who wouldn’t have done it.
@Sinkable John:
All the best for the election. My partner (who is French) is just going out to vote now.
Bon courage.
‘I also hear “the Tale of Genji” had the literary equivalent of .gif spam with many conversations consisting of the first lines of a poems with the reader being expected to know the rest’
Yes–we need tons of footnotes to understand it now. I’m guessing it was the model for Darmok in Star Trek:
Speaking of which, decades ago I read Pride and Prejudice in Russian translation–about a third of the book was the story, and the other two thirds was footnotes to help people from another culture understand wtf was going on. I actually think footnotes would be helpful for Austen in English, too.
Thank you, that is a beautiful fact.
The modern concept of “originality” has only been around for a couple of hundred years, really, hasn’t it. Many of the creations we now think of as unique and original look that way to us because they have survived in relative isolation while the surrounding cultural context is lost to us, like volcanic outcrops after the surrounding stone has weathered away.
abunga is not being entertaining enough. I think they should dance in a more interesting way or piss off (well, ok, the bit where they havered on about writing muscular prose was mildly amusing, but that really is the minimum entertainment threshold they should be aiming for). Other than that, they are a sad little tosser who aspires in vain to the dizzying heights of qualifying as a poxy toerag.
On “muscular” writing : dude, I used to do that too, when I was like 8.
Then a teacher kindly pointed out to me that I did have some talent, but that was most certainly not it. Fast forward 16 years, people who read my “from the gut” stuff display a range of reactions, but hilarity is not one of them. Just sayin’, you might be doing something wrong.
Thanks. I’m going through the day on a 420 bender starting as soon as I’m done rolling the first one. Hopefully I’ll emerge to see a Le Pen vs Someone Decent second round – seems at this point, she’ll be part of it no matter what, so it’s just a matter of who she’ll have to face now.
I fucking hate today.
Someone I know who is non-neurotypical actually learned to speak by way of a method rather like Darmok.
You mean “go on a mighty weed bender as soon as I’ve cast my vote“, right?
Sadly, that was exactly what I meant.
The nasty-ass depression period last year and the ensuing lapse of awareness led me to believe, for some reason, that the registration system makes any sort of sense. By the time I remembered that it actually doesn’t, it was too late.
Going to vote.
The one thing I hate is that I can’t be sure of which between Macron and Melenchon give the best odds of avoiding Le Pen x Fillon, which is the one thing I want to avoid.
If it’s a choice between the asshole and the almost-decent guy, I would say it’s a rather easy choice.
Shall we hold a fundraiser to buy style guides for trolls? Or would Strunk & White (to name but one) be wasted on them?
(Insert “rhetorical question” pun here – I haven’t had enough caffeine yet to make it)
@ vicky p
Saw this the other day and thought of you:
@ Alan
Ha! Thank you for sharing that.
Weren’t baby boomers big into ‘Love Story’ and ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’? Yabbut it’s millenials who have terrible taste!!
Hey, ‘Lemonade’ is a year old today!
Apparently Fox news employees made the black women employed there engage in arm wrestling matches for the entertainment of their white superiors. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/oreilly-is-gone-but-fox-newss-legal-nightmare-continues.html
The company has yet another lawsuit against it because of this. the company is more of a nightmare every-time I hear about it.