men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan MRA

Men’s Rights Activists reveal greatest t-shirt in history, victory for MRAs now assured

‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man’s rights activist

The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!

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7 years ago

@Abunga Is Among Ya
/looks at this post

– BLM hate
– Using ethnic groups in other countries as a bludgeon without doing anything to aid said ethnic groups
– Makes claims of Beyonce being a human Typhoon
– “A picture’s worth a thousand words” never occurred to him

My grandmother puts more effort in kicking an exercise ball than Miggy does in improving his rhetoric.

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Five years of writing and no advancements?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


Would you believe Bunghole’s been at this, on and off, since 2012?

And his writing “Style” hasn’t changed one iota.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

We’re laughing at you, Abunghole.

I thought that was obvious. Quick in the uptake, aren’t you?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Penny Psmith

It surely must be a parody. . . .

(Oh, who am I kidding, of course he’s serious. Ridiculous, but serious.)

IMO, you were right the first time.

What he writes isn’t funny but it is a parody.

Fewer words, Abunga, far fewer words, and you’ll be slightly funnier. Also, drop the convoluted construction and the accusations. I usually charge to coach writers. Because your writing makes me desperate to read something less awful, you can have this advice for free.

7 years ago

@AB So, you’re still insisting on moving those goalposts, aren’t you? Nah, thanks.

7 years ago

Jesus fucking christ, she just keeps destroying things – is that why you leftoid fuckers love her so much? Those people are complete idiots, grinning while she trashes what is most likely an innocent person’s car AND busts a fire hydrant,

It was just a music video. I’m sure there are plenty of music videos with with white men smashing shit up,why don’t you go whine about those as well.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

SFHC, is Bunghole Mark Minter?

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
7 years ago

@Kat: Oh, I dunno, I think the purple prose is exactly what makes this so funny. Less believable, perhaps, because really, who writes like that? Who thinks like that?[*] – but this just makes it all the more ridiculous. You do you, Abunga. Keep writing just like that, keep puffing your chest and posturing. It’s hilarious.
(You can just bet he’ll reply to this with something like “of course you people need me to use little words”, even after claiming the MRA folk are better for using simple, “common sense” language, apparently not seeing the contradiction; this predictability, again, makes it all pretty funny, at least to me.)

[*]Yeah yeah, I know the answer is “too many people”…

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago

@PeeVee and SFHC

The answer to your question: no. I don’t even see how “Minter” (whom SFHC has accused of being Mark before, though they also believe that I’m Mark) is supposed to sound like me. His prose is just so lifeless and lackluster, whereas mine is virile, vivacious, boisterous, muscular, even Joycean at times. In 2012, I didn’t even know who you people were. I didn’t start regularly reading the comments until sometime last year, maybe around August or so.

SFHC, as usual in their accusations, comes up a little short; their detective work is pretty weak, as indicated in that little kerfuffle they had with Alan a while back, in which IP (one of my least favorite users, after Diarrhea and Axe, but before PoM)* got pissed about Alan saying his legal mumbo jumbo and about justifications for blowing up a fictional planet or something. SFHC, being a hapless, witless turd who is hopelessly caught in IP’s anus hairs, jumped to their defense with some dirt about Alan supporting genocide of something, but could not provide any evidence of this. In fact, I’d almost say that SFHC is just a sock for IP, given that they jump on all the same people (Alan, PoM, etc), share the same opinions on a lot of things (i.e. the “resist Donald Trump” posts being yet another case in which women’s issues are pushed sidelines) and have many of the same ideas in common, but SFHC usually complains about splash-damage whenever IP goes off on one of their Matt Forney body-shaming episodes.

*Okay, now that I think of it, I will say that SFHC is *also* one of my least favorite users, regarded on a lower level than PoM and IP, but not as low as Diarrhea and Axe (I think I like Axe better than Diarrhea, because Axe has a sense of humor** and a willingness to admit to their mistakes, but not sure).
**And I don’t like their sense of humor.

7 years ago

“You are what’s wrong with millennials, using popular culture and entertainment as your medium of expression and relating to other people.”

So in other words you hate millennials because they’re similar to other generations? Because hate to tell you this, but using quotes from popular culture to relate to each-other is nothing new. GIFS merely refine an old old practice.

If we were quoting old literature would you bat an eye? Of course not because that was normal before young people started doing it. The rage you express at the idea of anyone communicating differently then you or finding humor in things you don’t would honestly be a little sad if it weren’t so funny.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
7 years ago

His prose is just so lifeless and lackluster, whereas mine is virile, vivacious, boisterous, muscular, even Joycean at times

Okay, yeah, this has to be a parody.

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


Old literature is completely different from what the youth of today are doing, what with their HIMYM/Supernatural/Game of Thrones/Amy Poehler/whatever obsessions. ‘Old literature’ is stuff that has passed the test of time, and will likely always have some kind of cultural or didactic value, whereas the stuff you see on Hulu or Netflix or whatever is likely just a passing phase, something which is popular now but might not be in a decade or so into the future (“Married with Children” used to be one of the most highly-rated tv shows in the 80’s, but nobody talks about it anymore, and I’ll bet that half of the kids today wouldn’t know where it came from if you were to whistle the “Andy Griffith” theme).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Who is Diarrhea? I’m guessing Dali because both start with D, but her name doesn’t sound anything like diarrhea other than than having a first letter in common. Humor attempt fail.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Who is Diarrhea? I’m guessing Dali because both start with D, but her name doesn’t sound anything like diarrhea other than than having a first letter in common. Humor attempt fail.

7 years ago

“His prose is just so lifeless and lackluster, whereas mine is virile, vivacious, boisterous, muscular, even Joycean at times”


Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


You are correct about it being Dali, but everything else you said was wrong.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Christ, you could have just said “no”, Abunga.

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


Nope, I have to subject SFHC to the same treatment they subjected me. They accuse me of being someone else based on questionable premises, and I will do the same to them. SFHC, prove that you’re not IP.

7 years ago

Abunga Is Among Ya

Old literature is merely literature that is old. Its value waxes and wanes just like everything else. Its didactic value particularly tends to give way to changing times. I’m glad you bring up Married With Children though. Do you mean to tell me that you or your friends and acquiescence never referenced the show in your lives? Because if so I don’t believe you. Isn’t whistling the Andy Grifith theme an example of precisely what you accuse us of doing?

7 years ago

@Abunga Is Among Ya
If you believe Boomers were quoting Dickens, Frost, Zhou Zuoren, Mario Vargas Llosa and the like, hey mate looking for a bridge to buy?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Arbunga, okay, so you’re incapable of answering a question I didn’t even ask you with a simple no, instead preferring to give lengthy opinions on people you don’t like on a blog that you can’t stand and yet continue to read and comment on obsessively.

Makes complete sense. Thanks for clearing that right up.

7 years ago

I find it ironic that abunga complains abut the handful of .gifs posted here being a “leftist” thing when reaction image spam is a larger part of chan culture which has gone very right wing over the past few years.

I also hear “the Tale of Genji” had the literary equivalent of .gif spam with many conversations consisting of the first lines of a poems with the reader being expected to know the rest (apparently speaking in quotes was how it was done in the imperial court),
so using contemporary popular media references to convey infomation is not a thing my generation invented but is instead a thing that has been around for a really long ass time.

7 years ago

Hey guys I just found shadow run themed social justice class shirts!

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


You made a statement, I counteracted and gave an explanation for why I did not do as you had counseled.



It’s been mentioned before that I sound like Heartiste, and some users on this site have even accused me of being him before. Honestly, I take this as a huge compliment. I am a fan of Heartiste’s work, and I actually try to copy his style sometimes – whenever I read his stuff, I just clinch my jaw and feel like ripping my shirt off and flexing. He’s just got such raw, visceral feeling in his writing. He is an awesome mix of high-brow and low-brow, equal bits aristocrat and lowlife, Evola and Bukowski. It just gets me electrified, honestly.

7 years ago


I…..didn’t mention Heartiste. The fact that his purple and childish prose effects you so explains a lot though.

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