The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
Buchanan even fails at the brownshirt look. I would feel so damn sad for him, if I actually cared.
Also, WordPress needs to let mods flag trolls and confine them to a chosen thread, namely the one they’re trolling.
Don’t need spillages from Miggs here.
Dammit, now I want a cuck. 🙁
I’m leaning more towards feminine NB myself. I’m what’s called “girlflux”.
Essentially, my gender is a dimmer switch that has “feminine” on one side, and “agender” on the other, and it just moved about as it sees fit.
Still a graphic designer tho.
Not all MRAs are shirts. Some are socks.
You just made me giggle for a whole minute, and pulled me out of bad fit of angry mood (I just read the programs of some of the french election candidates).
Speaking of, what’s the situation in the ground, as it were? Is Mesrine *ahem* Marine guaranteed or are the French actually better than us Murican swine?
I like frilly aprons.
“girlflux”? Sorry for the following derailing.
I can understand everything else, mostly because I have felt related things, but genderfluidity (and agender especially) escapes me. I mean, I know it exists and hey, if someone needs me to use certain pronouns, I will – because it’s important for another human and it costs me nothing – and intellectually, I can understand genderfluidity at least somewhat (mostly because of sister Claire and Magpie), but my mind just refuses to understand how agender would feel. And I would like to understand.
Does anyone have any good resources to hopefully get closer to understanding? I do know the gingerbread person and that helped tremendously with fluidity and stuff.
Probably nothing I can tell you that you don’t already know – hell for all I know, you might know more than me. Still can’t find it in me to take that long hard look at what’s going on.
I’m told there’s hope for Mélenchon. He’s kind of my Hillary : I don’t necessarily like him, and I sure have a whole buncha problems* with him, but right now he’s my best hope.
*Like, he’s seen as some kind of hardliner and shit, but he ain’t. I wish he actually were. That’s pretty much my only problem. Also there’s a bunch of people more qualified than him in his own party but I guess they aren’t old white dudes.
Surely not, I barely know these people’s names, let alone parties and ideologies. ‘The lady is a nazi’ is basically my entire well of knowledge here *shrugs*
Then I too will hope for Muh Luncheon
@Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Apparently Jean-luc Mélenchon is surging in the polls lately, and that everyone is equally as likely to win according to some polls. But other than that all the English news sites’ articles seem to be pure speculation and not much else.
There’s two ladies tho. The one with short, dark hair is Nathalie Arthaud, and she’s cool. I wish she had an actual chance in this election. Also she throws the best parties.
ETA : @Oogly
This is one hell of a clusterfuck. Too few horses in the race that have a chance to win and that we can live with.
In France, as in Murica, Jill Stein doesn’t count ?
But the whole concept of this is stupid – the whole point of the “This is what a feminist looks like” campaign was to challenge the stereotypical view of feminists as being a bunch of humourless women in sensible shoes with hairy armpits. People see this T-shirt, but it’s being worn by a man! Or a pretty blonde girl! Their minds are blown.
If you just end up with who central casting would call when they wanted someone who looked like an MRA, it’s going to backfire totally. Do they actually think they’re going get people who don’t look like the stereotypical MRA to wear this?
Of course they haven’t thought that far ahead, though – they never do. It’s just “Feminists did it! We want to do it too! It’s not fair!”. When they were kids, they’d have demanded that their mum bought them tampons cause she’d got ’em for their sister.
In my opinion, Marine Le Pen have a real shot at a win, but it’s less than likely. The odds seem to be Macron > Fillon > Le Pen > Melenchon, all with odds high enough that neither one would surprise me.
Those are the exact things that popped out at me, too. Plus the fact that the notes encourage people to get in touch if they would like a different design – soooooooo tempting!
(also, I am quite cautious with Melenchon. I am ready to think he is the best candidate of the big four, but the combination of being extremely self-absorbed and saying good things of various dictatorship ring some warning bells. But when the second-best candidate is basically “let’s continue without changing anything”, well…)
@Croquembouche, poorly dressed vandal (love the new handle)
Absolutely, good call. Will spread this around. And ew, at the Gold Coast? I work down there two days a week!
This from the website, about Mark Latham:
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no he doesn’t. Not anymore XD
Damn, if it weren’t for the obscene entry fee, I’d call for an impromptu QLD Mammotheer meetup. Crashing that party would be amazing.
There’s apparently at least three of us, right? We could pool resources, and go as one big person in an overcoat!
I just knew MRAs looked like ugly shirts.
This is a PUA, right?
@ Mish, SFHC,
I forgot to mention another Australian (expat in this case?) FeMRA speaker: Erin Pizzey, who has had successful legal action taken against her for her attempt along with AVFM to misuse the White Ribbon brand to raise funds for AVFM’s use.
I’d kind of love to crash it myself, if that didn’t put money in their coffers.
An informal alternative get together adjacent to it would be fun though.
Amazing. Simply amazing. Here you all are, blathering and sobbing about how MRAs are a bunch of reactionary fascists and about how fascists are so deadly, yet you’re talking about showing up and crashing a party, IRL. What was this I was told about women not feeling safe in society because of toxic masculinity or whatever? I don’t care if you think you have the right to do something, just because you have the right doesn’t mean you’re in the right. There are serious issues affecting men and boys in our society (caused by feminism and the attendant encroachment of the welfare state), and I strongly suspect that these men will address these issues, in simple, commonsense terms that anyone can understand (unlike the turgid, jargon-pregnant academese used by feminists and other assorted cultural Marxists, likely in effort to elude the comprehension of the very “working classes” that these people claim to represent, thus allowing themselves to claim that those who disagree with them lack “[blank] consciousness,” and are thus in need of vanguards staffed by androgynous, anime-haired pencil pushers and low-t inbetweener weeners).
Ah, that reminds me, I have been wanting to dye my silver & white hair blue for a while now. Anime hair, here I come!
Oh these men and their sober common-sense discussion of all the wrongs being done ’em, then why are so many of their speakers women?
Well, Abungus, if that ain’t projection, I surely don’t know what is! Have you ever, uh, read your scintillating missives?
Also: might want to look into things like paragraph breaks, ol’ chum. Don’t forget, I still have my period! Ta!
WWTH: I could totally see that sleezoid Roosh wearing one of those. Unbuttoned halfway to show off his manly chest hair.