men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan MRA

Men’s Rights Activists reveal greatest t-shirt in history, victory for MRAs now assured

‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man’s rights activist

The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!

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Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
7 years ago

Also, it’s hijab, not hajib. Jeez.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

Thanks, PeeVee!

I am actually married to a Lovecraftian horror. It makes work parties awkward.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
7 years ago

(Also, I can’t believe this thread is still going on. Kudos to you regulars for persevering.)

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

@ LindsayIrene, that was indeed a thing of eldritch beauty, of non-Euclidian geometric proportions.

If the internet was mine, I would gift it to you. But as we know, the internet belongs to the Old Ones, the Deep Ones, that’s why a mephitic miasma cloaks so much of it – between actinic flashes of illumination.

Thank you, anyway!

Dave Henderson
Dave Henderson
7 years ago


Nobody is counting middle easterners , North Africans and Central Asians as white due to admixture.

The official percentage from the WHO is 7% and protected to fall to 3% in 50 years if current trends continue.

It’s not an exact science. Just an estimation. It’s the best they can do.

But to argue it’s invalid because it’s not exact (which is a typical leftist tactic) and thus moot – is a cop out.

The number is not 14%. It’s 7%. And projected to fall rapidly.

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

@ Totally-not-a-racist Harry Henderson, if Islam is all about suppressing the wimmin, and you don’t support that, why don’t you want refugee women and children, and dissenting refugee men, to be able to escape it?
If you do support the wimmin-suppressing, why aren’t you welcoming this new infusion of alleged suppressors to your hometown?

If you happen to go shopping this week, please pick up some internal consistency, as well as the honour, courage and logic you are also clearly right out of.

Please don’t suggest your opposition is based on Christian values, because you seem to shit out of them, too.

7 years ago



Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@David Henderson

Nucluer Homo

All I see is boring boring bla bla bla … bla bla waives hand dismissivley … bla bla

You forgot call me a racist and insult my speeel-ling meee-stakes though. Better luck on that next time Homo.

You mean how Ginger the dog hears only “Ginger” when her human chastises her? Got it.

By the way, the words are spelled as follows:

Study those. There will be a pop quiz later on in this seemingly interminable thread.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


The Men’s Rights Movement will win in the end.

Oh yeah? We’ll see who’s on the right side of history.

This system where women are mostly free from gender roles while men are still expected to conform is unsustainable, and once men have been liberated they will never go back to being disposable providers and protectors, just like how Victorian-era working conditions and serfdom are never coming back.

It’s thanks to SJWs — who fight you and your friends on the right every effin’ day — that you are totally correct. Victorian era working conditions and serfdom are never coming back!

We need only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always.

I’m terribly frightened now and will happily settle for a hateful hater as my husband because I am so terrified.

Nah, just yankin’ your chain.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


The fact you didn’t even know who Malala Yousafzai is shows how you can’t be bothered to actually learn anything about modern Muslims.

True fact.

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

@ Zatar, Kat:

The fact you didn’t even know who Malala Yousafzai is

I did wonder whether he wanted to say thiscomment image

but shares AbungaMiggy’s gif aversion.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Don’t get all mad now — they’re just having fun!

Trump’s White House reportedly feeds lies to the press for fun: “It’s a game to them”
Sources tell Politico Magazine that Trump staffers lie for “sport” and cannot be trusted

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

*yawn* just got up, already bored as all fuck and the troll isn’t even helping.

For every women that goes to jail for failing to pay child support how many men go to jail? 100 ? 1000? 5000 ?

Guys, do people actually go to jail for failing to pay child support in America ?

Shit, I wish my father was in jail. Woulda made life better and safer for pretty much everyone around me.


Remember Mick Dash and Euroguy ? They definitely were the same person, they had this pattern of making outlandish and ignorant claims and posing themselves as “proof” of those claims being true. One was in gender studies but didn’t know shit about gender studies and instead spewed a bunch of MRA talking points ’bout what they think happens in gender studies, and the other lived in Europe, albeit a very different Europe than the one I’ve lived in and traveled all my life. One thought rights don’t exist because they’re abstract, and the other was a self-styled “fascist-feminist”.

Now, remember how each of them appeared right after a Miggs meltdown ?

So yeah, pretty sure you’re right.

7 years ago

your eyes glaze over at the thought of numbers and statistics

I’m looking really hard, but I can’t see your source. Are you sitting on it?

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

@ Sinkable John, oh yes, them. Mick Dash’s gender studies syllabus was as oddly non-specific as Euroguy’s particular bit of Europe.

Can’t remember in whose wake they came bobbing up, so will take your word. How Mick loved his dashes! It would be wonderful if Miggy has learnt how not to overuse one stylistic element in his time here.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Remember Mick Dash and Euroguy ? They definitely were the same person, they had this pattern of making outlandish and ignorant claims and posing themselves as “proof” of those claims being true.

Mick Dash/Euroguy was Mark (the non-Minter one), by his own admission. And, actually, given Mark’s penchant for using usernames that sound like real names, making multiple short posts in a row and abusing the hell out of his poor innocent punctuation…


Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

Well, if we’re play guess-a-troll/sock here now…this old thread from 2014:

There was a troll on that one (who folks there thought was a sock as well) called Davis who had a similar way of addressing commentators to how Henderson here does it. Like how this guy addressed (for example) LindsayIrene as ‘rioting er bonobo’ on this page, the other guy addressed (for example) Kittehserf as ‘serf’, fromafar as ‘afar’, and Weirdwoodtreehugger as ‘treehugger’.

This older troll also claimed to be an African-American male who ran a construction company so he could avoid interacting with women, plus owned a gun shop that didn’t sell to women, and refused to be served by women at all. Like, he wouldn’t let a female doctor treat him, or stand in a checkout line run by a female cashier, ect. Oh, and claimed Black women did more damage to him than the KKK ever did.

Don’t know if those two trolls are really related, but the similar naming address thing stood out to me.

Ymmv, of course.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Thanks for that, Kat.

“They all lie,” a conservative journalist close to the White House told Politico. “It’s a game to them.” The journalist suggested that West Wing staffers compete to see who can spread an untruth the farthest and loudest.

Has there ever been a better proof of the old triusm that the fish rots from the head?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Sinkable John,

Men can be jailed for not paying child support probably depending on the state. But it’s not all that common. It doesn’t happen when the non custodial can’t pay. It happens when they won’t. It’s only when they refuse to work with the courts on a payment plan. It’s more common to garnish wages or suspend their drivers license.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ sinkable john

Are there no sanctions over there for non payment?

In the UK it’s a bit complicated. There’s an government body, the Child Support Agency. The CSA is used to claim child support without having to go to court. If the liable parent fails to comply then the CSA can take action to collect money. This can include attachment of earnings order, sale of property, seizing assets etc (basically all the same as any civil debt). The CSA can’t impose custodial sentences though.

A parent can apply to the court for an order for child support. If an order isn’t compiled with then that’s a contempt of court. Judges have the power to commit people to custody until they ‘purge their contempt’, ie apologise and comply with the order. Technically it’s not a prison sentence because there’s no conviction and it’s not criminal proceedings (it’s called prison on all the forms though).

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Sometimes parents are jailed for lack of payment of child support. It is not necessarily a just punishment – some jurisdictions do it to goose up payment from the family, because they have learned that parents and siblings will pony up for a family member that is in jail for back child support. Sometimes the jailed person just literally doesn’t have the money and isn’t in arrears on purpose.

Crucially, however, this is not limited to men only, and women also go to jail for back child support! Shocking, I know. It turns out the law (and the misuse of the law) isn’t gender-restricted! The truth isn’t nearly as tidy as the MRA talking point, and of course MRAs do jack shit about this situation anyway.

7 years ago

‘look into polls of feminist views broken down by generation and your eyes might be opened a little bit.’

If you mean younger people are more feminist, unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be true.

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

David Henderson | April 25, 2017 at 7:34 pm
Nobody is advocating violence against women. Or unfair discrimination.

Paul Elam Declares October to be Bash a Violent Bitch Month. Paul Elam also says in that article that if he’s ever on a jury for a rape trial, he’ll always vote to acquit, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the man is guilty.

Daily Stormer: “Just as Jews belong in the oven, Women deserve to be slapped”

Men’s Rights Subreddit mod thinks violence against women is hilarious.

Paul Elam writes a short story about an awful woman who “deserved the ass-kicking of a lifetime”. (He’s also been quoted as saying that “fucking [our] shit up” gives him an erection.)

I could go on.

The point is, there are plenty of people advocating for violence and discrimination against women. This site is cock-a-block full of examples.

Hell, there’s even more people on YouTube and Reddit who encourage it. There’s entire subreddits, blogs, and YouTube channels dedicated to the idea.

If you want equality you get equality. But feminism is not equality. Women have MORE rights than men under feminism.

Okay. That’s a bold claim.

How about you back that shit up?

What rights do you think women have that are unfairly granted to them by feminism or otherwise? What rights do you think women have or are asking for that they don’t deserve to have, or that men should also have?

It’s not right for women to demand and expect special privledges of women of the past – with none of the responsibilities.

What “special privileges” do you think that women are “demanding”? What “responsibilities” do you think women need to have to go along with these “special privileges”?

Using the courts as weapons to extort men for resources.

Cite examples, please.

Or, failing that, cite statistics showing that women are unfairly taking advantage of the courts to “extort” men specifically.

For every women that goes to jail for failing to pay child support how many men go to jail? 100 ? 1000? 5000 ?

I suppose you want us to do your homework for you? You’re making these claims, back them up.

Provide numbers. Statistics.

Because if there are legit statistics out there from respectable sources, I’d love to see them.

For every man who is awarded custody how many women are awarded custody? NINE. That’s right. 9 of 10 custody decisions in family court go to women.

Men are actually more likely to get child custody when they actually seek it. If more men were to seek child custody, then we’d see more men getting custody.

So, why aren’t men seeking custody? Do they not know it’s an option? Do they feel like they aren’t equipped (financially, emotionally, mentally, etc.) to take care of the children?

Should we have systems in place to help these men get custody of their kids if they so desire it? Yes. But they should have to prove that they’re willing and able to be a parent, just the same as women.

Extra reading:
“Dad’s Day in Court” by Slate writer Hanna Rosin

Dispelling the Myth of Gender Bias in the Family Court System by Cathy Meyer

For every man who pays alimony – how many women pay alimony 1 of 10 ? 1 of 20?

Instead of asking, you could just google it.

But I suppose that’s your problem. You’d rather just ask insipid questions instead of actually doing your research. You’d rather just have people tell you what to think instead of doing a simple five minute google search.

Ohhhhhh your eyes glaze over at the thought of numbers and statistics … ugh ugh ugh … who needs numbers when you have emotions … ugh ugh ugh …

For someone who’s claiming that we’re focusing on emotions rather than numbers, you sure aren’t providing much in the way of solid statistics.

You’re asking alarmist questions that don’t actually provide any backing and then claim that we’re somehow ignoring numbers?

Please. Get back to me when you’ve got some damn statistics.

For every man who is falsely accused of domestic violence or hurting their kids preceding an intention of divorce – how many women are punished by the courts? 1 out of 2,000? 1 out of 3,000 ? Come on man you call this equality ????

You’re not asking for equality, you’re asking for parity.

You’re asking for an equal number of women to be punished for similar crimes, instead of looking at the actual number of people who commit them.

If you’re insisting that women commit these crimes in equal numbers, then you should provide evidence instead of relying on emotionally charged, alarmist rhetoric.

Feminism is NOT about equality. It’s about punishing men and making men PAY for women’s choices and mistakes.

Punishing men how? How are men being “punished” for women’s choices and mistakes?

The result? Slow disintegration and displacement of society. Families ruined.

Examples. You have none.

Provide some damn evidence or shut the hell up. You’re relying entirely on fear-mongering to push an argument based solely on an irrational fear response instead of looking at the damn numbers, you hypocrite.

Feminism is NOT natural.

Then what is? What is the “natural” alternative to feminism?

And if Feminism isn’t “natural”, then why is it happening?

You ladies and cucks better pray to your gods Islam doesn’t eventually take over here like it’s projected to in Europe .

I’ll take “Racist Dogwhistles and Veiled Threats” for 2000, Alex.

Islam is patriarchy on steroids. It makes the strictest most traditional forms of patriarchy and the ancient three fingers rule look like Disneyland and future generations of forced converts will have NO CHANCE to get out from under it.

First of all, which Islam are you talking about? There are as many branches and schools of Islam as there are of Christianity. And each of them varies just as much as well.

“Islam” is not a fucking religious catch-all for all the things you hate. On top of that, there are plenty of areas of Islam that are actually less patriarchal than a lot of Christianity.

There’s also many Muslim feminists who are doing amazing work where they live, and yes, that includes the good ol’ U.S. of A.

Second of all, Christianity is hella patriarchal.

Why do you racist shitheads always forget that? Christianity is patriarchal in structure. It’s a predominantly white patriarchy, and that’s why y’all are so fond of it.

A textbook case of “it’s only okay when I do it!”

Yet this site continues to obsess on the ruins of white Christian male civilization as the “problem”.

No, we’re saying it’s a symptom (and partial cause) of a problem. Not “The Problem”.

Though, I do have to wonder: Why do you equate “White Christian Male Civilization” as being the antithesis of Feminism? Why do you think it’s “ruined”? Why do you think that Feminists hate “White Christian Male Civilization” so much?

Then again, if you, a man who very clearly cannot think for himself or provide a lick of evidence for his bullshit, scare-mongering claims, are a prime example of “White Christian Male Civilization”, then I’d say they were doomed a long time ago.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

The official percentage from the WHO is 7% and protected to fall to 3% in 50 years if current trends continue.

This is interesting. Please tell more details – or better yet link to relevant WHO source if possible.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

This is interesting. Please tell more details – or better yet link to relevant WHO source if possible.

Please, please do. Because as far as I can tell, the WHO has never made any type of pronouncement whatsoever on global ethnic makeup.