men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan MRA

Men’s Rights Activists reveal greatest t-shirt in history, victory for MRAs now assured

‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man’s rights activist

The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!

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Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Oops, didn’t see the new emoter-of-feelings-without-objects

Liberated from what? Vagueness like that renders it name-calling and rumor-mongering.

7 years ago

I don’t mind at all, that’s Ram from the spinoff shorts Re:Zero Breaktime and Re:Zero Petit. They’re a pretty cute and lighthearted series imo.

The main series RE:Zero, how do I explain it. It’s basically what happens when an author gets sick of all those self insert power fantasy stories, and decides to skewer those tropes and cliches with extreme prejudice. Personally it’s an all time favorite of mine, especially the 12th & 13th episodes. If you ever wanted to see an MC get called out and punished for his Nice Guy behavior, putting a girl on a pedestal and ignoring her wishes, you’ll get that, and a whole lot more.

A word of warning, this is a bloody, gorey and dark series. If you’re not comfortable with those things I’d advise not watching. If you’re comfortable with shows like Berserk, Guyver, Game of Thrones, etc you’ll be alright.

7 years ago


Thanks for the info. 🙂 I’ll give it a look-see when I have some time for new stuff. 😀

David Henderson
David Henderson
7 years ago

attention oooggly …

attention ladies and cucks..

Nobody is advocating violence against women. Or unfair discrimination.

If you want equality you get equality. But feminism is not equality. Women have MORE rights than men under feminism.

It’s not right for women to demand and expect special privledges of women of the past – with none of the responsibilities. Using the courts as weapons to extort men for resources.

For every women that goes to jail for failing to pay child support how many men go to jail? 100 ? 1000? 5000 ?

For every man who is awarded custody how many women are awarded custody? NINE. That’s right. 9 of 10 custody decisions in family court go to women.

For every man who pays alimony – how many women pay alimony 1 of 10 ? 1 of 20? Ohhhhhh your eyes glaze over at the thought of numbers and statistics … ugh ugh ugh … who needs numbers when you have emotions … ugh ugh ugh …

For every man who is falsely accused of domestic violence or hurting their kids preceding an intention of divorce – how many women are punished by the courts? 1 out of 2,000? 1 out of 3,000 ? Come on man you call this equality ????

Feminism is NOT about equality. It’s about punishing men and making men PAY for women’s choices and mistakes.

The result? Slow disintegration and displacement of society. Families ruined. Feminism is NOT natural. You ladies and cucks better pray to your gods Islam doesn’t eventually take over here like it’s projected to in Europe .

Islam is patriarchy on steroids. It makes the strictest most traditional forms of patriarchy and the ancient three fingers rule look like Disneyland and future generations of forced converts will have NO CHANCE to get out from under it.

Yet this site continues to obsess on the ruins of white Christian male civilization as the “problem”.

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

@ Brony, re commenter anonymity:

I think the distinction between that and commenter indistinguishability is important. I dunno if there’s a line of thought that all opinions or statements of alleged fact are equal, and that removing attribution frees us from the tyranny of including past performance by a commenter when interpreting their current statements. Wouldn’t surprise me if there was, and it was coming from people with a previous history of idea or communication fail, which would make that fail magically disappear.

As long as people have user names, and/or individual avatars, their anonymity is preserved but their distinguishability remains, deliberate impersonation excepted.

David Henderson
David Henderson
7 years ago

Rioting er bobobo

Oh look ! You found a women in a costume … nice Hajib

She must be an h1B1 for one of George Soro’s non profits …

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I don’t suppose you have any evidence to support your claim that women are free of gender roles while men are expected to conform?

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago


The Men’s Rights Movement will win in the end. This system where women are mostly free from gender roles while men are still expected to conform is unsustainable, and once men have been liberated they will never go back to being disposable providers and protectors, just like how Victorian-era working conditions and serfdom are never coming back.

We need only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always.

Women are hardly free from gender roles right now, though. And, for that matter, the gender roles that you complain are so harmful to men are predominantly imposed by us men upon ourselves and upon each other. Amusingly, and in your case very ironically, feminism is the struggle for everyone to get past those restrictive roles. That’s the point; not that men should be oppressed by gender roles, but that nobody should be.

Also, your perspective on how the system’s set up right now is deeply counterfactual; we men set up a patriarchal system that gives us almost all of the economic, social, and political power. Women couldn’t even vote in America until a century ago, they still are underrepresented in our political systems, and they still struggle to be treated fairly and equally in the workplace.

That liberation you’re hoping for? It sounds to me an awful lot like a wish to return to a more-restrictive and less-liberated nostaligia-tinted past that you clearly don’t really understand very well.

Also, just FYI: the men’s rights movement has existed for millennia. I mean, it wasn’t called that, but these views that are poisoning your mind and our society are anything but new. What IS relatively new is the concept that everyone ought to be treated with dignity and equality, regardless of their sex or gender or age or religion or heritage. And that viewpoint is becoming more and more popular as time passes. The arc of history is painted pink, pal, and it’s not bending in your direction. No luck is involved; look into polls of feminist views broken down by generation and your eyes might be opened a little bit.

Or not! Feel free to cling to your hateful reactionary bigotry, I guess.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Brony, @ Croquembouche:

I think you’re both right. Anonymity on the internet certainly frees us from a lot of social restraints, which allows people to indulge themselves without the normal consequences following. Trolls, for instance, are a lot more common on the internet than in real life; in meatspace those people tend to alienate their friends and family pretty quickly and they either cut it out or become increasingly isolated. Hatred, in general, is easier to spew when you don’t expect to be recognized, and this has surely been central to the rise of the alt-reich.

But indistinguishability is another step altogether, which makes anyone’s views merely part of a collective. It removes most ability and almost all impetus to have fact-driven discussions akin to old-fashioned debate, and replaces reasoning and evidence amassed over time with democracy-through-noise, where the loudest and most often-repeated views dominate.

I would expect any society with true indistinguishability to struggle with a lot of problems: the tyranny of the majority; the replacement of logic with appeals to emotion; the tragedy of the commons; and so on.

7 years ago

@David Henderson

attention oooggly …

Yay I’m addressed first : D

Refer to previous statement.

Links or GTFO.

Maybe instead of copy and pasting common mra buzzwords you could show links and verifiable proofs of your nonsense?

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I’m a rioting werebonobo, but David Henderson is the one flinging poo.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

And white people make up 7% of the world population – and rapidly falling. Rapidly

Nope. I did the math (don’t ask), and white people make up about 14% of the population. 25% if, like the US government, you count Middle Easterners, North Africans, and Central Asians as white

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

David Herderson, shitgibbon.

comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Feminism is NOT natural.

It’s been said a million times before but I’ll say it again. If women are biologically programmed to be submissive housewives, how come men have had to fight so hard to force us into that role? If feminism is so unnatural compared to other ideologies or movements, how come it exists all over the world?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Time to break out the gifs, again. Same asshole, new name.

7 years ago


David Hand-o’shit is far less entertaining than Abloobloobloobloo, and I dare say less coherent than Fiacrap, which is a pretty low bar to fail to clear.

7 years ago

Aww look, an answer about how he TOTALLY couldn’t care less about muh white babbies not happening, while also crying in typical buzzwordy fashion about white population decline.

You know guys, as with small rambunctious children I’m not usually good with trolls, but I think this one likes me!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@David Henderson
Awwww…the little hypocrite with literally nothing but insults has no courage to face the fact that they falsely portrayed the arguments of others while telling people not to strawman them. And they can’t face the fact that all they have is insults themselves while whinging about the insults of others.

Such as you do enough damage to the groups they are a part of that all I can do is smile. There is no strength to you name-caller, rumor-mongerer. You pull numbers from your ass as you talk shit about people as you sole source of political skill.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


He hasn’t started with the florid writing and the inventive insults yet (although the name bastardization has, although I shouldn’t talk when it comes to that), but then Jonathan 329 Seagull Miggsypoo started off fairly innocuously, also.

In any case, gifs are fun.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

How can a political philosophy be unnatural? I almost want to see this one.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

David Henderson, shitgibbon.

Wouldn’t he be a shit-sasquatch?

*shows age*

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Wouldn’t he be a shit-sasquatch?

But wouldn’t he be posting as Harry, and not David?

*Takes a shot of Geritol*

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

David Henderson’s short story kinda sucked. Let me try.

My husband can leave work early one day. Not for any real reason. Just a whim. His feet can take him down a narrow street, into an alley he has never seen before; it may be if the ribbon of winding, dimly-lit brick appeared out of nowhere. He can stop in front of a small shop with a window so dusty that he cannot tell what it sells.

My husband can open the door to the shop, ignoring his discomfort at the strange writing on the glass. A bell might ring, a strange, discordant tinkling. A man might scuttle from some shadowy corner of the shop. At least, he may look like a man at first glance.

My husband can buy a book from this… man. This book might be bound in coarse-grained leather of a type that my husband has never seen before. It may seem to ripple underneath his fingertips.

My husband can come home, ignoring me and the dinner I have made, wordlessly shutting himself into his study. I might hear his voice rising and falling, strange syllables, gutteral consonants and oily vowels. His voice might change.

My husband may no longer be my husband. I might wait in dread, sick to the bottom of my soul, waiting for that study door to open.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I’ve read some of your stories, LindseyIrene, and yes. Yours are much better. More believable, too.

7 years ago

David Henderson:
“Oh look ! You found a women in a costume … nice Hajib

She must be an h1B1 for one of George Soro’s non profits …”

Oh of course. Conspiracy theory’s. When the facts contradict your convenient little racist narrative just disbelieve them. The fact you didn’t even know who Malala Yousafzai is shows how you can’t be bothered to actually learn anything about modern Muslims. After all if you put a face on them you might have to see them as human, and we can’t have that can we?