The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
EJ said
I had the same thought!
Gotta catch ’em- NOPE!!!
Just to make sure our little drive-by troll sees this:
I’m going to echo WWTH once again: Prove it.
Show me an example of an MRA who isn’t sexist or misogynistic.
My counter evidence is the entirety of the blog you just commented on.
And we feature some of them on this blog as well.
We have the general tags for them, such as the The “antifeminist women” tag, The “FeMRA” tag, and The “FeMRAsplaining” tag.
We also have tags for specific antifeminist women, like JudgyBitch (AKA Janet Bloomfield), The Honey Badgers, Allison Tieman (AKA TyphonBlue), and Christina Hoff Sommers to name a few.
We’re well aware that there are anti-feminist women (and Sommers likes to say she’s feminist, but she spews a hell of a lot of MRA talking points).
However, there were black people who wanted segregation and who had no problem with slavery (“Uncle Tom”), and gay people who hate LGBT+ people (See: Milo Yabbadabbadoo), and trans people who openly vote for assholes who hate trans people (Caitlyn Jenner), and there are indeed women who hate feminism. All of these people do what they do for various reasons.
Solely because women who side with MRAs and don’t see a need for feminism exist doesn’t mean that feminism itself shouldn’t exist, nor does it mean that those women aren’t sexist against women themselves.
Hell, I used to be sexist against women. I used to believe a LOT of sexist shit about women (and about men!), and it’s only because I was presented with alternate viewpoints and chose to re-evaluate myself that I was able to see that.
@David Henderson
“I and other MRA’s aren’t racist”
/proceeds to spout Fox News and Stormfront brand racism of refugees like it’s based on reality
Links or GTFO.
David Henderson,
I went to public school so I was not hit by nuns growing up. My dad and his siblings went to Catholic school and did receive corporal punishment as well as verbal abuse.
What’s your point?
Did the recent troll go away? One might speculate the usuall incisive Mammothteer answers had their usual effect. That other one’s meltdown was quite intense though.
@David Henderson
I’m talking about “you” in a collective sense. There’s enough of you dipshits for you to have that sort of power. And the actual statistics show quite the opposite. But you’re not intellectually honest enough to admit to that fact.
I love how David Henderson accuses us of having no counter arguments and only using ad-hominem attacks against him then immediately calls Tim a cuck for giving him a counter argument.
“I think MRA was initially a response to out of control feminism and the anti – male legal system ”
Trans: White men like me are no longer automatically the center of the universe. Women think they should be considered people. The courts make men pay* to help support the children they fathered (even though they don’t get to fuck the children’s mothers any more). This violates the laws of nature as men have created them. (I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve had to read this particular whine.)
*But usually not their fair share — even when they actually pay it.
Yes, outdated traditional roles for men and women are supported by Islam — and by Judaism and Christianity as well. The Christian version of Sharia — which people like VP Pence would like to impose on everyone, not just believers — is no less a threat to women than the Islamic version. In fact, it seems to me that the talk about the threat of Islam to women is mostly an attempt to distract from the clear and present threat of fundamentalist Christian theocracy.
The vision of Islamic refugees as hyper-virile sex machines is an obvious adaptation of a myth that was previously used against African-Americans. A racist tree produces racist fruits. Using this myth is a clear reflection of feelings of sexual inadequacy on the part of the user. “Topless white feminists running out to brown hordes waiving refugees welcome signs*” = “women might find them a lot more sexually attractive than me.”
* Note how this neatly combines white male inadequacy feelings with misogynistic attitudes toward women as being irredeemably slutty.
Maybe I shouldn’t be letting my Muslim doctor treat my ailing foot.
@David Henderson
Boring regurgitation of talking points, pathetic attempts at “gotcha” statements….I grade you as F minus minus. At least try and learn from the previous troll, they were far more entertaining then you were.
So pretty much the same men who are angry about not getting laid are also the ones that think that unfettered female sexuality is so dangerous that it will destroy western civilization as we know it, and are also the ones who welcome the fall of western civilization as we know it because all the sluts will be punished and they will be given all the nubile sex slaves they want. Got it.
So I saw another post from a Nazi website today whining about Trump being controlled by the Jews, this time because he addressed a Jewish organisation in New York and acknowledged the Holocaust.
The Men’s Rights Movement will win in the end. This system where women are mostly free from gender roles while men are still expected to conform is unsustainable, and once men have been liberated they will never go back to being disposable providers and protectors, just like how Victorian-era working conditions and serfdom are never coming back.
We need only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always.
Fiachra: nope.
I _sort of_ agree with that statement. Which is why i support feminism. Feminists actually do not want you to be disposable providers and protectors. Your ”movement” as it is right now has A LOT of introspection and growing up to do.
Your threat has been noted and dismissed.
Oh, Fiachra.
The only people expecting men to conform to those outdated and harmful gender roles are…you fellas.
Give them up. Free yourselves. You don’t have to live in this kind of misery.
“We need only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always.”
Its always nice when MRA’s try to sound like really lame supervillians.
Also: The reason I don’t feel disposable is because of the way I was raised by my feminist mother who taught me to be free from rigid gender roles. Try again.
Sinkable John,
You guys always go back to everything being about race. You have race on the brain disorder.
It’s like a broken record. Just like all those triggly puffs protesting Donald Trumps ban. Everything is about race and racism. You literally have zero facts or statistics.
You people have mental problems. Seriously.
So… is it like, something with the shirt in the OP, or are they all socks ?
Did you get a dog instead of a kid? Like all the white couples I see around LA?
If you think yourself enlightened so smart and better than others for not having kids – or if you don’t want kids – then don’t have kids – that’s your choice.
Your comment accuses me of being racist. I’m not sure what your definition of the word is. Hating people because of the color of their skin? Being conscious of race? I’m not sure. Seems everyone has a different definition.
But I do know that when asked – you will vehemently support racial diversity no matter what (white virtue signaling). Yet diversity doesn’t exist without white people. And white people make up 7% of the world population – and rapidly falling. Rapidly. So There is nothing inherently racist about wanting to have white kids, only date white people, or even live around white people in majority white communities. None.
If you want to see and label racism around every corner (because you’ve been brainwashed) that’s your choice. I could care less.
“Your belief system of equality is unsustainable like the oppression of the Victorian era and serfdoms, now let me explain that with violence MY brand of Victorian Era/Serfdom style oppression is clearly more viable.”
With you being the third troll in this thread (or less depending on how many socks), is it possible that you are trying to disprove that the third’s time a charm?
Nucluer Homo
All I see is boring boring bla bla bla … bla bla waives hand dismissivley … bla bla
You forgot call me a racist and insult my speeel-ling meee-stakes though. Better luck on that next time Homo.
I like the picture in your post a lot. I like those chibi style images. 🙂 What series is this from, if you don’t mind me asking?
Also, hello new troll. *waves* Do enjoy your (probably short) stay among the Mammoths.
Would anyone be up for a random topic now that the thread is dead? I tend to think in terms of habits of thought and was going over some old experiences related to the internet and identity.
What do you think of a “psychology of anonymity”? And do the following experiences spark any thoughts?
While I was moderating a serious discussion board for Ponychan I was the token liberal and I had to go one on one with people 4chan type trolls on a regular basis. For about two years. It was like training.
During that time I had to do this while the identifier of the poster was simply “Anonymous”. There was no sense of identity to every single comment. I think that experience has seriously impacted how I feel text relative to most people. From comment to commentit was pure communication with pony avatars attached.
I also think that there can be consequences to personal communication habits and psychology when one habitually posts while anonymous. For example a sense of reputation would be blunted. One can basically practice impulsive communications.
I will note that I think of anonymity in neutral terms as there are good and bad reasons for being anonymous. So this is more about mental hygene.
Well, AbungaMiggy did have that very dignified meltdown, and can’t show his face again until there’s a chance we’ve forgotten it, but I’m sure he still has spleen to vent.
So yes I’m guessing at least Henderson and Fiachra are motley contents of his poorly sorted sock drawer.
I doubt he truly enjoys it in any other persona than his florid verbose mode one though, poor duck. Needs the recognition to feel validated.
Say hi to Conn, Fionnula and Aodh for me though, Fiachra.