men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan MRA

Men’s Rights Activists reveal greatest t-shirt in history, victory for MRAs now assured

‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man’s rights activist

The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

I’m legally blind, if that counts.

… I can’t sing for shit, though.

7 years ago

@ abunga

Since you didn’t recognize the Hamlet quote here’s another quote for you to not recognize regarding your own writing style. “It is a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury signifying nothing”

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Gussie Jives:

comment image

As always, very well put.

See, there’s an obvious class issue that a lot of men are facing, but because you’ve been conditioned to oppose any kind of collective solution (anything, no matter how mild, is shrugged off as “Marxism”), you’ve gone all in on a casino economy and now you’re mad things didn’t work out.

In my experience, they also view anything even approaching equality as “taking away” from them. Especially when it’s something as infinite as human rights, where there’s no actual finite resource to “take away”.

Women want the right to not be assaulted? That’s demonizing men for being men!

Women want to get equal pay for equal work? Or they want to work in fields that are currently “masculine”? That’s taking away jobs from men!

Women want to not be hyper sexualized everywhere all the time? That’s demonizing men’s boners!

Women want to choose who they date? That’s not fair to the men who want to fuck them!

And so on and so forth.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

I just find it amusing that Dairy-Free Abunga is SO MAD about gifs that they have to demand* we cease and desist, yet wants to be here** SO MUCH that they just can’t quit us. It’s a no-fail recipe for a delicious melt-down marinara. Over the creamiest and tenderest fresh hand made pasta with artisan Parmesan cheese on top.

*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. GIFs are awesome and I must someday learn to post them myself.

**as in, wants all the frozen peaches on a private blog that has no obligation to host any of their nonsense.

7 years ago

Went to the March in Knoxville, got soaked and footsore
Went to the March in Knoxville, got soaked and footsore
Them global warming deniers ain’t gonna come around here no more

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


Simple, yet effective.

7 years ago

@Sinkable John: You don’t have to educate me on anything, but would you mind if I asked what bee in his bonnet Macron has against IVF people?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ dalillama

Those fellows were blind, that’s why they were called that.

Really? I genuinely didn’t know that. I thought it was like some sort of honorific. Well, guess we’re gonna find out how commited Troubelle is to her art.

@ vicky p

How about Squintin’ Troubelle?

I like that. And it’s probably less drastic than the above solution. Has to be Squintin’ Troubelle McSomething though. That’s Blues law.

7 years ago

@Troubelle: Twelve-bar is practically all the blues I can manage.

And yeah, we really showed the government we support science, showing up and chanting slogans outside their federal building for twenty minutes on a Saturday. At least it was in the rain, and we had a lot of people, so folks knew we were serious.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


That’s Blues law.

The ghost of Blind Lemon Jefferson begs to differ.

7 years ago

Something like ‘Blind Lemon gouged out his own eyes with his thumbnails because he could hear the spirit of the blues calling’ or however that dead milkmen song went.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ dalillama

The ghost of Blind Lemon Jefferson begs to differ.

Well, it’s more of a guideline.

ETA: and I suppose it’s still a patronymic. So can we also have ‘ich’?

7 years ago

This is the first person that popped into my mind (from Alan’s part of the world, even, though not a singer):

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows | April 24, 2017 at 12:58 pm
*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. GIFs are awesome and I must someday learn to post them myself.

You post them the same way you post a picture. Copy the image link, paste that on its own line, post, ???, profit!

**as in, wants all the frozen peaches on a private blog that has no obligation to host any of their nonsense.

That’s something that so many people need to learn about Frozen Peaches.

Frozen Peaches guarantees you the freedom to say what you want without being arrested by the government. That’s it.

It does NOT guarantee you:
– An audience
– The ability to force other people host your speech (i.e. No Platforming or getting your blue checkmark taken away on Twitter)
– Protections from people who are using THEIR frozen peaches to tell you you’re a massive asshole for spewing shitty things.
– Protections for hate speech (i.e. “black people need to be shot”, “Muslims all deserve to die because they’re evil” etc.)

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

There’s also
Turlough_O’Carolan; there’s a whole lot of famous blind musicians because it was a common trade for blind folks to take up, on account of not needing vision. In Japan, masseurs were also blind; it was legally prohibited for sighted people to take up the profession, a form of early disability welfare.

Chris Pellow
Chris Pellow
7 years ago

MRA’s are not sexist or misogynistic and not all of them are males there are female MRA’s.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

My eyesight isn’t all that great anymore and I used to be a pretty decent blues singer in days gone by, mainly on account of having a very low pitched voice.

Incidentally, said voice compliments my mangy dog looks pretty well. I could probably make shades work, I mean it probably can’t make me look any worse. (look, style is half the battle, okay)

(my best work ever was to fix the Animals’ cover of House Of The Rising Sun by bringing the original lyrics back while keeping almost everything else, mainly because I really love that version but just can’t get behind the butchering of the lyrics)

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

my best work ever was to fix the Animals’ cover of House Of The Rising Sun by bringing the original lyrics back while keeping almost everything else, mainly because I really love that version but just can’t get behind the butchering of the lyrics)

? The Animals do a pretty decent job; they change rounder to gambler, and skip a couple verses, but nothing too terrible I shoudn’t think. The oldest known version is even sparser than that, but I think the fellow who wrote it down forgot some of it. Or is it the gender that’s bugging you? Cos there’s versions with male and female narrators both going back to around the same time (well, to as early as we can find proof anyway).

Chris Pellow
Chris Pellow
7 years ago

What does a 60’s rock band have to do with this article?

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Re: the “Mike”, “Miggy”…thing.
A consequence of being a website that focuses on criticism of groups of people, the things being criticized will get personified. I’m sure that some of these trolls are a person or small number of persons coming back here over and over in order to attack. Those people will become [Troll A], [Troll B] and they are actually sets of behaviors and means of transmission of information bound into an identity. We do linguistically use MRA/Incel/PUA as replacements for sets of behavior and communications. It’s like military shorthand. It’s runs on a similar set of logic as that of bigots because it’s a social conflict thing. You can apply morals and ethics to it and win in a social sense that our species uses to delay a physical conflict.

So it’s fine to look at the similarities between misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ablist trolls and more. It’s also fine to create our own internal social symbols that target people that share behavioral profiles. Just keep in mind that this does risk mistaking the set of behavior with individual. It’s natural to start seeing the same old kind of person when the behavioral profiles could come from so many kinds of bigots from any place in the world. So you get used to error checking in ways that match the risk.

I see a lot of M’s, but I do not doubt that many of you can recognize individual trolls that come more often. We are symbol and pattern loving primates. That’s totally fine. I simply suggest that social pejoratives emphasize belief, manner of thought, action and type of communication over specific identity. It solves the social problem and keeps our minds sharp with respect to it. Miggy will be here many many times and we can have fun with “him” and deal with new trolls*.

*To me a troll is simply someone that triggers a social conflict through their behavior. A Troll will be a very different thing among people on the right and left sides of the political spectrum. There is a set of behavior in there but it while it is repetitive and aware that it is causing upset, does not seem to care and proceeds to continue that behavior until it exhausts the other person it does not have to be deliberate. “Just trolling” hides the fact that a troll is highly unlikely to be trolling a community that they feel positively about. Same for “just joking”.

It has to do with a major part of what I’m trying to piece together, I could not quite do it for the art thread but maybe I can toss the whole idea out here. I got confused with art because it’s doing what art does but not in an easily seen way. I guess it might be art if it lives up to the intent.

“Xenonausea” is an example of an implication of the sets of concepts that I’m tying to pack together. In the end I don’t care about text on a screen or images. I want to try to plant small integrated sets ideas and ways to use them that other people can then use to make their own symbols and think about the ones they are using now on their own terms. If done right people will take this and run with it (read improve the symbols used in different ways, change them, make new ones, categories, relationships, “normalize” in a communication sense) because I’m assuming that the rest of society will make better symbols as these create useful social affordances for how science currently sees this stuff (affordances are key for knowledge internalized to the point of working use, something our bigot troll lacks).

The way the words “emotion” and “feel” are currently used by society at large are basically lies, but of the sort that automatically let people pretend they were being non-literal. If this works people like Trump and Abungnut will be surprised and as they basically lose important control of some social uses of those words. That will become fear, anger, disust and other more usefully motivating emotions.

And it’s all based on things that are reasonable to believe and if I do my job right applicable to everyone present, troll included. It could be useful in lots of ways that are unanticipated. This is based on how it’s been useful to me so I’ve been trying to figure out how to make an unbiased presentation that could be applicable to anyone at the level of detail. I hope if I am wrong I or if I am not consistent with anyone’s experience I hear how. This is about feelings and objects and memory I’m trying to be respectful of all of it.

Four sets of ideas. Three from current research, and a system for looking for these patterns in text. Everything in brackets can be expanded into sets supporting information to better conceptualize things at the level of “working knowledge”. Many trolls fear the social sciences because what comes out of it makes them feel negative. The rest are the narratives of their paranoia. This even helps a person think about how that negativity is structured in a more accurate way*.

1) Objectifying emotion as a process that occurs over a period of time.
That little window that you use to [perceive] and [feel] the world has a [frame rate] of about 0.5 seconds. In that period of time you determine in this order: Identification [Where] and [What]* (0.2 seconds), access your previous experiences and send you [images] (from memory of many kinds) and [feelings] (see #2) about the object/person (0.5 seconds) that determines [how] (motor, gland, other [Inside>Outside] information) you respond and [why] you [respond].
*”Two streams hypothesis”

I learned about this by working on figuring out the science associated with how my perception of consciousness is shifted relative to 99% of other, likely WIERD, people. Example:
Enhanced antisaccade abilities in children with Tourette syndrome: the Gap-effect Reversal.

2) Objectifying emotion as an embodied process.
Dualism is dead because the engine of consciousness runs off of cycling networks of communicating cells. Consciousness is the feeling of the [brain] making the [mind] and [running] [parts] of the [body], and it is the [feeling] of the ongoing [interactions] of that [body] and it’s [sensory] cells with the outside world. Your feelings of emotion are generated by the parts of the brain right after the sensory cells, body maps, sensory maps. There is a logic to it that is relevant to many kind of social disagreements and conflicts, how it fits in is something I can’t figure out by myself. We feel these divisions and our language can be chopped up into sections that reflect them.

The [Self] that generates consciousness seems to have [three parts] in an informational sense that is relevant to universal experience. These ideas come out of concepts in Antonio Damasio’s “Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain”. There is the “primordial self”, the “core self” and the “autobiographical self”. This stuff makes me take “mindfulness” as a meditative and habitual act seriously. I emphasize that these are ideas still being scientifically tested, I just happen to consider this project of mine a part of the test.

3) Objectifying embodied emotional processes as discrete conceptual objects that correspond to experience (specific emotional states).
*[Self/primordial]: roughly equivalent to interoceptive (self sensing) processes. The brain generating the feeling of the body. Body mapping parts in the brainstem that translate body into experience that is bound to things like language include (and these really need renamed based on their role in experience):
Parabrachial nucleus.
Nucleus tractus solitarus

Feelings from the information contained in these are part of what we call emotions. As a means of getting us into realms compatible with psychology and social psychology I have chosen Robert Plutchick’s Evolutionary Theory of Emotion as a model for connecting experience with social symbols in text or any other sensory modality. There are feelings, meanings, and urges-to-action. For now the most complex I want to get is basic identification of the eight basic emotional states (emotion is a process that takes place over ~0.5 seconds) because even this choice of theory of emotion may need changing after people outside of me try to use this. If this is consistent with people’s experiences I will go on to how the basic emotional states combine into the more complex primary, secondary and tertiary dyads as well as the opposites which I think are related to humor transformations. These states can be defined by many means which are all important for averaging out the reality.

Body temperature for example.
Also electrical conductance on the scalp and other things. I think of them as defined and graded autonomic responses that shift from moment to moment. We can find them in our text, I’m sure of it.

Emotional states with intensity ranges that can be represented numerically (1-3). I will name each state category by the middle intensity for shorthand purposes when considering larger patterns. They are opposite one another in how each action works computationally and form an axis.

My best summary of associated urges to action (definite subjects of criticism) are:
Advance, destroy/negate (anger) : Retreat, save/preserve (fear)
Mapped out imminent interaction (anticipation) : Unknown significant stimulus (surprise)
Personal/social gain (joy) : Personal/social loss (sadness)
Personal/social acceptance (trust), personal/social ejection (disgust)

(Am I the only one seeing math operations in there too? Also the link to Plutchick’s wheel/theory has it’s own associated actions that are largely but not completely identical to mine.)

*[Self/core]: roughly equivalent to “sensory pads” for exteroception or [out > in] sensory processing the traditional five senses and non-traditional senses (temp, pain, place in space, acceleration/gravity…)

Where primoridal self is you-as-object processing the core self is you-non-you-object sensation and interaction (but not the parts of you that hold the [sensor pads]!)

*[Self/autobiographical]: this is where the primordial and core selves pull your past experiences and interaction instructions based on what those selves get out of memory. This self is generated from the activity of the other two selves so it’s not quite a “Russian nesting doll” relationship.

4) A system of brackets that can be placed around parts of text that represent objects being interacted with, perception, action, and feelings of emotion that are about the objects.

I’m in the middle of making a draft of a placement scheme and rationales for examples of basic emotional states.

This was already way too long to sum up my to-do list, once I have the decisions made for identification of emotional states and placement of the final set of brackets I will:
*Have a section where I relate an example of a troll being dissected with the #4 bracket system (Yor) to actions that can be visualized as “tactics” and “movements” in a social conflict sense. (In my previous way of presenting it I started with a visual, I needed to start with text)
*Do a section on what I see as moral and ethical concerns.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Lesee if this works
comment image

Cuz this is probably more the reason I don’t post cool stuffs.

Edited to change gif links. And it worked!!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I suspect it partly has a lot to do with straight white American men putting a lot less effort into looking appealing than women do

Aight, you got it 🙂


I don’t think Axe owns a suit at all, certainly no suede shoes

Not yet anyway (I really need to), and suede is for people under the impression they have too much money

7 years ago

Hey now, let’s not throw shade at suede…

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger | April 24, 2017 at 2:06 pm

I don’t think Axe owns a suit at all, certainly no suede shoes

Not yet anyway (I really need to), and suede is for people under the impression they have too much money

I put suede under the same category as Louis Vuitton handbags: It’s too damn expensive to use.

Because if I spend THAT much money on something, I’m not going to muck it up because I spent THAT much money on it.

So, it would just sit around and be useless to me.

Ergo, I would just get something I CAN use that would likely be a helluva lot cheaper instead, and would very likely fit my aesthetic a lot better.

I mean, I’m a designer. I put a LOT of emphasis on how things look, and I want everything to look nice. But I’m also a gamer who recognizes that Too Good to Use Syndrome is a thing.

7 years ago

I own a pair of Mukluk suede bootie slippers.

Actually, I own TWO pairs of them.

Were they expensive? Yes. Yes they were. Have I ever spent so much money on slippers? No. No I have not. Were they worth it? Oh yes. Every. single. Penny.

I wear slippers every single day. For years I bought cheapie $10-$20 slippers that wore out in about 6 months, these babies have lasted 2 years and still going strong.

I’m never going back, do you hear me? NEVER GOING BACK!!!! 😀

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