men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan MRA

Men’s Rights Activists reveal greatest t-shirt in history, victory for MRAs now assured

‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man’s rights activist

The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!

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7 years ago

Yeah its Bull’s store.

Nice,I might get the Social Justice Rigger Shirt,either that or the “Mr.Johnson screwed me” one

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

I uh couldn’t sleep. It’s one of these nights, need a second round. Sorry, this is not gonna be very coherent, but I need to apologize and explain and I don’t wanna let it hang.

Anyway, no, I’m sorry, I was kind of an asshole there. Thanks everyone for the support though.

@Oogly, I need to get this out of the way

This ain’t about IVF folks, well as far as I’m aware anyway. We gotta deal with cranks but that’s about it, policy doesn’t target us and I don’t think Macron would change that. Le Pen is… well, I don’t fucking know, but if it’s on her list then it must be pretty far down. Of course, underestimating fascists is what led us here in the first place, so I’m not gonna assume anyone is out of her crosshairs.


My wording was pretty fucking poor, sorry. And I certainly didn’t need to lash out like that, so sorry about that too.

So, Macron’s a liberal. He’s THE liberal, actually, and for the Americans here I mean an economic liberal specifically. On some things I’d even call him a right-libertarian. Point is, he’s going pretty damn far in cementing a worldview that is harmful in a number of ways, which I don’t need to describe here, save for the one that’s got me upset right now : that worldview deems certain elements incompatible.

Those elements are people, namely, the useless ones. It’s a big machine built with redundancy at its core, so they ain’t a great loss for society since there’s an endless supply of more useful cogs. Shit, some of them can even be fixed, molded again in a nice regular shape, but even those who are broken beyond cost-efficient repair are really no big deal. And that’s a lot of people – the ones that are marginalized but not exploited, ’cause there’s nothing to exploit. In my specific case, mostly because of crippling mental illness and a set of circumstances that don’t work well together at all, but the reasons can be pretty varied. The people who ain’t “fit for society”, or the “parasites” that live off welfare, etc. The ones getting more and more hate these days (if I hear even one more asshole tell me they’re “paying for my welfare” when I’m not receiving any form of income whatsoever, I’m gonna lose my shit) from the other cogs because we’re somehow responsible for the shit they’re put through by the capitalists. It’s a nice little fucking dividing tactic, one that Macron knows how to wield.

So yeah, none of that is anything new, I know. It’s even gotten somewhat better in recent years, or it was looking like it anyway. Thing is, and right now I’m gonna state my main, utterly selfish point, I really fucking need it to keep getting better, and faster too, ’cause I’m personally fucked if a miracle doesn’t happen soon. Macron means there’s definitely no chance of that miracle happening. Yeah, Le Pen is way fucking worse in every respect, even inasmuch as my specific case is concerned. But this is like choosing between a leap from the 30th or the 60th floor.

It just so happens I’m getting close to a breaking point and there’s an election going on at the same time that coulda helped a great deal. It also coulda helped a great deal with, y’know, the whole fucking world which is going to hell faster than the souls of those responsible ever will. I’m upset about that too. Because I doubt the world’s getting through that unscathed if at all. Right now I needed an answer to that, and Macron ain’t it. The fact that people will vote for him en masse to block Le Pen (as they damn well should, don’t get me wrong) makes it even more infuriating, because they’re making this guy into a solution to a problem which he fucking enables. The FN’s always been the convenient enemy, “it’s either us or them !” and now that situation is threatening to spin out of control, maybe through the election, but in either case through violent far-right “activism”. And shit, liberalism is a great catalyst for far-right rhetoric, so five years of Macron will give those assholes an even better chance in 2022. It’s an electoral russian roulette and there’s nothing to win. And right now we’re running out of empty chambers, and it’s not like it matters anyway since we’re also sitting on a bomb. (Earth is the wackiest bar I’ve ever been to.)

So the world is fucked, I’m fucked, and I kinda hoped the election would prove me wrong on one or both of those assertions. It just proved me right all the way. Things need to start going right, and right fucking now, but we as a species seem determined to only choose between wrongs of varying magnitudes.


And I doubt John is gonna swear a blood feud on you over this.

True that, but then I’m a sabers-at-dawn kinda person. Feuds last forever and drag a bunch of folks into them, and I already got more of that in meatspace than I care for. I’d rather just slap people with a glove.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I just visited someone in the hospital, and there was a woman in her sixties playing the theme to Game of Thrones on a piano in the atrium. But it’s only dumb millennials that like that stuff, right?

I echo WWTH’s sentiments, and have an additional strange little anecdote of my own:

I was picking up a friend of mine for lunch at the assisted-living facility she works at; in the day room was a cute elderly lady playing the piano.

The song? Halo..

7 years ago

@Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
I apologize for speaking for you when I was not sure of your intentions. I shouldn’t have let my emotions get in the way of your own.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Sinkable John: Hugs if you want them.

7 years ago


7 years ago

Ah, the delightful logical failings of nostalgia.

Pop culture was always full of “debauched” trash. However, that stuff gets forgotten, while the high quality stuff sticks around.

Johnny B Goode never hit number one on the charts. This song did. Which Chuck Berry song are you familiar with? Which one do you think is a better song?

Edit: I think the board ate my comments because what was a slang term for penis in the 70s has different connotations now. Will try again with song name removed.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I hope whoever you were visiting is okay.

Looks like he’s going to be fine in a few weeks but OH. MY. GODDDDD.

B. will be fine with me telling this story. He likes to tell people about it and watch them get freaked out (yeah, he’s like that) It’s a bit gruesome, and may be distressing to anyone that has a scrotum.

You have been warned.

B. is a family member that I am primary caregiver to. He had a stroke six years ago. A couple of weeks back, he was sick with what we thought was the flu. Then one morning he pulls his pants down to show me that his scrotum is the size, shape, and color of a large pomegranate. His penis had disappeared under the swelling and he couldn’t pee. So B. got to take a ride in an ambulance.

By the time he’s in the ER, his fever is super-high, and he’s so agitated that he keeps pulling off all his clothes and blankets. Which is convenient, because damn near everyone that works there wants to see the pomegranate. I guess it’s not something they see every day. The urology surgeon takes a look and is, like, “He’s going into surgery right now so he doesn’t die.”

So the surgeon removes a bunch of necrotic tissue, including scrotal and penile skin. B.’s testicles were then moved out of his scrotum and put in sacs made from his inner thighs. His scrotum has to stay empty and partially open so he can have a vacuum pump attached to it for a month or so, to make sure the infection (which was at least five different kinds of bacteria) is entirely out. So he doesn’t die.

The cause? Earlier in the week, B. had fallen while getting out of bed without my assistance, and hit his balls on the bed’s foot board. So, yeah, that bed frame is going in the trash.

Things like this are why I prefer life to be predictable and unexciting.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Sinkable John – that sounds tough, I’m sorry. That kind of hyper-capitalist mindset always screws people over. Even the Liberals here (Canada), who are generally not too terrible, fall into it.

Recent disappointing thing: the Liberals’ latest budget plan takes away the tax refund for public transit passes. Why?! I guess the rationale is that taking buses is cheaper than owning a car, so they think they’re cutting something unimportant… except a lot of people aren’t rich and they depend on getting money back. I’m paying $114 a month for a train pass, which I couldn’t afford if I were still unemployed. And how does this mesh with all their being-green talk? Doesn’t seem too environmental to take away an obvious incentive for commuting in a green(ish) way, does it. (Grumble).

Anyway anyway anyway. I do hope that things don’t go totally to shit, and that you yourself get a break.

7 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels:

I don’t wake up and feel like a “woman” a lot of the time. I just wake up and feel like Alex, if that makes some kind of sense.

Well, i have some googling to do. I’ve definitely felt this! I’m just me. I’ve never been super comfortable calling myself a woman so i usually don’t.

I have definitely wished that it didn’t matter, that i didn’t feel weird about not wanting to put on the traditional trappings of femininity. That people could just see me for me, as a ball of various different ideas and interests, with lottle concern about the gender of it all beyond “i like this”.

Thank you for taking the time to explain your experiences.

And also for typing out that super long post!

I’m sorry to hear that the election turned out the way it did, @Sinkable John. Hugs if wanted.

@epitome of incomprehensibility: i get like one deduction, and it’s my transit passes. I suppose they are cheaper than buying a car, but they are 150$ a month. * That’s not cheap. Also, doesn’t this encourage people to take public transit? And like, not cars? I know public transit has problems, but moving 30 people with one vehicle has to be better than 30 vehicles.

Also, where would they park??

*150$ for me. I have a friend who paid about 500$ a month for theirs. Three different transit passes is not a cheap proposotion!

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@epitome of incomprehensibility

Even the Liberals here (Canada), who are generally not too terrible, fall into it.

Yes, this is what Liberal politicians always do, which is why I excoriate them only a little less than the fascists.

7 years ago

Recent disappointing thing: the Liberals’ latest budget plan takes away the tax refund for public transit passes. Why?! I guess the rationale is that taking buses is cheaper than owning a car, so they think they’re cutting something unimportant… except a lot of people aren’t rich and they depend on getting money back. I’m paying $114 a month for a train pass, which I couldn’t afford if I were still unemployed. And how does this mesh with all their being-green talk? Doesn’t seem too environmental to take away an obvious incentive for commuting in a green(ish) way, does it. (Grumble).

I know how you feel. I pay about $77 a month for my bus pass and the refund is really helpful. I totally agree that it runs count to the whole green plan and makes you wounder if its less about the environment and more of a tax grab.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

I totally agree that it runs count to the whole green plan and makes you wounder if its less about the environment and more of a tax grab.

Yes, yes it is.

7 years ago

Though in the U.S., in my experience, tell some one that you dislike liberal politics and they assume you’re a Republican. The idea that there’s a definition of liberal that isn’t just ‘Democrat’ boggles their minds. See also the confusion of anarchy, socialism, communism, etc.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Holy crap, LindsayIrene! ?

Glad he’s doing better!!

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Sinkable John,

I got nothing of use for you! But sending love and hugs fwiw
Take care ?

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Neoliberalism as a whole is pretty bad, but it’s usually better to avoid the neoliberals who always rush to cut the social safety net whenever they’re in power.

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


Though in the U.S., in my experience, tell some one that you dislike liberal politics and they assume you’re a Republican. The idea that there’s a definition of liberal that isn’t just ‘Democrat’ boggles their minds. See also the confusion of anarchy, socialism, communism, etc.

Because at the heart of the matter, you’re all the same shit, just with different wording. A liberal is no different from a communist, they are simply frappe-sipping cosmopolitan fruit flies who are too fey and afraid of offending people to actually advocate for the same violent measures employed by your people to destroy capitalism. Instead, they invoke the limp-wristed hand of statist government regulation to take money from the productive and give it to the indigent, thus castrating the entrepreneurial spirit of free enterprise and encouraging sloth among those with less to offer civilization. Liberals are nothing but pointy-headed Eduard Bernstein sugar tanks who unwittingly spread the propaganda of clandestine socialist elites under a different name. Their goal is to create a new industrial state of technocratic micromanaging busybodies who engineer society from the top down through the use of a socialistic corporate-government hybrid.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

comment image

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


All I ever see you do around here is shit bloody bricks about how everyone from Adam Smith to Fredric Jameson is a fascist totalitarian who wants to execute black trans-people and blow up the world because they don’t 100% enjoy the smell of your expired moonbat brain-farts. The ideological tight-rope you walk on is so fine that I’m surprised in hasn’t cut you in two yet.

7 years ago

What a lame ass shirt for a lame ass “political party”

@Abunga Is Among Ya

Did you forget the /s?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Irrelevant clown Abunga Is Among Ya sweats and shakes nervously as he talks “bull” about us. Has zero cred.

7 years ago

Am I going to have to break out the tiki torches? I keep hearing the whine of small pestiferous insects…

Abunga Is Among Ya
Abunga Is Among Ya
7 years ago


Sure those aren’t your kids? I’m pretty sure they get it from your side of the family.

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