The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
It… has a collar. And buttons. That’s just wrong. Whoever heard of printing polo shirts?
Also it would look better with the URL on the back, that’s too busy.
Ugh, if you’re going to be evil you should at least have some sense of style.
Oh look! They’ve taken up fundraising! How cute.
Polo shirts always just remind me of retail chain uniforms. Ick.
I thought the org name and URL looked way too low on the shirt… then I realized it’s because it’s a goddamn polo shirt. nothing wrong with a polo, but whoever heard of printing stuff on one?
I don’t know for shirt, but I think the reason I’ve never seen a printed polo shirt is because the print should be around the chest area, and on a polo the buttons get in the way.
#failingmras, how silly can you get?
“This is what a men’s rights activist’s tummy looks like.”
Yes, please wear it, it’ll be even easier to know how to avoid them.
*losing horns*
Needs Comic Sans.
Like a dweeb with a taste for slipshod design, apparently.
I give them an F- for douchebaggery and poor design choices.
So much to laugh at here — starting with the fact that the shirt’s message appears to be Photoshopped onto the shirt.
And then there’s the question of who would actually wear this shirt in public, because it’s bound to elicit dirty looks.
But the funniest thing is that the shirt is made through Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production, an SJW scheme if there ever was one:
Gentlemen, you’ve been infiltrated!
Gentlemen of the Justice 4 Men and Boys party, read it and weep:
WRAP’s 12 Principles
I don’t by any means advocate anyone going out of their way to thump someone who is on the far right politically (and do that in this country and you might very well get arrested, making it less worth it)…but if they thumped anyone wearing one of these awful shirts I’m not exactly going to complain.
Mind, wearing one is probably enough punishment and social humiliation, in itself.
(Also, are there any internet hugs going, because against my better judgement I tried to argue with a libertarian, mostly because they were so utterly utterly baffling. Was as horrible as you’d expect. *Whimpers*)
“This is what tasteless looks like.”
“This is what a men’s rights activist looks like.”
Poorly thought through and executed ripoff copy of an original product with genuine value?
I totally agree.
When I made screen printing equipment for a living, I researched the industry… and the most-printed style of shirt is, indeed, the polo… they almost ALL have grafix like “Bob’s Janitorial” in small font, right above the wearer’s left tit….
One of the comforting things about the screen print industry, especially for the independent entrepreneur is, sales are pretty much always ok. When times are good, people want a t-shirt to brag about it, when times are bad, people want a t-shirt to bitch about it….
Note… a “t-shirt”… collarless crew neck, Gildan Heavy Blend, maybe fitted, maybe not… but not a polo. Those are for “Bob’s Janitorial”.
Aw, Leo, here’s an Internet hug.
Watch out for those right wingers!
I was thinking the same thing. These guys can’t even get a shirt right.
That color is ass…
*looks around, sucks teeth*
Gimme a sec… Lessee… Ah! Found this one:
OT: SF power outage made the national newz
Power fully restored after San Francisco outage
I got my hair cut today during the outage. I walked up an old-fashioned dark, twisting staircase, hoping that I didn’t pitch right over the side. My hair stylist works on the second floor of a building on a floor dedicated to hair salon “pods,” salons staffed by one person. She was totally creative and resilient. She borrowed a co-worker’s pod, one with a big window, while he was out. She washed my hair with cold water — brr! — and cut my hair quickly before the other hair stylist returned. The power was scheduled to return at 5 pm. I left her salon at 3, turned the corner of the hallway — and hallelujah, the lights came on!
The denizens of the Cool Gray City of Love breathed a sigh of relief. Tourists too.
weird Eddie: do they really PRINT company names/logos in that position on polos? I’ve never seen it. (though admittedly that doesn’t mean much) usually the stuff that goes there is small and stitched/embroidered into the shirt.
side note: I’m a bit sad at all the pooping on polos in general… I have some I really like, mostly with nerdy logos from fangamer. but admittedly I am far from stylish.
Peevee, thanks for that link. When I browsed it I saw another shirt promoting a fresh (to me, at least) hell: AVfM, in association with Mike Buchanan amongst others, are promoting another conference, to be held in Queensland, Australia this June.
Australian Mammotheers, please get conversation about this out there!
Paul Elam and Mike Buchananananan (sorry, can’t stop spelling his name once I start) are Masters of Ceremony. Girl Writes What, Cassie Jaye, Uma Challa will be speakers.
Local misogynists speaking will include Bettina Arndt – Keynote Speaker, bet that will piss off fellow speaker and not-fancier of being subordinate to womenfolk Mark Latham; also Greg Canning, Miranda Devine.
Early bird registration closed April 1st, so it now costs $300 US to register. Polo shirt apparently not included with registration.
The single most disturbing thing about this for me is this statement:
If that’s true, I’d like to see it more closely examined.
Mike Buchanan might be one of my favorite trolls in my tenure here. He kept issuing ridiculous challenges and spamming his blog. His big men’s rights issue at that time? The government encouraging women and girls to get into science. Oh, the horror!