The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
The Justice 4 Men and Boys party — the UK electoral powerhouse — is selling these on its web store, for real. Get yours before they’re all sold out!
Thanks everyone for clarifying that.
There are penalties in France, but as far as I know they don’t include jail time. As for contempt of court, I’m not sure what the French law says on that – I’ll just say, the old bastard somehow got away without a hitch with way more than just not paying child support.
The part that baffles me the most is how the judge didn’t react when he dumped the entirety of his large stocks of misogyny on her. Like he literally said that the people “responsible” for, huh, me and more specifically how I factored in his bullshit were the judge, my mother, and my mother’s [homophobic slur] lawyer. Then he proceeded to note that they were “all women !” and that it was “lucky that I didn’t turn out [homophobic slur]” – that assumption was pretty hilarious considering I’d already “turned out” much queerer than the standard he’d just admitted to, and his ignorance of that fact showed all there was to know about that custody battle.
Bring it, MRA trolls. Tell me about single mothers again. Tell me about those poor dads cheated by the system. You’re right on one point though : for the kid, it does seem to be a pretty fast track to feminism. I have no idea why that would be.
Same here. My bio dad ditched me and my mom because I wasn’t his precious first-born son that he could pass on his family name to.
So, he denied me up, down and sideways. I wasn’t his, he had no idea who I was (and still doesn’t), and he did this to a bunch of other women too.
But go ahead and tell me I, or any feminist for that matter, have “daddy issues” like that’s somehow a mark against our characters and not the fathers’.
Ya know what? Fuck it, let’s play with some numbers. I’ll round down the whole time, just to prove the bullshit
World population ~7300m
pop. 324m, ~60% (non Hispanic, non MENA) white= 194m or 2.6% of the world
pop. 35m, ~76% European= 26m + 194m= 220m or 3% of the world
pop. 24m, >85% European= 20m + 220m= 240m or 3.2% of the world
New Zealand
pop. 4m, 74% European= 3m + 240m= 243m or 3.3% of the world
In order for this 7% number to be true, just under half of all white people must live in these 4 countries. Their total population is 387m. Europe’s population is over 730m. 7% of the world is 511m. 511-243= 268. In other words, the white population is more than 7% unless Europe’s white population is less than 37%. Far less on account of all the white people in other countries (South Africa, anyone?). @Henderson is fulla shit, QED
*Kids-of-single-moms secret fist bump*
Some assholes missed their chance at shaping and molding us into proper boys & girls who’d grow up to perpetuate their assholery, and that’s “daddy issues”.
And it’s supposed to be bad !
I have a very small desk cluttered with all kinds of mess. That’s the only reason I haven’t facedesked myself to sleep yet. Maybe I should quit drugs and just read the shit MRAs write.
Sinkable John – I think you’ll be happier if you stick with the drugs, though. ;oD
@Sinkable John, Paradoxical Intention,
I’ll join that, if I may (could get tricky with more than two fists, tho).
How many times have we been over this? My bio dad changed his freaking name to avoid paying child support, and we saw him once or twice as we were growing up. My mum didn’t pursue the support payments, largely out of pride. My stepdad wanted all of the rights of a parent but none of the responsibility, and he’s long gone, too.
And guess what? I don’t hate or mistrust men, nor do I have ‘daddy issues’. I’ve been with a male person for 18 years, and we have a male person child whom I love to smithereens. One of our cats is a boy. Ta-da!
@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
May I also partake in the fist bump? My dad paid his stuff on time, but was mainly not there. And the times when he was and is, it wasn’t as pleasant. But oh well, jerks are jerks. Just because one or two men treated me badly doesn’t mean I’m gonna start hating my own gender by default.
Yanno, I was just perusing an old thread from 2012, and there,was some necro troll on there that went by Mack Zayne.
Sounds a whole like Sasquatch, here.
Why do they all sound alike??
@Mish, Oogly
*Bump circle with both fists raised*
Doing both certainly makes for a good time. Dosage is crucial, though.
I am not the daughter of a single mother, and I have had severe daddy issues. Because sometimes it’s just as bad or worse when they stick around.
My dad is here, more or less right now. So’s my mom. My elder sisters, though, were raised by a single mother.
I think the reason my dad hasn’t been terrible is because my mom long ago stopped taking bullshit from anyone. I still don’t like men, and I do have issues with my parents. But it could have been way worse for me.
Single mom. She and dad separated after a few years. Deep, staggering mommy issues. So there!
*joins platonic support orgy*
…OMG I get eaten by meatspace for a few and I come back to this. Wow.
Also @Unsinkable John – thanks for the welcome, I’llavoid the sented candles, tho. My dad’s allerigic to most fragrances.
Yeah, I always wished my mother would leave my father, who screamed (when he wasn’t giving my mother the silent treatment) and hectored and hit and lied. He withheld money from his family. He hated women, particularly attractive women — they were the worst. In addition, he was a stalker, a religious fundamentalist (for us, not him), and infatuated with his own ethnic group — with the notable exceptions of his wife and children, who also belonged to that group. He was a hoarder who would tolerate no criticism whatsoever of this habit and insisted on controlling his family, sometimes down to the smallest details. Need I say that his politics stank?
He continuously disrespected his wife, my mother. If there’s one way to get a child to really dislike you, it’s to disrespect her mother, the one who is there for that child and helps her survive.
He’s been dead for many years now, and I’m still effin’ traumatized. I haven’t spent one moment missing him.
Keep it up, MRAs, and this will be your fate.
Or, you know, get help.
We have three classes of infractions in France :
– Contravention (Violation ? Infringement ?) : for minor infractions
– Délit (Offense ? Offence ?) : for “common” infractions
– Crime : for serious infractions.
I do not know exactly the law about alimony, but i think that, if it is following the usual way of legislation, if after conciliation, alimonies are not paid, there first be contravention (with fines), and if the non payment is repeated regularly, it becomes a délit (fines + forced recovery of the money). I do not think it can reach at a point the qualification of a crime.
So, just for non payment, the person can not be send to jail. However, due to the fact that the non payment is, alas, sometimes couples with threats, even violence, the person can still finish in jail. But not for the non payment.
Sorry if i am not clear.
You’d have be really exclusive to get the number of white people down to 500 million. I think Dr. WHO is using the famously sensitive OneDrop(tm) color sensor to count white and non-white people in different countries. Therefore, most white-identifying people in US (Hispanic or not) are not actually white due to that one Cherokee great-grandma.
And how’d it get down to 300 million (assuming 10 billion global population) in a couple generations? Obviously by stealth racial mixing. Imagine having children with a random white-looking person and then finding out they have 3% non-white ancestry. You just missed your chance to perpetuate the white race!