We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.
I feel fairly certain that Mr. Abunga has not actually read more than about five words of the blog.
How f*cking typical is it, for a slobbering horde of wannabe cop-killing vagina knights and window smashing booger sluts, who sing the praises of terrorists like the Black Panthers, to back down and clutch pearls when the dog shit is on the other foot.
MGTOWabunga does have a way with words!
You animals prize violence and you know it – you invite terrorists into society in the hopes that they will erase white civilization through violence and the instatement of sharia law, you agitate through timber-rattling bedlam for the forceable exchange of resources from the producers of society to the lowly jack-booted masked sickle-and-hammer sporting, unwashed plankton-eaters in black bloc …
… and you riot like disorderly she-tornados and werebonobos whenever some person with more melanin in their skin than the law allows gets shot for fighting with the police.
Or shot in the back while walking away from the police. Or for being a 12-year-old playing with a toy gun.
If self-awareness could be stored in a checking account, you numbskulls would have overdraft fees that even Bill Gates couldn’t cover. I don’t see anything wrong with what Trumpsters are doing;
“Trumpsters?” You mean the guys who show up at demonstrations with sticks and shields and helmets and shin-guards? You know, like “based stickman” here, already the subject of countless adoring alt-right memes?

… all I see are people who are tired of being assaulted and harassed by poorly-dressed vandals who idolize Bakunin and think that such corner stones of civilized society like “freedom of speech” are instruments of oppression manufactured by white bourgeois despots to provide cover to “fascists” (read: anyone to the right of Trotsky).
You know, I’m fairly certain this “fascist,” shown here at that recent Berkeley thing, doesn’t really merit the scare quotes.
Nor these guys.
An hey, here’s the guy who gave that speech that got these guys so excited.
And oh, look, it’s hacker-Nazi Weev. Might I draw your attention to that giant fucking swastika tattoo on his chest?
And, hey, it’s Andrew Anglin from the Daily Stormer, in case the name of his website and his harassment of Jews and his frequent paeans to Hitler weren’t enough of a clue.
So, yeah, while it is kind of a political cheap trick to call people fascists when they’re not fascists, the alt-right today is lousy with honest-to-goodness no-scare-quotes actual real no-kidding genuine draft fascists. So I think that’s maybe what we’ll be calling them?
Boy, remember back when Godwin’s Law was a real thing and not just some faint fond memory?
Oh, but MGTOWabunga is still going.
I don’t condone violence and I have no intention of practicing it, but when you start destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists,” and vandalizing buses driven by people that you don’t like,
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that no one here is destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists” (or even fascists). Some of us, it’s true, may have laughed a little at a video of one fascist (no scare quotes) getting punched, because, you know, HE’S A FUCKING NAZI. And it’s possible that some of us don’t really feel terrible that a bus on a cross-country transphobic hate tour got spraypainted because, you know, the people driving the bus don’t think trans folks have a right to exist.
… you forfeit any claim that you might have that you are “peaceful protestors,” and that your rights need to be respected …
But when literal neo-Nazis show up to demonstration with helmets and shields, and start literally hitting people with sticks, their rights do need to be respected?
you fucking syphilitic devil-llamas, wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobins from Hell.
You mean like this guy?
I don’t know if he or she a devil. I just found this picture on the internet. I don’t even know if this particular devil-llama, or any devil-llamas, even read the blog, honestly.
But I think they’d enjoy it
guest – There’s a reason why I referred to menopause a “reverse puberty”! To get TMI about it (since I don’t have periods anymore and still want to contribute to grossing out the trolls) I got the worst B.O. after I stopped menstruating. It’s either settled down, or I’m accustomed to it, but no one has mentioned* it or edged away from me in a crowd, so far.
dreemr – I’m still waiting for my skin to dry up. I’ve been postmenopausal for about three years and my skin and hair are still oily. I also have two patches of coarse, whiskery hair on either side of my chin now that are a challenge to pluck because of my eyesight getting worse up-close.
*yes, I make Husbeast sniff me when we go out.
Except that almost every single part of his economic plan is inherently bigoted. As is going to war to take some other nation’s resources. So, he kinda did just say all that bigoted shit
On the melanin thing, I believe he means that the law forbids killing people if they have a certain amount of melanin or more. That’s a common alt-reich talking point, it’s just mangled to the point of being unrecognizable on account of miggy’s understanding of sentences.
Doesn’t matter much, it doesn’t make any more sense in legible form anyway.
Just read those Twitter exchanges you linked and… wow, that’s… that’s just one of the saddest things I’ve seen. But it’s the perfect summation of these guys’ thought processes: “I want someone I have complete control over to get me off. I can’t control real women, so I have to make do with fanservice lolis.”
Man, and they’re still plastering Chanty Binx’s picture everywhere. That happened 5 years ago! 5 freaking years ago and she’s still just a meme to these people! The irony is that I’ve seen dozens of anti-feminist YouTubers since then use her image as the stereotypical “Tumblr feminist” get much angrier and much shoutier than she ever did in that video where she was trying to read a statement and got continually interrupted. Seeing her constantly scapegoated just infuriates me on a number of levels. As a fellow Canadian. As a fellow Torontonian. As a University of Toronto alumnus. Hell, just as a human being.
Seriously, if the she’s the only example you guys have of this stereotype you’ve conjured in your heads, maybe it’s not real.
@History Nerd
1)The current budget slashes he social safety net and privatizes infrastructure. This is the opposite of anything that can meaningfully be called socialism
2)Do I need to explain again why economic conservatism inevitably reinforces social conservatism ? Cos I’m pretty sure you’ve been in threads where it’s come up before.
3)And he also said a whole lot of racist, misogynist, and generally bigoted shit, and his voters lapped it up.
I put “conservative socialism” in quotes for a reason (the Nazis claimed to be “socialists”). I’m talking more about how Trump’s supporters perceived his economic policies during the election rather than the current budget. He was a textbook example of a fascist candidate supported by fascists.
PeeVee: I’m glad you reacted the way you did. At first it seemed heavy handed but to be honest, sometimes you just need to shock people you know with how disgusted you are at their actions. It could be the only way they learn something.
God knows we’ve been handling the right wingers with kid gloves for far too long. Foot should have been put down a long time ago.
Ugh. Does everyone else remember the days when we Mammotheers thought the alt right was just a laughable little online circle jerk that was too pitiful to be a danger to real life? That was only a couple of years ago.
Ooooh, another good one, “Rancid Harlot Water”!!! LMAO thanks, Abunga!
It looks like you didnae want to read too closely, I suspect you kept one eye closed so it wouldn’t assault your delicate senses too violently, but we ol’ crones are talking about how we have unexpectedly become less hirsute in our decrepitude, not increasingly so and gorilla-like. Poor sad Miggsy, I suppose you wouldn’t have any clear idea of how much or how little body hair any women might or might not have.
Tra la laaaa! I hope you can smell my menses from there!!
Thanks. She has gotten a bit more…strident…in her views in the last few years; I don’t know if it’s a sign of the times, or what. I love her dearly, but.
Ohhh, he’s back! Yay! More, more, dance little mgtow-puppet!
He’s like one of those nickname-generators!
Dreemr, I think I love you.
Weirdly enough, my fiance has never let the state of my body hair deter him from sleeping with me. It’s almost as if, in the real world, shit like that doesn’t matter. The mind, it boggles.
But what about the menses?!
@Alan ROFLMAO!!!!! I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything. 😀
As far as I can tell, the alt-right grew out of people who supported Ron Paul’s presidential campaigns (including many people on Reddit and 4chan). They decided they didn’t like certain aspects of right-libertarianism, like the idea that, say, feminists should be allowed to speak and write freely. So they “discovered” fascism.
@zaunfink – *curtsies*
@Alan – priceless!
I love how they don’t understand that Sharia Law is the exact opposite of liberalism and there’s no way that’s ever something that we plankton eaters would ever want.
And it’s not just here that I’ve seen those of the far-right persuasion make that claim. I’ve seen others in stories at Right Wing Watch say the same thing. They have no idea what Sharia Law actually is.
Fuck off, miggy.
How the hell has Multiple Account Miggs not raged himself into an aneurysm yet? Saved by his lack of a brain, I suppose.
“If you keep doing that, your face will get stuck !” but with meltdowns instead, I guess. Then it got literal.
@ scout
99% of sharia law is pretty non controversial. It’s just another legal system like the common law or code Napoleonique. Prior to 1066 people living in the Danelaw in England would have found much of it very familiar. We’ve used a few sharia things in deals. There are certain tax/accounting advantages in the way ‘interest’ on loans is dealt with.
In the UK parties can agree to adopt any legal system and use any tribunals they see fit, including sharia, in civil proceedings. The regular courts therfore don’t have first instance jurisdiction (UK courts can hear appeals from sharia courts). There’s some controversy around family matters, but generally thousands of cases are dealt with every year without anyone batting an eyelid.
It’s actually a pretty interesting topic.
Spencer is also making Magneto a freaking Nazi.
I don’t know much about the X-Men, but isn’t Magneto an Auschwitz survivor?
It sounds like an interesting topic! I am a history junkie, so I’d love to learn more on that! Thanks! 🙂
If men are supposed to have hairy legs and women are supposed to have hairless legs, then how come women grow leg hair? Why do we need to buy shaving products to maintain our supposed natural and correct “nubile” feminine state?
Inb4 he tries to argue with your statement with something like “why do we grow cancer cells if we’re not supposed to get cancer?” Yes, someone has compared leg hair to cancer before.