We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.
I feel fairly certain that Mr. Abunga has not actually read more than about five words of the blog.
How f*cking typical is it, for a slobbering horde of wannabe cop-killing vagina knights and window smashing booger sluts, who sing the praises of terrorists like the Black Panthers, to back down and clutch pearls when the dog shit is on the other foot.
MGTOWabunga does have a way with words!
You animals prize violence and you know it – you invite terrorists into society in the hopes that they will erase white civilization through violence and the instatement of sharia law, you agitate through timber-rattling bedlam for the forceable exchange of resources from the producers of society to the lowly jack-booted masked sickle-and-hammer sporting, unwashed plankton-eaters in black bloc …
… and you riot like disorderly she-tornados and werebonobos whenever some person with more melanin in their skin than the law allows gets shot for fighting with the police.
Or shot in the back while walking away from the police. Or for being a 12-year-old playing with a toy gun.
If self-awareness could be stored in a checking account, you numbskulls would have overdraft fees that even Bill Gates couldn’t cover. I don’t see anything wrong with what Trumpsters are doing;
“Trumpsters?” You mean the guys who show up at demonstrations with sticks and shields and helmets and shin-guards? You know, like “based stickman” here, already the subject of countless adoring alt-right memes?

… all I see are people who are tired of being assaulted and harassed by poorly-dressed vandals who idolize Bakunin and think that such corner stones of civilized society like “freedom of speech” are instruments of oppression manufactured by white bourgeois despots to provide cover to “fascists” (read: anyone to the right of Trotsky).
You know, I’m fairly certain this “fascist,” shown here at that recent Berkeley thing, doesn’t really merit the scare quotes.
Nor these guys.
An hey, here’s the guy who gave that speech that got these guys so excited.
And oh, look, it’s hacker-Nazi Weev. Might I draw your attention to that giant fucking swastika tattoo on his chest?
And, hey, it’s Andrew Anglin from the Daily Stormer, in case the name of his website and his harassment of Jews and his frequent paeans to Hitler weren’t enough of a clue.
So, yeah, while it is kind of a political cheap trick to call people fascists when they’re not fascists, the alt-right today is lousy with honest-to-goodness no-scare-quotes actual real no-kidding genuine draft fascists. So I think that’s maybe what we’ll be calling them?
Boy, remember back when Godwin’s Law was a real thing and not just some faint fond memory?
Oh, but MGTOWabunga is still going.
I don’t condone violence and I have no intention of practicing it, but when you start destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists,” and vandalizing buses driven by people that you don’t like,
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that no one here is destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists” (or even fascists). Some of us, it’s true, may have laughed a little at a video of one fascist (no scare quotes) getting punched, because, you know, HE’S A FUCKING NAZI. And it’s possible that some of us don’t really feel terrible that a bus on a cross-country transphobic hate tour got spraypainted because, you know, the people driving the bus don’t think trans folks have a right to exist.
… you forfeit any claim that you might have that you are “peaceful protestors,” and that your rights need to be respected …
But when literal neo-Nazis show up to demonstration with helmets and shields, and start literally hitting people with sticks, their rights do need to be respected?
you fucking syphilitic devil-llamas, wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobins from Hell.
You mean like this guy?
I don’t know if he or she a devil. I just found this picture on the internet. I don’t even know if this particular devil-llama, or any devil-llamas, even read the blog, honestly.
But I think they’d enjoy it
“destroying things”
Man, they really do not know the difference between vandalism and violence. I guess lacking the ability to recognize the humanity of anyone besides yourself might have that as a side effect.
I’ve run across that shit on mainstream sites like Raw Story. Like, yeah, sorry, it doesn’t make it right just because your grampa did it. My paternal grandfather went after his wife with a meat cleaver, and I don’t use that to justify attempted murder.
‘After decades of never needing to, I’m carrying supplies at all times now.’
I always did anyway, in case other people needed any…but now I could start bleeding any time, anywhere. I’ve heard people say the end of your menstruating life can be a lot like the beginning of it.
Re hair and aging—I understand a lot of women get facial hair during menopause, but for decades I’ve had enough facial hair to shave every day so that wouldn’t be a new thing for me.
@Chrone star – good on you for continuing to question the things you’re hearing instead of just accepting what fed your insecurities. And by all means, keep questioning.
I’ve learned a lot here, but most especially I’ve learned to always question what I believe on a daily basis and to not get lazy and think I already know the answers. I have learned to challenge myself to really think through a position to be sure it’s something I honestly support.
Internet hug if that’s something you’re into, and welcome.
Wow. This guy is something else. And by ‘something else’ I mean not worthy of the label ‘human’. How and why does the world continue to produce morons of this calibre?
Re: relative hairiness later in life
I, too, thought I would get hairier as I aged. When I was younger, especially, I had heavy dark eyebrows that I had to wax regularly to keep from becoming caterpiller monobrow, so I was really looking forward to a time in later life when I felt I would be sporting magnificent wizard-eyebrows like Gandalf or Dumbledore.
Imagine my crushing disappointment to find myself now in my early 50s and not only do I NOT have wildly extravagant wizard brows, but they are becoming very scanty and thin! I haven’t had to wax them in years, and forget possible monobrow – I may have to start using an eyebrow pencil in 10 years just so I don’t have that “blank” face look.
Ditto pubic hair and leg hair. It’s just…disappearing. I really thought that as a dark-skinned, dark-eyed brunette that I’d be a lot hairier in my old age and I’m just…not.
Bonus points for me today: Just started my period. So, Miggie, if you’re reading this? I’m actively bleeding at this very moment as you read. Cheers, darling.
Just finished page two; might as well get my nym change going. It makes me think of a new super-hero persona I’ll call F5. A middle-aged Meteorology professor experiences a freak accident while tornado chasing with her research team and finds that she can create dust devils and water spouts as well as control tornadoes in progress. Hilarity ensues when she starts menopause!
I know MGTOWabunga would be upset to know he was of service, but seriously, I now have a considerable list of handles and passwords.
@ Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut:
It’s a terrible idea, I agree.
I just read an explanation of this storyline recently, but cannot seem to track down the link. It seems to me that the article linked above is fundamentally misunderstanding the whole retroactive-reality-shaping plotline here.
As I understand it, the Cap that we know and love, who punched Hitler and fought Nazis and so on, was absolutely real. Marvel is not saying that in the comics previously published, Cap was secretly evil. Rather, it’s basically a time-travel plot, that as of the beginning of this storyline, reshaped Cap’s past. So a year ago, Cap had always been a good guy (no question about that), but as of today he’s always been a bad guy… however, that new “always” is temporary. I hope that makes sense.
Regardless, I don’t think it was a good idea at all on a storytelling level to do this, either. I mean, I see how it’s shocking and unexpected to turn a character into more or less their ethical opposite, but… this altered reality isn’t one I personally care to see explored. Making something shocking isn’t the same as making something worth reading about.
I understand that comics are a difficult medium in many regards. Stories about static characters become more and more repetitive over time, so writers are encouraged to change things up so they can explore other facets of the characters we know and love. Those changes are however almost always very temporary; e.g. having Superman Red and Blue, or Spider-Man in the symbiote costume, or a myriad of other examples.
Anyhow, to help tide any Cap fans over, I suggest reading the excellent “Steve Rogers: PR Disaster”. It’s both hilarious and quite Mammoth-appropriate in ways I don’t wish to spoil.
Well, something good came out of this letter (outside of the joy of mockery). A new ‘nym!
Dammit, I should have known that my new monicker would have already been taken. *shakes fist at Makroth* Seriously though, wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy sounds like the sort of thing Yosemite Sam would say.
@ Collateral Thought
I’m only a casual Cap fan, and I haven’t read the comics in question, so my issues with Marvel right now is kinda overlapping with yours. I don’t see why any editor/writer thought this story was a good idea, and I don’t see why Marvel suits are being kinda-sorta tone deaf in how they handle the controversy. It’s not like the comics fanbase is as big as it used to be, and angering your readers is never a good look for a publisher.
Just checking that my extended nym shows up.
Re: Captain America
Maybe they could re-jump the shark to fix it. Reveal that everyone, literally everyone in the world, is working for Hydra. The organization is just so compartmentalized no one knows it.
Though maybe that takes “comic” to literally.
There are laws limiting how much melanin one can have in their skin? The more you know, I guess!
@Collateral Thought
I love “Steve Rogers: PR Disaster” so much, and am always happy to have an excuse to read it again.
The Mainstream Media portrays the protests in Berkeley as “pro-Trump” vs. “anti-Trump,” but that misrepresents what’s really been going on.
People from the various Nazi, white nationalist, and far-right groups have been coming to Berkeley at least once per month for the past few months with the intent of provoking a violent confrontation. Berkeley is a traditionally left-wing city in case you weren’t aware. It’s gotten worse with each protest. There are some non-fascist pro-Trump people, but they’re not the ones the anti-fascist protesters are focused on.
Fascists are trying to push a narrative that they’re the “silent majority” and that far-right views are politically “moderate.” Plus, anyone to their left is violent and dangerous and the government must treat them as terrorists. The far-right’s end-goal is to set up an authoritarian government and send members of the so-called “extreme left” to labor camps or detention centers, along with Jews, other minorities, people with disabilities, etc.
Captain America (I hate this storyline too and want it to end as soon as possible)…
I’m betting on: the whole Nazi Cap thing will be revealed to be an alternate timeline infecting the main continuity thanks to all the reality warping. Then time will snap back and erase the whole thing (well, except the AU’s own world which will get an alternate reality number).
I obviously read way too many comics. :/
@History Nerd
This is an untrue and harmful statement. Trump ran on a fascist platform, people who support him are fascists. Full stop.
But the trains run on time!
Yes. I should say “not explicitly neo-Nazi or white nationalist.”
He ran on a platform of bigotry and hatred, supported by fascists and bigots of all stripes.
Don’t hand-wave that shit away as “Oh, well not EVERYONE who supported him supports those groups!”, because they are supporting that with their support of Trump.
By not calling that bigoted shit out and by standing by Trump and all his bullshit, they’re supporting these groups through their inaction and their silence.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. – Desmond Tutu”
EDIT: Ninja’d on the response, but my point still stands for lurkers who might say the same thing.
Thanks for correcting yourself there, History Nerd.
Absolutely true. Some of them just hate women. The racism was just a pleasant side dish…
The economic policies Trump supported during his campaign were textbook Spenglerian “conservative socialism,” which was ideologically important in many fascist states. Its selling point is avoiding the “excesses of capitalism” without dismantling social hierarchy or economic inequality.
On foreign policy, Trump said we shouldn’t invade other countries unless we’re taking their natural resources for ourselves (“why can’t we just take the oil,” etc.). It’s also a part of fascist ideology that you invade other countries to get their land or natural resources.
So it’s not like Trump “just” said all this bigoted shit.
My MIL voted for Trump. She is 83.
At Easter, we were sitting down to eat, and as she was lowering the sunblind in the diningroom, she stood there peering out the window…so I asked her what she was looking at.
“I’m watching the Muslim family that lives over there.” (Their back yard abuts the other family’s back yard.) “I watch them all the time.”
“Oh, you never know what they may do.”
So, pissed off, I asked her, “And what have you learned?”
“Nothing. They don’t do anything suspicious.”
“EXACTLY!! They’re just living their lives! What are you spying on them for? Would you like it if every time you looked up, they were watching you? Leave them the hell alone, Ruth! You’re acting like Alice Kravitz!”
I told her, this is how it started in Nazi Germany, and she’s repeating the same fucking behavior. Yeah, neighbor against neighbor, observe and report, and here we are celebrating Easter. Start behaving in a more Christlike manner, Pharisees.
God, I was revolted.