alt-right anti-Semitism drama kings entitled babies grandiosity Islamophobia literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit transphobia

Booger Sluts and She-Tornados: An unsolicited critique of We Hunted the Mammoth

Typical WHTM readers relaxing at home

We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.

I feel fairly certain that Mr. Abunga has not actually read more than about five words of the blog.

How f*cking typical is it, for a slobbering horde of wannabe cop-killing vagina knights and window smashing booger sluts, who sing the praises of terrorists like the Black Panthers, to back down and clutch pearls when the dog shit is on the other foot.

MGTOWabunga does have a way with words!

You animals prize violence and you know it – you invite terrorists into society in the hopes that they will erase white civilization through violence and the instatement of sharia law, you agitate through timber-rattling bedlam for the forceable exchange of resources from the producers of society to the lowly jack-booted masked sickle-and-hammer sporting, unwashed plankton-eaters in black bloc …


… and you riot like disorderly she-tornados and werebonobos whenever some person with more melanin in their skin than the law allows gets shot for fighting with the police.

Or shot in the back while walking away from the police. Or for being a 12-year-old playing with a toy gun.

If self-awareness could be stored in a checking account, you numbskulls would have overdraft fees that even Bill Gates couldn’t cover. I don’t see anything wrong with what Trumpsters are doing;

“Trumpsters?” You mean the guys who show up at demonstrations with sticks and shields and helmets and shin-guards? You know, like “based stickman” here, already the subject of countless adoring alt-right memes?

Love the font

… all I see are people who are tired of being assaulted and harassed by poorly-dressed vandals who idolize Bakunin and think that such corner stones of civilized society like “freedom of speech” are instruments of oppression manufactured by white bourgeois despots to provide cover to “fascists” (read: anyone to the right of Trotsky).

You know, I’m fairly certain this “fascist,” shown here at that recent Berkeley thing, doesn’t really merit the scare quotes.

Nor these guys.

An hey, here’s the guy who gave that speech that got these guys so excited.

And oh, look, it’s hacker-Nazi Weev. Might I draw your attention to that giant fucking swastika tattoo on his chest?

And, hey, it’s Andrew Anglin from the Daily Stormer, in case the name of his website and his harassment of Jews and his frequent paeans to Hitler weren’t enough of a clue.

So, yeah, while it is kind of a political cheap trick to call people fascists when they’re not fascists, the alt-right today is lousy with honest-to-goodness no-scare-quotes actual real no-kidding genuine draft fascists. So I think that’s maybe what we’ll be calling them?

Boy, remember back when Godwin’s Law was a real thing and not just some faint fond memory?

Oh, but MGTOWabunga is still going.

I don’t condone violence and I have no intention of practicing it, but when you start destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists,” and vandalizing buses driven by people that you don’t like,

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that no one here is destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists” (or even fascists). Some of us, it’s true, may have laughed a little at a video of one fascist (no scare quotes) getting punched, because, you know, HE’S A FUCKING NAZI. And it’s possible that some of us don’t really feel terrible that a bus on a cross-country transphobic hate tour got spraypainted because, you know, the people driving the bus don’t think trans folks have a right to exist.

… you forfeit any claim that you might have that you are “peaceful protestors,” and that your rights need to be respected …

But when literal neo-Nazis show up to demonstration with helmets and shields, and start literally hitting people with sticks, their rights do need to be respected?

you fucking syphilitic devil-llamas, wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobins from Hell.


You mean like this guy?

I don’t know if he or she a devil. I just found this picture on the internet. I don’t even know if this particular devil-llama, or any devil-llamas, even read the blog, honestly.

But I think they’d enjoy it

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7 years ago

I sure hope more than one of us can be a Vagina Knight. What shape of table should we have?


some person with more melanin in their skin than the law allows


7 years ago


Definitely this; I was amazed this twit had ever heard of him.

My guess is that he knows nothing of Bakunin beyond “the urge to destroy is also a creative urge”.

Anyway, I don’t idolise Bakunin. I idolise Bokonon. Easy mistake.

7 years ago

some person with more melanin in their skin than the law allows

???? We have no laws in this country (at least not that I am aware of, and I did go through pre-law, but switched to Biology because law school didn’t really feel as good as Biology) that regulate the amount of melanin you are allowed to have in your skin. And the day that law gets passed, I think everybody with a heart, a brain, and a conscience needs to pack up and leave the country to sink or swim on its own. If these folks can successfully run a country, more power to them at that point.

No, you know, I think we should kick them out and repeal the law. Why let them have all the resources? Let them form their own country on a desert island somewhere where they won’t bother anyone.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

“How f*cking typical is it, for a slobbering horde of wannabe cop-killing vagina knights and window smashing booger sluts, who sing the praises of terrorists like the Black Panthers, to back down and clutch pearls when the dog shit is on the other foot.”

Reading that sentence robbed me of precious brain cells. It’s like that was a phrase coined by a neural net computer.

7 years ago

you riot like disorderly […] werebonobos

I wonder which animal he actually meant, there. A werebonobo riot sounds more salacious than destructive.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite


That’s the base of the problem with all of the miggytoe and alt-rights, right there in a nutshell. It’s only bad if we do it, they should be allowed just to do whatever they want, without any rules or intervention, no matter who suffers because they’re the only ones who deserve any rights, because they’re special.

That sounds like the “special pleading” fallacy. Without pressing this troll for more that could fit.

I’ve been trying to figure out the different possibilities for why the rhetoric like this works for them in other contexts. With this troll and others I’ve seen the unstated assumption seems to be that the people being violent connected to them are “not really my group” in their assumptions. So the violent people are not representative of their whole group. But the violent people connected to “that person’s group” are assumed to be the same as all of the members of that group.

Of course in reality the violence and the group are not the same for both groups. One can assess opinions, arguments, claims and more for both groups and think about individuals that get violent.

They need to feel the justification that the other group is inherently violent in order to interact with one another when it comes to social strategy. That assumption is probably part of what lets them drive the culture towards a physically violent inch by inch.


I think the reason why projection is the most common trait seen in these screeds is that they are unable to imagine someone who might feel differently about things. Most of us get some idea what others are thinking and feeling through the use of imagination and empathy, things these poor creeps are incapable of. So the only thing they can do is think about what they would do, if they were a {insert slang for someone they don’t like here}.

I’ve been wrestling with this one, it’s tricky because there are similar things that are not strictly speaking psychological projection. But they do share the basic feature of strategically assuming a behavior they are themselves capable of. It actually shares components with empathy in that it does recognize a general human behavior. So they can recognize the behavior. But here they don’t see it in people associated with their group or assume they are “not true group member”, and only see or assume it’s innate in “not my group”.
Also see “false flag”.

So there is recognizing the behavior and mentally placing innate/not innate on violence with respect to out group/in group. I’m at the point where I’m trying to figure out where to place social pressure. Forcing them to defend their assumption of innateness is the most straightforward.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I’m changing my name to PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic, if it ever gets out of moderation.

And yeah, that’s Miggs, all right.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic
7 years ago


7 years ago

Slightly off topic, but whenever I hear (or see) someone use any version of the word “union” as if it were a slur or an insult, I am 100% positive we are just not going to agree on almost any goddamn thing ever down the line.

Slightly on topic, I bet this guy thinks forgetting to put mayo on your sandwich is white genocide.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

I’m agreeing with the hive mind. That definitely had the odor of seagull to it. Since I know he loves hearing about periods and he’s likely reading this, I’m just going to go ahead and note that I’m totally pmsing right now and feel like rioting.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago


My initial impression was that the ‘werebonobo’ thing is a reference to your old nym.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

“fascists” (read: anyone to the right of Trotsky)

It always amuses me how little these people see of the variety in political views…


I’m changing my name to PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic, if it ever gets out of moderation

Awww… I liked ‘Noice’. Ah well, rattle your timber proudly, booger slut *salutes*

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Alan: I’m inclined to agree.

WWTH: there will be ketchup-spewage to be had, soon. Try not to shatter any windows.

Miggs: GO, ALREADY!!!

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Okay, may as well wait this mod out, too.

7 years ago

Where is Miggs? No joke I can’t see his post anywhere.

Oh, well then. I feel a bit silly 😛

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I do, too, Axe. So I incorporated it into the name.

Once they get out of mod, Imma have, like 5 posts that have constantly changing nyms, lol.

Ooglyboggles, he wrote the OP David based this on.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

The letter David is critiquing in the main article.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Ooglyboggles, goodness, don’t! It’s a perfectly reasonable question! Given how he changes his nym constantly, (she says with a bit of irony) it’s a logical question.

7 years ago

In honor of our seagull-eating friend, I think we should have a bit of Period Chat now.

My periods have been super-heavy ever since I got my copper IUD a couple years ago. I know they’d be much lighter if I had a hormonal one instead, but I don’t want to deal with mood swings!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

How does this sound for a translation? I incorporated some of the observations of other posters and added my own interpretation of “werebonobo” in addition to other things. It could be a personal attack on weirwoodtreehugger, but it could also be a standard racist reference to apes, or both if this person is that creative with the overt and conscious racism.

“Some black people shot police officers, you support groups of black people acting politically, and you care about issues related to people with vaginas, I assert you tend to retreat from a position and act outraged when someone in your group commits violence.”

“You act like you hate violence but I assert you like it because: you want to Muslims, Arabs, and people from “that list of countries” to violently destroy “white civilization”, you act politically to change our tax policy to one that emphasizes soviet union economic policy related-people I assume add nothing to society, don’t bathe, eat only plants and wear similar black identity concealing clothing while acting politically. You also raise your voice and remind me of monkeys.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with some un-named behavior that you complained about that was associated with people who voted for and socially support Donald Trump. So instead of mentioning the things you actually complained about, I will act like you are all despotic soviet union economic policy-related people who want the government to oppress middle class white people like me from talking about something (read-anyone who reminds me of someone politically significant from the soviet union in the early 1900’s).”

“I am mentally and socially non-violent but, because some people likely to have similar politics to yours were violent, claim I and/or people politically associated with me have fascist characteristics, and destroy property, I get to assume you are violent too and violate your rights.”

*sex-disease-evil passive animal-1800’s american west explosion-property destruction-unhygienic behavior-economic subordinate social power-socially impulsive evil democrat cooties*

(The last bit was mostly repetition and synonyms with a reference to democrats tossed in so I did it a different way)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

This is definitely seagull guy.

He saved us some time and directly mailed his meltdown to David.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

all I see are people who are tired of being assaulted and harassed by poorly-dressed vandals

Poorly dressed?!

You’ve gone too far.

Never have I been so massively insulted by a MGTOW.

7 years ago

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of boogersluts–and plankton-feasts–
Of syphlitic devil-lamas-
And if seagulls are good to eat
And she-tornadoes have wings.”

In menstrual news, I’m 52 and still waiting for gosh darn menopause to show up. READY ANYTIME HINT HINT. But no, it’s still a heavy sticky mess every month, and in fact it’s about every 22-24 days now. I have another close friend the same age and every month we hope, and every month we are disappointed together. We are constantly relating our symptoms to each other and bucking each other up with “I’m sure that’s a sign of perimenopause!” and other empty assurances.

It’s actually become a running joke between us – “Oh dammit, I forgot to take some chicken out to thaw for dinner tonight” “PROBABLY A SIGN OF PERIMENOPAUSE” “I actually got pretty good gas mileage on my recent trip to see my mom” “MUST BE PERIMENOPAUSE I BET”

Yeah, we think we are hilarious.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Menstrual periods?

I love to talk about them!

I used to wrap my bloody pads up in toilet paper really well and throw them in the bathroom garbage can.

And then our dog would sniff them out, tip the garbage can over, and start gnawing on them, strewing pieces of bloody pad all over the bathroom.

She seemed to be fervently devoted to the female principle. Good girl!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago