alt-right anti-Semitism drama kings entitled babies grandiosity Islamophobia literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit transphobia

Booger Sluts and She-Tornados: An unsolicited critique of We Hunted the Mammoth

Typical WHTM readers relaxing at home

We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.

I feel fairly certain that Mr. Abunga has not actually read more than about five words of the blog.

How f*cking typical is it, for a slobbering horde of wannabe cop-killing vagina knights and window smashing booger sluts, who sing the praises of terrorists like the Black Panthers, to back down and clutch pearls when the dog shit is on the other foot.

MGTOWabunga does have a way with words!

You animals prize violence and you know it – you invite terrorists into society in the hopes that they will erase white civilization through violence and the instatement of sharia law, you agitate through timber-rattling bedlam for the forceable exchange of resources from the producers of society to the lowly jack-booted masked sickle-and-hammer sporting, unwashed plankton-eaters in black bloc …


… and you riot like disorderly she-tornados and werebonobos whenever some person with more melanin in their skin than the law allows gets shot for fighting with the police.

Or shot in the back while walking away from the police. Or for being a 12-year-old playing with a toy gun.

If self-awareness could be stored in a checking account, you numbskulls would have overdraft fees that even Bill Gates couldn’t cover. I don’t see anything wrong with what Trumpsters are doing;

“Trumpsters?” You mean the guys who show up at demonstrations with sticks and shields and helmets and shin-guards? You know, like “based stickman” here, already the subject of countless adoring alt-right memes?

Love the font

… all I see are people who are tired of being assaulted and harassed by poorly-dressed vandals who idolize Bakunin and think that such corner stones of civilized society like “freedom of speech” are instruments of oppression manufactured by white bourgeois despots to provide cover to “fascists” (read: anyone to the right of Trotsky).

You know, I’m fairly certain this “fascist,” shown here at that recent Berkeley thing, doesn’t really merit the scare quotes.

Nor these guys.

An hey, here’s the guy who gave that speech that got these guys so excited.

And oh, look, it’s hacker-Nazi Weev. Might I draw your attention to that giant fucking swastika tattoo on his chest?

And, hey, it’s Andrew Anglin from the Daily Stormer, in case the name of his website and his harassment of Jews and his frequent paeans to Hitler weren’t enough of a clue.

So, yeah, while it is kind of a political cheap trick to call people fascists when they’re not fascists, the alt-right today is lousy with honest-to-goodness no-scare-quotes actual real no-kidding genuine draft fascists. So I think that’s maybe what we’ll be calling them?

Boy, remember back when Godwin’s Law was a real thing and not just some faint fond memory?

Oh, but MGTOWabunga is still going.

I don’t condone violence and I have no intention of practicing it, but when you start destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists,” and vandalizing buses driven by people that you don’t like,

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that no one here is destroying things, punching people, threatening to kill cops and “fascists” (or even fascists). Some of us, it’s true, may have laughed a little at a video of one fascist (no scare quotes) getting punched, because, you know, HE’S A FUCKING NAZI. And it’s possible that some of us don’t really feel terrible that a bus on a cross-country transphobic hate tour got spraypainted because, you know, the people driving the bus don’t think trans folks have a right to exist.

… you forfeit any claim that you might have that you are “peaceful protestors,” and that your rights need to be respected …

But when literal neo-Nazis show up to demonstration with helmets and shields, and start literally hitting people with sticks, their rights do need to be respected?

you fucking syphilitic devil-llamas, wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobins from Hell.


You mean like this guy?

I don’t know if he or she a devil. I just found this picture on the internet. I don’t even know if this particular devil-llama, or any devil-llamas, even read the blog, honestly.

But I think they’d enjoy it

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Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

crib notes version:


7 years ago


You rang?

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

She-tornado? Hmm. Can I get “shark week-nado” to happen?

Godzilla Roberts
Godzilla Roberts
7 years ago

I love people who use long lines of badly written metaphor and simile to hide the fact that they really have no god damned idea what they’re talking about. xD

That being said, hey! Aren’t you supposed to ask before you put video of me flying around on my witch’s chair on your website?! 😛

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
7 years ago

Still over here fascinated about what a “booger slut” could possibly be. God knows what sort of kinky stuff these Nazis are into.

7 years ago

wow. gotta give the guy this: he’s real good at coming up with nonsensical insults.

7 years ago

He sounds a bit like the seagull-eating Miggy, actually.

7 years ago

Devil-llama is going to be my nickname the next time I need one. That’s awesome.

… you forfeit any claim that you might have that you are “peaceful protestors,” and that your rights need to be respected …

But when literal neo-Nazis show up to demonstration with helmets and shields, and start literally hitting people with sticks, their rights do need to be respected?

That’s the base of the problem with all of the miggytoe and alt-rights, right there in a nutshell. It’s only bad if we do it, they should be allowed just to do whatever they want, without any rules or intervention, no matter who suffers because they’re the only ones who deserve any rights, because they’re special.

And well. Soap-averse? Since when is Mr. I-don’t-wanna-wipe-my-ass, also known as Roosh V, part of WHTM? Is he a undercover feminist? Is it all just an act to gain Intel? Are the Illuminati overlords real? Is this a conspiracy? Is this the real life? Is it just fantasy?

7 years ago

more melanin in their skin than the law allows

Does he think being black is illegal? I’m not sure how else to parse that.

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
7 years ago

Looks like someone finally cracked open that thesaurus he got for Christmas.

And ate it, probably with turkey gravy & a side of cranberry sauce. Because it is obvious that he can regurgitate words but doesn’t actually know what they mean.

Matteo Suppo
Matteo Suppo
7 years ago

Whenever I read these things this is what I think:

comment image

7 years ago

@guest: It’s a Dunning-Kruger specimen’s notion of what smart sounds like.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ ariblester

or, at least, they think they do

*Puts down soylent sandwich*


Rus Block
Rus Block
7 years ago

who the fuck is Bakunin ? i should know about the person i idolize…

7 years ago

I think the reason why projection is the most common trait seen in these screeds is that they are unable to imagine someone who might feel differently about things. Most of us get some idea what others are thinking and feeling through the use of imagination and empathy, things these poor creeps are incapable of. So the only thing they can do is think about what they would do, if they were a {insert slang for someone they don’t like here}.

The result is, of course, pathetic. And easily recognizable, which is why these people simply cannot get laid.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Yeah, that’s Miggs. Who reminds me of Arks, a troll from yesteryear.

CleverForAGirl - she tornado
CleverForAGirl - she tornado
7 years ago

Oooh lookit! He MAD!

Nazis sure do get pissy when people decide to hit back.

Just wanted to give fellow USians a heads up that Sunday is some sort of alt right flyer posting day so be safe, don’t tear down flyers with your bare hands, and be prepared for armed shitlords wandering the streets.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

I want to know what boogers, sluts, and window smashing all have to do with one another.

7 years ago

@Rus Block

Mikhail Bakunin was a 19th century Russian anarchist who wrote a bunch of stuff about anarcho-syndicalism, or anarcho-socialism as it’s known today. He was also a member of the International, and got into a bunch of fights with Marx over the direction the revolution should take and the role of the State.

Key points he made were the immoral nature of the State, and the need for economic changes as well as political. “Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.”

Kind of weird to see him mentioned in a fascist’s post, they don’t seem to know of any leftist figures other than Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago

She-tornadoes, werebonobos, and devil-llamas all sound friggin’ AWESOME!

I can just see this guy shouting at people in his life…
“You’re smart and attractive and people like you! HA! Try to recover from that sick burn!”

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Anarcho-syndicalism is totally still a thing, although arguably anarcho-socialism is a conceot that encompasses that as well as several other left anarchist tendencies.

Kind of weird to see him mentioned in a fascist’s post, they don’t seem to know of any leftist figures other than Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky.

Definitely this; I was amazed this twit had ever heard of him.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Release meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, David!

7 years ago

Don’t look now but Cassie is back and she’s on normal media now.

I think if she wins one more film festival, The Red Pill might turn into a real movie that people actually watch.

7 years ago


I suppose that is more accurate than what I wrote. Still surprising to see him mentioned, even in a negative context. I’m so used to having to explain why I’m not a Marxist, and that there are differences in anarchic schools of thought. Just the other month I had my brother ask how socialism and anarchy could coexist.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
7 years ago


Call me when White males are victims for real and not just in their fantasies. And our side needs to continue to resist Trump, his White Supremacist supporters and the entire GOP which has capitulated to him. Look at how many Republicans condemned Rep Steve King after his “white babies” comment. (Just joking because none of them did).