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Idiots, douchebags and idiotic douchebags defend Bill O’Reilly on Twitter

Bill O: He will be missed. By assholes.

As every single person on your Twitter timeline has no doubt informed you by now, the execrable Bill O’Reilly is finally — finally! — out at Fox News. Not everyone is happy with this development.

Here’s a roundup of some of what Bill’s fans are saying on Twitter about the ouster, which they variously blame on “libtards,” communists, Jews, George Soros, Barack Obama, the Saudis, and of course the “leftist whores” and “sluts” and “lying bitches” who accused Mr. O’Reilly of sexual harassment in the first place.

If you look closely at the tweets below, you may notice a cameo appearance by the former host of Love Connection.

Whatever one might say about Mr. O’Reilly, he certainly seems to have precisely the sort of fans he deserves.

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7 years ago

At first I was surprised by the number of O’Reilly defenders who claim to not be big fans of his, or not watch his show that often.

Then I remembered that what’s important isn’t defending O’Reilly so much as making sure women don’t ever have anything to feel positive about. Ever.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

chuck Woolery does not Know how to Use capital Letters apparently.

It’s interesting to see how many of those people claim never to have watched the show/not to be fans, and yet they’re all spun up over the VERY IDEA of a man being forced out due to sexual harassment accusations.

Ha, pre-empted I see. /shakes fist

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I love that Milo was tweeting at Bill-O to “call me”. So desperate for attention and slivers of credibility, that guy.

Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I hope his victims stay safe. The last thing they need to worry about is an O’Reilly fanboy deciding his idol needs to be avenged.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago

What’s sadly hilarious is that Fox News doesn’t care about the accusations. The only reason they got rid of O’Reilly is that the advertisers were dropping like flies. You know, that old “invisible hand of the free market”?

Also, what the hell is up with game show hosts being far right doorknobs? Chuck Woolery, Wink Martindale, Pat Sajak… I swear, I will kick a chair if Bob Barker starts rambling on about “cucks”.

7 years ago

Christ, these bastards are utterly vile.

The USA is full of racist, sexist thugs. It’s disgusting.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

You couldn’t tell me this sweet and rational gentleman could ever possibly be guilty

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No way!

Don’t forget, he’s abusive at home as well as at work

Also, what the hell is up with game show hosts being far right doorknobs? Chuck Woolery, Wink Martindale, Pat Sajak… I swear, I will kick a chair if Bob Barker starts rambling on about “cucks”.

Steve Harvey too. Well, I don’t know if he’s far right necessarily. But he is a misogynist. He’s recently got some heat for making racist comments about Asian men too.

7 years ago

My favorite part is all the men who say a they already didn’t watch Fox threatening to not watch extra double hard.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Want to know who got Bill O’Reilly in trouble? Bill O’Reilly.

No quarter. No mercy. The hate you sow is the hate you reap, creepy man.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

On topic, the fucker’s out. Wunderbar. Just gotta hope my grandma doesn’t go rantin’.

re: game show hosts

I can’t help but make a parallel to the recent issues with Pewdiepie and those that are connected to him || O’Reilly and various figures in the video entertainment industry. They might have had some interaction behind the scenes here, and now that O’Reilly’s in deep shit, they’re desperately trying to affirm some sort of connection, however useless it is now.

Also…why Steve? Why? Geh. Now I can’t watch Family Feud (well, the most recent version of it) in good conscience. (The only other Family Feud-related thing I’ve enjoyed in the past is a ludicrous TAS of the SNES home version involving trickery with the text parser, and that utilizes a racial slur.)

7 years ago

Unfortunately, this was not about Billo being an awful human being. It was all about the Benjamins. Major advertisers were fleeing Talking Points. The fans were not moving, he actually added some more viewers.

Those nasty tweeters going on, and on, and on, where only the tip of the iceberg. Lots of angry, pasty-faced people where watching that program and loving it.

This also allows Billo more time with his ghostwriter to churn out ever more sludge that will be snatched up by those same angry, pasty-faced yahoos.

Fox will most likely toss him a very nice and rather large golden parachute for his troubles. Serial pussy-grabber and nasty man Rodger Ailes parachute was not merely golden, but diamond encrusted. I expect Billo’s to bedazzled with a few rubies, emeralds and sapphires along with the usual cloth of gold these things are made of. Billo will never have to work again, not that he was working all that hard to begin with.

7 years ago

If anyone hasn’t heard of “Those Who Trespass” before, I suggest listening to this review of Bill’s revenge/sex fantasies.

And yes, O’Reilly read the audiobook version himself. A few years back someone bought a copy and posted some of the good clips, but that is no longer online. It needs to happen again.

7 years ago


How do you NOT watch something, extra double hard? What they gonna do? Turn the tv off, then on? Punch a couple extra buttons on the remote to reach a new channel? Press input extra times?

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7 years ago

An audiobook with O’Reilly reading what are obviously his own sexual fantasies?

How could the universe allow such an abomination to exist? Fuck it, I’m waking Cthulhu.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Fox was their right-wing news source until they dropped ‘their’ Bill. Now Fox is SWJ/cucks/leftist news and should be denounced as fake news! Everything they don’t like is fake news pandering.

Their labels don’t really matter. What’s true in the end to them is that anything that isn’t them or following their a are all cucks/libtards/leftist propaganda etc.

I hope the victims and all those affected are safe and well. I don’t expect much from those defending O’riley so the victim-blaming wasn’t suprsing, just disgusting.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

The Majority Report has for quite a while been using a sound clip from Bill-O’s porn book, where he says:

Say baby, put down that pipe and get MY pipe UP!

And he sounds so fucking angry when he says it, too.

7 years ago

I’m so done with the new SJW network known as @FoxNews

Social Justice? Fox Fucking News? I….Wa…Fu….you….you think that…..

I don’t even know what reality these people live in anymore.

7 years ago

@Imaginary Petal – ick.

In other, more confessional news, et tu, Chuck Woolery? I had such a crush on him back in the 70s when he hosted the original Wheel of Fortune. Alas, my preteen passion was not the sort to inspire me to keep up with his career since that time; it burned only too briefly and brightly, which I now know was a blessing. We’ll always have that awful Dalmatian dog statue, Chuck!

7 years ago

This is wonderful, wonderful news!

I think I’ll call my mommy, and CASUALLY mention it to her.

Like I mentioned in an earlier thread, she’s an O’Reilly fan. I think she secretly has the hots for him; it’s so disgusting.

She gave my husband his shitty “Killing Jesus” book for Christmas one year. What a waste of money.

She pressed his “A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity” on me to read; I made it halfway through, before I got sick of the book title being constantly repeated throughout, as Bill bragged about himself, and threw the book aside. Besides, doesn’t that title just BEG for parody, and mockery? “A Pungent Fresh Piece of Dogshit”, anyone? I’m sure there are people with more talent than I have, in this area.

7 years ago

dammit blockquote mammoth.

“I’m so done with the new SJW network known as @FoxNews”

Social Justice? Fox Fucking News? I….Wa…Fu….you….you think that…..

I don’t even know what reality these people live in anymore.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

As is often the case these guys don’t know their right wing history. Joseph McCarthy was one of their guys. I’m sure O’Reilly has claimed at some point that McCarthy was right, and horribly mistreated by the left and the media.

7 years ago

Doesn’t Chuck Woolery have back cream or reverse morgages to sell somewhere?

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

Wow. I’ve been waiting for this day for 15 years, ever since I read Al Franken’s book…

The Left knows The impression of accusations Lead to a feeling of guilt.

Yep, we sure do. Especially if you continue accusing someone of absurd things for two decades despite repeated investigations turning up precisely dick, until just enough people get plausible deniability for their misogynistic impulses.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Say baby, put down that pipe and get MY pipe UP!

Either his editor is a just as much a hack as he is, or they know they’d get fired for questioning his eminence and need the work

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