We are through the looking-glass, people!
On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a fellow calling himself huckleberryferry has a TERRIFYING new conspiracy theory: What if whenever there’s a news story about some famous rich and/or handsome dude who’s been done wrong by a woman, it’s actually a FALSE FLAG arranged by evil elites to make men feel bad about themselves, or something?
At least I think that’s what he’s trying to say. It’s a little hard to tell, because clearly the evil Satanic elites have been conspiring against huckleberryferry’s ability to write comprehensible prose.
If true, this is HUGE, and clearly the only way to fight back against these Top Satanic Elites is to post lots of stuff on Reddit about how women suck.
Yes, everything is made to make you feel bad.
David Futrelle
Is Huckleberryferry auditioning to be the new Alex Jones? It sure sounds like it
Well the current one is in a pretty rough spot right now with his personal dirty laundry getting aired in his custody suit, his lawyer making the case that he’s just playing a character and him desperately shouting he’s not.
Aaaaand here we have yet another reason why MGTOW aren’t really GTOW, but rather are driving women away from them with their cockamamie conspiracy theories. Each one of them is more inane than the last. It’s not feminism that’s ruining everything for you, guys…it’s your fucking conspiracy kookery. You are not super-rational beings who are too good for us evil dirty feeemales, you are silly dweebs in trilbies, getting your underoos in a bunch over some complete stranger’s divorce that has literally NOTHING to do with a Grand Design, never mind you.
But but but I thought Brad Pitt was supposed to make them feel bad by dating Angelina Jolie. Now they also feel bad when he’s not dating Angelina Jolie? The MGTOWs just can’t catch a break!
MGTOW Fingie
“Wht hv thy dn t y, Grg? Wht hav thy dn t y t mk y s ncrdbly dmb? […] Hv thy btn y? Hv y bn trtrd?”
— Margy Palumbo Burke to George K. Ferguson, near the end of The Widow’s Blind Date (Israel Horovitz, 1989), disemvoweled for ableist language
I like “disemvoweled”. I may have to steal that.
And marmalade kitties give sweet boops!
And that guy… yeah. You are TOTALLY right, dude, congratulations on sussing out the real meaning of it all. You, only you, figured it all out and drew back the curtain for all mankind. You go, you special snowflake champion of all that is righteous.
Now if you’ll excuse me, Michelle Obama and Oprah have been on a yacht all week and probably have some orders for us. Gotta go! We’ll see you, even if you don’t see us, muahahahaha.
On the one hand, there’s no way this could be true. It’s basically asking us to believe that rich and famous people are so good at monogamy that their marriages can’t end unless a conspiracy orders it.
On the other hand, WHOA IF TRUE!
So how does he explain the Apricot Abomination’s “election?”
@Iseult The Idle,
Disemvoweling has been around for a long time, though it wasn’t until the 1990’s that the practice gained that name.
Useful thing for annoying the trolls without banning them outright. Especially if you have moral reservations over any free speech issues banning might cause. (I have stumbled across some bloggers who aren’t alt-right types who do have free speech issues over banning.)
If you do a search for disemvoweling tools you’ll get a bunch of hits for all sorts of platforms.
What if up is down, left is right, and water is dry?
Abort mission. We’ve been busted.
Every one of these guys is Otto from A Fish Called Wanda:
How is Brad Pitt an invincible man? He’s an actor not Superman! Hollywood people break up frequently because the combination of insane fame and wealth makes them narcissistic and bored, or just for regular reasons like the rest of the world. But I’m just stating the obvious here. XD
Is it just me, or are the terms ‘elites’ and ‘magical wizards’ becoming closer in meaning?
I wondered how the manosphere would react to the Jolie-Pitt break up. On the one hand, he’s a man so they have to take his side. On the other hand, he’s Brad Pitt. The only man on the planet that women are attracted to. How can they possibly side with the man who single handedly caused incel?
Leave it to an MGTOW to craft a conspiracy theory to get out of this conundrum.
It seems like only yesterday that manospherians were accusing women of rejecting them for the kind of gross behavior that we would totally let Brad Pitt get away with — because, I suppose, he’s so handsome and rich.
Women! Such hypocrites, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!
It’s my opinion that they picked on Brad Pitt because they could spell his name.
Unlike, say, George Klooney. Or Johnny Dep. Chris Helmsworth. Hugh Jackmann.
I think you’re not far from the truth, tbh.
How is getting divorced automatically “being screwed”?
People have the right to disolve an unhappy marriage.
Oh. That’s right. They don’t think women are people.
I dunno, I’ve heard from a couple of different places Pitt’s kind of smelly (B.O. or not washing, I don’t know). That kind of puts me off my libido no matter how gorgeous the guy is (and Brad Pitt doesn’t do it for me even before his stank enters the picture). So guess what, guys! Some women don’t let him get away with not wiping his ass, either!
It’s funny ’cause it’s true.
@banananana dakry
Whoa! You can’t talk that way about Brad Pitt. Women, without exception, adore the man. Okay, I guess Angelina might be done adoring him. But she actually knows him, so she’s got an excuse.
I’ve always wondered… All MRAs despise Brad Pitt. All MRAs idolise Tyler Durden. Given their utter inability to separate fantasy from reality, character from actor, how the fuck do they square that one away?
I think it’s because they can imagine themselves being Tyler Durden; whereas being Brad Pitt would require good genetics, hard work, talent and luck, none of which they have. As always, manospherians are bottom-feeders even in their fantasies.
Also, Tyler Durden wasn’t played by Brad Pitt, as you well know. He was played by an actor who’s so much sexier.
huckleberryferry… what if the entire universe is really just painted on the inside of your eyeballs?????
re: disemvoweling… “railroad crossing, look out for the cars; can you spell that without any r’s “?? (oh, sorry, that’s something entirely different)
Wait, wait. The way this is phrased makes it sound like he’s suggesting that the media is tricking the MGTOWs into thinking only women are at fault. So… is this a glimmer of awareness or just characteristic Manospheran poor grammar?
Haha, first one I thought was just an ironic typo. Cottoned on at “Dep.”
I would say they just read the book, but I have a hard time believing they read anything but terrible, wordy memes. Like Vox Day books.
Or as he’s known round The Temple, “Amal Alamuddin’s husband”.