Terrible fantasy author and worse human being Theodore “Vox Day” Beale expects leftist “blood to be shed” at the hands of his alt-right pals at some point in the near future. And he’s ok with that. Hell, he seems positively giddy at the prospect.
In a blog post today inspired by the recent fracas in Berkeley, Beale writes
[S]omeone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed as a consequence of the Alt-Right’s refusal to submit to the threat of violence from Black Bloc, antifa, and the post-American Left.
The answer, quite simply, is no. Not even a little bit. The course is set. The consequences are inevitable. The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over. What we’re seeing now are merely the first little steps towards the large-scale uncivil war that will be a significant part of the inevitable decline and collapse of the United States.
Alt-right shitbags sure do love fantasizing about Armageddon, huh?
Men have a responsibility to defend their families, their people, their nation, and their civilization, and I am very glad to see that there are still Americans, and Russians, and English, and nationalists of every civilized nation, who are willing to stand up and do so before it is too late.
“Civilization” apparently involves a lot of Pepe-posting, Hitler-saluting lunkheads “defending their families” by hitting leftists with sticks. And worse.
I think uncivil war and partition coming on the heels of economic collapse is the most likely outcome. Warlords, corporate armies, and 4GW forces will arise. Some polities will be ethnically cleansed, others will be mixed, either by choice or by defeat. Remember, homogeneous societies tend to arise from larger heterogeneous forebears.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone refer to “ethnic cleansing” quite so blithely.
This really is the darkest timeline.
…what the fuck is it, then? Where does he think it comes from?
I get the impression from that ending that Theis was in a hurry to wrap things up, since it was almost the only damn time he failed to use a poorly-chosen synonym of a word. (The Eye of Argon was clearly written with a thesaurus near at hand, but no dictionary.)
And to think, that ending was lost for years. “Long leave the king!”
Black people?
Don’t try to look for logic in Nazi fanboys. There’s a reason they’re Nazi fanboys, and a great skill at logic isn’t it.
Ugh, please don’t.
Yeah that’s his issue with it, too many black people. He said this at a school that erected a statue to Cam Newton (who is black) after he lead them to a national championship a few years back.
ETA: College (American) Football is a huge part of southern identity.
Hi, I’m an Asian person who is part of said Diversity that you say is causing an imbalance in the “natural order.” I would like to say welcome to the blog, and fall into a Lego set you piece of rotting flesh.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
Did he not check to see if that location was going to be receptive to his words?
He said this at Auburn??
Oh, he’s barking up the wrong tree. It’s all about football, there.
@Emil, I don’t accept anything these alt-right assholes say. They are never going to get their ugly, ugly wish.
Speaking of Vox, one of his latest literary efforts was contributing to the anthology Forbidden Thoughts, featuring a who’s-who of conservative and Neo-Nazi authors coming together to publish stories and essays on how oh so hard it is now to be politically incorrect and how it will inevitably lead to Nineteen Eighty-Four. It’s even got a foreword by Milo Yiannopoulos. Featuring essays by Tom Kratman and Larry Corriea; I imagine they whine about the Hugos.
Emil, I don’t blame the victims of racism for racism. It’s utterly ludicrous, apart from being abhorrent.
Oh boy. Nothing good usually comes after that.
No. I don’t think white Americans are becoming increasingly racist. A large chunk of them always were. What’s happening is that they’ve become increasingly threatened with loss of a smidgen of the white privilege they’ve always had. If you believe that proximity to people of color makes people more racist, you need to provide some sort of citation. I can say that I know plenty of people (including myself) who grew up in diverse neighborhoods and schools who are pretty damn far from being a genocidal alt-righter. Anecdotal, I know but it seems to me like it’s the white people who were always in a white bubble who get upset when POC move into the neighborhood/town.
Yeah, no. I’m pretty WASPy (atheist and my dad’s side of the family is Catholic, but I grew up Protestant) and yet I belong to the diversity supporting and progressive group. People who aren’t WASPs can be racist or anti-Semitic or Islamophobic. Your groups are way too over simplified.
Like I said, people don’t fit into your little binary. And equal rights do nothing to control or undermine white Christians. White Christians still have all the rights. Stop projecting. Wanting rights for oneself is not equivalent to wanting to take away rights from others.
Just because they believe something, doesn’t mean it’s the truth. The alt-right is not fighting for tribal identity. They’re fighting to oppress others. Also, white isn’t a tribe. There’s all sorts of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity among white people. What the fuck is white tribal identity? As far as I can tell, anyone who thinks “white” is an important part of their identity is just looking for an excuse to be racist. It means little either genetically or culturally. I say that as someone who is so white that my legs are reflective when I go out in the sun wearing a skirt after being covered up for months in the Minnesota winter.
What way of life? And you are aware that progressive white religious people exist, right? My white protestant aunt goes to a church that has gay pride flags hanging up in it. Also not all religions that white people belong to are Christian. Religious doesn’t necessarily mean Christian.
What corner? How are whites pushed into a corner? What the everloving fuck has happened to whites that even remotely justifies genocidal violence? Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?
They are free to pool their money and buy their own private island to form their own state and not allow non whites and non Christians in. Go ahead and peacefully leave. None of the already established nations have ever been all white and all protestant Christian. You have no right whatsoever to commit genocide and then blame it on the victim for daring to exist in your precious little snowflake existence. Fuck off and leave those of us who don’t love genocide in peace. Don’t even buy an island. Blast yourself off into space. None of the flora and fauna on any islands deserve you either.
I think Emil has a point. Take the history of Medieval and Renaissance England. It was a white, Christian country surrounded by other white, Christian countries and so I can only assume that there were never any wars there.
Oh, wait…
So: dreaming about ethnic cleansing and considering “mixed” societies a “defeat”. Can we call Vox Day a Nazi now? And ultimately punchable?
Source, please.
They sure don’t do anything to reach that goal.
As for the proximity thing – yes, going from a tiny town with nearly no contact to anyone with more than a slight tan to a large city, a school with a refugee-program I’m active in and lots of contact to a not-blood-little-sister and her mother who are not white has made me MORE racist. Sure. Totally. Hell, I can barely contain myself from shooting people.
Do you have cow shit where your brain’s supposed to be?
Hi. I’m a white Protestant American. Of German descent, even–my great grandparents still spoke German and my grandmother could understand it.
I have *no* problem at all with America becoming more diverse. From my front porch I can see the houses of my neighbors; some are black, some are white, one is Phillipino, the family across the street are Mexican, the couple up the block are mixed race. They are lovely and have helped me mow my lawn and shovel my driveway, and they even checked on me after a bad storm. My way of life is threatened by exactly none of them.
And oh yeah, my German great-grandparents? They were Mennonites, and were so deeply pacifist that they emigrated to another country rather than get forced into military service in their own. I’m *pretty* doggone sure they wouldn’t be punching young women in the street because of politics.
@Steampunked, Sarity:
That furry convention has been reported all over the place:
Not only was the con lying about their non-profit status, and not only was the ex-con chair on the sex offender registry; when all this started to blow up the aforementioned ex-con chair sent a rather bizarre ‘cease and desist’ letter to the person who had originally made the joking comment about punching nazis. In that letter he described himself as a ‘Chief Executive Contract Law Officer’, used all sorts of vaguely threatening but legally meaningless language, and then signed in red ink with a red thumbprint. All of which is classic Sovereign Citizen activity.
Holy shit, you’re coming out swingin’ aren’t cha?
I somehow fucking doubt it, but let’s all see what you have to say. Surely you know what you’re talking about, right?
Hello, yes, white person here. I don’t think that white people are becoming “increasingly” racist. I think that white people are born into and taught racism. We’re born into a racist society that puts more value on us for being white, and we absorb these attitudes and thoughts from other white people around us.
I have racist family members. Some more racist than others. I learned my attitudes from them, as children do.
What I think is happening is NOT that people are becoming “increasingly” racist, but rather that they’re more comfortable with being OPENLY racist. Two very different things.
Now that they feel that their views are acceptable, they’re more open about it. They were always racist, but now they think that it’s acceptable to let it out of their headspace, and into whatever space will have them.
No. What I see is “racism becomes acceptable because we elected a man who ran on a platform of racism, whereas the previous president was a Man of Color and therefore it wasn’t as acceptable in most places => The man who ran on a platform of racism emboldens the white people who were ALREADY racist, and they decide that now’s the time to “Make America Great Again” by kicking out all the non-white people => Conflict”
If only the world was so nice as to fit into neat little boxes, amirite?
The problem is that you’re wrong. Severely so. Even if we were to break it down into ONLY two groups, those groups wouldn’t be WASPs and “diversity supporting, progressive value liberal identity groups”, it would be “People who are okay with racism or who are racists themselves” and “People who are not okay with racism”.
Those two groups aren’t really. There’s a (not) surprising amount of overlap.
“I’m oppressed because LIBRULS are taking away MUH RIGHTS as a CHRISTIAN!”
Much oppress. Such wow.
Here’s a challenge for you: Name ONE way that “diversity supporting, progressive value liberal identity groups” have tried to “control” and “undermine” WASPs.
Bonus points if it doesn’t involve taking away the ability to oppress and discriminate against other people.
Seriously, what “tribe” are they identifying with? There’s so many people who are white that trying to claim a “white tribe” would be like trying to claim an “Asian tribe” as a singular group of people.
There’s Scottish, Swedish, English, American, French, Anglo-Saxon, and so on and so forth.
There’s so many people who are white that trying to claim a “white tribe” would be fucking silly.
So, you’re saying that the
alt-rightneo-nazis are losing ground and their “tribal identity” is under attack? and that’s why they’re threatening to kill people?And this is acceptable…how?
If “our way of life” consists of rampant bigotry, then as a white person, I vote that we burn this shit to the ground and start over.
“Don’t do what we say, and we’ll kill you! It’ll be all your fault for not listening and refusing to comply!”
The problem isn’t that they want to “transition into separate states” so much that it’s they’re trying to shove out/murder people who already live in their areas so they can claim it as “theirs”.
I assume something by Wagner…
Are these people unaware of the events of 1066?
… and all that.
The English language was invented so that Norman knights could pick up Saxon barmaids.
Wait, putting two consecutive chapter 5s in a screed about essjews is bad editing now?
Paradoxical Intention, thank you – that was very fine indeed.
I get the impression that in the US “Anglo-Saxon” is a code for ethnically English people (also “White” or “American”), because saying English sounds too much like deference to the Crown.
And that explains why English is so popular as communication language between people who speak it equally poorly. Made for the purpose from beginning 🙂
This: “Remember, homogeneous societies tend to arise from larger heterogeneous forebears”… is not at all true.