Terrible fantasy author and worse human being Theodore “Vox Day” Beale expects leftist “blood to be shed” at the hands of his alt-right pals at some point in the near future. And he’s ok with that. Hell, he seems positively giddy at the prospect.
In a blog post today inspired by the recent fracas in Berkeley, Beale writes
[S]omeone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed as a consequence of the Alt-Right’s refusal to submit to the threat of violence from Black Bloc, antifa, and the post-American Left.
The answer, quite simply, is no. Not even a little bit. The course is set. The consequences are inevitable. The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over. What we’re seeing now are merely the first little steps towards the large-scale uncivil war that will be a significant part of the inevitable decline and collapse of the United States.
Alt-right shitbags sure do love fantasizing about Armageddon, huh?
Men have a responsibility to defend their families, their people, their nation, and their civilization, and I am very glad to see that there are still Americans, and Russians, and English, and nationalists of every civilized nation, who are willing to stand up and do so before it is too late.
“Civilization” apparently involves a lot of Pepe-posting, Hitler-saluting lunkheads “defending their families” by hitting leftists with sticks. And worse.
I think uncivil war and partition coming on the heels of economic collapse is the most likely outcome. Warlords, corporate armies, and 4GW forces will arise. Some polities will be ethnically cleansed, others will be mixed, either by choice or by defeat. Remember, homogeneous societies tend to arise from larger heterogeneous forebears.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone refer to “ethnic cleansing” quite so blithely.
This really is the darkest timeline.
For such a shitty writer, he has passive voice down pat.
Uh huh, like they aren’t already doing this all the fucking time. Like, I know we in America try to collective amnesia the decades upon decades of constant right-wing violence and terrorism, but there really hasn’t been a period of time where they haven’t been slowly killing us.
Note especially the weaselly phrasing of the expression “the Alt-Right’s refusal to submit to the threat of violence”.
Not “self-defense against actual violence” or anything like that. Nope, what this guy is hoping for is literal assault and/or murder committed by his white-supremacist/Nazi heroes in response to anything they choose to construe as even a “threat” of violence.
See, you’re not allowed to hit them, no matter how menacing or belligerent they’re being, because oooh terrible mean brutal leftist thug. But it’s okay for them to hit you whenever their delicate sensibilities are triggered by anything that they perceive as remotely indicative of any kind of threat. Uh-huh.
So yeah, they have been going on about this since the election. And it’s not just the right wingers. The gun-o-sphere is awash with “survival scenarios” which are just fantasies in which the heroic right wing gun nut mows down waves of leftists and “urban thugs”. Now that the “gubmint gonna get mah guns!” meme is played out, they need a new enemy.
Beale has a rich daddy whose money allows him to live job-free in a European tax shelter and pretend that self-publishing his bad D&D fanfic makes him a serious writer. He absolutely thinks he’s going to be one of the elites sipping champagne and fiddling while civilization burns.
Some of those other guys, I suspect, know deep down that they’re just playacting with the Mad Max fantasies and grandiose threats. But Beale is pretty dumb. He seems to be a true believer.
They’re all a bunch of wimps in reality, of course.
I wouldn’t mind if Vox Day & all the alt-right swine were killed. Fucking pricks.
I know how you feel, but comments policy:
Ugh, sorry. I’m just angry.
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“the gaping mouth gaping loosely open”!?
christ, I rewrite if I repeat words within the same paragraph.
It’s alright, it’d be hard for anyone to stay calm knowing these folk are still out there and hurting people.
#FAIL :p
@Imaginary Petal
The infection is spreading.
His insistence on calling it ‘uncivil war’ really drives home how intensely absurd he and his whole deal are.
When civil fuckin war is too PC for you…
LOL Richard Spencer advocated banning football in his speech at Auburn, surely losing him whatever support he had in the crowd. Apparently it’s not part of white identity. Talking about banning football is not how to make friends at a SEC school.
Oh trust me, that meme is far from played out. I hypothesize that people in need of an enemy tend to acquire more enemies, just as conspiracy theorists tend to acquire more conspiracy theories.
For people who want to defend western civilization right wing assholes sure seem eager to see it collapse.
Well, give a stopped clock SOME credit here, Teddy…that’s exactly what’s happening. And it’s the Alt-Reich that’s to blame for that very situation. Your shitty prose is but a symptom. The far-right is the cancer.
Oh, good. All furries need is more damage to our public image.
I’ve attended furry events for a few years now, and it’s been distressing to watch such a wonderfully inclusive group become more and more infected with alt-right Nazi filth lately. That it’s now getting bad enough to terminate annual events is worrying, not to mention heartbreaking, for those of us who are part of the community.
Funny it seems until now our worries have come mostly from the outside (ridicule, chlorine attacks, shooting threats etc). With these fucks coming in to diarrhea their hate all over the house we can only hope to prevent any further/permanent damage. Fuck these people.
On the “terrible writer” part–don’t forget he’s also a shitty editor and a wretched publisher, who has gotten himself nominated for the Hugos for several years now by abusing the nomination process–the whole Puppy mess.
And trust me–he’s really, really TERRIBLE at editing.
Fun maybe-fact: my Latin teacher told us that the probable translation for this is “fretting while Rome burned”. They had lyres in Rome, but not fiddles; so Nero was most likely just wringing his hands.
Of course “fret” also means the neck of a stringed instrument, so gradually the meanings conflated. Science!
A lot of you will probably agree with one of the foundational principles of the alt-right. Let me explain: if you agree that white Americans are becoming increasingly racist, white nationalism is rising, and there is a potential for these whites to escalate towards violence, war, or even genocide, then you in some way accept that diversity+proximity=war. There are, broadly, two groups in the US. The White Protestant Anglo-Saxon identity group, and the multiracial, diversity supporting, progressive value liberal identity group. Problem is these groups are diametrically opposed, and while both groups have a history of pushing legislation to control and undermine the other, the latter group has been far more successful for the past 50 years. The alt right believes that when you have this kind of imbalance, which will always occur, the group losing ground will eventually boil over and become extremely violent and genocidal because they are fighting for the preservation of their tribal identity. The bitter truth is that the liberal side, just as the religious white side, will not stop as both are fighting for values, for their own respective good and evil, and for the whites it is a fight for survival of their way of life. There is an argument to be made that perhaps there is no compromise to be made and if the left continues to push the whites into the corner the whites will rear up and commit heinous acts of genocide. Most of the alt right leaders, deeply wish for a peaceful transition into separate states for instance, but most have little hope that this is possible.
That reminds me of a line from that masterpiece The Eye of Argon: “A dark red blotch upon the face of the earth, blotching things up.”
Not that it matters, because Nero actually rushed back to Rome as soon as he heard of the fire, personally directed efforts to stop it, and opened the imperial palace to refugees.
So yes, effing Nero was a better human being then Ted Beale. And remember, Nero probably had his mother killed, so… yeah.