advocacy of violence alt-right entitled babies literal nazis racism vox day

Vox Day: I won’t feel bad if leftists are killed

The future of civilization?

Terrible fantasy author and worse human being Theodore “Vox Day” Beale expects leftist “blood to be shed” at the hands of his alt-right pals at some point in the near future. And he’s ok with that. Hell, he seems positively giddy at the prospect.

In a blog post today inspired by the recent fracas in Berkeley, Beale writes

[S]omeone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed as a consequence of the Alt-Right’s refusal to submit to the threat of violence from Black Bloc, antifa, and the post-American Left.

The answer, quite simply, is no. Not even a little bit. The course is set. The consequences are inevitable. The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over. What we’re seeing now are merely the first little steps towards the large-scale uncivil war that will be a significant part of the inevitable decline and collapse of the United States.

Alt-right shitbags sure do love fantasizing about Armageddon, huh?

Men have a responsibility to defend their families, their people, their nation, and their civilization, and I am very glad to see that there are still Americans, and Russians, and English, and nationalists of every civilized nation, who are willing to stand up and do so before it is too late.

“Civilization” apparently involves a lot of Pepe-posting, Hitler-saluting lunkheads “defending their families” by hitting leftists with sticks. And worse.

I think uncivil war and partition coming on the heels of economic collapse is the most likely outcome. Warlords, corporate armies, and 4GW forces will arise. Some polities will be ethnically cleansed, others will be mixed, either by choice or by defeat. Remember, homogeneous societies tend to arise from larger heterogeneous forebears.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone refer to “ethnic cleansing” quite so blithely.

This really is the darkest timeline.

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7 years ago

Why do people, including himself, think this guy is such a freaking genius? Why?

Crip Dyke
7 years ago

Terrible fantasy author and worse human being

Wait – are you sure about that?

For curiosity, I actually read a little bit of Vox Day’s fiction, and I gotta tell you, if the worst he does in his life is axe murder 20 or 30 people for their political convictions, he’s just a nigh-unbelievably terrible person, but he still wouldn’t have quite proved himself a more terrible person than he is an author.

YMMV, of course.

7 years ago

I really despair that I’m in the profession as this boil on the ass of humanity.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago

They don’t wear brown shirts, but I’ve got a feeling we can start calling them “red caps”.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

For curiosity, I actually read a little bit of Vox Day’s fiction, and I gotta tell you, if the worst he does in his life is axe murder 20 or 30 people for their political convictions, he’s just a nigh-unbelievably terrible person, but he still wouldn’t have quite proved himself a more terrible person than he is an author.

For anybody who hasn’t had the, erm, pleasure… “The gaping mouth gaping loosely open” is a real phrase that he really wrote and put in a real book. You may cry now.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

“The gaping mouth gaping loosely open”

So he actually is as shitty a writer as he is a human being.

Jesus wept.

Also, Teddy can fuck the fucking hell off, loosely.

7 years ago

“[S]omeone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed “

I’ll take “Things Nobody Ever Asked Vox Day, Ever” for $500

Ol’ Theodore just couldn’t WAIT to get his gleeful bloodlust out there onto the intertubes. I can practically feel him rubbing his hands together as he wrote this.


His followers already know the answer.
His detractors already know the answer.

This is a question that never needed asking.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I wonder. When Voxxie is fantasizing about the triumph of his people (whoever they happen to be at the time), does he have theme music playing in his head?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

Okay. I won’t feel bad if you’re killed, either. Deal?

Here’s the part that makes my ear stand up in a comically confused fashion:

The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over.

Okay, I’m not even going to try to parse “socionomic” because that’s a mistake, much like Teddy himself. But for eight years we had slow but steady economic growth, domestic peace, and a fairly mellow social mood unless you were…. oh.

Never mind.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

When Voxxie is fantasizing about the triumph of his people (whoever they happen to be at the time), does he have theme music playing in his head?

Of course he does.

7 years ago

I always get the feeling guys like Teddy here and other rabble-rousers like Anglin and Milo and Cernovich and all the rest are just bored dilettantes hoping for some violence for their own entertainment.

They’re definitely not troo-believers, nor do they show any actual passion for this upcoming apocalyptic civilization-ending war (despite their purple prose). They just seem to enjoy exploiting men who are in some variation of genuine pain and distress, fomenting their violence for their own entertainment and ego. I guess a lot like Drumpf, now that I consider it.

You notice how they never talk about themselves protecting anyone, their families or their way of life. It’s always someone else (their fan base), someone they’re “proud of” (the fan base they’re exploiting more and more).

Ugh, I really grossed myself out with this. The true believer Nazis are horrific enough, but how much more banally evil do you have to be to encourage it when you don’t even particularly believe in it yourself, you just want to see shit burn?

7 years ago

What makes Vox think this time things will be any different from WW2?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Omg, his lyrics are as bad as his novels. Holy shit.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

Okay, much to comment here.


“The gaping mouth gaping loosely open”

Sounds like something I’d type in an RP while immensely tired.

Re: the bad song lyrics

Me while tired and high off my balls. (Theoretically.)

And in real life, I saw a car with a clearly custom 1488 license plate. (Well, more eights than that to fill it up. But the point is obvious.) Blech. Shoulda keyed the fucker.

7 years ago

[S]omeone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed as a consequence of the Alt-Right’s refusal to submit to the threat of violence from Black Bloc, antifa, and the post-American Left.

This from a suppurating cock-sore who idolizes Breivik, yet is too much of a simpering coward to own up to it.

“Refusal to submit”? Go sadwank out of the public view, you spineless sub-literate.

7 years ago

For curiosity, I actually read a little bit of Vox Day’s fiction, and I gotta tell you, if the worst he does in his life is axe murder 20 or 30 people for their political convictions, he’s just a nigh-unbelievably terrible person, but he still wouldn’t have quite proved himself a more terrible person than he is an author.

For anybody who hasn’t had the, erm, pleasure… “The gaping mouth gaping loosely open” is a real phrase that he really wrote and put in a real book. You may cry now.

If one isn’t willing to stick any money into the voxbox, how might one acquire these writings? I need amusement!

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Troubelle, I’ve seen both HH88 and Hny Bagr plates, before. And threw up in my mouth a bit.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over.

So, Donald Trump is going to screw up the economy and the country and have terrible foreign policy? Finally, I agree with Pox on something!

What does it say about them that their guy won and they’re still predicting doom and gloom. Why it’s almost like Trumpism is about hate and not “economic insecurity!”

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
7 years ago

VD has always been an odious human being, but I wonder just how much of this is fueled by his resentment that his senpai John Scalzi won’t notice him.

7 years ago

@dreemr – I always feel the same. It’s an idle fantasy of being hard done by for people who have a social security net.

Also reminds me of the reddity response to threats of clocktower violence – not contacting authorities, but egging them on because watching the loser go down in a hail of bullets after the murder of innocents is fun.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago


But they haven’t won remember! Women are still human and aren’t dating them! Sexy sexbots aren’t here to replace them either! Minorities still exist! The wall isn’t built! Wah wah!

Trump winning meant little to them other than they feel if civil war happens between politic parties, they hope Trump will side with them.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


I wandered through the shopping mall, and alleged no-go zone, Nordstan today at 9pm. Nazis love to claim that this mall has been taken over by drugdealers and brown rapists, and that the police won’t go there after business hours.

You can imagine my (lack of) surprise when I found a group of 4 cops and a few security guards just calmly hanging out right in the center of the mall. I walked up to them and asked if I could take a picture, since I’d heard this was a no-go zone. They said no, but I took one anyway since it’s totally legal to do so.

I took it from a bit of a distance since they had already politely asked not to have their picture taken.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite


“Shut down” is not equivalent to violence. There was violence but Vox or the person they were quoting does not mention who started it. It’s simply assumed that “leftists did it”.

Even then violence happens at protests. I would not reject a position or claim because someone in it’s social vicinity was violent, or feel that death was appropriate for being associated with someone who was violent at a protest.

Vox is not very rational. Fail Vulcan is fail.

7 years ago

In more rightist-leftist violence talk, one of the furry conventions was shut down due to violence.

Your quiz today, ladies and gentlemen and other, is this:

Was it shut down because a furry, upon seeing nazi uniforms on a furry, commented on twitter about ‘punching a Nazi’.


Because the response to this was the right-wing furries saying they were going to murder her specifically and providing examples of how, specifically, to her HOME ADDRESS?

If you guessed one, of course, you win!

Some Guy
Some Guy
7 years ago

I’ll take “Things Nobody Ever Asked Vox Day, Ever” for $500

Hey, “Someone” could technically be himself.

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