creepy entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Gross old Baronet seeks young, less-gross bride for babies, partying

Sir Benjamin Slade, 70, also enjoys shooting things

Today’s Gross Dude of the Day award goes to British Baronet Benjamin Slade. The Baronet, 70 years old and looking for love or at least a reasonable facsimile of it, recently told the Daily Mail that he’s “interviewing hard” for a “fit” lady at least twenty years his junior.

He’s apparently decided that the best way to find a wife young enough to be his daughter is to say insulting things about women in general and his ex-girlfriends in particular.

“I have had a few proposals,” he assures the Mail,

but sometimes the women are past their sell-by date and have been over the guns a few times.

The “past their sell-by date” bit is a tad ironic coming from a pasty elderly dude who’s basically the human equivalent of curdled milk. At least personality-wise.

By his own account, the Baronet has had some trouble finding the younger and more attractive than him woman of his dreams.

He recently split from a woman he sometimes called his fiancee because, he says, “she is 50, so too old to have children.” Either that or she dumped his ass.

His previous gal pal, he says, “went off with my handyman in 2011, but was already showing signs of madness.”

Another previous girlfriend married a rival Lord, the Earl of Carnavon, and Ben the Baronet is apparently still quite bitter about it.

I rescued her from the back of a car, set her up in business and made her a millionaire in 18 months. … She was very difficult to live with. Good riddance to her.

Before her, he dated a woman who was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when he met her. He picked her out, shook her up and turned her around, turned her into someone new. Now five years later on, she’s got the world at her feet …

Sorry, those are actually the lyrics to Don’t You Want Me by the Human League. I got a little confused.

Anyway, if you want to be the Baronet’s lover, you’ve got to be something of a party girl. “They have to be fit,”he told the Mail. “I am like a feudal prince when it comes to throwing parties.”

The Baronet, who desperately wants to put his ancient sperm in a fertile lady, assures all potential applicants that he is making heroic efforts to care of himself and his sperm — by hanging upside down like a bat and eating horny goat weed. No, really, he’ll be glad to explain it all to you:

I’ve bought a back stretcher and hang upside down on it for five minutes every morning. It works wonders for the chin and neckline. I also have some “sky boots” with a hook in the top so I can hang upside down. …

I am also on the Genghis Khan diet, which is recommended for young lotharios and involves eating sweet potato, sunflower seeds and horny goat weed.

It was recommended by my French nephew, who is 70 and hasn’t a single grey hair. And Genghis had 2,000 children.

I would wish Baronet Ben Slade the best of luck, but honestly I’d prefer he have no luck at all. And to any woman who finds herself being courted by Sir Slade I would recommend giving a quick listen to this song by a band that shares a name with the Baronet.

Seriously, run, run away, as far away as you can.

H/T — The Virgin Mary, in the comments here

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7 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp

I’m also sure Mr. Be Fair To Both Sides goes to manosphere sites and chides them for only going on about feminists and demands they give equal time and denounce MRAs/MGTOWs/etc too.

Oh, indubitably.

Since our dear troll is a self-proclaimed MGTOW, I’m sure he takes it upon himself to present the opposing view in r/mgtow as often as possible.

It’s what I’d expect of a man of his obviously high moral standards and exemplary character.


Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago

@PaganReader – Misandrist Spinster is not a feminist site, i doubt the women in the video is feminist either. The tumblr post was by a single feminist. Just because a single feminist among millions wrote that post doesnt mean that feminists have denounced the words or acts of radfems.

Read the links you posted from this site. The first link was making fun of the alt right talking about beta males and cucks. The second link was a debunking of a few hateful quotes from feminists. I fail to see what that link has to do with what I said. He hasnt debunked any quotes that I have posted and hes wrong about there not being any modern hate quotes.

The Trans Advocate link is the only good link, and that is just one major feminist site that talks about it.

I have googled the phrase “feminists denounce radical feminism” and I could not find any evidence until I got to the 4th page. So around 1 in 50 links talk about this. What is the reason for that?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago
7 years ago

No ones engaging me in debate? According to who, you?

According to others too, by words and by actions.

Two people asked me to prove my points and claims, that is the exact definition of debate lmao.

No, people asked you to stop rolling in your own shit and actually say something that vaguely resembles a willingness to engage.

Praying that I go away is not going to make me go away.

Oh honey, no one said anything about praying. I don’t really care either way where you are or aren’t. Besides, I’m one of those heathen atheists.

I am not a dancing monkey here to entertain you, Im sorry to say, so I could care less about not being boring.

Pfft. Take a look at the mission statement of this site, honeybunch. That’s exactly what you are!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

so I could care less about not being boring

So you do care.

7 years ago

I do like that MRA trolls always inevitably start frothing about quotes which are literally decades old, asking why there hasn’t been constant, recent denunciations of them.

Uh, here’s a thought: maybe because they’re forty+ years old and have little relevance to the topics at hand.

Such logic, indeed.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The Gishes they are galloping. What do Andrea Dworkin or false rape accusations have to do with this post again?

7 years ago

Lots of goalpost moving, too.

For a guy who came in swaggering and demanding debate, he sure is lousy at it.

7 years ago

I wonder if BS goes to the offices of cancer charities to ask them why they don’t care about AIDS.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

PaganReader said

I find it telling that you only choose to quote RadFems, and use decades old RadFem quotes at that.

It is telling.

What it’s telling me is that someone needs a Debating Feminists badge for his MIGTOW Scout uniform.

I don’t know if he’s a Pell sock, though. Wasn’t Pell more of a sealion with an entire herd of teal deer?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I want to put it out there that “radfem” and “TERF” are not synonyms.

7 years ago

I don’t know whose sock he is, he almost strikes me as a newbie doing an initiation trolling, it’s so rudimentary-level.

Maybe the Miggytoe guys will let him in the club now!!

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

dreemr – I’m sure of it, since the mere fact that he’s here means he automatically won a (nonexistent) debate.

I’m supposed to be balancing my checkbook right now. ha

7 years ago

He kind of reminds me of Schticky (probably [sic]), with his whinging about ‘Why isn’t Dave writing what I want him to write’ bit there at the beginning.
@Policy of Madness
Point taken.

I’m going to go completely off topic and brag that I finally practiced graphing proportional relationships on Khan Academy.

7 years ago

Awwww. The first troll I’m experiencing somewhat live – and he’s disappointing af.

Try harder, Troll boy.

(also, I’m saving that crywank-gif. That’s amazing!)

7 years ago

@zaunfink – I would call that a “tearjerker” lol

@Hambeast – I’m supposed to be “working” 😉

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Dull troll is dull. We shall continue to run a-mock. A-mock, a-mock, a-mock! Or we can run amuck. Or amuch. Or amoosh.

Nah. Running a-mock seems more fitting. Not to mention more punny.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ Pee Vee

Wow, less than a month ago? Well, I think we know how much of an impression he made on us, given his current reception.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
7 years ago

Oh, Brad’s the guy who said that all women are lazy and they don’t HAVE to care for the elderly and kids, but they should be penalized if they do.

Lol, fuck off.

7 years ago

Guess his miggytoe overlords weren’t pleased with his first attempt, then.

It must be horrible to live a life where all your worth comes from putting other people down and validation from others.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Lol, it was MrsObedMarsh’s calling him “BS” that reminded me.

What a choad he is.

7 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Mobile

Oh yeah I remember now, he kept ignoring how the one study he had not only changed the data poll from literally every other study of this phenomenon, but also was from a far right think tank. That and peddling the American Dream ™, only to peddle back because he’s a racist ass.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Bradley Shore
To what hypocrisy do you refer? I do not have your eyeballs so your observation is not an observation to me.

Where was an older man vilified for being in a relationship with a younger woman?