Today’s Gross Dude of the Day award goes to British Baronet Benjamin Slade. The Baronet, 70 years old and looking for love or at least a reasonable facsimile of it, recently told the Daily Mail that he’s “interviewing hard” for a “fit” lady at least twenty years his junior.
He’s apparently decided that the best way to find a wife young enough to be his daughter is to say insulting things about women in general and his ex-girlfriends in particular.
“I have had a few proposals,” he assures the Mail,
but sometimes the women are past their sell-by date and have been over the guns a few times.
The “past their sell-by date” bit is a tad ironic coming from a pasty elderly dude who’s basically the human equivalent of curdled milk. At least personality-wise.
By his own account, the Baronet has had some trouble finding the younger and more attractive than him woman of his dreams.
He recently split from a woman he sometimes called his fiancee because, he says, “she is 50, so too old to have children.” Either that or she dumped his ass.
His previous gal pal, he says, “went off with my handyman in 2011, but was already showing signs of madness.”
Another previous girlfriend married a rival Lord, the Earl of Carnavon, and Ben the Baronet is apparently still quite bitter about it.
I rescued her from the back of a car, set her up in business and made her a millionaire in 18 months. … She was very difficult to live with. Good riddance to her.
Before her, he dated a woman who was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when he met her. He picked her out, shook her up and turned her around, turned her into someone new. Now five years later on, she’s got the world at her feet …
Sorry, those are actually the lyrics to Don’t You Want Me by the Human League. I got a little confused.
Anyway, if you want to be the Baronet’s lover, you’ve got to be something of a party girl. “They have to be fit,”he told the Mail. “I am like a feudal prince when it comes to throwing parties.”
The Baronet, who desperately wants to put his ancient sperm in a fertile lady, assures all potential applicants that he is making heroic efforts to care of himself and his sperm — by hanging upside down like a bat and eating horny goat weed. No, really, he’ll be glad to explain it all to you:
I’ve bought a back stretcher and hang upside down on it for five minutes every morning. It works wonders for the chin and neckline. I also have some “sky boots” with a hook in the top so I can hang upside down. …
I am also on the Genghis Khan diet, which is recommended for young lotharios and involves eating sweet potato, sunflower seeds and horny goat weed.
It was recommended by my French nephew, who is 70 and hasn’t a single grey hair. And Genghis had 2,000 children.
I would wish Baronet Ben Slade the best of luck, but honestly I’d prefer he have no luck at all. And to any woman who finds herself being courted by Sir Slade I would recommend giving a quick listen to this song by a band that shares a name with the Baronet.
Seriously, run, run away, as far away as you can.
H/T — The Virgin Mary, in the comments here
Fuck off, Bradley.
Oh noez personal attack boo hoo.
Fuck off.
Bradboy, and now for the second part of your task. Find examples of us supporting those statements.
The koala ones the best
@Bradley Shore
And what makes you think we’re okay with those statements? You still have work to do.
@Bradley Shore
Show me what you got!
A few single sentences?
That’s disappointing.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
I agree Im not owed an argument, but you shouldnt be implying that I am wrong when I made an observation that this site is hypocritical. Especially with no proof. If you read my first comment, youd know that I ranted about how hypocritical this website is. You guys engaged with me and I just engaged back.
@Makroth – Agent of the Great Degeneracy
If you guys arent okay with those statements, I dont see you talking about it on this website, I havent seen you talk about the hypocrisy of some feminists in this website at all.
We can clearly see you are against the stupid statements made by the redpill/mgtow community cause you make articles on those things and personally attack the guys making those statements.
That is what I mean.
If bed sores isn’t a Mark, then he is surely a Pell.
I rant on hypocritical feminist and meninist websites cause its a form of stress release for me. Just like it is for some of you people(i think) when you make fun of all the meninist websites and the retarded arguments they make.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
No my name is maximus decimus meridius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife.
I see words on the screen and yet all my mind processes is
Thats hot. Who doesnt get turned on by a woman crying
@ Bradley
Just curious, but why do you use your last name as your first name and your first name as your middle name?
Oh look, someone who thinks this is a debating society.
Bradley Shore, why you do think this is a debating society? What could have led to that mistake?
He’s not even coming out with any amusing lines. Sad!
Dworkin died 12 years ago.
Gearheart is actually still alive (albeit in her 80s) so at least you managed to find a living one this time. Her quote seems to be from the 1970’s-40 years ago. ETA: The only sites I saw talking about that quote are MRA/Anti-Feminist sites, not feminist sites. And Quora & Thought Catalog, but they were anti-feminist posts on those.
I find it telling that you only choose to quote RadFems, and use decades old RadFem quotes at that. I don’t suppose you have anything more recent? Within the last 2 decades would be nice. The quotes you’re whinging about are more recent than that.
I was going to post a dog as brain bleach, then BS said they would like that. So kittens it is.
OT but, Steve Stevens was found about 2 hours ago, pretty close to where I live. He shot himself.
@ PaganReader
And that Dworkin quote was from a novel.
@Alan Robertshaw
You just blew my mind
@EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
Probably because people like @PaganReader – Misandrist Spinster keep engaging me in such debates.
@PaganReader – Misandrist Spinster
I could easily find modern quotes but youd say that those are radical feminists as well. You cant just say that someone is radical and not call those radical feminists out. Why dont feminists call out the radical feminists or embarrass them or denounce them? If a group of terrorists were to bomb something, islamic countries would make public statements denouncing those acts of terror. Why dont feminists do that? Its similar to the cops protecting the corrupt cops or sweeping police brutality under the rug.
On a similar but not exactly the same note, why dont feminists lament the fact that women get lighter sentencing for the same crimes or that divorce courts are biased against men? Especially if you claim that you stand for equality.
Why dont feminists call for severe sentencing on women that make false rape accusations. I believe that women taht make false rape accusations should get atleast 5-10 years in jails, which will decrease the number of false rape accusations that occur.
I could also make an argument that all mens rights activists arent like the more vocal and misogynistic mras, yet you paint all mras with the same brush.
Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. No one is trying to engage you in debate. We all just want you to go away, because you’re boring.
We don’t even particularly want to know what your previous handle/s is/are.
Hell Im red pill/mgtow to a certain extent that doesnt mean I agree that false rape accusations outnumber the number of rapes that occur. I doubt that most sane redpillers/mgtowers think that. I also didnt vote trump even though most of the insane redpillers/mgtows probably did.
@Asinine Bore
(Image: A cheetah with its tail in its mouth, captioned “I am so bored right now)
Oh boy, another troll. This time it’s the I’m-so-rational type yet again. How long before you guys break it and his true nature comes out in its purest rage form? Might not be long with his reaction to Nequam’s gif.
Edit: it’s even faster than I thought. While I was typing the initial comment he already did the “classic” whines.
Edit 2: and now he’s even trying to engage me too! Ha!
No ones engaging me in debate? According to who, you? Two people asked me to prove my points and claims, that is the exact definition of debate lmao. Praying that I go away is not going to make me go away. I am not a dancing monkey here to entertain you, Im sorry to say, so I could care less about not being boring.
You mad bro?
Boring troll is not only boring but violating the commenting policy.