Today’s Gross Dude of the Day award goes to British Baronet Benjamin Slade. The Baronet, 70 years old and looking for love or at least a reasonable facsimile of it, recently told the Daily Mail that he’s “interviewing hard” for a “fit” lady at least twenty years his junior.
He’s apparently decided that the best way to find a wife young enough to be his daughter is to say insulting things about women in general and his ex-girlfriends in particular.
“I have had a few proposals,” he assures the Mail,
but sometimes the women are past their sell-by date and have been over the guns a few times.
The “past their sell-by date” bit is a tad ironic coming from a pasty elderly dude who’s basically the human equivalent of curdled milk. At least personality-wise.
By his own account, the Baronet has had some trouble finding the younger and more attractive than him woman of his dreams.
He recently split from a woman he sometimes called his fiancee because, he says, “she is 50, so too old to have children.” Either that or she dumped his ass.
His previous gal pal, he says, “went off with my handyman in 2011, but was already showing signs of madness.”
Another previous girlfriend married a rival Lord, the Earl of Carnavon, and Ben the Baronet is apparently still quite bitter about it.
I rescued her from the back of a car, set her up in business and made her a millionaire in 18 months. … She was very difficult to live with. Good riddance to her.
Before her, he dated a woman who was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when he met her. He picked her out, shook her up and turned her around, turned her into someone new. Now five years later on, she’s got the world at her feet …
Sorry, those are actually the lyrics to Don’t You Want Me by the Human League. I got a little confused.
Anyway, if you want to be the Baronet’s lover, you’ve got to be something of a party girl. “They have to be fit,”he told the Mail. “I am like a feudal prince when it comes to throwing parties.”
The Baronet, who desperately wants to put his ancient sperm in a fertile lady, assures all potential applicants that he is making heroic efforts to care of himself and his sperm — by hanging upside down like a bat and eating horny goat weed. No, really, he’ll be glad to explain it all to you:
I’ve bought a back stretcher and hang upside down on it for five minutes every morning. It works wonders for the chin and neckline. I also have some “sky boots” with a hook in the top so I can hang upside down. …
I am also on the Genghis Khan diet, which is recommended for young lotharios and involves eating sweet potato, sunflower seeds and horny goat weed.
It was recommended by my French nephew, who is 70 and hasn’t a single grey hair. And Genghis had 2,000 children.
I would wish Baronet Ben Slade the best of luck, but honestly I’d prefer he have no luck at all. And to any woman who finds herself being courted by Sir Slade I would recommend giving a quick listen to this song by a band that shares a name with the Baronet.
Seriously, run, run away, as far away as you can.
H/T — The Virgin Mary, in the comments here
@LindsayIrene: He’s the first to call me a feminist ever. Never thought it would happen to whiskery old me, sitting here in corduroys and plaid shirt, looking like Wolverine’s granddad.
How should I showcase my merits? I can only do it through logical debate, impartiality and the lack of personal attacks. Is that what you want?
Kevin, youre in a incredibly biased feminist site, arguing on the side of feminists.
I do apologize if you arent, but you can see why I made that mistake.
I’m not well enough to figure out who Bradley’s a sock of, but there’s a good 50-50 chance of any given troll being Mark and an additional chance of Mark “Miggy” Minter, so I’m gonna post it anyway:
Mark? My name is bradley, hence the username. I like your username @Scented Fucking Hard Chairs, its philosophical in a way.
@Bradley Shore
Not demonstrating,
Instead you chose shitposting.
Come on person man.
Where’s your arguments?
Have they hid in some dark pit?
Or ran from their cage?
The issue isn’t necessarily “old guy is dating young women” (cue double standard). The issue is “old guy wants to use young woman as a vehicle to an heir, and is very misogynistic (as well as slightly ableist) about it”.
Piss off.
@Bradley Shore: This isn’t any MRA/PUA/MGTOW safe space. You did read what WHTM is about when you came here ? A certain comment about avoiding kitchens if the heat is distasteful comes to mind.
This insistence on deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate
seems awfully familiar.
Since he keeps talking about attacks, I’m posting more kitten attacks:
In what way did I shitpost @Ooglyboggles? I havent personally attacked anyone. Can you quote the sentence where I shitposted?
Post some dog pics as well, lets all strive for equality in animal photos.
I just made an argument. I find it deplorable that they make personal attacks on people instead of on the arguments.
They also made fun of the baronet for his age, but were up in arms when a MGTOW site made attacks on the age of women.
Here is the article. You should scroll up Ive posted the link and my argument already.
I also find it deplorable that they are okay with attacking hypocrisy when it comes from the redpillers/mgtows/anti feminists but are blind to all the hypocrisy from the feminist side.
Here is another article where we hunted the mammoth insinuate that roosh has raped someone even though the women that was allegedly raped did not go to the police, did not go to the courts did not seek any assistance. You guys are playing a dangeous game, you are basically saying that men can be accused of rape and character assassinated even though there is no proof it.
@Bradley Shore: I did say you would serve as a chew toy for a while. Can’t you even tell when I’m ragging you ?
I did not post the link, I apologize.
Here is the link for the seocnd article.
Oh in that case, alright.
LOL oh @Bradley Shore, trying so hard to get some attention.
You’re just so…boring, dude. I mean, okay, you made your arguments, so what?
Reasons nobody wants to debate your finely-honed arguments:
Nobody cares
Your argument is boring
Nobody knows you
Hence, nobody cares about what your opinion is of us
You’re obviously just playing Devil’s Advocate at the very least (boring) or trolling (also boring)
There’s just nothing there worth engaging with. I know you think you’ve got some big “GOTCHA! TAKE THAT, FEMINISTS!!” but it’s such a ludicrously remedial level that we just can’t even be arsed to respond to it.
You might do better in the Youtube comments or Reddit?
@Bradley Shore
I’ll bite:
Find me an example of a woman saying something equivalent to these statements:
“but sometimes the women are past their sell-by date and have been over the guns a few times.”
“I rescued her from the back of a car, set her up in business and made her a millionaire in 18 months. … She was very difficult to live with. Good riddance to her.”
Then show me where the commenters were supporting them.
Here’s a puppy:
I am going to ignore you cause you are attacking me personally. You are not helping your side at all.
I am not looking for a gotcha moment. I am also not trying to get my beliefs validated or trying to be in an echo chamber.
Have a good day, friend.
At first I was said to be working while a troll explosion was happening. Then I remembered how boring bed sores is.
Isn’t it adorable when they think they’re owed a debate?
Now I don’t even mind that I have to get back to work.
Well I do. But not because I’ll miss bed sores.
@Bradley Shore
Yay! That makes both of us!
And you as well.
@Bradley Bore
Mocking ageist trolls
who treat women like they have
expiration dates.
Deriding this man
For doing what’s shown above
Are compatible.
Nicely done, this feels like a Mark sockpuppet, with the refusal to edit his posts and instead spams single sentence posts an all.
The tiny bear is so cute, I can practically hear the squeaky growing noises. It’s just as adorable as the baby Koala ankle weight.
@Makroth – Agent of the Great Degeneracy
I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. Andrea Dworkin
Andrea is a pretty well known feminist.
The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. Sally Miller Gearhart,
Sally is also a pretty well known feminist.
I would say these are objectively worse than your quotes.
@ opposablethumbs
Trust Viz to have the best response to the election announcement.
Nice arguments.