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Whaa? Daily Stormer hails Berkeley puncher, demands teen girls be “forcibly married-off”

Turns out that very few teenage girls want to be forcibly married to Nazis

It’s not exactly a shock to discover that Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, the internet Nazi tabloid, thinks it’s just swell that a fellow white supremacist sucker-punched a female antifascist activist in one of the many melees that broke out in and around an alt-right rally in Berkeley yesterday.

“Nathan Damigo went to war Saturday, and he took out one of our top enemies,” Anglin happily declares in a Daily Stormer post today. “She came to fight and she got what she came for!” (Archived post here; mildly NSFW.)

Adding to Anglin’s evident delight: “[T]his girl was really small, which makes it even funnier.”

But if Anglin’s gloating over the punch is par for his particular course, what is a bit surprising is where he goes from there. After posting some old photos of the punchee that the not-so-good folks from /pol/ dug up after the incident yesterday, Anglin declares that “[s]he was a nice, sweet little girl as a teenager.” But now, he notes with a shudder, she’s a SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR with a nose ring and hairy armpits who’s not shy about showing her body in public.

And this, to Anglin, is a sign that we need to institute what he calls “WHITE SHARIA” to make sure no other white girls ruin their beautiful innocence with too much independent thought.

When this bitch was 15, you could genuinely say “Aryan princess.” She was glowingly pretty, I’m sure very sweet, giggly, would blush if you flirted with her – she was fit for a white analog to K-Pop.

But “freedom” and the university system turned her into a hairy porno monster rioting on the street.

Damn that freedom! Sorry, “freedom.”

The degree to which you allow women freedom is the degree to which they will destroy their own lives and the lives of everyone around them and by extension all of civilization itself.

Huh. I always thought that the notion of individual liberty was one of the best things about civilization, not a threat to its very existence.

Anglin has a rather old-fashioned solution for this pesky female freedom:

We have to forcibly marry-off teenage girls to men who will TAKE CARE OF THEM!

We WANT women to be taken care of, as they are the thing that cooks, cleans, gives sexual pleasure and produces and raises children! The white knights don’t care about the protection of women! White knights skirt their MASCULINE responsibility by refusing their biological duty to protect women in REAL terms, which mainly involves protecting them from themselves, rather than some external threat!

Apparently you “protect” girls and women by referring to them as “things,”punching them in the face, and forcing them into a lifetime of sexual slavery as unwilling teenage brides.

Oh, sorry, I’m just being a “cuck.”

People who are opposed to the policy of forced teenage marriage are cucks and feminists, who care not for the wellbeing of women, but simply for their own childlike emotions which have been stimulated by Jewish propaganda in Hollywood films about the independent minds of women.

And people can be like “OH YEAH OKAY BUT WHITE SHARIA IS TOO EXTREME THO” – in fact, the situation is now so extreme that we don’t have any choice anymore.

Nah. We have a choice. On one side, the “cucks” and the feminists and the alleged Jewish propagandists — all of those who share the weird belief that women shouldn’t be shotgun-married into submission. On the other side, Nazi shitheads terrified by women with nose rings and armpit hair and minds of their own.

Hey, I never said it was a particularly difficult choice. Just an important one.

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tim gueguen
7 years ago

Given his comments about flirting with 15 year olds I fervently hope we don’t have Anglin eventually being arrested for sexual assault on some poor teen girl, or worse.

It’s funny that Anglin mentions K-pop. A few days ago I watched a Korean miniseries called Girl K, aka Killer Girl K. A teenage girl sees her mother killed when they stumble across arms smugglers trying to sell a stem cell serum, stolen from a Korean biotech firm. She almost dies herself, but is saved by the female head of the firm’s security unit, who offers to help her get revenge on the man who killed her mother. In exchange she has to become an assassin for the company. I’m guessing Anglin doesn’t have a clue about Korean pop culture beyond the shallowest knowledge that K-pop exists, and that it’s not just Hollywood that makes stuff where women do something besides look pretty and try to get married.

7 years ago

@Vanir85 and judas. Honestly I doubt there will be that much blood shed. Alt-right nazis are in the minority and the majority abhor their views much less their methods. If anything it’ll go the way of the militia movement. Lots of drunk guys posturing with guns, and few small outliers who will either die in a hail of bullets, or of old age in prison.

That being said, we don’t give these fucks an inch.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

I’m guessing Anglin doesn’t have a clue about Korean pop culture beyond the shallowest knowledge that K-pop exists, and that it’s not just Hollywood that makes stuff where women do something besides look pretty and try to get married.

Ten bucks says he just likes Gangnam Style and doesn’t realise it’s satirical.

Alt-right nazis are in the minority and the majority abhor their views much less their methods.

Sure, they’re the minority of the populace, but they’re the majority of the ones in power. Every branch of government, the police, the media – all firmly on their side regardless of the will of the people. Technically, we‘re the militia.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

when will the day come that these alt-right nazis are called and treated for what they really are – terrorists.. hebephile / ephebophile terrorists.

Ugh, ugh, fuck them.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

The horror movie White is an entertaining send up of the K-Pop industry. Train to Busan is about an deadbeat dad who learns during a zombie apocalypse that he shouldn’t be a selfish asshole. Nightmare High and Voice have resourceful female protagonists.

I can’t claim to be an expert on Korean popular culture, but yeah, I can’t say I’ve noticed that the whole thing centers around women being nothing but vapid fuckdolls. Although, as with the media in many, many other countries, they do fetishize female youth and thinness too much.

7 years ago

K-Pop? Is that a big thing in Nazi, uh, “thought”, or is it just that Anglin himself faps to Hyuna videos?

I don’t think Anglin is a very effective propagandist for his ideology. He tends to make Nazis seem like pathetic losers, which is not great for recruitment.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
7 years ago

In other Daily Stormer related news, one of their contributors, “Hamish Patton”, is receiving attention for his role in coordinating online attacks and doxxing of Australian Muslims, women, and Muslim women.
Apparently IRL he’s a Hitler doll collector, and yet another Jewish NeoNazi. Wut?

7 years ago

This reminds me of that one Oglaf comic about what human women want and massive penis bias.

Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Ugh, another round of Nazis dreaming of the day when they can treat all women like stupid little girls. Or to put it another way:

Pedophile Nazis. I hate pedophile Nazis.

7 years ago

the thing that cooks, cleans, gives sexual pleasure and produces and raises children!

Wow. I mean, it’s obvious in most diatribes of the people this page mocks, but to have someone come out and phrase it that bluntly.

I’m suddenly filled with the irresistible urge to buy a ticket, fly to America and throw myself at his feet. But alas, as I’m fat and over 25, I know I must refrain and not sully him with my presence.
A terrible faith, truly.

(Except for the producing of children….your hand can do all of that too, dude. Have fun.)

7 years ago

Well Anglin, it’s all too easy for a girl to have ruined her life when your idea of ruined is “not sentenced to a life of domestic and reproductive servitude to scumbuckets like myself.”

It turns out women and girls have no more desire to be property than you do. Of course that would matter if we were fully human in your view.

7 years ago

Thank you Andrew Anglin for yet again showing people, especially women, why they shouldn’t support your movement!

7 years ago

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
7 years ago

Well, I have had the opportunity to peruse Korean media, and I have to say that even the tame stuff looks pretty misogynistic, even by the standards of, say, Japanese media. Granted, it’s not indicative of the culture or even media as a whole, but if that’s where you get your impression of the culture from – and foreigners generally will – it’s going to strike you as pretty f’d up.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

A bit off topic, but what do you folk think of this self entitled waste of skin? David should do a thread about this knob womble. 🙁

Baronet, 70, ‘interviewing hard’ for young bride – but women ‘past their sell-by date’ need not apply – The Telegraph

7 years ago

“Baronet, 70, ‘interviewing hard’ for young bride – but women ‘past their sell-by date’ need not apply”

– Virgin Mary

FFS. May the miserable old creep die as lonely and childless as he fears he will.

Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ Virgin Mary

What a charming fellow. Wish I could meet him so I could tell him, “We had a revolution to get rid of people like you.”

Paradoxical Intention: Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

I hope Anglin never sees CL’s Hello Bitches, considering his…uh…”views” of K-Pop.

He’d likely have an aneurysm, due to CL being “westernized” (which actually was a complaint of many people who saw the video).

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
7 years ago

Criminy, these people are more effective than ipecac.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

So, wait. Women are destructive to both self and civilization, but it’s a woman’s job to raise the next generation? Why would one put a child-like, destructive being in charge of such an important task?

Could it be that Nazis don’t actually have an internally-consistent worldview because they haven’t thought this shit out? One of the major deficiencies of Germany in WWII was the unwillingness of the Nazis to allow women to work outside the home, hamstringing their industrial output, so there are practical reasons in addition to logical and moral ones to think of women as human, but Nazis just can’t seem to learn the lesson.

7 years ago

“One of the major deficiencies of Germany in WWII was the unwillingness of the Nazis to allow women to work outside the home, hamstringing their industrial output”

– Policy of Madness

Thankfully, inhuman ideologies almost always hamstring themselves in some way(s). Total dedication to being assh*les comes with a cost.

7 years ago

I know the Nazi connotations of 88, but what does 1488 refer to?

Paradoxical Intention: Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

@Itsabeast: The 14 refers to the “14 words”: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Whereas the 88 stands for HH, which you know what that means. : /


Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

waaayyyyy off topic, Alex Jones admits “my show is all just for show”

Alex Jones, the radio personality and conspiracy theorist who may be wider than he is long, is currently involved in a child custody trial in Austin, Texas with his ex-wife Kelly Jones. In the trial, Jones has been forced to reckon with his career of dangerous misinformation and pseudo-cult leadership, and he has attempted to do so with the argument that his entire public persona is an act, and with that defense, he joins a host of famous men who want to be taken seriously until they don’t.

At a pretrial hearing, his attorney Randall Wilhite argued that to use Jones’s Infowars personality to judge Jones as a father would be, according to the Austin Statesman like “judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in Batman.”

“He’s playing a character,” Wilhite said. “He is a performance artist.”

okay, it was his lawyer that said it… still, I KNEW IT!!! 🙂 :0 🙂

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

@weird Eddie

I thought that the ‘alternative media’ backing Trump was bad enough, these folk who crow about being ‘awake’ and everyone else being ‘normies’ and ‘sheeple’. I might have guessed Alex Jones was a comedy character, I suppose Bill Hicks isn’t dead after all and this is his big ‘reveal’. Andy Kaufman will be next!! 😮