Correction: I thought this was at the Berkeley rally; it was actually in Austin.
Mike Cernovich has taken his clowning to a whole new level. Watch as “one of America’s leading jouirnalists [sic]” — as he describes himself on his website — is brutally assaulted by a bloodthirsty mob of SJWs at a Tax Day rally in Austin, TX.
Oh wait, he’s not being brutally assaulted. He’s being gently nudged.
But that doesn’t stop him from drama king-ing it up, repeatedly crying “I’m being assaulted” as evil SJWs continue their brutally gentle nudgng.
Amazing that Mike is still standing after that, er, assault!
…Nudging happens at social events.
I literally have meltdowns if strange people touch me without asking, but somehow I survive the Rocky Horror Picture show every two fucking weeks. And concerts. And rehearsals. And dance clubs, sometimes.
Point is, Cernovich’s inability to handle occasional contact with other people makes him weaker than me, a woman who literally has issues with touching people. It can ruin my entire day if a person touches me, but I still make it through the social event without crying most of the time.
Seriously, dude. Handle yourself.
In my head Crocodile Dundee is saying “That’s not an assault. This is an assault” *Donk!*
So much alpha…
So much gorilla mindset…
I wonder.. would he literally shatter like cheap glass if he was *actually* assaulted (like the woman in David’s previous article)?
Bitch please!
Shooting your mouth off in public is very different to doing it on the Internet. They keep getting hit by snowflakes 🙂
Wonder how he’d react to that “I’m-not-touching-you” malarkey we’d pull when we were kids?
This is an even more stunning act of violence than Roosh’s beer shower. My heart goes out to Cernovich and his loved ones. If there are any. I propose a national day of remembrance for this shocking and heartbreaking incident.
That only seems to work for white male lawyers when it’s taken seriously. Most of the rest of us would be laughed at by law enforcement if we wandered around screaming about being assaulted.
I’ve seen way worse “assaults” at Renaissance festivals. The ale stands can be murder; I’m sure Juicebro would never survive. Or get a drink…
Isn’t “Ass salt” what you get on a really humid day?
This reminds me of the time where I was posting on Ponychan’s random board and someone posted a whine thread about feminists. I asked them to give me an example of the bad feminists they were typing about so I could see what was wrong with them. They proceeded to post videos where the feminist spoke for less than 5% percent of the time. Showing me a man talking over a feminist and eating up the airspace with what they believed is not showing me what is wrong with a feminist.
The next example was something outrageous said by a woman working fox news who does not seem to speak of themselves as a feminist. It was simply because the person was female or identified as a woman.
It’s like a puppy whining. They have to create this redirection of attention, desperately. I never did get that brony to show me the problems with the beliefs of behavior of feminists they has a probkem.
Rallies must be kinda difficult for Juicebro. They’re about collective action, and therefore not all about him.
Eagerly awaiting to his struggle with that “crowd” to be compared to MLK. Truly, the warrior the alt-right deserves.
What a fucking nozzle.
love this
This is the best idea ever. It’s amazing. If he ever comes to London then I’ll totally risk getting beaten up to go and do it to him.
I’d be tempted to pants/wedgie him.
@Troubelle, EJ
What about a modified adult version? Your version is perfectly fine but I’ve thought about how to do more overtly socially challenging behavior best and I’ve wondered what people would think about the idea. I’m somewhat hesitant about this sort of thing but these are the social occasions that this behavior is made for.
I suspect a lot of political activity has something like a childhood game/dominance tactic at it’s core. Cooties is all over lots of bigotry, yet the same general system is used to target unacceptable beliefs, ways of thinking and behavior in our kind broadly. Bias is considered disgusting even though lots of people can’t really explain why the bias is irrational.
In the skeptic/atheist community I used to see a kind of philosophy troll that had to bring up hypothetical scenarios involving rape. It was like there was this need to desensitize people to the concept or covertly apply social pressure. The questions had no goal to prevent anything harmful, they were not useful to any real-world prblem involving rape. They were unwilling to say why they needed to think about this. It was all “muh freeze peach”. Dawkins arguably role-modeled a bunch of this several years back.
I thought that bore resemblance to the “I’m not touching you” game. People in our community reasonably asked that sexism, misogyny, harassment and other issues be taken seriously in our community. Many people acted outraged that someone would dare make this concern a part of the community. Much outrage over outrage was seen and the second group never really got around to describing why the first group should not be outraged. The resistance to things like harassment polities, seriously investigating sexual misconduct and assault was disgusting from my perspective.
I’ve thought that our own ways of pushing a point socially is reasonable when it comes to actually having an issue taken seriously, or playing with the imp-licit social rules that they appear to live my. An example would be to go on about just how useful his social behavior is to rapists and other people who sexually assault others. Not that he himself actually did anything, but that specific behavior is the sort of thing a rapist would do or would be socially helpful to rapists and their social allies. I did that on The Mary Sue a couple of times and it seemed to be effective. I like to think in strategic terms that involve what social actions abusers, harassers and rapists would take in a place as undisciplined as the internet.
We can design our own power challenges using symbols they are sensitive to. The trick is to make sure the challenge is actually useful to any group you want to act like you are coming to the defense of. (Relatedly, I will take any criticisms that my approach is not useful.)
Point taken! Though there could be a hybrid approach: staying an inch away whilst going on about Important Points.
Oh juice-bro, we can always put you in a bomb shelter so that you’ll never be hurt again. We’ll even lock it from the outside.
Absolutely Safe Capsule, anyone?
With the way guys like this tend to mock feminists/SJWs/non-assholes with “TRIGGERED!” jokes, they sure seem to get “triggered” (by their own definition of the word) way more easily and often than they accuse the other side of being.
Absolutely. I was aiming for “additional variables to manipulate” instead of better ones. A hybrid approach or the best approach for the specific job if things can be defined well enough.
I’m not sure Cernovitch would respond ideally to my example. But mining the things they mock and fear for examples would yield things to use in a social challeng. As far as I am concerned any characteristic relevant to the social problem is fair game as it’s used in thier politics.
As a bonus the character flaws the make them horrible tend to infest other parts if reasoning. This can be used to talk about suitability to be in any group let alone a bigoted one. Solutions can be made to fit problems.
Oh, Turkey. What have you done. 🙁
What does this mean for NATO? Do you know?
Terrible wording in my previous comment. “Best approach” should be “tailored approach”.
Just survived an Easter that included my Trump fan uncle. I called him delusional and he said I was ashamed of being white. Good times.
Luckily that was only a small portion of the afternoon and the rest was fine.