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Alt-Right dinguses really very excited that one of them punched a woman in the face

Defenders of Ee Ech in Berkeley

So there was a bit of a battle in Berkeley on Saturday between a motley crew of alt-rightists who wanted to give some speeches and a bunch of anti-fascist (antifas) who didn’t want them to.

Things got a bit, well, heated, with the alt-right anti-antifas going on a bit of a rampage.

Yes, that’s right, that was one baseball-hatted defender of “free speech” carrying a golf club on the off chance that he might stumble upon a golf course in the middle of the protests, I guess.

I don’t know if that guy used his golf club on any of the antifas, but there were definitely a lot of alt-rightists using their fists.

The “Proud Boys” considered the day to have been a glorious victory.

While capturing flags is, I guess, quite thrilling, what has the alt-rightists most excited is that bit at the end of ??MAGS4?Trump‘s clip above — in which one anti-antifa dude, identified by assorted observers as white supremacist Nathan Damigo, punched an antifa woman in the face.

The punch was quickly memeified.

Meanwhile, some of the biggest celebrity alt-right fellow travelers — who have gone to great lengths to deny being alt-rightists themselves — cheered on the violence. Some were there.

Southern, ostensibly a journalist, was one of those who was there to witness the “victory” in person, wearing a MAGA helmet and accompanied by “Proud Boy” bodyguards.

Meanwhile, one fellow who’s a bit more honest about his allegiences than many of the alt-right fellow travelers looked toward the future with cautious optimism.

So how was your Saturday?

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Eyes on the Right
7 years ago

I’m being 100% serious when I say thanks for writing about it so I didn’t have to. Fuck these people.

7 years ago

Aren’t these the same people who said an Anti-Fa punching Richard Spencer in the face was bad?

So punching someone for advocating “gentle” ethnic cleansing is wrong, but a KKK member punching a woman for peacefully protesting is good.


7 years ago

Hypocrites like these make it really, really hard to think that people beating these nazis bloody are just as bad. It’s almost like fighting a person who wants other races to be wiped off the face of the Earth is better than pretending to think that debate and civil discourse is going to save the day and not rock the boat.

Choice quote from David’s linked article:

Dave Gottfried, 58, a self-employed Berkeley artist, passed “empathy kisses,” chocolate candy, out to both sides. He had hoped to “show empathy is the beginning of understanding.”

These people literally want people like me and others to get gassed, nuked and tortured. And he gives out kisses and candy like this is some mass lovers’ spat.

7 years ago

“Make Fallout real”, “we captured the flag”, “levelled up”: makes you wonder how many of these are Gamergaters, doesn’t it? (Well, we know about Juicebro)

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

Goddamn, but these people have no idea what they’re on about. It’s like a bunch of little boys screeching about Capture the Flag/ No Smelly Gurls, only with far more far-reaching and lethal consequences. And they consider themselves to be the apex of human society and evolution?

BRB, vomiting in my soul for a while.

7 years ago

Yeah, right Mr. It’s gonna come down to fights in the streets!.

Wait a minute, I’m confused by some of the things. Aren’t these the same shitty people who are constantly hyping up the dangerousness of black, and brown men, as the second comings of Godzilla?

Do they believe these lies or not, because it’s their position on how dangerous tha brothas are that got them thinking it’s okay to be punching women in the street.

Everytime I read one of these, I think to myself these are the kind of delusional white men who only sincerely wish they were badasses. I have known some serious badasses, many of them women, black and white, and these guys haven’t met those people yet. It’s a very big difference between fighting some college coeds, with idealogical differences, on a college campus, to attacking people at their homes, with their wives, mothers, and children just a few feet away.

These guys have never run up on a group of desperate people fighting for the lives of their family members. I have, and I have a prediction to make. They gonna lose. These ain’t suburbians who’ve had a bit too much coffee, and are feeling a bit energetic.

They can talk all the bullshit they want on a college campus on Cali, but I still notice them mothaf***as ain’t visiting Oakland, Watts, or Inglewood, anytime soon. You know where the actual people, theyre advocating be killed, are actually living. When they get to where the brothas, fathers, mothers and sistahs at, let me hear how that shit went down.

It also never seems to occur too them, no matter how many pointless skirmishes these people have with the Antifa ( bless em!) that #NotAllWhiteMen, gonna come in on their side, either.

I’m just trying to think through the logistics of the situation.

I’ve said this many times, and imma say it one mo’ ‘gin: You got to bring some ass to get some ass. This is the reason they usually gang up on lone PoC in the street who are just minding they business.

They’re basically a bunch of cowards. If they had the strength of their convictions, they’d all be willing to die for their cause. So far they only seem willing to punch people for it.

7 years ago

All this fuckers are also crowing about the cops being “nowhere to protect them”, even though that’s only because they were the ones being violent and charging and winning. Like, we saw with Milo, when antifa has the upper hand, the cops storm in with tear gas. And this time, the cops were only there to keep the antifa broken up and separated for the fascists to have fun beating.

The important thing to remember in all this is that the cops are collaborators with the fascists and will do anything they can to tip the scales in their favor.

7 years ago

@Moggie: I am not sure if they are gamegaters or not, but it really worries me that they are using those terms alongside things like “we won the battle” and referring to themselves as militia.

One thing it will do is set them off when the media picks up on it and starts reporting it – kicking off another “computer games = violence” furore for them go off about.

But it may also draw in the more radical element who are sitting there thinking these are people just playing games. When they see the more militant terms, I am worried they may be spurred into action.

I sincerely hope these fears are unfounded! And I hope all the people here that might be affected can keep safe. I wish there was more I could do to help.

7 years ago

I can see these arseholes dying in one of three ways

1. In a hail of gunfire from various law enforcement agents.
2. In jail due to a life sentence
3. In obscurity with no one to mourn them.

Of those I’d probably predict 3 as the most likely.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

So, what’s with all the Syrian flags? I thought these dudes hated Syrians?

7 years ago

Wow. Just…

One win and you’re singing ‘we are the champions’. No wonder they find trump so inspiring.

What gets me in the couple of black men in the clips running with the altright assholes. Boys, are you serious?

And the dumbass woman so proud of the “american men” with no weapons. Clubs are weapons. Fists are weapons. Your boys came to hurt people. That’s all they did.

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
7 years ago

Weimar. That’s what comes directly to mind here.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Nightclub shooting in Ohio. 10-ish injured from reports I’m getting.

7 years ago


Aren’t these the same people who said an Anti-Fa punching Richard Spencer in the face was bad?

So punching someone for advocating “gentle” ethnic cleansing is wrong, but a KKK member punching a woman for peacefully protesting is good.


Which is exactly why I dislike the whole “speak in soft, sweet tones to racists” sentiment.

One group can never, ever react negatively to the other – who constantly demean and dismiss all their concerns – who can say and do whatever they want because apparently (despite often being in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, etc.) everyone else needs to treat them with kid gloves. Calling anything “racist,” even when it is racist, is not allowed…but don’t you dare condemn anyone for using “nigg*r” ’cause free fucking speech. ‘Cause it isn’t like anyone who is expressing dislike of such are doing the same thing but, hey, fuck ’em – we can’t hurt the feeling of white guys who can’t take even mild criticism!

@Andy Cooper:

Weimar. That’s what comes directly to mind here.

Or the Spanish Civil war in the early 20th Century.

I’m pretty sure if the Socialists won against Franco’s fascists, the world would be a slightly better places. Same with Weimar, if it managed to actually work out and bring Germany out of an economic depression due to WW1.

Speaking as a Jew, I think the biggest mistake the Weimar Republic ever made was legitimizing the Nazis by giving a position of any sort to Adolf Hitler – even as honorary as it was. Anti-Semitism was certainly there before but Germanic (if not just Ashkenazi) Jews were making some strides which is why things like “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which was in no way legitimate as a document, had some popularity.

Oppressors, upon seeing success from those oppressed, are prone to claiming the marginalized are somehow part of a conspiracy to destroy their society for nefarious reasons. The notion that women and those who are considered non-white deserve consideration and support, historically speaking, are fairly recent developments in the mainstream.

Though many MRAs and anti-BLM individuals claim that earlier forms of feminism or social activism were better than the feminism or social activism of today, they wouldn’t say the same thing were they alive back when women’s suffrage was first popularized or when the Civil Rights Movement took place. They would, in fact, say the same thing they do about modern third-wave feminism or Black Lives Matter.

They don’t realize this because they don’t give a shit about history, whatever their pretensions may be (see: Davis Aurini).

7 years ago

There were alt-reich people telling each other to tack flags onto clubs to pretend they are flagpoles and other tricks to sneak weapons in. This was premeditated violence, set in motion by white supremacists.

I think the main lesson here – and it’s a dangerous, terrible one – is that protesters don’t just have to worry about the cops. That even at peaceful protests you have to be ready to defend yourself from assault.

This is going to escalate very quickly.

7 years ago

There were peaceful anti-Trump marches in 100 cities in the US – we must not forget that 😉

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Shooting outside voting station in Turkey, 2 dead.

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
7 years ago


What really bothers me about this situation is the presence of organised street militias on both sides. Extremely worrying. And the historical parallels are obvious. There’s going to be a lot more of it (unless we’re all little piles of irradiated ash in a couple of weeks, of course).

Americans of course, don’t have to raid government supply dumps for access to firearms, which is another troubling aspect of this situation. How long before these people start taking pot shots at each other?

7 years ago

This is a prime example of why only the dumbest of women fall for it when these nazi/alt-right/Trump supporters pretend that they’re “protecting” us from some scary outsider misogynists.

7 years ago


There were alt-reich people telling each other to tack flags onto clubs to pretend they are flagpoles and other tricks to sneak weapons in.

Wow, an actual false flag operation!

7 years ago

The alt-right “took” downtown Berkeley. Wow. Do they not know that means absolutely nothing? Are they under the impression that they are now in charge of Tenure decisions at UC or something?

They had to fly in people from all over the country to “win” a pointless protest battle that has zero effect on anything at all. That’s not a sign of strength; it’s a sign of abject impotence.

Although I hope they persist in this delusion of grandeur because once they realize how impotent they actually are I’m sure many will turn to acts of terrorism. Stamping this mess out for good is going to take years. Thanks, Trump.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Obvious projection is obvious. I see love of violence in the trumpholes even as they assert all the violence is the fault of “leftists” and “communists” and “marxists” (more broadly). The comments on the article are full of the same cheap and easy projective assertions. Signal to noise bullshit.

“I don’t mind hitting” the counter-demonstrators, Rhodes said. “In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.”

“It’s getting sporty,”

AJ Alegria, 31, of Sacramento said he also came to Berkeley to help defend Trump supporters. He said he pursued a counter-demonstrator…

Why would a defender leave what they are defending?

“These people create violence all the time… somebody has to stand up to them,” said Alegria, who was injured in the fight. He was treated by Trump supporters who bandaged his head, washed off the pepper spray and gave him encouragement, saying, “You’ve earned your stripes, bro.

“Create violence” hides responding to non-violent people with violence. It says nothing about how the violence originated.

“Earned your stripes”. This is celebratory language.

“Stop Liberal Intolerance.”

Intolerance of what? “Tolerance” was political language targeting bigoted social behavior, it was simultaneously intolerant of bigotry. This is pure rhetorical manipulation. It only works because of the in-group bias and collapses when they are in a social situation where focus can be directed at the BS.

7 years ago

How do you play Fallout and come away thinking about how great it would be if it were actually real life? Are we playing the same games? I seem to recall “things are super fucked right now and that’s terrible, but clinging to the past and trying to make everything the way it was before is futile and counterproductive” being kind of a big recurring theme in them. Fallout takes some serious shots at the super conservative good ol’ 50s-ish days pretty frequently as well.

I apologize for focusing on what is easily the least important aspect of this, but I’m fresh off a New Vegas run and am just completely baffled by that reaction.

7 years ago


I apologize for focusing on what is easily the least important aspect of this, but I’m fresh off a New Vegas run and am just completely baffled by that reaction.

Well there’s your problem. That was the focus of New Vegas. But you see, you were playing a GOOD Fallout game. These people focus exclusively on FO3 and now 4, and are incapable of imagining themselves as anything but the Lone Wanderer or someone equally as overpowered.

I can’t imagine thinking that being in the Fallout universe would be a good thing. It just does not compute to me.

7 years ago

Those guys always call it “equality” when they specifically target women. That’s not equality when you know damn well they’d leave a man alone. The victim didn’t challenge him into a duel or whatever that would have made use of force fair, he sought out the smallest possible target and attacked by surprise. The videos even show him walk past women his own size, his whole point was to find someone he could physically dominate. What a bunch of cowardly little bullies.

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