alt-right men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism reddit

Child support = white genocide, according to racist MGTOW dumbass

Run, white man, run!

The alt-right is leaking into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit again.

In a post in the subreddit today, a fellow calling himself JFK7878 sets forth an intriguing theory: “Draconian child support is part of white genocide.”

How so, you ask? Well, if white dudes knew they wouldn’t have to pay for any children they helped to produce, they’d be out there breeding white babies like you wouldn’t believe:

“What would happen if suddenly there was no child support or alimony ?” JFK7878 asks, before providing the answer to his own question.

Population would explode. Men could simply go and spread their seed impragnating multiple women with no fear of financial destruction.

Impragnating? I guess that’s how babby is formed. 

Goverment could easily support these mothers, they spent billions on useless submarines and nuclear weapons to ‘protect us’ Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.


The reason for ridiculous child support payments, divorce rape and alimony is to destroy white population, it effects mostly decent men who have good jobs and arent thugs or drug dealers. Such financially destroyed man will not be able to have more children with other women without worsening his situation. He will not have chance to have another family but he will have to work as a slave. Also no child support, alimony and divorce rape could reduce divorces by 80% creating stable society.

So unfair that good white men can’t just have babies with every white woman they see without having any financial responsibility for them!

If you’re thinking this sounds like a devious plot against the White Man, guess what, it is!!1!

It’s all by design. Demography crisis could be solved in one day and it only exist because the system is constructed to create it. It works.

How many of you dont have children because of fear of 18 years of child support ?

Well, I’d guess it has more to do with the fact that none of these guys can find anyone who will let them get near their vaginas, but if they’re holding back because of fear of child support, that’s good, too. These guys should not be having children. They probably shouldn’t even be allowed to have pets.

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Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


They never seem to realize that children are actual human beings.

I’ve seen them talking about this on Twitter – some of them (hopefully not all of them?) sincerely believe that kids are property. Which is terrifying.

The specific commenter here also seems to think that contributing his sperm to create (white) children, that he has no further interest or investment in, is a worthy life goal. So very sad, on so very many levels.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
7 years ago

“Draconian” child support? But dragons have lots of gold, they can afford to support the little dragonets!

7 years ago

“Impragnating”? What the hell is that, a portmanteau of impregnating and fragging? That’s, uh, quite the bit of creative destruction you’ve got going on there, fella.

Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.

I’m pretty sure they couldn’t. We’re born with nothing, after all. Not even clothes on our backs, much less cash in the pockets thereof. Hence the need for child support, ya fuckin’ bozo.

The reason for ridiculous child support payments, divorce rape and alimony is to destroy white population, it effects mostly decent men who have good jobs and arent thugs or drug dealers. Such financially destroyed man will not be able to have more children with other women without worsening his situation.

Given that the Earth is already overpopulated, and that white men have had a disproportionately heavy role in its pollution and despoliation, I wouldn’t say that this is exactly a Bad Thing.

In fact, it sounds to me like you want to be a thug and a drug dealer yourself. If so, there’s nothing stopping you. Not even the color of your skin. In fact, all the biggest thugs and drug dealers I’ve ever seen were white men. Go to it, Skippy.

He will not have chance to have another family but he will have to work as a slave. Also no child support, alimony and divorce rape could reduce divorces by 80% creating stable society.

Obviously this guy has never heard of the FLDS and Warren Jeffs. There, it’s the women who have to do all the work while Big Patriarch just goes off picking his next barely-pubescent “plural wife” and making ’em pregnant by the dozen as he cultivates his cult of personality. The population explodes, and as for stability — well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be living behind THEIR compound walls. Especially since a lot of them are the product of heavy inbreeding, which is what happens when you have a small gene pool combined with forced polygamy.

Oh, and one of the ways the “plural wives” bring in the income? Welfare fraud. All their cheques get handed over to you-know-who. Child support? More like the wives and kids supporting the leeches — oh sorry, “alpha males — who brainwash them into thinking they won’t get into heaven without being plural-married to a man they don’t love.

Demography crisis could be solved in one day and it only exist because the system is constructed to create it. It works.

Actually, this “crisis” could be solved in an instant — BY NO LONGER BELIEVING IN IT, BECAUSE IT IS HOGWASH.

(Also, is English even this dude’s native language? Because he’s mangling it something awful. That, too, is a deterrent to women considering letting this guy deposit sperm in their orifices.)

7 years ago

Can anyone explain why the hell these idiots hate children so much? I mean, I kind of get their twisted logic about women. But they LOATHE children too.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


– some of them (hopefully not all of them?) sincerely believe that kids are property. Which is terrifying.

This belief is prevalent in the US virtually across the political spectrum, unfortunately. Conservatives are more fervent about it, but plenty of liberals and no few progressives agree.

7 years ago

@Dalillama “Prevalent” : Please give location of statistics or justification for that assertion. I’m just wondering where such things are coming from.

7 years ago


GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

Sex is really fun until your girlfriend gets herself pregnant. Why should you be forced to help take care of her child?

If you want more (white) children, you might want to think of ways to make it easier for women to afford and raise those children. If you make the burdens (including financial) of motherhood greater, you’ll probably get fewer (white) children. I’m not sure what about this is so difficult to understand.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago


They hate elderly people, too. Given how ageist the alt-right is, I kind of wish the Grey Panthers would make a comeback.

7 years ago

it’s easy to understand, it’s just strange that they’re justifying an idea like ‘let’s stop bombing everything and feed children’ with inherently violent eugenicist bullshit. if i were more optimistic, i’d think this person didn’t actually believe in this stuff, they just want more support for Head Start, and are trying to trick the MGTOWs into going along with it.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.

This is a very interesting line, given that Cernovich is a lawyer by trade. I might be wrong, but it sounds a lot like a Sovereign Citizen dogwhistle.

For those unaware, Sovereign Citizens are a movement that overlaps heavily with white-supremacism. Amongst other things, Sovereign Citizens believe that the Social Security Act creates a bank account for each citizen upon their birth, with a large (or unlimited) amount of money already in it. Furthermore, they believe that this bank account’s existence is concealed from its owner by the evil government, but if one files the right paperwork one can get access to it anyway. This has never worked, but it doesn’t stop them trying.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre has a good summary of their beliefs.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
7 years ago

None of these clowns should breed. Ever.

7 years ago

Now I want there to be a short story in which this pos or someone oddly like him finds himself in a long-post-apocalyptic utopia where everybody’s material needs are met and everyone contributes part of their time and efforts to meeting those needs (which means everybody also gets to learn, create and consume creative stuff, socialise etc.). The inhabitants of this utopia might turn for advice sometimes to a character who is good at practical conflict resolution and very smart at people (maybe a bit like Granny Weatherwax) and who has gradually come by general consensus to be consulted a lot on questions of the overall well-being of the community. She is often referred to when acting in this capacity by an archaic term whose origins and original context have been lost in the mists of time …

So when the pos has a tantrum about being expected to pitch in and help with something he considers beneath him (which is just about everything, but especially helping out with cleaning for infants/the infirm etc.) everyone is naturally appalled and disgusted; and he scoffs and can’t understand why everyone is so horrified, as his case – should he be banished??? – is to be placed before ::Dramatic Chords:: the Welfare Queen.

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

Population would explode. Men could simply go and spread their seed impragnating multiple women with no fear of financial destruction.

Goverment could easily support these mothers, they spent billions on useless submarines and nuclear weapons to ‘protect us’ Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.

So, Lebensborn. That worked great the first time.

7 years ago

the most perplexing part to me is the claim that eliminating child support, alimony, and marital rape laws (it says “divorce rape” but i have no idea what else this could mean? unless it’s just some gross migtoe lingo referring to how men get “raped” in divorce cases?) would cut divorce by 80%. I mean, the percentage is clearly something pulled out of the writer’s ass, but it doesn’t make any sense that they would thing it would reduce divorce at all. They seem to find the prospect of child support and alimony so abhorrent you’d think they’d believe the fear of it would keep people in bad marriages. Why would eliminating those “threats” help reduce the number of divorces?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

unless it’s just some gross migtoe lingo referring to how men get “raped” in divorce cases?


Why would eliminating those “threats” help reduce the number of divorces?

The idea is that if women are less able to support themselves outside of marriage, they’ll be more likely to stay with abusive, unfaithful or otherwise shitty husbands just to avoid homelessness. Feel free to vomit now – as somebody who spent a few months on the street after this very situation, it sure makes me want to.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago


Can anyone explain why the hell these idiots hate children so much? I mean, I kind of get their twisted logic about women. But they LOATHE children too.

My guess is “because roughly half of them are dreaded females,” possibly mixed with “because they take up time and attention that the idiots feel they should have instead”.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


Fuck. I’m really sorry to hear that 🙁
Glad you’re on the other side of it.

7 years ago

It’s just lovely how these shitheads holler bloody murder about ‘divorce rape’ and in the same breath claim that if men didn’t have to face any consequences for their actions, they would be knocking up women left right and center, with absolutely no consideration or reference given to whether or not the women would be totally fine with being ‘impragnated’ and left with no support whatsoever.

I suspect that this bozo also expects the Big Daddy government welfare machine to only provide for WHITE babies, and that non-white people would ideally be cut off from any form of support and welfare, in order to discourage non-white people from having filthy non-white babies.

Thomas Rogers
Thomas Rogers
7 years ago

You bastidge! Every time I read something about “babby” I have to go and watch the video again.

7 years ago

What would happen if suddenly there was no child support or alimony ?

I dunno, Mike Cernovich would have to get a job?

7 years ago

I guess JFK7878 is unaware of the fact that abortion exists. He seems to think that low birth rates are entirely because of men. I guess he thinks that all women want to have children. Never mind that if women don’t think that they can afford children, they’ll be less likely to have them.

Also never mind that there’s no good reason why we should think that our “draconian child support” laws would effect non white men any differently. Oh but of course its all “white genocide.” JFK7878 is such a “genius!”

Halloween Jack
Halloween Jack
7 years ago

This reply to the “population would explode” paragraph is hilarious:

It’s Saturday. Go out and take a walk.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago


Obviously this guy has never heard of the FLDS and Warren Jeffs. There, it’s the women who have to do all the work while Big Patriarch just goes off picking his next barely-pubescent “plural wife” and making ’em pregnant by the dozen as he cultivates his cult of personality. The population explodes, and as for stability — well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be living behind THEIR compound walls. Especially since a lot of them are the product of heavy inbreeding, which is what happens when you have a small gene pool combined with forced polygamy.

Not to mention the patriarch usually being an older man who’s spent much of his life actively preventing any of the other men, including his own sons, from getting any of the power in the town. When said patriarch eventually dies, the resulting ‘succession wars’ can get very ugly.

7 years ago

RW types imagine (and perpetuate the notion) that “government handouts” allow people to live a live of leisure and luxury. In reality they provide bare-bones subsistence. It takes a special kind of jackass to suggest that children be purposely created, only to be left in poverty so the sperm donors can go off to repeat the process in the name of White Power.