alt-right men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism reddit

Child support = white genocide, according to racist MGTOW dumbass

Run, white man, run!

The alt-right is leaking into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit again.

In a post in the subreddit today, a fellow calling himself JFK7878 sets forth an intriguing theory: “Draconian child support is part of white genocide.”

How so, you ask? Well, if white dudes knew they wouldn’t have to pay for any children they helped to produce, they’d be out there breeding white babies like you wouldn’t believe:

“What would happen if suddenly there was no child support or alimony ?” JFK7878 asks, before providing the answer to his own question.

Population would explode. Men could simply go and spread their seed impragnating multiple women with no fear of financial destruction.

Impragnating? I guess that’s how babby is formed. 

Goverment could easily support these mothers, they spent billions on useless submarines and nuclear weapons to ‘protect us’ Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.


The reason for ridiculous child support payments, divorce rape and alimony is to destroy white population, it effects mostly decent men who have good jobs and arent thugs or drug dealers. Such financially destroyed man will not be able to have more children with other women without worsening his situation. He will not have chance to have another family but he will have to work as a slave. Also no child support, alimony and divorce rape could reduce divorces by 80% creating stable society.

So unfair that good white men can’t just have babies with every white woman they see without having any financial responsibility for them!

If you’re thinking this sounds like a devious plot against the White Man, guess what, it is!!1!

It’s all by design. Demography crisis could be solved in one day and it only exist because the system is constructed to create it. It works.

How many of you dont have children because of fear of 18 years of child support ?

Well, I’d guess it has more to do with the fact that none of these guys can find anyone who will let them get near their vaginas, but if they’re holding back because of fear of child support, that’s good, too. These guys should not be having children. They probably shouldn’t even be allowed to have pets.

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Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

In fact, I wouldn’t trust any of them with a pet rock. They’d probably mistreat that, too.

7 years ago

It’s weird when they get super close to being smart but then take a sharp right back to stupid territory. The government/tax money can and should provide a basic standard of living, especially for children. That still wouldn’t lead to anyone willingly having sex with these guys. Also wouldn’t make much difference in divorce rates, since no longer fearing poverty would only encourage people to leave unhappy marriages (which is, again, exactly how the world should work). Whether or not this affects birth rates, I don’t know. Probably not.

7 years ago

I can’t get the word “burdizzo” out of my mind now.

7 years ago

It sometimes seems like these guys are so very far out in left field that they’ve found a different ball game. Yes, maybe the (American) government should deflate the military budget and provide more for its more vulnerable citizens. This is actually a reasonable idea that lots of folks have been suggesting for a while now. Yet he gets there through the most racist and convoluted thinking possible.

7 years ago

Have I missed the memo where child support was only required of whites?

7 years ago

If you help make a baby, you help pay for that baby. But even better is helping to raise and nurture that child. You don’t have to get married but you have to be in that child’s life. That’s my two cents as a the son of single mother.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Goverment could easily support these mothers, they spent billions on useless submarines and nuclear weapons to ‘protect us’ Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.

Draconian child support is part of white genocide.

That clock’s broken af.

7 years ago

Certainly, the reason many women limit the number of children they have is because of a realistic assessment of the demands of 18 years of child support.

7 years ago

The assumption with child support is that the job-having adults who made a decision that resulted in a new life are in a position to help give that new life a fair shot.

Of course, these asshats refuse to look beyond “But it annoys me!1!1!!111!”

7 years ago

/que MRA’s claiming that their mothers were taking too much money from their dads

She took so much cash, so much that she didn’t need to work 6/7 days a week to support her two children, that was just a hobby.

This doesn’t seem like a viable strategy, if anything it’ll make women even less likely to have sex with them because they don’t want to risk having to spend the rest of their lives taking care of chilren whose father only sees them as a tally for his hateful goals.

7 years ago

Conservatives. Opposed to contraception and abortion, yet also opposed to (among other things) public schools, universal healthcare, free college tuition, food stamps, free lunches, child support and paid maternity leave, and in favor of child labor and corporal punishment.

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: these people want there to be as many white children as possible as part of some perverse imaginary dick-measuring match against other races, but they don’t give a flying fuck as to the actual quality of life of these children. It’s disgusting.

7 years ago

Goverment could easily support these mothers, they spent billions on useless submarines and nuclear weapons to ‘protect us’ Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens.


It is!

magnesium: I’ve seen claims that government support for children increases average fertility, France v Italy being the poster-child of that comparison about 10 years ago.

My sweetheart knows someone in Denmark whose sister decided not to abort because she’d have government support to take care of her child and still be able to finish university and have a decent standard of living.

It’s all truthy, but I haven’t dug into it much myself — just saying that the question is out there and being studied.

7 years ago

This guy has an impregnation fetish, but he is sexually frustrated because he can’t afford the consequences if he carries through.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

They probably shouldn’t even be allowed to have pets.

They definitely shouldn’t be allowed to have pets.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I like how men sticking around and taking care of their children never even entered his mind. Yet, I bet this guy also thinks family courts are biased against men when it comes to custody.

They never seem to realize that children are actual human beings. They’re tools to get back at an ex. Or a way to further the white race. Human beings with emotional as well as financial needs? Nah.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Once again, MGTOWs have decided that accepting the consequences of their actions and taking responsibility is TYRANNY!!1!

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

So treating women like shit and abandoning their children equals saving the white race? Not sure the white race needs saving

7 years ago

Only when the white race consists of 50% deadbeat dads will it truly be worth preserving.

7 years ago

These creeps cannot go far enough their own way. How about deep space. Can they go there?

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago

Why do they hate children?

“I want lots of children, but I want them to be really poor”


Either: have a vasectomy or find any other way to make sure you don’t procreate (in the case of these bitter horrible people, abstention for the win)

Or: If you create a baby, provide your share for the child’s needs

Basic. Human. Decency.

If you don’t have it, why would we want to help in perpetuating your child-hating genes?

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
7 years ago


They never seem to realize that children are actual human beings.

Funny, I’m seriously wondering if this one is an actual prepubertal child who has wandered into a very bad place.

He certainly doesn’t sound like an adult who has ever had sex, or a job. It’s kind of refreshing to see a Manospherian who is in favour of Big Daddy Government footing the bill for caring for human beings. Makes me doubt he is now or ever has been a taxpayer himself.

He sounds like a child. Presumably, one with a deadbeat dad who is feeding him a line of bullshit, or about whom he is telling himself fairytales.

Horrible thought.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Population would explode. Men could simply go and spread their seed impragnating multiple women with no fear of financial destruction

That’s not rapey at all

Goverment could easily support these mothers, they spent billions on useless submarines and nuclear weapons to ‘protect us’ Im pretty sure they could find money on new citizens

Why do I get the feeling these jokers ain’t gonna be too happy when taxes go up to pay for welfare queens (read: brown women) to have babies?

He will not have chance to have another family but he will have to work as a slave

Racists shouldn’t say slave

Demography crisis

You not getting your dick wet on demand is not a crisis, jeez…

How many of you dont have children because of fear of 18 years of child support ?

Good policy, I think! If you don’t have the time, desire, or finances necessary to support a child, maybe baby making isn’t best for you. What’s that? You still wanna make the babies, but just not contribute to their welfare? So, you’re just a shit? OK, nevermind then…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

It always amazes me that MRAcists are so obsessed with “saving the White Race” even though they view white women, white liberals, white progressives, white gay people, white trans people, white college students, white teachers, white volunteer workers, white activists, white journalists, etc etc etc, as absolute scum. If the vast majority of the white population is undesirable, why bother creating more of them?

7 years ago

If the vast majority of the white population is undesirable, why bother creating more of them?

I’ll take that softball question, and answer it like an MRAcist:
Because … (wait for it) … they’re WHITE!

Cognitive dissonance is apparently not a thing MRAs ever notice, except to use against their opponents.

7 years ago

Well, obviously his kids will be brought up better than that, which he will ensure by having as little to do with them as possible.

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