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Roosh begs Trump to save men from nagging women, who are basically terrorists if you think about it

Lady terrorist in action

Roosh Valizadeh — alleged pickup artist, ironic rape legalization advocate and big league Trump fan — has a request for our failed president: Protect men from naggy women, who are basically a bunch of terrorists, if you think about it.

In an “Open Letter” to the current inhabitant of the White House, Roosh begs for some help combating “the problems … that [have] resulted from a society that has normalized hatred of men and masculinity.”

Foremost amongst them: nagging.

Sadly, the average man today is looked upon with contempt and the source of all problems that women complain about (both real and imagined), even though they are the most privileged class of female that exists in the world today.

Yes, that’s right: women are “the most privileged class of female that exists in the world today.” Also, presuming that Roosh is talking about human females and not, say, lady giraffes, women are also the least privileged class of (human) female that exists in the world today, given that they are the only class of (human) female that exists in the world today.

So how did these simultaneously most and least privileged females put men in such a terrible place? With the NAGGING.

As you already know, once a woman successfully nags you into correcting what she perceives as a problem, she immediately begins work on correcting another, and then another, until you wake up to find yourself completely submissive to a woman whose behavior now matches that of a radical Islamic terrorist.

Be careful, fellas, lest your wife or girlfriend slip an  improvised explosive device into your underwear drawer!

Thanks to the leftist pet causes of feminism and social  justice, which were enabled by the globalists who sought to defeat you, the matriarchal reign of terror has culminated with all men presumed to be rapists and oppressors, and who need to be “taught” how not to abuse women, as if it’s a natural-born instinct of ours like eating or sleeping. 

Being told that it’s a bad thing to abuse women is apparently equivalent to being run down by a terrorist in a truck at an outdoor market.

As a result of all this terroristic nagging, people may begin to believe that men are paid more than women just because economic data shows this to be an actual fact!

Once the culture has accepted the lie that all living men are active oppressors, it was easy to push other lies that men are unfairly stealing money from women by earning more than them for the same labor.

Next thing you know, incompetent women will take over the workplace and fire men with opinions about things!

The next step in correcting this “wrong” is for women who are less skilled than men to get hired and promoted over men. Relentless propaganda in the media and academia has so infected the workforce and female-dominated Human Resources departments that a productive man is one bogus accusation away from destitution. If his workplace has at least one woman, he can no longer share his opinions without fear of causing offense and getting fired.

It’s true! As a result, no men in America feel free to express their opinions about any subject whatsoever and have to be coaxed gently into saying anything at all.

The situation is even worse outside of work. Unless a man is prepared to wear a bodycam 24 hours a day, he is at risk for false accusations of harassment or rape.

This is why pretty much every man in America today refuses to venture outside without first putting on a full camera rig.

Standard camera rig for American males

But alas, this is not enough! Because “women are highly eager to lie for personal or financial gain,” hapless American men are forced to give up on

relationships, work, and even educating themselves in university, simply because they realize how badly the system is rigged against them. Men have become second class citizens, expected to bow down to women simply because they lack a vagina. While women shriek of their safe spaces, stocked with coloring books and crayons, men are subject to attack from any space they enter, because of laws and institutional rules that have been changed to their detriment.

But, hey, he’s not complaining! Men, as is well-known, simply hate complaining about anything, especially about women.

The men who follow me rather take it on the chin and solve their problems than complain about their plight, but we still can’t ignore the reality that relations between men and women are the worst it’s ever been thank to a multi-decade push by globalists to invert the natural order and lift women above men.

It’s so weird that women don’t even want to accept that their proper place is beneath men like Roosh.

We now live in a culture where women want to replace the role of men in employment, positions of power, and even within relationships as they gleefully brag about the “end of men” and how the world would just be better if we didn’t exist.

Roosh is so right here! I mean, look how men are struggling to cling on what little shreds of power they have left in politics, as these pictures of recent White House signing ceremonies suggest.

I mean, just look what happens! You let a couple of women in the room and — BAM! — the next thing you know everyone’s a woman wearing some kind of weird woman uniform and Trump has been replaced by Hillary Clinton!

But happily Roosh has a solution to the tyranny that female nagging has wrought. All Trump needs to do is to starve the “feminist pigs so that nature can reassert itself” — by cutting off all federal funding for lady things!

“[S]top the government from acting as a daddy and husband to women,” Roosh begs Trump.

Halt any program that performs a function that a father or husband could perform. This means no free money, no welfare, and no “reproductive health services.” Private charities can pick up the slack for widows and women who weren’t pleasing enough to land a husband. I also urge you to stop any program that attempts to turn women into men, such as university sports funding or scholarship programs that push unqualified women into science. As a masculine man yourself, do you see any point in having programs that encourage a woman to leech off of free help instead of falling into the arms of a man she must open her heart to in order to receive material benefits?

That’s right: women must learn to submit to men if they want to have any “material benefits” at all! It’s only fair!

If you thought Hillary Clinton was a nasty woman, I wish you could see the attitude of a basic run-of-the-mill middle class American girl who knows that there will be no consequences for her actions because she will be saved by a culture that thinks she’s a victim and a government that actively competes with men to be her husband. It’s become so bad that there are now male movements which dedicate themselves to not interacting with women at all.

And what a tragedy it is that these brave Men Going Their Own Way have been fired by quit the women of the world!

But Roosh doesn’t want to seem ungrateful to the mighty Trump, and ends his little letter on an up note.

Thankfully, even if you do nothing that I kindly suggest, your existence alone is a great help to men, who will now feel that it’s okay to proudly display their masculinity without feeling shame for having the natural urges to compete, achieve, conquer, and grow.

Trump truly is an inspiration to all men who want to achieve positions of power without having any discernible qualifications for their jobs.

Roosh even gives props to Trump’s lovely wife, despite the disconcerting fact that she’s a woman.

Even the presence of your European wife may inspire women to rediscover their feminine instincts, of standing by their man as he climbs the ladder of success. 

Even if she stands by him from hundreds of miles away because she apparently doesn’t want to even live in the same city as he does, for perfectly understandable reasons.

I mean, hey, if she’s not in the same city, how can she even nag him? By evidently driving his wife away from him with his completely terrible personality, Trump is already winning the war on nagging, without even lifting a finger!

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Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

The situation is even worse outside of work.

If that’s truly the case, then how come every PUA and MRA seems to be permanently unemployed? Not to shit on the unemployed, of course, but surely they’d take whatever job they could and stay at work 24/7?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If that’s truly the case, then how come every PUA and MRA seems to be permanently unemployed?

Whoa, whoa, whoa

I thought every PUA and MRA was a high paid engineer and mensa member with six pack abs and a harem of HB10s?

7 years ago

I didn’t know growing was a masculine urge. xD

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


Of course, my bad. They’re all on indefinite, unpaid leave from their STEM jobs.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Personalpest, yes, Topsy Turvy. (Which, IIRC, I originally saw in a General Cinema, lol)

WWTH, average age of that engineer is 329 years old, right?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago

They keep writing “globalists” when the word they really mean only has four letters. Scummy bigoted assholes are weird.

7 years ago

‘Halt any program that performs a function that a father or husband could perform… “reproductive health services.”’

Wait, so all fathers and husbands are gynecologists now?

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Guys, look at this sundae I’m working on:

That is all.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Where did you get that impression? He lives in Europe.

He earns a living from his books.


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I wonder how many of you idiots still actually believe that Trump is a Russian puppet

I’m sure he warned Moscow of the airstrikes but kept congress in the dark because he wanted to stick it to Putin.

Cute kittens in your avatar pic though. Thanks for that. I love having that browser extension that turns Trump photos into kitties.

Witch of Endor
Witch of Endor
7 years ago

@Jules: Yep, growth is a masculine urge. The sad fact is that only MRAs in our LIEberal feminist society can attain a height of over four metres…. and then crashing into the square/cube law and crushing themselves to death.
I mean, I assume that’s why they feel so hard done by.

7 years ago

My oh my
Troll pray do tell, is this yet another piece of “fake news”? Perhaps you have some form of alternative fact to dispel this article?
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
It would take a cosmic level middle finger to humanity as a whole for this to not somehow culminate and blossom like a Rafflesia, carrying it’s decadent and rank odor for all to notice.

7 years ago

Be careful, fellas, lest your wife or girlfriend slip an improvised explosive device into your underwear drawer!

Is this…is this not a good way to spice up your love life?

Excuse me, I have to disarm something completely unrelated.

7 years ago

Actually, Doosh, it’s clear that there are still too many men who DO need to be taught to not rape, because cultural attitudes tell men (white men in the U.S. and much of Europe but also in other regions where yellow((? if this is inappropriate please feel free to tell me)) brown and black people live this is the the case) that having a penis makes them all important and grants them PRIVILEGE and from this privilege disrespect and disregard for women being considered ok behavior in men is born.

Not all men are raised from birth, through boyhood and adolescence to disregard the feelings and rights of others – especially those of women – but they still could use some encouragement and guidance on being the front line of defense against rape that their fellow men want (to)/attempt/do commit. Women and men can and (some) do organize together like a gender war joint forces military/peacekeeping coalition, but it would be nice to one day have an actual and complete end to the gender war.

We’ve been teaching girls to be aware of their surroundings and all the other various things society, however incorrectly, believes will protect them from being raped, and yet there are still girls and women being raped. So, if the female half of the population has done all they can to stop rape from happening, what does that leave for society to still do? Hmmm….Oh yeah…MEN!…Men have to start doing stuff to prevent sexual assault and teach boys and men to not rape!

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

That’s an amazing sundae, Jack. My mouth is watering and I’m not even in a sorbet mood.

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
7 years ago

@Paulie G

Roosh lives here in Yurp?!

Well, our cultural capital just took a major nosedive.

7 years ago

He tried selling his soul to the devil and was rejected.

Well, it’s like he tried selling his soul to Beelzebub and was rejected. But then Belial, Mammon and Asmodeus were all like, “Don’t worry Roosh, you can still hang with us.”

He should be relieved.

…of internet access for life. Badum-tssh.

7 years ago

Shouldn’t Roosh’s problems with women have been solved in the first hour and on the first day of Trump’s presidency?

And given that they weren’t, why is Roosh so mealy-mouthed:

Thankfully, even if you do nothing that I kindly suggest, your existence alone is a great help to men.


7 years ago

Oh dear – Roosh showing his total ignorance of everything yet again. Nagging from women isn’t new, and isn’t feminist. Shakespeare writes of it, it was the only weapon a woman had in a world where her legal rights were next to nil.

A little story about a nagging woman:

My grandmother was a terrible nag. I asked my mother why my grandfather put up with it and she said ‘I think he feels he deserves it’ – turns out my grandfather was a verbally and psychologically abusive man for the first half of their marriage. So was my other grandfather -both respectable ‘decent’ men. Typical of their generation. Chivalry and gentlemanly conduct my arse! It is a myth that it has been lost because of feminism!

7 years ago

Halt any program that performs a function that a father or husband could perform. This means no free money, no welfare, and no “reproductive health services.”

I’m intrigued by the thought of my father and/or (hypothetical) husband performing “reproductive health services”. When the girls were taken off at school to learn about periods, is that what the boys were doing? Learning how to perform cervical smears and mammograms? I suppose the reason why few men of my acquaintance can identify a speculum, or its purpose, was a cunning double bluff all the time. My bad!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ weatherwax

I suppose the reason why few men of my acquaintance can identify a speculum

I only found out when a nurse friend used one as an impromptu wine stopper.

7 years ago

No, Paulie G, he does not. He lives in his mother’s basement in the states. When he did live abroad his sister supported him.

If you took his advice, you were conned. He can’t make a living off of his self published shitty books. He can’t get a date to save his life. He relies entirely upon women’s pity and their ability to provide for him.

7 years ago

Trump’s reply:

Deer Roosh,
Thankyou for yore kind words and advice. As you can see, I have already made yuge steps to address yuor concerns, only 6 months into my presidensy. The best is yet to come! I trust I can rely on yr vote.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Where did you get that impression? He lives in Europe.

We thought Doosh lived in Europe, but it turned out that he’d left a while ago (presumably on the run from the authorities, y’know, because of all the rapes he’s committed).

He’s such a liar he can’t even be honest about what fucking continent he’s on.

7 years ago

The Roosh Ontological Project:

Can anyone deduce from Roosh’s ramblings:

– what level of harrassment, coercion or violence Roosh would consider sexual harrassment or rape?

– what level of qualification, expertise and contribution to the field of STEM would qualify a person for a career in STEM if that person happens to also be a woman?

Or do those things simply not exist in his world?