There’s a civil war brewing in the midst of the once-happy alt-right. No, I don’t mean the squabbles between those alt-rightists who’ve abandoned Trump over his Syria attack and those sticking with Daddy — that’s old news. I mean the civil war between the neo-Nazis who think the earth is a globe and those who think it’s flat.
Yes, that’s right: There are Nazi Flat Earthers, for real, who think that “globe-heads” (that’s what flat earthers call the rest of us) are as big of a problem as “globalists.”
This is news not just to you and me but to some in the alt-right itself, including Daily Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin, who posted a joke video about flat eartherism yesterday only to discover that some of his fans take the flat earth very seriously.
In the comments to his post, the Nazi Flat Earthers laid out their case, such as it is. (Here’s a direct link to the discussion on the Daily Stormer forum; archive.is doesn’t seem to work properly with forums.)
“omg, I can’t believe you guys haven’t figured out the world is flat yet…..” wrote someone calling himself Excalibur
here is a challenge for all the non believers , somebody give me a picture of the earth that is not CGI
just one
(Er, this one?)
“Whiteliberty,” meanwhile, suggested that STEM logic supports the flat earth “thesis.”
Science is the acquisition of knowledge capable of being reproduced.
You can’t reproduce Big Bang. It’s not science.
With flat earth, there are multiple lines of evidence that point in the same direction.
Many globe claims have been power of suggestion, reliance on authority, and black box frauds. As a thesis, flat earth is stronger in 2017 than 2007. …
Newton’s Third Law prohibits acceleration in space. You need a medium to move: floor, water, atmosphere. Space is not a medium. This would explain why NASA had to lie and fake a moon mission.
“Interjew” rehashed a favorite flat earther argument, that ships don’t really go over the horizon at all; they’re just hard to see at such a great distance.
Using modern technology, you can zoom them back in. They’re not a mile below a curvature, they just go beyond the vanishing point of perspective.
3rdRicht had some serious thoughts about moonlight
I only started looking into what Flat Earth theories within the last month.
1 interesting point is at night, it is cooler in the Moonlight than it is in the shade.
I have no idea what he’s talking about or how this “fact,” if true, would support the idea of a flat earth.
“Fun fact,”whitemanshame added, “all the moon mission astronauts were satanic freemasons.”
KingOfTheNorth1488 added sarcastically
If Jews and masons tell me I’m on a spinning ball moving through the universe at near lightspeed, I believe them because they are experts and my eyes are lying to me.
There were, of course, quite a few Daily Stormer readers who took issue with the flat earth nonsense.
“[F]lat earth requires us to believe that almost everything we know about the entirety of physics is completely wrong and upside down,” StormCommando noted.
What are all the thousands of photos of stars, galaxies and planets and why would they go to such extreme lengths to create such a dumb conspiracy? And why would they invent all of these apparently totally fictional satellites and go into great detail about their workings, specifications, and spend time making these elaborate and unnecessary ‘props’ in lab environments? Again, utterly stupid idea.
But hey, he went on to add, it’s not like the Holocaust is real though.
I can buy holocaust revisionism because that’s a conceivable lie. It’s about distorting the facts of something which already happened. … [I]t’s very easy with a little examination to disprove the holohoax.
Someone calling himself BobMarely (!) was a little upset that the topic had even come up.
Maybe I am weird but I HATE FLATEARTH MORE THAN CHILD RAPING PAVEMENT APES. Why in the hell is Anglin posting this crap? This is disgusting beyond words. … Is this humor? It doesn’t seem to have any entertainment value. Is the entire goal of this video just to irritate me personally?
Still, even some of those not completely convinced by the flat earth theory had no trouble believing that the moon landings, at least, were faked.
“One thing is for sure: We never went to the moon,” wrote fascistlemming.
I find it kinda shocking that so many people think we did. “The jews faked 6 million dead kikes with fake shower rooms, but faking the moon landing is impossible because of reasons.”
Despite the animus, flat earth Nazis and globeheads alike agreed on one thing: it’s all the fault of the lying Jews.
As the round-earthers see it, it’s the Jews who are behind the flat earth movement. A fellow calling himself Dune noted:
One of the main proponents of [the flat earth theory] is a jew named Mark Sargent. … Anything lead by a jew and randomly pushed toward the masses via their pawns is questionable for the larger picture they may be working towards.
To JosephGoebbels,
the flat earth theory comes from the jews who will do anything they can to get white people to not believe in the Holy Bible as truth.
Don’t ask me to explain this theory in more detail, as Mr. Goebbels didn’t even explain it himself.
The flat earthers, meanwhile, suggest that Jews are hiding the reality of the flat earth behind a mountain of Jew lies.
SouthernFascist suggested that
They lie about the holocaust, they lie about the bible, they lie about every single war, they constantly change history, the pretend to be part of the European diaspora, they lie about the control their banks have, they shovel race mixing propaganda down our throats, so if any of this flat earth stiff has any merit at all, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the jews were lying about that too.
[W]hitemanshame was a bit more definite on this point:
Globe theory hatched from the Jews.
Do your research.
Jews, Jesuits and freemasons pushed the globe fantasy.
Anglin, annoyed both by the flat earthers and by those anti-flat-earthers who didn’t realize the flat earth video he posted had been a joke, added a big disclaimer at the top of the posts — and closed the comments.
In a followup post, he made clear to his readers that not only isn’t he a flat earther; he doesn’t even want people talking about the subject on his website.
I do not believe the earth is flat, nor is it something I want to promote to people.
If you do believe the earth is flat, that is your own business, but I don’t want that on my website.
Again, it was a mistake to post the video, as I am aware that there is an army of people on the internet who push this idea.
I don’t even want to make this post, because I don’t want these people sending me fifty trillion emails, but I want to be clear that I didn’t make that post to endorse flat earth theories. …
Seriously though, this type of thing is just… I mean, use some common sense, guys.
I understand you’re not scientists, and I understand you’ve been lied to a lot so you’re willing to question anything, but just look: 100% of scientists would either be lying about this or be in on the conspiracy, while 100% of pilots and shipmen would have to be in on the conspiracy, along with all of the governments of the world, the militaries, television, telecommunications and any other company that uses satellites and on and on and on would have to be in on this conspiracy to lie to you about the shape of the earth.
He’s right, of course. It just seems like a slightly ironic argument for someone who is a Holocaust denier to make.
More intra-nazi fighting, please.
Nope, only a handful of them were masons (can’t say definitively about the satanism thing; although celebrating communion on the Moon, a la Buzz Aldrin, doesn’t seem terribly satanic)
“I’ll take ‘Lying Jooz’ for $500, Alex”…
ETA; Please, my friends, do not try to use reason on these people, to quote an age-old metaphor, THEY BELIEVE THE EARTH IS FLAT!!!
Now if we can just get Buzz Aldrin to punch a Nazi, my life will be complete.
This doesnt surprise me, theres a frighting amount of overlap between White Supremtists and Nazis with Fringe history and Pseduoscience. Ancient Aliens has cited white supremetists and Nazi theories. The list goes on, it seems what makes them believe their repulsive race theories make them believe in even crazier stuff
@Alex Stallwitz
While you make a very good point, comments policy, please. There’s a difference between mental illness and rampant bigotry and asshattery.
It used to be that the comparison to one who believes the world is flat
Was a joke
But with folks like these, it seems that through irony, that meme’s about
To croak
Conspiracy on conspiracy, not too few cries of “woe is me,” and here we see
The result
On days like this, sometimes you wish they’d go back to shoutin’ things like
“Deus vult”
It’s interesting to see each individual’s crank magnetism finding its limits without any hint of self-awareness. “I’m willing to believe that the holocaust and moon landings were faked, but flat earth? That’s just silly!”
Why, oh why, does the flat-Earth doofusery persist when there are so many ways to demonstrate it even if you don’t haul out the 1960s photos of the whole earth taken from space?
Newton’s Third Law prohibits acceleration in space. You need a medium to move: floor, water, atmosphere. Space is not a medium. This would explain why NASA had to lie and fake a moon mission.
I am laughing so hard right now.
My question as always is this: if the earth is flat, where is the edge? Follow up question: Why doesn’t the ocean spill off of the edge?
And finally, how do you talk yourself into believing something this stupid?
TIL the ISS, which you can literally see with your eyes if you know where and when to look, is a hoax.
@Victorious Parasol
Because [just-so theory that invalidates the evidence]. The problem is that they’re not interested in evidence or proof. The belief comes first, so anything that inconveniences that belief has to be invalid, somehow. It’s only a matter of figuring out why.
Flat Earthers even have divisions over which explanations they use to sustain their belief. Even something as simple as the south pole – in FE theory there obviously can’t be a thing – they can’t agree on how to “explain” the fact that Antarctica is a real place and that people have literally flown over the south pole.
Antarctica is an impassible ice wall. As you go further from the north pole, temperature approaches 0K, thus making it impossible to know what’s beyond it. Maybe.
Jeff only knows what they make of what you see through a small telescope, rings of Saturn ? Moons of Jupiter visibly orbiting the planet ?
Presumably my cheap Newtonian reflector contains thousands of pounds worth of complex computational and display hardware dedicated to showing me a fake image that exactly matches what I would manually calculate I should see based on my “latitude” and is also perfectly synchronized with every other telescope and pair of binoculars ON THE PLANET.
This is precious.
@Iseult The Idle (and a quote within a quote):
As much as I wish otherwise, it’s not just Nazis who deny that. A lot of people tend to forget rockets (like jets) are reaction engines that operate on the Third Law that tend to work better in vacuums than atmospheres. The New York Times even had an editorial published in 1920 to this effect, and it’s not uncommon to run across people who should know better. I mean, it’s not like a five second internet search could cure such ignorance, though that’s slightly less imbecilic as believing in a flat Earth.
What makes this Nazi rejection of such principles all the more hilarious is the actual Nazi’s notable involvement in rocketry.
There are a lot of weird conspiracy theories out there, but Flat Earth has to be the weirdest one… I mean, even the Ancient Greeks didn’t think you could just sail of the edge! Don’t you just wanna put them all in a sailboat and force them to circumvent the globe?
Also, I really wonder how they explain that Earth is the only non-globe planet. Or do they think that Mars and Venus are disks too?
It doesn’t surprise me that they are nazis, though. It’s not like those guys are known for their intelligence.
Is ‘sailors’ a Jew word or something?
I know that flat-earthism is often motivated by biblical literalism, but it’s weird to see it combined with anti-semitism. Essentially, they’re arguing that Jews are conspiring to dissuade Christians from believing in the Old Testament. Which is… an interesting theory.
…Guys? I’m trying to post a song, but it’s not going through…
[dlouwe, check your inbox.]
And that the disks just happen to be facing the earth all the time?
What about the sun? is it also a disk? How thick is it? For that matter, how thick is the earth?
Checkmate Nazis. Checkmate.
BTW how do you embed images here?
Flat Earthism has grown in popularity among conspiracy theorists on YouTube over the past year or so. A few of the new flat Earthers also support holocaust denial, so I wouldn’t be surprised by Neo-Nazi flat Earthers.
So Holocaust-deniers are being sucked into a vortex of even stupider conspiracy trolling.
I don’t seriously believe anyone seriously believes in a flat earth. I wish I could say the same for fascism.