alt-right irony alert Islamophobia milo trump

The absolute worst reason to oppose Trump’s Syria strike, courtesy of Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo: Still a sad clown

Remember Milo Yiannopoulos, the At-Rightish Breitbart “journalist” who used to call Donald Trump “daddy?” He apparently wants the world to know that:

  1. He still exists
  2. He’s no longer on the Trump Train
  3. He’s one of the worst people to walk the face of this earth

In a recent statement to Mediaite, Milo explained that he was breaking with his former political idol over his missile attack on a Syrian airfield — but hasn’t yet given up on calling Trump “daddy.”

“This is not why people voted for Daddy,” he told Mediaite. “It’s the opposite of why people voted for him.”

Yes, who could possibly have foreseen that the guy who wants to increase our military budget by $54 billion while cutting funds for Meals on Wheels might have a hankering to use military force?

But don’t worry! Milo’s opposition to “POINTLESS FOREIGN WARS” — as he put it, in all caps, in his brief message to Mediaite — doesn’t mean he’s suddenly become a decent person. Far from it!

Here’s why Milo says he’s against intervention in Syria in particular:

I’m as troubled by violence toward innocent children as the next sociopath, but those kids are only growing up to be oppressors of women and murderers of homosexuals anyway.

So everyone in Syria who practices a certain religion deserves to be killed, even the children? Milo Y may no longer be a Trump fan, but he’s still a fascist at heart!

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7 years ago

Such unpleasant words from a has been.

7 years ago

. .. …

Is he for real ?

7 years ago

I find it interesting that Milo has such a problem with these children who could theoretically grow up to oppress women and murder gay people, given that he has no problems pandering to people who advocate for those very same things here in the west.

7 years ago

He opposes Islam because some of its practitioners are misogynistic homophobes but until the Syrian missile strike, he supported Trump who’s failing administration is full of misogynistic homophobes. Sad!!!

7 years ago

What’s even more hysterical is he has the balls to declare that he’s ‘pro-life’. But hey, those kids might grow up to be assholes, so it’s perfectly okay to kill them! Wait, couldn’t those kids also female and/or gay? Ahh, that doesn’t matter!

And Milo, if you’re really concerned about the plight of women and homosexuals, why the hell do you identify with the Alt-Right?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I had guessed he opposes it because it didn’t kill enough civilians for his liking. Close enough, I guess.

7 years ago

Every time Yolo Minneapolis opens his mouth, sensible people should just look at each other, sigh, and loudly voice the old saying of our forefathers and foremothers:
“Obvious troll is obvious.”
Then go back to going about our business with nary a glance, until he finally gets bored and goes back to jerking off like a normal person.

7 years ago


No, he’s a fraud. Milo started his online career as a hardcore anti-harrassment SJW. Then he found out he could get more attention and money being a troll than he could make attacking them.

We ban drunks from driving because they’re a danger to others. Isn’t it time we did the same to trolls?

from here

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
7 years ago

Remember Milo Yiannopoulos

Sadly, yes.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

Are you sure the reason you’re okay with those kids being killed is that they won’t sleep with you, Milo?

Sociopath? Probably not. I think you’re just a self-obsessed drama addict, same as you always were.

7 years ago

The Poe “Creationist Cat” has a video that does a good job exposing how Milo is a total fraud just saying whatever he thinks will get people to pay attention to him. If you’re willing to put up with satirical homophobia*, I suggest giving it a listen.

*Considering how many people use “satire” to justify their legit bigotry it makes sense if you don’t. Judging from the times he breaks character and his choices of targets to mock I’m pretty sure CC is really mocking bigots rather than using satire as an excuse to be one, but I’ve been wrong in the past.

7 years ago

wait wait, so he’s saying “don’t kill these children, because they’ll grow up to oppress women and abuse homosexuals, which is good, because we hate women and homosexuals”?

7 years ago

He has to say something to worm his way back into conversation. I expect a fullblown declaration of Nazi-hood within the month. Or however long it takes to “go through conversion therapy”.

7 years ago


he has no problems pandering to people who advocate for those very same things here in the west.

I’m guessing those actions fine as long as you’re not Muslim?


Milo is a total fraud just saying whatever he thinks will get people to pay attention to him.

Milo is so like Trump in all the fundamental areas. I know it’s not how Milo means “Daddy,” but he actually does seem like he would be a perfect son to Trump, like some kind of creepy spiritual heir.

7 years ago

I expect a fullblown declaration of Nazi-hood within the month.

But…isn’t he part Jewish? (Or am I confusing him with someone else?) Or am I stupid to think that would matter? Milo really blows my mind because of the sheer magnitude of his hypocrisy.

7 years ago

Can they target Milo’s house with 59 missiles?

Also he thinks Syrian kids are going to grow to kill women and homosexuals. Has he had a good look at his friends in the MRA/PUA community?

7 years ago

Ah, Milo. All the morals of John Chivington.

I’m as troubled by violence toward innocent children as the next sociopath, but those kids are only growing up to be oppressors of women and murderers of homosexuals anyway.

Aren’t half of them going to grow up to be women? Not that it matters, because exterminating people because of what they might become is disgusting.


Now I’m thinking of Milio and Kushner locked in some Game of Thronesian succession conflict.

7 years ago

Voldemort was part muggle.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Now I’m thinking of Milio and Kushner locked in some Game of Thronesian succession conflict.

It would probably be easiest to say that Milo would be the Renly because they’re both gay, but let’s face it. He’s more of a Joffrey. Kushner can be the Stannis.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Can they target Milo’s house with 59 missiles?

Nah…I don’t wish the asshole dead…I just wish he’d fade into irrelevance.

7 years ago

Too bad you can’t isolate and target someone’s ego.

Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

Fer fuck’s sake, who lifted up the rock that Milo was lurking under? Put it back NOW!

7 years ago

I’m as troubled by violence toward innocent children as the next sociopath, but those kids are only growing up to be oppressors of women and murderers of homosexuals anyway.

Okay, Milo, a couple of problems with that statement:

1) If you were a sociopath – you probably wouldn’t be bothered by violence towards innocent children. I know words don’t mean anything to you but, for the rest of us, they do.

2) I’m pretty sure those women and homosexuals were once children too. Does that mean you don’t want those children to grow up so they won’t…oppress themselves? Also, doesn’t that contradict the previous part of that sentence when you call them “innocent”? If they’re bound to grow up to be oppressors, wouldn’t they not be innocent? Not that you ever think before you speak…

There really is no better sign that someone is a total piece of shit than rationalizing or being dismissive of the mistreatment of children. Just like all those deadbeat dad MRAs who refuse to financially support the children they sired, usually on the disingenuous notion that it isn’t their child (even though it often is). Which makes it all the worse when they use children, mostly boys, as ammunition in an argument against women or feminism.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I reckon it’s asking too much for Milo to make sense, but wow.

I’m as troubled by violence toward innocent children as the next sociopath

In other words, not troubled at all?

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster


But…isn’t he part Jewish?

Yes. He’s also gay, and prefers (read: most likely fetsihizes, considering his views and opinions) black men.

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