alt-right anti-Semitism cuck trump

Donald Trump, Globalist Cuck: Alt-Rightists leap off of Trump Train after Syria “betrayal”

A sad day in Kekistan

When Donald Trump lauched 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase last night, it took a lot of observers by surprise, none more so than the Alt-rightists and fellow travelers who’ve long made up his most fervent fan base. To say they weren’t pleased would be a gross understatement.

“The memes have turned on us,” the person manning the Twitter account of White Supremacist website Virginia Dare Tweeted sadly. “Kek is fickle.”

Prominent Alt-Rightests and fellow travelers, from Richard Spencer and David Duke to RAMZPAUL announced that they were done with Trump, while anonymous Alt-Rightists with nicknames like Fashy American and WaffleSS cried “betrayal” on Twitter.

Even the Son of God, or at least someone claiming to be Him, had some choice words on the subject.

Some pulled out the dreaded “c” word. No, not that one; the other one, the one that ends in “uck.”

Others went a step further, pulling out a certain three-letter-word starting with “J.”

It seems clear that Trump’s Syrian attack has lost him a good chunk of his Alt-Right supporters, quite possibly the vast majority of them, a fact not lost on his angriest Alt-right critics.

But a few of his longtime fans couldn’t quite stick the flounce. Lat night, Alex Jones employee Paul Joseph Watson announced dramatically that he was “OFF the Trump Train.”

But today, after losing some of  his Twitter followers over his Trump criticism, he insisted that when he said he was “OFF the Trump Train” he didn’t really mean “OFF the Trump Train” as in literally OFF of it. He had really just meant to imply that maybe he’d just moved to another car?

There were others in and around the ALt-Right who had similarly, er, nuanced responses to the Syria strike. That will be the subject of at least one future post.

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Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
7 years ago

I’m mystified at how these Pepitos actually thought Trump would be any less of a warmonger than any other Republican of the last 30+ years. Republicans LOVE war! It’s in the party’s DNA.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

@abars My best guess is that most of them are gullible enough to swallow it all a second time, because otherwise they’d have to admit to themselves they were wrong the first time., which is clearly unthinkable. But some of them will catch on, and Putin (hopefully!) won’t be able to help as much. That might be enough to turn a paper thin victory into a narrow defeat. We don’t need to convince everyone.

7 years ago


What I’d like to know is what effect, if any, all these desertions are going to have on the 2020 election.

A week is a long time in politics. Three years is an eternity. Most of the people who have “deserted” him over Syria will probably be cheering for him again very soon, after some piece of awful legislation or 3 a.m. tweet. These are not people with unshakeable moral convictions.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


It’s not just you, seriously. Just a few days ago I was feeling baffled that the alt-right viewed neo-liberalism as The Enemy. See, I’d thought that neo-liberalism was the left’s enemy.

I didn’t realise at first that by ‘neo-liberalism’, they apparently mean something a bit different – i.e. Jews something something global order something. Silly me.

@Sinkable John, Kat,
I hope you see this as you’ve both commented here. Sorry for not replying on the other thread – it was kind of like trying to talk to someone in the middle of a huge, aggressive, party, with all the stuff that was going on.
Let me know how things are when you have a moment. Thanks for the greetings 😀

I have this fabulous wine from New Zealand and I’m trying so hard not to scarf the entire bottle …

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


I have this fabulous wine from New Zealand and I’m trying so hard not to scarf the entire bottle …

Oh gawd I hear you. Let’s just say, these days The Stuff isn’t only for the sleepsies. Actually it’s not even 3 in the afternoon yet and I’m already rolling one even though I keep telling meself I need to keep it for before bedtime.

Oh and it’s almost that time of the year again… friggin’ May. It’s my favorite month – and also the worst fucking month.

7 years ago


I thought that the alt-right were with the neo-cons or actually counted themselves AS neo-conservative. This is probably really obvious to everyone else.

The alt-reich like to imagine themselves as some sort of anti-establishment third way, but this tends to cause some nasty cognitive dissonance when they have to interact with someone outside of their group, or face the real world. This can be remedied by shuffling goalposts and redefining things until they fit their worldview.

Neocons are therefore the evil old corrupt right wing imperialist warmongering republicans and part of the swamp that trump said he was going to drain, and absolutely nothing to do with or anything like the fresh new crop of imperialist warmongering republicans who represent the alt-reich.


7 years ago
7 years ago

The alt-right simultaneously wants a huge army and non-intervention overseas; that’s also a traditional conservative thing — as opposed to neocons who want a huge army that bombs everyone all the time.

The huge-army/non-intervention policy is untenable in the real world: when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In the US, there’s bipartisan support for bombing everyone.

But as EJ says, that’s a distraction. The alt-right really just parrots whatever Putin propaganda wants them to parrot. And Putin is not happy with US attacks on Assad’s forces.

7 years ago

@abars01 – my guess is that it won’t have much impact at all in 2020, as Trump will have either resigned or been forced out by then.

Trump has committed at least four things worthy of impeachment. The main reason he’s still in place is that Ryan and McConnell are afraid that impeachment would cause his neo-nazi supporters to punish them in the next two elections.

If Trump loses the support of the neo-nazis there really isn’t any point in keeping him around, except possibly for his ability to cause distraction (which hasn’t really been that effective in the past.) Ryan and McConnell will see him as more of a liability than an asset, and we’ll wind up with President Pence. (Unless it turns out that Pence perjured himself with the whole Russia debacle, in which case we’ll end up with President Ryan.)

If he manages to retain the support of the neo-nazis, he’ll likely be facing a democrat-controlled House after 2018, and they won’t be shy about keeping him around.

7 years ago


The alt-right simultaneously wants a huge army and non-intervention overseas; that’s also a traditional conservative thing — as opposed to neocons who want a huge army that bombs everyone all the time.

The huge-army/non-intervention policy is untenable in the real world: when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In the US, there’s bipartisan support for bombing everyone.

The huge army plus no overseas conflict works nicely for the ridiculously paranoid (eg. the ones who think that the UN is going to invade the US) and the stupidly racist (cos you need a big army to crush the jewish menace and their brown minions, or something).

Oh, and there’s also the matter of the communists to the north and the brown people to the south who might need dealing with one of these days…

7 years ago

So basically a bunch of short sighted, stupid people who frame their politics around blaming women and the marginalized are now finally realizing that they’ve been “cucked” by the cult of personality hero they thought would save them? When they were warned that this is exactly what would happen? No sympathy at all.

7 years ago

Alt-right: “We are so shocked that Trump the d*** who hates everyone, lies, knows nothing and so thin skinned we voted sent missles to a country! We been lied to and betrayed!”

I’m not giving them the slightest bit of sympathy. They knew what a Hitler he is and still voted for him. I know my country America is stupid but I didn’t think we were this stupid. I know I would make a better president and I never even been to college!

7 years ago

Screw the air strike. It was theater & saber-rattling. Trump owns Raytheon stock. Guess who built the missiles.

But at least the neo Nazis are triggered . Idiots are conned by an idiot conman.

7 years ago

So the “alpha” they pledged their tender hearts to turned around, did exactly what he wanted regardless of his promises to them, and fucked another country other than theirs…

If only there was some trite analogy I could draw to sexual infidelity within marriage…

Space Oddity
Space Oddity
7 years ago

Apart from the fact that Trump lied (SHOCK, HORROR) could someone explain to me why this is so distressing for the Nazis? I thought they were all about showing strength? It certainly can’t because they’re worried about killing brown people. And it definitely can’t be because they don’t want the opportunity to go kill brown people themselves. I know their minds dark, sick places, but this seems like it fits with every fascist idea they espouse, so…? Can anyone explain this to me?

(And to clarify, I’m distressed about the chemical attacks as well as the escalation of violence.)

Mostly, it upsets Putin sempai.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

Trump is just a liar.

YA THINK?!?!?!?!?

The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Hey, it happens, and there’s no shame in being taken in by a pro. But now that you know the score, quit insisting the conman is on your side.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago

Who’s that croaking in pain under the Trump Train?

Why, it’s–Pepe The Frog!

“How’s it feel to be thrown under the train, Pepe?”

“Feels bad, man.”

7 years ago

Apart from the fact that Trump lied (SHOCK, HORROR) could someone explain to me why this is so distressing for the Nazis?

They have been told that American intelligence agencies are liars, American media is fake, and to trust Putin and Australian-owned FOX instead. #AmericaFirst!!!

Putin says that the Syria gas attack was a hoax. Alt-Right neoNazis swallowed that whole, and have decided that the hoax was carried out by Israel.

So now when Bannon loses power while Jared Kushner, a Jew, gets more control over the Trump white house, they see Trump falling under the control of the “Jewish puppetmaster illuminati lizardpeople elite New World Order satanists” they think run the world. An attack on Syria justified by what they think is a hoax proves that.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned

Nah, they got precisely what they wanted. Being uncareful what one wishes for ain’t the same as being swindled. It’s not like his supporters weren’t cheering extra loud when he said he’d destroy Obamacare or, more pertinent here, ‘bomb the shut out of em’? But, alluva sudden, they’re fulla Trumpgrets that he’s doing what he said he would

So, yeah, I’m no fan of the whole ‘conman’ trope. He didn’t lie to his supporters. I mean, ‘alternative facts’ aside. He told them what they wanted to hear, and is currently doing his damnedest to deliver. At some point (months ago btw), we hafta quit downplaying Trump voters’ bigotry, backwards outlook, ignorance, selfishness, and violent tendencies as externally created in the last 24 months. They were like this the whole time, Trump just gave them permission to be open about it. And now they’re mad. Fuck em

7 years ago

Thanks to everyone for your replies. I feel enlightened and yet deeply worse off for understanding one more dark corner inside their skulls. My heart breaks for Syria, and I hope that my feminazi communist government steps up their game to counteract some of this awful for the Syrian people.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Sinkable John, esq.

(it just suits, don’t ask).
I managed to behave myself with the wine. If you don’t count anxiety and depression meds, I’m awfully well-behaved these days, in terms of substances.
My brother self-medicates to get some sleep, too – sleeps all day and is awake most of the night. But I’m not suggesting you’re like him in any other way, I should stress 🙂

Oh and it’s almost that time of the year again… friggin’ May. It’s my favorite month – and also the worst fucking month.

I don’t know why it’s your favourite, but is it the worst month because it’s the anniversary of the awful stuff that happened? (I’m trying to think of suitable euphemisms and coming up empty – sorry!)

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster


Seventy-six days? Pfft.

I know. You’d think they’d have at least managed 88 days, that being one of their favorite numbers and all.


…we’ll end up with President Ryan.

Well there’s a horrible thought.

Brain Bleach:
comment image?no-auto

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@Weird Eddie
What Axe said. Nobody was conned into voting Trump. No one. Refusing to acknowledge the ramifications of one’s actions is not the same as being tricked.

7 years ago

I’m OFF the Trump train! … Except I’m not. Fake News!

Alternative semantics, I guess?

I know my country America is stupid but I didn’t think we were this stupid. I know I would make a better president and I never even been to college!

I know…

7 years ago

@ Mish and Abars,
Ok, thanks for explaining that for me, I hope the wine was good Mish. I love the NZ whites – they are more expensive here than the Aussie stuff strangely. I mistakenly thought the ‘Drain the Swamp’ was about his anti-immigration policy – so it was about getting rid of the old republicans…ok thanks for letting me know. Hated how he would wear that cheap baseball cap, it looked like such a prop – but seemed to work with his base.

Yeah a war machine is a war machine. Each new group of recruits have to cut their teeth on something, otherwise they won’t be able to train the next generation no? The alt-rights stance on anti-war is naive to say the least.