alt-right anti-Semitism cuck trump

Donald Trump, Globalist Cuck: Alt-Rightists leap off of Trump Train after Syria “betrayal”

A sad day in Kekistan

When Donald Trump lauched 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase last night, it took a lot of observers by surprise, none more so than the Alt-rightists and fellow travelers who’ve long made up his most fervent fan base. To say they weren’t pleased would be a gross understatement.

“The memes have turned on us,” the person manning the Twitter account of White Supremacist website Virginia Dare Tweeted sadly. “Kek is fickle.”

Prominent Alt-Rightests and fellow travelers, from Richard Spencer and David Duke to RAMZPAUL announced that they were done with Trump, while anonymous Alt-Rightists with nicknames like Fashy American and WaffleSS cried “betrayal” on Twitter.

Even the Son of God, or at least someone claiming to be Him, had some choice words on the subject.

Some pulled out the dreaded “c” word. No, not that one; the other one, the one that ends in “uck.”

Others went a step further, pulling out a certain three-letter-word starting with “J.”

It seems clear that Trump’s Syrian attack has lost him a good chunk of his Alt-Right supporters, quite possibly the vast majority of them, a fact not lost on his angriest Alt-right critics.

But a few of his longtime fans couldn’t quite stick the flounce. Lat night, Alex Jones employee Paul Joseph Watson announced dramatically that he was “OFF the Trump Train.”

But today, after losing some of  his Twitter followers over his Trump criticism, he insisted that when he said he was “OFF the Trump Train” he didn’t really mean “OFF the Trump Train” as in literally OFF of it. He had really just meant to imply that maybe he’d just moved to another car?

There were others in and around the ALt-Right who had similarly, er, nuanced responses to the Syria strike. That will be the subject of at least one future post.

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7 years ago

I can’t be the only one thinking “whatever it takes,” can I?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

The only thing I want from this is, if there’s a draft, for the kek nazis to be called up first

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

There was no 4D chess strategy. Trump is just a liar. He betrayed his voters and supporters.

Maybe if all humanity formed a giant, psychic gestalt, pooling our resources into a hivemind of unimaginable power, and made our final action pouring that power into one single, massive THOUGHT…

…we’d be able to put a sufficient amount of sarcasm into the phrase “YA DON’T FUCKING SAY?!

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

These idiots are surprised?

The only position that Trump never waffled on was his hatred of Rosie O’Donnell

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

“There was no 4D chess strategy. Trump is just a liar. He betrayed his voters and supporters.”

Well, du-u-u-u-uuuuh.

Yes, you drooling, screaming babies. He is a liar. He lies. He does not lie to everyone except you. Indeed, he lied to you first and you believed him, because you are stupid and deluded and deeply, deeply naive.

7 years ago

I read about this first on Angry White Men but it’s still gratifying to see Neo-Nazis howl and wail over their “betrayal” like this.

I see hatred of globalism coming from multiple sides, but I rather doubt the globalism the left-wing dislikes is the same one these losers dislike.

Cohen the Librarian
Cohen the Librarian
7 years ago

So now they’re discovering that not only is he a con man, but he conned them too. Sad!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I’ve read some Shinra supporters today saying stuff like “We didn’t vote for this.”

Yes, yes they did vote for this. They voted for a thin-skinned, quick-tempered con artist who didn’t know Raqqa from his own ass, someone who asked all innocent-like why we can’t just glass the Middle East. It irritates me when they act surprised when he unveils a budget that screws them sideways and starts bombing foreign countries on a whim. None of this surprises me in the slightest.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

To paraphrase Adrian Botts’ brilliant tweet:

‘I never thought the liar would lie to ME’ sobs the alt-righters who voted en masse for The Proven Liar’s Party.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

“The memes have turned on us,” the person manning the Twitter account of White Supremacist website Virginia Dare Tweeted sadly. “Kek is fickle.”

Why, it’s almost like trolling is neither a real political philosophy or strategy.

comment image

MAGA Revolution dead today, 76 days old.

Failed even faster than the Third Reich did.

7 years ago

4D chess doesn’t exist. OF COURSE there’s no strategy.

But then again, what does one expect of a bunch of morons who worship a cartoon frog?

7 years ago

Apart from the fact that Trump lied (SHOCK, HORROR) could someone explain to me why this is so distressing for the Nazis? I thought they were all about showing strength? It certainly can’t because they’re worried about killing brown people. And it definitely can’t be because they don’t want the opportunity to go kill brown people themselves. I know their minds dark, sick places, but this seems like it fits with every fascist idea they espouse, so…? Can anyone explain this to me?

(And to clarify, I’m distressed about the chemical attacks as well as the escalation of violence.)

7 years ago

Just when I thought they couldn’t get any less understandable…

tim gueguen
7 years ago

You’d think Trump’s plan to add 54 BILLION dollars to the already bloated almost 600 billion dollar US defense budget would have been a clue Trump’s supposed isolationism was iffy. Why would you need to spike defense spending if you aren’t going to do things abroad?

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Comment policy, Anarchy-X
Never mind. 🙂

7 years ago

Only a feckless, reckless, disloyal jerk not worthy of his Nazi uniform turns on Daddy at the first sign of trouble.

Seventy-six days? Pfft.

Some of those German Nazis followed Adolf Hitler for more than twelve years, or more than 4,400 days.

And some of them followed Adolf until their own deaths.

Of course, Germany had been reduced to rubble and had become an international pariah due to Nazi policies, so they probably didn’t talk about it much.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, you’re going to need to give your idiotic leader more time before you curse and abandon him, say, 100 days. It’s a nice, round number.

7 years ago

gotta use those missiles so you can buy more missiles from the missile companies that gave you those sweet, sweet bri.., um, *cough*, “campaign donations.”

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

B… but I thought we sent kids to school to learn. You’re tryna tell me we’re actually crafting flesh drones? My flabbers are gasted and my gobs are smacked, I tell ya

Also, imma just say it, Rahm Emanuel is the single worst thing to come outta the Obama admin. He shouldn’t be mayor of his garage let alone fuckin Chicago ?

7 years ago


Apart from the fact that Trump lied (SHOCK, HORROR) could someone explain to me why this is so distressing for the Nazis? I thought they were all about showing strength? It certainly can’t because they’re worried about killing brown people. And it definitely can’t be because they don’t want the opportunity to go kill brown people themselves. I know their minds dark, sick places, but this seems like it fits with every fascist idea they espouse, so…? Can anyone explain this to me?

I think they somehow see this as “betraying” the so-called “America First” agenda. Which, to be honest, I have no idea what it consists of for them. Probably some vague mishmash of “Build That Wall”, Lebensborn-style eugenics programs, and FEMA gulags for all the leftist unbelievers who scorn the Cult of Pepe™. (Just a random guess.) The fact that firing missiles takes away money from all that wall- and gulag-building must enrage them no end. Even though brown Muslim people ARE going to get killed, which usually gives those scat-munchers a huge boner.

And I’ll join you in saying I’m distressed by this, too. For someone with such a professed hate-on for Syrian refugees, Drumpfy sure seems hellbent on making more of them. None of this is the least bit logical, which is the only logically-consistent thing one can say about the whole damn mess.

7 years ago

Wow even alt right nazis are capable of feeling the dread of nuclear annihilation. It’s almost like picking a war mongering candidate who has no sense of discpline, control, or regard for anything outside his direct view and wants, might start the end of the world in a petulant tantrum. ARE YOU TIRED OF ALL THIS WINNING

7 years ago

Really just echoing Ray of Rays here, but… gee guys, ya think? This is what it took for his supporters to realize Trump was never going to be their glorious meme savior, ready to take them by their sweaty little hands and lead them into a brave new age full of 4D chess and top keks?

The short sighted, head-smashing stupidity would be really funny if it wasn’t also doing untold amounts of damage. You mean to say that you knowingly voted for a con man, but honestly believed he wasn’t going to con you?

7 years ago


They support Assad because they consider him to be “against the Jews” and they’ve spent the last week insisting the chemical attack was fake news or a false flag or whatever. So in their mind, attacking Assad means siding with the Jews and is thus a bad thing.

Figuring out their point of view can be depressing at times.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

I don’t agree with attacking Syria. But was this a surprise? No.

Trump was palatable to the alt-right because he has been consistently anti-immigration and supported general isolationist policies. Steve Bannon (following Breitbart’s general strategy) helped mold him into a candidate who appealed to the alt-right even more, but that was more or less just a tactic to help the Republicans win and weaken the left.

The “white working class” means a group of white baby boomers and gen Xers (born between about 1950 and 1979) without college degrees who never considered themselves interested in politics. They lived through a period of massive social transformation and economic conditions got progressively worse for them since the early 1970’s. Bannon et. al. cynically used racism to get them to vote for Trump.

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