In a recent post on AltRight.com, Alt-Right lady Wolfie James addresses what is perhaps the most important question facing Western Civilization today, which is: How TOTALLY HOTTTTTT are Alt-Right dudes?
James contends that they are indeed THE HOTTEST EVAR.
The Alt-Right male believes he has a duty to perfect his physique and appearance in accordance with the inherent potential afforded him by European genetics. As such, he is more likely to lift heavy weights, run fast, eat well, wear properly fitting clothes, and fashily cut his hair in a nod to Germany’s golden age. There are no pajama boys in the Alt-Right, and the masculinity they exude is positively intoxicating.
Yes, that TOTALLY DESCRIBES pretty much every Alt-Right dude I’ve ever written about on this blog. As proof, here is actual video footage of several alt-rightists exuding their masculinities all over the streets of Cincinnati.
Remember, this is footage that these guys took of themselves and put online. Because they’ve got positively intoxicating masculinity out the wazoo!
In conclusion, HOTTTTTT.
But Alt-Right dudes aren’t just pretty boys. They are also FAMILY ORIENTED DADDOES who love nothing better than making the white babies with their HOTTT Nazi brides.
The perpetuation of the white race is of paramount importance to Alt-Right men, which means they all want to see MOAR WHITE BABIES. Yet unlike the r-selection men who treat their women like bitches in a puppy mill, they invest in each of those children to steel them for the struggles to come.
That’s why so many of these dudes are pickup artists devoted to pestering every sexy (white) lady they run across, because what better way to practice putting your sperm in a lady — possibly by just shoving your penis in her without a condom even if she says you can’t?
These guys are getting HOTTTTTER by the minute, amirite racist white ladies?
Also, these guys will totally MEME THE HELL out of people, because that’s the kind of heroes they are.
Veterans of the Great Meme War will tell you that uncucking our people, online and IRL, is a long, hard slog. Most men are not cut out for daily ideological warfare, trolling shitlib journalists, enduring constant online censorship, and dropping red-pills for friends and family. But thankfully our Alt-Right men are a committed bunch.
Aww yiss.
And if they can’t meme our country into an all-white homeland, well, they’re prepared to maybe just shoot some people.
[T]hey are training in small arms and personal protection (if they’re not already military veterans) because they know that our Cold Civil War is warming up, and they intend to be the victors. This is hot.
Nothing is HOTTTER than murder — except perhaps murder inspired by racism!
Also these dudes are SMART. Most of them
arrived to [sic] the Alt-Right through intense research and a personal quest for truth, meaning, and real identity. They know their favorite philosophers, can identify Hitler’s missteps in World War II, and often shock newcomers to the movement by how literate and well-educated — in the real sense of the term — they are.
Yep, the true test of intelligence is whether or not you understand “Hitler’s missteps in World War II.” You can bet none of these guys will invade Russia when they set out to kill all the Jews!
Oh, and did I mention that these guys totally respect the women? The racist white women, anyway. If by “respect women” you mean “consign women to be little more than white-baby-making machines.” Sorry, I meant to say “celebrate women for the most vital biological gift of all: the ability to birth and raise white children.”
And that’s HOTTTT.
These dudes also resist the Siren call of DEGENERACY.
They’ve quit the sorcery of the Jew Tube, ditched the noggery of professional sports, decried the foul beast that is pornography, and would ideally homeschool their many children so they don’t fall prey to the false teachings of diversity.
Sure it’s possible — though Wolfie doesn’t acknowledge it — that some of these dudes devote whatever free time they have left over after meming to masturbating to anime, but hey no one’s perfect huh?
They are also total REBELS, in that they cling hard to beliefs that the rest of the world realizes are utterly abhorrent.
White Nationalism is a concept so dangerous to the status quo that it can get a man fired, alienated from his family, and rejected by his friends. Yet the Alt-Right man perseveres … He fights for recognition of his identity, to secure the existence of his people and a future for white children. Rebels have always held irresistible allure, and Alt-Right men are no exception.
In truth, any woman would be extremely lucky to find herself cared for and appreciated by an Alt-Right man.
Well, maybe not so much the Jewish women, or the black women, or the not irredeemably racist women.
But the racist white ladies get it, huh?
Sure, he may spend inordinate time shitposting til the wee hours of the night, but it’s all for a good cause — saving the white race. Alt-Right men have a purpose and drive greater than themselves, and that’s both undeniably white, and irrefutably alpha.
What could be sexier than a hateful dude with “fashy hair” (or no hair) who spends all his time at his computer posting rare Pepes and sending harassing messages to Jewish journalists? NOTHING THAT’S WHAT.
@occasional reader
I’d totally read a book written by Mario or Luigi. They’d at least make more sense than these alt-right cocknuggets. (And while the color palette for humans in the Mushroom Kingdom is…limited, no doubt, they’ve been shown to cooperate with several different sentient species [Goombas, Koopa Troopas, etc.] when said species are not enlisted under Bowser or some other opposing force. Though you mostly see that in the RPGs.)
OK, I was (still technically am) married to a guy who fell down the alt-right rabbit hole. It was definitely not HOTTTTT. I do have a lovely boy from it…but one that I fear is being indoctrinated into some serious hate. It was not respectful. There was a lot of bullshit “It’s your job, you’re the mother…” crap. He loved children sooo much though that he refused to have sex with me if I was using any form of birth control.
I haven’t been around here in a while. My alt-right bullshit detector must be faulty. I could have sworn whatever-their-name-is was taking the piss out of the alt-right.
If there’s not, there should be. Because it’s not just the manosphere. There are so many times in movies that a man ‘gets the girl’ for no other reason than then that he’s the protagonist so of course women who super hot, nice, young etc are into him. I love Wayne’s World, but that’s for whatever reason the first movie that springs to mind.
I have always used the term “one-handed writing” to refer to stories where the author’s self-insert character has one or more HB10’s throwing themselves at him. That would be a term for the writing in general, not the character herself. And it wouldn’t apply to WWTH’s broader category of main character gets the girl just ’cause.
*Using pronouns for male protagonist and female object of affection, but would apply to any combination of genders.
I agree with that, they certainly are toxic. I’m not sure which poison they’re thinking of, but many enough will induce vomiting for the comparison to stand.
Anyone who says “Great Meme War” or “Kekistan” deserves to be sterilized against their will.
I like muscles, but even if they had them and I liked their weird haircuts, I’d take one look at their mind and go
Can we, like, not go there ?
Nah. The Richard Spencer treatment is a better idea.
That video had some pacing problems.
Ugh, fashy hair.
I made the mistake of pointing out that this is now a thing to my boyfriend…
My Alex Jones listening/ tinfoil hat wearing/ alt right identifying/ cutely chubby half-Jewish boyfriend thinks it funny to comb his undercut “fashily” and climb into bed with me.
I guess that means he’s now an incel, cos I’m not going there.
I wonder if Wolfie would like his number?
In better (maybe worse) news- I’ve been making him aware of the more subtle signs of racism and sexism in media and day to day interactions and he seems to be “getting it”. He’s been pointing problematic things out to me, but I’m wondering if it’s a “gotcha” set up on his part.
It’s a start I guess, but I’d really like him stop spamming Facebook with fluoride warnings, Chem trails, flat earth videos, etc… So, yay me? XD
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
So I clicked your link and this banner greeted me:
That background is a close-up of ED-209’s right arm from RoboCop (1987).

And ED-209 is the perfect symbol for the alt-right, what with it being so tough and manly and intimidat–

— Oh. Funny how they seemed to forget that ED-209 is a symbol of authoritarian ineptitude. So I guess it’s still a perfect symbol for the alt-right.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
So I clicked your link and this banner greeted me:
That background is a close-up of ED-209’s right arm from RoboCop (1987).
And ED-209 is the perfect symbol for the alt-right, what with it being so tough and manly and intimidat–
— Oh. Funny how they seemed to forget that ED-209 is a symbol of authoritarian ineptitude. So I guess it’s still a perfect symbol for the alt-right.
Their masculinity is “intoxicating” as in “makes you dizzy and queasy and vaguely belligerent”?
I can believe that.
Just ignore if you don’t want to share further, but was this some kind of quiverfull stuff or just overall controlling, or maybe even hating straight sex?
Project men rarely work out. My sympathies if he sprung this on you. If he is seemingly equally receptive to you and Alex Jones then it sounds like he’s casting about for an identity and a tribe. If he settles on the alt right and conspiracies he’s probably lost until he finds himself. If he settles on you, that’s good in a way for him, but it puts you into that horrible pedestalization position where you must forevermore be perfect, so be warned. Caveat: If he is very young or going through some kind of crisis, searching for meaning may be more expected.
I like dudes. I can say without any hesitation that I am NOT attracted to these fascist PsOS.
@Anne Lewis, Jib Creator:
Huh. Good eye! All of the banners on that site are hyperbolic bullshit. Which pretty much sums up the alt-right in general, if you ask me. Except real people are getting hurt by these douchenozzles.
As an aside, I tracked down the article where the article photo came from:
From left to right: Sam Dickson, Donald Templer, Robert Weissberg, James Edwards, Jared Taylor, David Yeagley, Richard Lynn, Alex Kurtagic, and Guillaume Faye.
Soooo… if trolling journalists online or just general shitposting ends up getting you banned or blocked, then isn’t whatever censorship you run into self-inflicted? Gotta love the cognitive dissonance.