alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism harassment internet tough guy irony alert literal nazis masculinity matt forney memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

Alt-Right dudes are SUPER HOTTTTTT, according to Alt-Right lady

White supremacists: Sexy AF (Speakers at a recent American Renaissance conference)

In a recent post on, Alt-Right lady Wolfie James addresses what is perhaps the most important question facing Western Civilization today, which is: How TOTALLY HOTTTTTT are Alt-Right dudes?

James contends that they are indeed THE HOTTEST EVAR.

The Alt-Right male believes he has a duty to perfect his physique and appearance in accordance with the inherent potential afforded him by European genetics. As such, he is more likely to lift heavy weights, run fast, eat well, wear properly fitting clothes, and fashily cut his hair in a nod to Germany’s golden age. There are no pajama boys in the Alt-Right, and the masculinity they exude is positively intoxicating.

Yes, that TOTALLY DESCRIBES pretty much every Alt-Right dude I’ve ever written about on this blog. As proof, here is actual video footage of several alt-rightists exuding their masculinities all over the streets of Cincinnati.

Remember, this is footage that these guys took of themselves and put online. Because they’ve got positively intoxicating masculinity out the wazoo!

In conclusion, HOTTTTTT.

But Alt-Right dudes aren’t just pretty boys. They are also FAMILY ORIENTED DADDOES who love nothing better than making the white babies with their HOTTT Nazi brides.

The perpetuation of the white race is of paramount importance to Alt-Right men, which means they all want to see MOAR WHITE BABIES. Yet unlike the r-selection men who treat their women like bitches in a puppy mill, they invest in each of those children to steel them for the struggles to come.

That’s why so many of these dudes are pickup artists devoted to pestering every sexy (white) lady they run across, because what better way to practice putting your sperm in a lady — possibly by just shoving your penis in her without a condom even if she says you can’t? 

These guys are getting HOTTTTTER by the minute, amirite racist white ladies?

Also, these guys will totally MEME THE HELL out of people, because that’s the kind of heroes they are.

Veterans of the Great Meme War will tell you that uncucking our people, online and IRL, is a long, hard slog. Most men are not cut out for daily ideological warfare, trolling shitlib journalists, enduring constant online censorship, and dropping red-pills for friends and family. But thankfully our Alt-Right men are a committed bunch.

Aww yiss.

And if they can’t meme our country into an all-white homeland, well, they’re prepared to maybe just shoot some people.

[T]hey are training in small arms and personal protection (if they’re not already military veterans) because they know that our Cold Civil War is warming up, and they intend to be the victors. This is hot.

Nothing is HOTTTER than murder — except perhaps murder inspired by racism!

Also these dudes are SMART. Most of them

arrived to [sic] the Alt-Right through intense research and a personal quest for truth, meaning, and real identity. They know their favorite philosophers, can identify Hitler’s missteps in World War II, and often shock newcomers to the movement by how literate and well-educated — in the real sense of the term — they are.

Yep, the true test of intelligence is whether or not you understand “Hitler’s missteps in World War II.” You can bet none of these guys will invade Russia when they set out to kill all the Jews!

Oh, and did I mention that these guys totally respect the women? The racist white women, anyway. If by “respect women” you mean “consign women to be little more than white-baby-making machines.” Sorry, I meant to say “celebrate women for the most vital biological gift of all: the ability to birth and raise white children.”

And that’s HOTTTT.

These dudes also resist the Siren call of DEGENERACY.

They’ve quit the sorcery of the Jew Tube, ditched the noggery of professional sports, decried the foul beast that is pornography, and would ideally homeschool their many children so they don’t fall prey to the false teachings of diversity.

Sure it’s possible — though Wolfie doesn’t acknowledge it — that some of these dudes devote whatever free time they have left over after meming to masturbating to anime, but hey no one’s perfect huh?

They are also total REBELS, in that they cling hard to beliefs that the rest of the world realizes are utterly abhorrent.

White Nationalism is a concept so dangerous to the status quo that it can get a man fired, alienated from his family, and rejected by his friends. Yet the Alt-Right man perseveres … He fights for recognition of his identity, to secure the existence of his people and a future for white children. Rebels have always held irresistible allure, and Alt-Right men are no exception.


In truth, any woman would be extremely lucky to find herself cared for and appreciated by an Alt-Right man.

Well, maybe not so much the Jewish women, or the black women, or the not irredeemably racist women.

But the racist white ladies get it, huh?

Sure, he may spend inordinate time shitposting til the wee hours of the night, but it’s all for a good cause — saving the white race. Alt-Right men have a purpose and drive greater than themselves, and that’s both undeniably white, and irrefutably alpha.

What could be sexier than a hateful dude with “fashy hair” (or no hair) who spends all his time at his computer posting rare Pepes and sending harassing messages to Jewish journalists? NOTHING THAT’S WHAT.

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Austin Loomis
7 years ago

“Why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? You!
“Where the fuck is your chin?”
— Rev. Jesse Custer vs. the Salvation, TX, klavern, that one issue of Preacher

7 years ago

My nephew has become part of the Alt-Right. He doesn’t exactly fit much of this, except of course the shitposting and the hating bit. He remains unemployed most of the time, lives off my father, and has managed to be drummed out of the military because he didn’t bother to attend the required length of boot camp – in short, AWOL.

In an apocalypse, he is one of the last people I would want defending me. I would be dead, and anyone else that was in the circle of people he was defending, because when the chips are down, he has no skills (survival or otherwise) and he is a coward.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Question: Is Wolfie James an ACTUAL woman or, like, IDK, Matt Forney writing as Virginia kind of shit. He was the dude that had that Virginia’s Secret Garden or whatever right?

Real or not

comment image

varalys the dark
7 years ago

My two and a half year old nephew is a blonde, blue-eyed kid. His mum is less than a month away from giving birth to another young ‘un. Tomorrow I plan to tell her how well she is doing in perpetuating the white race and time how many nano-seconds it takes for her, my other sister and my mum to pummel me.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

Wolfie, are you sure we’re both thinking of ‘intoxicating’ in the same way? Honestly? Because last I knew, ‘vague, unsettling feeling of nausea’ =! ‘intoxicating’.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Seconding Jack.

This definitely sounds a lot like how alt-reich dudes idealize themselves.


the masculinity they exude is positively intoxicating

So close, so damn close. Keep thinking on those words, James W. Huh, sorry ! I meant Weidmann James. Oh shit, I meant, Wolfie James.

7 years ago

the masculinity they exude is positively intoxicating.

And the fart jokes just write themselves.

enduring constant online censorship

WTF? Alt righters have a lot of sites, and they’re a regular presence on comments pages. They’re as hard to get rid of as dog poop on a shoe (but the dog poop is twice as smart).

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

Wow, yeah. I have totally seen the error of my ways, and now want a roided-out Nazi with fashy hair and a gun fetish.

The funny thing is, I like guys who are on the sane side of the spectrum she* describes. It’s just that the men I like don’t spend their time on the Internet in some craven search for “identity”; they already know who they are.

I guess the difference is that I like guys, and other people, who like themselves. I don’t see any of that on the alt-reich, though to be perfectly fair I haven’t gone looking for it there, either.

7 years ago

Okay, scorecard.

Of the men in the pic at the head of the column, almost all are unsightly. There are three exceptions, all of whom are standing toward the back. (Coincidence?) The one farthest to stage right looks eminently Slavic, kind of like Boris Badenov’s taller cousin. The man standing to his immediate left strikes me as actually handsome, but he’s not of the Aryan type — to me he looks like an American Native. The man standing immediately to his left (again, stage left) is a middling-good-looking shaven-headed white guy. Quite nice, but nothing that’s going to force Phidias to break out the sculpting tools afresh.

Among the Alt-Right Dawgz, only ‘Johann’ is notably good-looking (and not only is he good-looking but he’s handsome in what one has been led to believe is the true-and-approved recommended Germanic fashion). But he’s one out of four. (Correction: five.) (Not that the other guys are bad-looking — not at all — but they will never stop traffic nor set ships afloat nor set rivers afire.)

Hey, I did not start this conversation.

So, errand completed…and now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Have fun, all.

7 years ago

Also corrosive and should only be used in a well ventilated area…

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago

These are strange and troubling times, with these niche and shadowy philosophies venturing tentatively back out into the light of mainstream.

When this happens I tend to hit them firmly on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper and say authoritatively, “No! Down! Bad Nazi!” “Remember what happened last time!”. They then slink away.

If I’m guffawing with laughter at the idea of any of these unprepossessing dudes being uncontrollably hot, then, I might not have sufficient force with my discipline and one of the fashy-haired fuckers might get past me.

Doesn’t bear thinking about.

Help me maintain my Poker Face, people.

7 years ago

“The Great Meme War”. Fuck’s sake. As a Brit, damn stupid wars are part of my heritage, but even at the height of our powers we never deployed cartoon frogs. Your war sucks, shitposters.

Dan Hoan
7 years ago

I have often thought about what I wanted in a man.

This is an exact list of exactly the opposite.

Good to know someone has codified it, I can link to it in my Okcupid account.

7 years ago

Varalys: 😀
I’m going to guess maybe 0.08 seconds. Heck, if you telegraph it far enough in advance, they may intuit that youre about to spout some gibberish, and pummel you before you can sully your throat by saying it.

AJ from GA
AJ from GA
7 years ago

Hey, what was the Great Meme War? I guess I wasn’t an active participant in this great conflagration.

7 years ago

As such, he is more likely to lift heavy weights, run fast, eat well… trolling shitlib journalists… ideally homeschool their many children…

Crossfit, howling into the void and arguing about you homeschooling the kids is not a list of desirable qualities, it’s trying to hard to justify a bad life choice.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

What baffles me is the professed love for philosphy and science that these Nazi scum are supposed to have.

Philosophy is defined as a love of knowledge, these shit mongers seem to have a habit of living in fact free zones.

Do they not know what beauty, philosophy and science even mean?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Normally, I oppose kink shaming. But if you’re turned on by internet trolling, there is something very, very wrong with you.

And since when was knowing Hitler’s missteps a sign of great intelligence? I seem to remember covering that in middle school.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
7 years ago

Sure, he may spend inordinate time shitposting til the wee hours of the night, but it’s all for a good cause — saving the white race.

varalys the dark
7 years ago

@ikeke35: You may well be right, I miiiiiiiight just have time to brace myself if I am lucky and don’t give away that I am about to epically troll them. 😀

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The staying away from porn bit is funny too given that we’ve got an alt-right troll on the other thread whining about how the SJW menace is trying to take away animated boobies.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


Well in whatever their name’s defense, they seem more concerned about the boobs being taken away by feminist than the boobs being taken away by Jewish people. In a way that feels straight out of 2015 but yeah. I mean, I’m not saying they couldn’t be a nazi as well but considering how out of date they are on talking points, they proooobably aren’t.

Of course if they start talking about the Jewish Cabal and shit I owe you an apology.

7 years ago

I have blond hair and blue eyes so do my brothers. But to be honest I think it is more important that nazis killed my relatives than siding with these alt right moron based on some nonsense about white genocide.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ moggie

damn stupid wars are part of my heritage

I once mentioned to someone that we’d had a Cod War and they asked “Oh, was that one of those weird eighteenth century conflicts?”

(1958 -1976 in case you were wondering)

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