alpha males alt-right heartiste men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sexy robot ladies trump

Will sexbots and “carnally-neutral industrial robots” unite to destroy civilization?

Sexy robots: Harbinger of civilizational collapse?

Will sweet sexy sexbots and “carnally-neutral industrial robots” unite to destroy civilization? Woman-hating “pickup artist” and wannabe white supremacist philosopher-king Heartiste says yes.

Heartiste, as long-time readers here may vaguely recall, has been obsessed with sexbots for some time. In the past he seemed most excited by the possibility that pliable and bendy sexy robot lady slaves could render all but the hottest flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete. Or at the very least force sub-par ladies to be less picky about who they have sex with.

Now Heartiste thinks that sexbots might just herald the end of civilization — at least in conjunction with the decidedly-non sexy worker robots who will be terkin all er jerbs.

Mr. H hasn’t really updated his thinking on the sexbot portion of the coming robot revolution.

The biggest impact will be a reduction in the asking price of women (in normie terms: a lot of sub-hottie women will have to date below their league if they don’t want to be alone). Sexbots, and other realistic simulacra of sex with a hot woman, will occupy the attention and, ahem, energy of a mass of omega and beta males who will prefer the intense experience of release with their Minka Kelly lookalike bots over uninspiring sex with the human plain janes and fatties who would normally be their lot.

Well, at least until they realize they need to clean their new robot companions.

What sexbots and VR tech (yolodecks) will essentially create is a massive unemployment crisis among Western women. These castaways will struggle to find love and marriage (which is a woman’s prime purpose in life).

Says you.

Meanwhile, “omega males and those marginal rejects on the left hand side of the beta male curve” will take themselves out of the

sexual market … content to wile away their recreational time (by then almost all their time) in the uncannily supple bosoms of their sexbots.

Meanwhile, cool dude alphas — the kind of man Heartiste likes to think he is — will end up with vast harems of desperate hotties.

“Alpha males won’t have to worry about sexbots,” Heartiste promises.

[F]or them, the sexbot revolution will create a pornucopia of delights as they are besieged by desperate women who literally can’t find a man because three quarters of them are locked in their bedrooms completely satiated from week-long sessions with their Ivanka Trumpbots. Slender hot babes will still have a real man to call their own….as long as they’re ok with him calling additional women his own.

A douchebag can dream, huh?

Oh, sure, the ladies will eventually have sexbots too, but it may take longer, as “lonely women will want them mostly for romantic pillow talk, intuitive understanding, and household chores.”

Heartiste is apparently unaware that women already have a vast array of mechanical sex toys to choose from, and that “pillow talk” is not very high on most lady sex-toy purchasers’ list of priorities.

So the sexbot revolution seems like great news for Heartiste and his allegedly alpha fanboys, right? Not so fast, because there will also be robots doing things that don’t involve penises at all.

[T]he mass immigration of robots into the job market will place more downward pressure on the wages of blue collar men and in most cases drive them completely out of work, with no hope of new market niches opening up that don’t require high IQ and educational attainment to realistically enter.

And then the jerb-terkin robots will invade our offices.

“[C]arnally-neutral industrial robots will move into pink collar and even some white collar occupations,” he warns.

In fifty years, robots will be doing accounting, legal, administrative, HR, data entry, reporting, and maybe even programming jobs. 

And don’t think retraining will allow anyone who’s not a certified genius to keep up with the robot usurpers.

As robots take over ever more low-, mid-, and high-skill jobs, the humans formerly employed in those jobs simply won’t have the IQ horsepower or suitable temperament to adequately retrain themselves …

The ones who will be spared the negative externalities of the robot and sexbot revolutions will be those whose creativity, fluid intelligence, spontaneity, and incomparable sexuality can’t be sufficiently mimicked by artificial substitutes. 

Sorry to have to break it to you, Heartiste, but you aren’t going to find a lot of people like that in the manosphere.

So what happens after the robots terk almost all the jerbs? Heartiste sees two possibilities: economic armageddon, or Wall-E world.

In the first scenario, jobless Westerners will have no money to buy anything, which will lead to “sexbots rotting on the shelves.”

Or perhaps we’ll all end up like the future fatties of Wall-E world,

all needs catered and pleasures serviced by round-the-clock robots and sexbots, as we get fatter, weaker, stupider, lazier, more feminized, and less rebellious toward the disappearance of meaning from our lives. 

Heartiste thinks economic collapse will be more likely.

Robots will herald financial collapse from debt spending and money printing. Sexbots will herald fertility collapse from marriage abandonment and a mass exodus of men and women from the dating scene. Literally, currency and seed will be spilled fruitlessly into an empty abyss.

Try to get that image out of your head.

But there is still hope, Heartiste insists, and it comes in the form of TRUMP!

The people who voted for Trump, in their unarticulated way, are the first angsty salvos against this coming collision. Nationalism, race, and family are the only bulwarks that can stop the dystopian juggernaut, and that’s why the elite are in a frenzy to stump what Trump represents.

If the choice is between a robot-triggered economic armageddon and Trump-world, well, let’s just say that I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords and ladies.

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7 years ago

A Chinese man has become an early adopter according to this uncomfortable to read but (mecifully) short on detail bit of news:

Halloween Jack
Halloween Jack
7 years ago

See, if the choice is between Skynet and Hair Furor…

7 years ago

And he’s officially off the… er… what do you call it when someone who’s already off the deep end goes off the deep end?

7 years ago

Bah, this thread proves that Western feminists, especially female nerds, are killjoys to heterosexual male happiness.

Is your sexual union now threatened by cyber-mechanization?

You have no one but yourselves to blame.
Human males would not have resorted to inventing artificial humanoid females if human females did not consistently prove to be so ultimately disappointing to begin with in the first place!

And this is a universal phenomenon throughout human history and across the globe.

7 years ago

So in other words if women just submitted to being sex slaves to men in the first place then men wouldn’t have to go out and invent robotic sex slaves. Is that what you are trying to say bug?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

This one seems to have combined all our trolls into one persona. He’s into sex slavery like Meller, he’s into nonexistent leftist conspiracies like Chaucer troll, he acts more intellectual than though even though he’s entirely ignorant like Pell, he uses too many emojis like MSN, he claims we’re all prudes like Abnoy, he wants a robot wife like Antz and he spews GG talking points like every channer. In other words, he’s the most pathetic person ever.

7 years ago

Thanks for popping by, Humbug, but nobody here will bite. I suggest you get your troll-jollies elsewhere.

Or use the sarcasm tag if that’s what that is.

7 years ago

*yawn* Troll didn’t even read anything beyond the title.

What do you think he’d do if we started talking about menstruation?

7 years ago

@LindsayIrene Let’s do that! This is the second month so far that my period’s been weird (in this case nonexistent so far, more than a week late, no possibility whatsoever that I’m pregnant). Last month I went for something like a week with nothing at all, then in the three-hour window between taking off one pad and putting on another of course it all came out at once. I’m thinking menopause might mean wearing pads 24/7 just in case, which would be a drag.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Is there any chance you’re going to Go Your Own Way soon, Humbug?

Because you’re boring as fuck.

7 years ago

First, are you saying that I am Legion? ?

Second, am I supposed to entertain you ? Am I being paid by anyone at all for that to begin with in the first place? ?

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

This traditionally-raised, socially-aggressive, white, male person finds Humbug to be of poor quality for any consideration for a political ally of any kind. In fact that is a good general description of my disposition towards the people this blog mocks. With every comment they rivet little parts of themselves, chunks of reputation, up on the screen for me to consider.

I often feel guilty for just how amusing they are to me. I’m supposed to be impressed by such as this?

I’m assessing the quality of the first entry.

Bah, this thread proves that Western feminists, especially female nerds, are killjoys to heterosexual male happiness.

Quote the relevant sections coward. All your text is no more than feeling without an object to line it up with. I find your feeling unsatisfactory. The feminists that I take the time to read offer objects to line up with their feelings.
*Which parts of the thread?
*Face the actual feminists in this thread. So far I see no sign that you are able to substantively respond to anything directed at you. It’s very craven.

Is your sexual union now threatened by cyber-mechanization?

You will need to point out the places where you believe someone feels threatened. I see lots of mockery in here myself.

You have no one but yourselves to blame.

This is not very impressive given that you have cited nothing that can lead to an assessment of what is blameworthy. Why it’s almost as if you don’t want anyone to see what you are feeling about.

Human males would not have resorted to inventing artificial humanoid females if human females did not consistently prove to be so ultimately disappointing to begin with in the first place!

Why should I care about your disappointment? Your standards with respect to reality do not appear to be very good thus far. Your disappointment has no value to me.

And so do your potential reasons for building a non-person to fuck.

And this is a universal phenomenon throughout human history and across the globe.

How can I possibly care about your thoughts on universals when you can’t be bothered with the specifics that inform them?

This is offensive from a basic communication standpoint.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Seriously Humbug. I have an absolutely miserable sex life and I see nothing of value to what I see being mocked in here. It sucks that they feel they need to build artificial people to fuck, but I’m not about to let that pity prevent me from shaming the fuck out of garbage like this. I want solutions, not textual rumor-mongering and the sex-doll version of “taking my ball and going home”.

7 years ago

This one seems to have combined all our trolls into one persona.

To be fair, he hasn’t mentioned yoga yet (unless I missed it) but that guy did only last one thread anyway.

7 years ago

Bah, so you’re saying that you’re shaming the heterosexual males who have decided to opt out of the mainstream sexual marketplace because they’re fed with up with human females?

Hah, do you also shame the female — usually lesbian/bisexual — separatists who do so because they’re fed up with human males, as well?

And the thread is archived after all, so anyone can easily read all the posts prior to mine. Must I be bothered to still quote such posts from others when there are only around a couple of previous pages to my initial post?!

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

Bah, Humbug!

Bah, so you’re saying that you’re shaming the heterosexual males who have decided to opt out of the mainstream sexual marketplace because they’re fed with up with human females?

There’s a fairly regular, well-esteemed commenter here named Zephkiel that has done just that. I doubt it’s because he’s “fed up with human females”. You are free to call them “women”, by the way.

And the thread is archived after all, so anyone can easily read all the posts prior to mine. Must I be bothered to still quote such posts from others when there are only around a couple of previous pages to my initial post?!


Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

And the coward Humbug continues to avoid pointing to what they were emoting about. Someone willing to talk shit about others and who has no courage to back up said shit has no power to demand answers.

If the coward decides that the simplest form of the social contract is within thier reach I will consider answering thier questions tomorrow. So far I see no potential for a return of value for more than shaming.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

First, are you saying that I am Legion?

Second, am I supposed to entertain you ? Am I being paid by anyone at all for that to begin with in the first place? ?

Yes, you are LegionHumbug, and yes, you’re supposed to be entertaining, since you’ve done nothing but repeat shit that has been said by the other 9,263 Legionbores that have passed through here.

You’re boring as fuck. Step up your game, Adami.

7 years ago

You don’t have to entertain us, but not entertaining us makes it far likelier that you will be banned.

7 years ago


One time my period came when I didn’t expect it, while I was asleep. I stood up and a giant clot of blood went splat on the floor. Luckily, I had wooden floors.

I couldn’t stop laughing.

7 years ago

Huh, tough crowd…not!

Hah, for all your sneering about right-wing echo-chambers, this is a left-wing echo chamber itself.

Truly, it takes one to know one! ?

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

That is legit pretty funny though.

Crip Dyke
7 years ago

In the past he seemed most excited by the possibility that pliable and bendy sexy robot lady slaves could render all but the hottest flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete. Or at the very least force sub-par ladies to be less picky about who they have sex with.

These guys do know that women have been using vibrators for quite a while now, right? Like seriously, since the late 1800s. We also have the Sybian, which I admit could be a lot of fun for men and others not AFAB but is clearly marketed towards cis women.

In what possible world would “realistic,” sexy, robot, lady slaves arrive on the market without sexy, robot, Fabio-slaves arriving at the same time (or earlier)?

force sub-par ladies to be less picky about who they have sex with


No, more like allow ladies wonderful new machine-assisted masturbation choices, if they’re into that sort of thing.

About those men with whom women didn’t want to have sex before they started having sex with robot slaves? Sorry guys. The fact that you spent last weekend getting off with your brand new SexySandy™ Fleshlight Sex-Bot 10.x isn’t suddenly going to make you attractive to women who didn’t want to have sex with you before.

Maybe you’ll get really, really lucky though, and meet some voyeuse with a fetish for watching guys go at it with sexbots! At least then when you tell your friends you spent the weekend having sex with a woman you’ll almost be telling the truth.

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