Enough with these cats. We’re all about dogs now. No more discussions of cats or adorable cat gifs like this:
Or this:
Or this:
Or even this:
Yep, we are DONE with cats FOREVER.
Even this one:
Oh, and happy April 1st.
HA HA! Man I got you guys good.
JEEBUS! Yep, you got me.
And I’m one of those people who’s been rolling my eyes at every April 1st email and stunt all morning, but this one fooled me.
Congrats, sir. And thanks for the gifs (as always).
Yeah you got me! hahaha
oh and adorable KITTTTIES!!
I have to admit, the cats are pretty <3
Next step : only liking Great Pyrenees.
How about cows with guns?
Why isn’t there an april’s men day though.
I asked an anarchist why thier mascot is a black cat.
They said, “Have you ever owned a cat?”
Cats don’t care about heirarchies and have no concept of property. Everyone thinks they are assholes but they are actually super cuddly. They aren’t afraid to smash some glass (cups) in protest. Cats govern themselves and do what they want but will help others too.
I thought that over and went, “lol yeah.”
Ah those kiity gifs were much needed. I spilled boiling oatmeal all over the fingers of my right hand while writing a blog post a couple of hours ago, and now can only use my left hand (not my dominant one) and my right thumb to type. It’s slow going.
Superhot oatmeal!
I feel your pain.
Internet hugs, if needed.
Hey, @Futrelle
Bamboozled again!
In all seriousness, though, today has been kind of a bummer for good AF goofs. I usually rather enjoy them.
@Elizabeth Regina: Thanks, hugs gratefully received! It was instant oatmeal, the type you mix with boiling water so it was not only very hot, it stuck to my fingers still burning away as I fumbled with the cold tap.
As for cats, my own furrinati member is trying to insinuate his way onto the laptop. I can’t bear to think how much fur is inside it now.
But… but…. what about baby sloths!
Meatball says, “oh hell naw!”
While Lulu wonders, “where are the kitties?”
I move that this become a baby-giraffe-appreciation blog. Do I have a second?
@EJ seconded!
In other April Fool’s news, George Takai announced that bid to run for 2018 was a AF joke. I still haven’t forgiven him for that. 😛
I would vote for George Takai for Congress.
And I would move to California to do so.
Me too.
We’re doing cute? Okay. Here’s adorable Cthulhu.
Pooches with guns?
Best recent April Fool:
Worthy successor to the BBC spaghetti trees.
Only good one I’ve seen today