It didn’t take MGTOWs long to find my New York magazine piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right. A number of these lovely fellows decided to challenge my evil FAKE NEWS SLANDER by posting long comments over on that pretty much confirmed what a bunch of hateful, self-pitying and very, very angry dudes they are.
Here are some selections from their best comments (and by “best” I mean “most ridiculously terrible”).
The most, er, energetic comment of the bunch came from a fellow calling himself T0000009, one of those I quoted in the piece. (He’s the one who went on about how women “just want some stupid savage to breed them.”)
Take it away, T0000009!
While I do realize that you’re an idiot who apparently can’t read, isn’t very familiar with the English language, or like every other moron who claims to be a “journalist” also happens to be too retarded to grasp simple concepts like research, don’t ever pretend you know my state of mind jackass!
That is not a complaint dummy, it’s the observable documented facts and easily verified reality even though you are unable to comprehend it, or it’s to painful of a reminder for that frail mind of yours to process. Your really pitiful attempt to virtue signal and claim everyone is a racist because your own feeble mind can’t handle the strain of factual reality makes you even more fake, phony and delusional than your well know reputation as a fake American hack.
Hmm. I don’t remember saying that “everyone is a racist” — though pretty much everyone in this flawed world of ours has some racism in them, if only on the unconscious level. I do think it’s fair, though, to say that guys who talk about women wanting “savage[s] to breed them” are huge racists.
With that in mind and all your other failures, get your facts straight next time dummy, I have better things to do than waste time schooling an insecure child or the other stupid fat trollops who can’t face the facts of life.
People who use the word “trollops” unironically are such charmers!
Moving on from the subject of me and my e went on to credit men — not including me — for building civilization, and like every manospherian with an apocalyptic bent he likes to fantasize that if and when said civilization eventually collapses, women who now want nothing to do with him will come to him, vaginas in hand, begging for help.
Men, not you slick, built the world while you and the cabal of tramps crying about us leaving you to fend for yourselves were blaming us for your own idiocy and poor choices. When it all crumbles that isn’t going to save you, and those tramps will be begging one of those useless vermin to save them with the only thing they have to offer, REAL newsflash kid it isn’t her personality because she doesn’t have one. Oh and all those ingrates from the third world won’t be much help either, suck it up buttercup and enjoy the pain and suffering you wanted.
We don’t want you, don’t need you, and could care less what you think!
He doesn’t care SO HARD that he just spewed forth several hundreds of words on how he DOESN’T CARE.
A fellow called YeahThatTim also wants us to know that men have created everything of value in the world.
Everything you see when you drive down the road, including the road, was built by men, not women. All of the world’s cities, neighborhoods and roads were built by man-ual labor, not fem-ual labor.
Ooh nice one.
All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.
So naturally these men are ready to knock down the civilization they built with no help at all from the ladies.
What we built, we will tear down. Men are the key to women’s survival. You can mass murder all the babies you want. You’ll only be cutting off your nose to spite your entitled, narcissistic and callous face – in an effort to destroy those that gave you everything upon which you rely for female advancement over men. Ga head. Make my day. Gunslinger time.
Gunslinger time? That’s not creepy at all.
MGTOW is why you sometimes bolt upright in bed at night following a mind shaking nightmare.
Huh. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a real nightmare, though I did have one mildly scary one the other day about being abducted by aliens. Though I think that had less to do with MGTOW than it did with the fact that I’d watched Close Encounters right before going to bed.
We’re here, we couldn’t care less what you think, we know all your mind games and can’t wait for your feeble rebuttal. Come at me. I dare you.
Na, I’m good.
A fellow called MGTOW4Lyfe responded to Tim with this:
I hear you brother, preach. Enough bullshit, alot of men are tired of being unnoticed and being feed bullshit since birth. Nice guys finish last for the last time in this cruel manipulative world. In the end all men want is love that is the truth, we don’t want to be manipulated by women it sucks to be used. If us men could suppress our GOD DAMNED hormones, women wouldn’t even matter to us our relatives. We would act like them and just keep walking as if they were nothing, i want women to know how it feels to go unnoticed and unloved in your prime. Tired of females exploiting men left and right. Men have been trickled down to cuckholds by watching pornography and paying for sex one way or the other.
MGTOW4Lyfe goes on to propose that men exploit penis-hungry women by, well, dangling their penises in front of them — as a tease.
It’s time for a new revolution one where women are exploited for their desires or whatever, a game where we men hold the keys to their desires and fuck with them, and see how they like to pay for it.
this may sound gay to men that are slaves to pussy, the ones that give all their resources for vagina.
I wouldn’t call it gay, dude, though I’m pretty sure you are wildly overestimating women’s interest in your own personal penis.
While MGTOW4Lyfe dangles his carrot (so to speak), merlyn.sheldon wields a stick in the form of a bunch of vague but still alarming threats.
It’s still incredible how the left doesn’t see what’s happening. When you paint all white men as evil, sexist, racist bigots, tell them their masculinity is toxic, tell them their raping 1 in 4 women, tell them they are terrible oppressors, tell them to accept a religion that enslaves women or else they are Islamophobic, tell them just how terrible they are, of course you’re going to get people that push back.
My NYmag piece was a response to the stabbing of a black man by a white supremacist. I don’t think the vile actions of James Jackson count as “pushing back.” I think what he did counts as a murder, as a hate crime, and (because the confessed murderer was hoping to make a political point with it) terrorism.
This is all your own doing. You made your bed, and now you’ll have to lay in it. You deserve everything that will happen to you for what you have done. This awful propaganda game isn’t going to end well for you just remember that.
I’m pretty sure that portraying people like you as “evil, sexist, racist bigots” isn’t propaganda. All someone needs to do is to read what you’ve just posted to see that an evil, sexist, racist bigot is exactly what you are.
Heh. The venn diagram of nationalists\ misogynists really is a circle. Not that many years ago since they seemed to be distinct flavors of awful, but now… one big mess of horror and inhumanity.
And on that note…
From the OP:
Sorry to spam, but I can’t let this one go. So, a MGHOW, a member of a loosely knit group of angry, bitter men who claim to have intimate understanding of the minds of every woman on the planet is accusing David of “pretending to know his state of mind”? And then spends the rest of his post pretending to understand David’s motives and state of mind?
Look closely: this is what a hypocrite and a bully looks like. In his mind, he is allowed to make far-reaching conclusions about the intent and internal motivations of other people, but when he is the one under scrutiny, he will shout foul: He is too deep, too nuanced to be understood by mere analysis of his words and his deeds. He is a special fucking snowflake who is above judgement because his mind is a maze and he is layered like an ogre onion. Not like those easily-predictable sheeple, no, he is a multi-faceted main character in a sea of nigh-identical NPCs.Despite this, he is extremely bad at hiding his own motivations because he announces them loudly every opportunity he gets.
He will always claim his intentions are pure and that he should be judged by them alone. He will refuse to improve, because in his mind, there is nothing to improve. The problem lies with others who don’t appreciate his genius and his pure intentions. Yeah, I stay the heck away from guys like this.
@ chiomara
That’s awful; my heart goes out to you.
Everyone here has pointed out that of course you did nothing to deserve this. The sole responsibility lies with those assholes. Women though are sort of socialised to blame themselves for other people’s bad behaviour towards them. So if you do find yourself having ‘well I was pretty friendly, maybe I gave them the wrong idea’ thoughts please please please remind yourself that common decency is not an invitation.
On a more practical note I mentioned your situation to someone who is in a much better position to understand what you’re going through for reasons. She can also introduce you to some people who may be able to offer some more practical help.
So, if you feel this might be useful to you, perhaps create a throwaway email address and ask David to forward it to me. I can then pass it on and you can take things from there.
Hang in there tiger (do you have tigers there? Puma then :-))
While MGTOW is as absurd a position as generalising all members of one race or religion or any other demographic grouping, I have met many women who do conform to the stereotype that MGTOWs believe describes all women.
As long as people insist on collectivising various groups into homogeneous blocs, there is as much onus upon women to kick into touch the selfish, spiteful, and misandrist minority of women who give credence to the stereotypes MGTOWs base their whole worldview upon as there is upon men in general to talk down and correct the perceptions of the misogynist minority of men.
Well, we have another winner in the NY Mag comments section.
Basically, Saudi Arabia should be our role model for gender relations. The correct way was established generations ago and modern society is nothing but an aberration.
In reply, one of the previous posters commented:
I am trying to figure out what makes these yahoos think that they have a moral right to reimpose male supremacy, or that women will not fight tooth and nail to prevent it … maybe I’m just getting old, but I am beyond bumfuzzled.
Dear Misogynists,
Just because you only see “foreign” or “Eastern” women as fetish objects and don’t listen to what they say or read they write, doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say. There are plenty of feminist women outside of English speaking western nations. Stop trying to splain global feminism to the rest of us. You have no damn idea what you’re talking about.
I wish their registration was not broken.
The response is mostly akin to dogs pissing on fences. Quoting of things is rare. Referencing the content of the article is rare. Lots of name calling.
Equivalence trolls are an annoying one.
First an equivalence drawn between feminists and miggies with literally no ability to check his examples.
Then they relabel David an “equalist” as they assert David is mistaken about reality and his examples (with no quotes of any kind of course).
Then they try to blur the lines between David’s examples by shoving “radicalized young women” in there. They dismiss the negative expressions of women while pretending that fear is not a thing attached to experiences. “cause fear” applies to all humans, including Ryan.
Then they go on to point at women and feminists while describing the behavior David is talking about. They hang “racial” on it too just to make sure they move all the feelings to the other group. This way the word Patriarchy does not feel so bad when they use like it’s a good thing. Isn’t it interesting what you can do when you pretend you can just swap objects and feelings around? I think the word opinion should become associated with negative feelings. Ryan loves to talk about people without a reference to reality to justify it. That’s basically name calling. It’s only works because of how group-bias affects language use.
The last paragraph is a suggestion that society should control girls more. It does this while pretending that girls and boys are admonished in the same ways and once again dismissing the feelings of women without the things the feelings are attached to.
I do think that as a community we use MGTOW/MRA/Incel and other things as shorthand for the bad behaviors too often. This person may not be an MGTOW but morally they fit right in when it comes to behavior.
MarcNV is a special kind of annoying.
An insult in the first part with an anti-left flavor. No content other than feeling.
Second they act like they they can pretend socially coming to someone’s aid is bad with another insult instead of the assumed characteristics. This followed by calling David a Cuck while mentioning the dictionary (and not mentioning any relevant cuck-like characteristics which is a dictionary related thing to do).
Then they “I’m not an MRA” and “I’m not a MGTOW” while saying they pointed out something logically when all they actually did was attach feelings to things (OK maybe I’m not being fair about MRA/MGTOW-insult). They did do logic but it was only by manipulation of social symbols. Attachments to reality were once again not in evidence.
Nothing but shit talking and pretending that it’s not just empty group-based pissing on fences.
What’s saddest to me is men are so unsophisticated and have so little game they fear powerful independent women rather than admire them. It’s just insecure men who can’t find a woman trying to assert their dominance. It’s the same as ‘little man’ syndrome.
People who prey on waitresses and other service staff are the fucking worst. I’m sorry this asshole decided to make you uncomfortable and scared.
Patriarchy exists over here too, but if you should ever want to move to Sweden I can offer a spare bedroom with a TV, balcony, and occasionally cats.
Hugs. I hope you have the support you need.
@GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
I don’t know about names but a book that was being written on Saint-Domingue when the Haitian revolution broke out had tables to show what portion african the child of mixed race parents would be. They went out to 1/128th
My email is my nym (before the colon) at; feel free to message me there to connect to Alan, or if you just need someone to talk to.
This is one of those situations where one needs to be bluntly realistic about their ability to help someone in need.
If one has trouble helping themselves, better to give a reference to someone else with a proven track record.
I’ve not always seen eye to eye with Alan, but, in this instance, he has the more stable situation and resources.
Nothing I can say that hasn’t been said better by the others already.
You have all of my hugs and love and admittedly-limited support, and please stay safe.
And I’ll join the others in that if you ever need someone to talk to, we’re here for ya.
@Chiomara: No, you did nothing wrong. Perhaps, if you tell your fiance what happened, he can wait for you after your shift? If he’s able to do that, I mean.
Sadly, some of these jerks will only defer to other males, and see every woman as the property of a man. As backward as that is, it’s still true in some cases.
I don’t think this sort of thing happens all that often in the US, anymore, but I could be wrong. I’m not an urban-dwelling person.
There are also beaucoup de YouTube responses to David’s piece.
Much obliged.
Look, it’s He-Man. He raises the “sword” and suddenly he’s a rippling Tom of Finland-type guy who’s hitting other rippling Tom of Finland-types. Usually not with the sword, but when he does, it doesn’t result in blood or anything.
“It’s subtext, Steven!”
Unfortunately not a viable option. The said fiance is not loca.l
You know many women who have zombifying vagina goo and who sperm jack for fun and profit? Wow. Your neighborhood is so wacky it would put the town from Gilmore Girls to shame! Whereabouts do you live if you don’t mind me asking?
I don’t know what “kick into touch” actually means but given the context it’s in, I’m guessing we have a false equivalency troll on our hands. It’s actually not the same thing because for one thing, actual man-hating is far more more rare than misogyny. For another thing, men are the dominant gender. When men engage in misogyny, it perpetuates the oppression of women as a gender. When a woman hates a man, it doesn’t have much of an impact beyond whatever harm done to the individual man who is the target of the hatred. It’s not nice or particularly to hate men but it doesn’t have the power to harm them as an entire gender.
Of course, it’s pretty difficult to buy the neutral schtick you’re trying to do here. Only MRAs and MGTOW and the like use “misandrist” unironically. Nice try. No sale.
ETA: I’m also not wild about the implication that women have to be sweet to men all the time or else we have misogyny and abuse coming to us. Fuck that.
If women hated men the way men hated women, there would have been at least one mass-shooting by a woman in the name of feminism by now. MiGTOWs better pray women never “push back” violently against the rape and abuse perpetrated against them by men.
@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
I was afraid that was the case 🙁
You’re going to complain about interest on loans? a.k.a. the only reason anyone bothers to loan anyone else money in the first place?
I’m not sure whether that’s entitlement or antisemitism. Probably both.
(I mean the rest of the ranting is terrible, yeah, but this stuck out to me as a new and exciting kind of stupid)
@ some guy
“Wild Women of Wonga”?
@David (Not our gracious host)
Okay, I’d like to say this only once, so please pay attention and pass this along: yes, it’s possible that women can do awful things, and those awful things can be done to men. Since logic is allegedly so prized in this movement, let me show how this works:
1. All people are capable of doing awful things.
2. All women are people (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
3. Therefore women are capable of doing awful things.
See, the Miggytoe method is to completely ignore 1+2 and act like 3 is the only part that matters. Women are awful because they’re women, not because they’re people. And that line of thought can kindly go fuck itself.
As for generalizing groups, welllllll…. see, if you say, join the Ku Klux Klan but only because you look rather dashing in those fetching white robes and hoods, you’re still a fucking klansmen. If you join the cesspool that is MTGOW you’re throwing your lot in with a bunch of women hating wankers, so it really doesn’t matter what your own personal reasons are.