alt-right antifeminism armageddon creepy cuck cuckolding irony alert men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Angry dudes respond to my NYmag piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right

MGTOWs: Building civilization by getting mad on the internet

It didn’t take MGTOWs long to find my New York magazine piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right. A number of these lovely fellows decided to challenge my evil FAKE NEWS SLANDER by posting long comments over on that pretty much confirmed what a bunch of hateful, self-pitying and very, very angry dudes they are.

Here are some selections from their best comments (and by “best” I mean “most ridiculously terrible”).

The most, er, energetic comment of the bunch came from a fellow calling himself T0000009, one of those I quoted in the piece. (He’s the one who went on about how women “just want some stupid savage to breed them.”)

Take it away, T0000009!


While I do realize that you’re an idiot who apparently can’t read, isn’t very familiar with the English language, or like every other moron who claims to be a “journalist” also happens to be too retarded to grasp simple concepts like research, don’t ever pretend you know my state of mind jackass!

That is not a complaint dummy, it’s the observable documented facts and easily verified reality even though you are unable to comprehend it, or it’s to painful of a reminder for that frail mind of yours to process. Your really pitiful attempt to virtue signal and claim everyone is a racist because your own feeble mind can’t handle the strain of factual reality makes you even more fake, phony and delusional than your well know reputation as a fake American hack.

Hmm. I don’t remember saying that “everyone is a racist” — though pretty much everyone in this flawed world of ours has some racism in them, if only on the unconscious level. I do think it’s fair, though, to say that guys who talk about women wanting “savage[s] to breed them” are huge racists.

With that in mind and all your other failures, get your facts straight next time dummy, I have better things to do than waste time schooling an insecure child or the other stupid fat trollops who can’t face the facts of life.

People who use the word “trollops” unironically are such charmers!

Moving on from the subject of me and my e went on to credit men — not including me — for building civilization, and like every manospherian with an apocalyptic bent he likes to fantasize that if and when said civilization eventually collapses, women who now want nothing to do with him will come to him, vaginas in hand, begging for help.

Men, not you slick, built the world while you and the cabal of tramps crying about us leaving you to fend for yourselves were blaming us for your own idiocy and poor choices. When it all crumbles that isn’t going to save you, and those tramps will be begging one of those useless vermin to save them with the only thing they have to offer, REAL newsflash kid it isn’t her personality because she doesn’t have one. Oh and all those ingrates from the third world won’t be much help either, suck it up buttercup and enjoy the pain and suffering you wanted.

We don’t want you, don’t need you, and could care less what you think!

He doesn’t care SO HARD that he just spewed forth several hundreds of words on how he DOESN’T CARE.

A fellow called YeahThatTim also wants us to know that men have created everything of value in the world.

Everything you see when you drive down the road, including the road, was built by men, not women. All of the world’s cities, neighborhoods and roads were built by man-ual labor, not fem-ual labor.

Ooh nice one.

All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.

So naturally these men are ready to knock down the civilization they built with no help at all from the ladies.

What we built, we will tear down. Men are the key to women’s survival. You can mass murder all the babies you want. You’ll only be cutting off your nose to spite your entitled, narcissistic and callous face – in an effort to destroy those that gave you everything upon which you rely for female advancement over men. Ga head. Make my day. Gunslinger time.

Gunslinger time? That’s not creepy at all.

MGTOW is why you sometimes bolt upright in bed at night following a mind shaking nightmare.

Huh. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a real nightmare, though I did have one mildly scary one the other day about being abducted by aliens. Though I think that had less to do with MGTOW than it did with the fact that I’d watched Close Encounters right before going to bed.

We’re here, we couldn’t care less what you think, we know all your mind games and can’t wait for your feeble rebuttal. Come at me. I dare you.

Na, I’m good.

A fellow called MGTOW4Lyfe responded to Tim with this:

I hear you brother, preach. Enough bullshit, alot of men are tired of being unnoticed and being feed bullshit since birth. Nice guys finish last for the last time in this cruel manipulative world. In the end all men want is love that is the truth, we don’t want to be manipulated by women it sucks to be used. If us men could suppress our GOD DAMNED hormones, women wouldn’t even matter to us our relatives. We would act like them and just keep walking as if they were nothing, i want women to know how it feels to go unnoticed and unloved in your prime. Tired of females exploiting men left and right. Men have been trickled down to cuckholds by watching pornography and paying for sex one way or the other.

MGTOW4Lyfe goes on to propose that men exploit penis-hungry women by, well, dangling their penises in front of them — as a tease.

It’s time for a new revolution one where women are exploited for their desires or whatever, a game where we men hold the keys to their desires and fuck with them, and see how they like to pay for it.


this may sound gay to men that are slaves to pussy, the ones that give all their resources for vagina.

I wouldn’t call it gay, dude, though I’m pretty sure you are wildly overestimating women’s interest in your own personal penis.

While MGTOW4Lyfe dangles his carrot (so to speak), merlyn.sheldon wields a stick in the form of a bunch of vague but still alarming threats.

It’s still incredible how the left doesn’t see what’s happening. When you paint all white men as evil, sexist, racist bigots, tell them their masculinity is toxic, tell them their raping 1 in 4 women, tell them they are terrible oppressors, tell them to accept a religion that enslaves women or else they are Islamophobic, tell them just how terrible they are, of course you’re going to get people that push back.

My NYmag piece was a response to the stabbing of a black man by a white supremacist. I don’t think the vile actions of James Jackson count as “pushing back.” I think what he did counts as a murder, as a hate crime, and (because the confessed murderer was hoping to make a political point with it) terrorism.

This is all your own doing. You made your bed, and now you’ll have to lay in it. You deserve everything that will happen to you for what you have done. This awful propaganda game isn’t going to end well for you just remember that.

I’m pretty sure that portraying people like you as “evil, sexist, racist bigots” isn’t propaganda. All someone needs to do is to read what you’ve just posted to see that an evil, sexist, racist bigot is exactly what you are.

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Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

Penis Power? Really?

…so many Ninja Sex Party songs playing through my head right now. Though the most apropos may be “Everybody Shut Up (I Have An Erection).”

7 years ago

On a personal note, I was an adopted child, and I was almost 60 when I found out what my biological ancestry was. But I still felt I had “roots” and an identity

And I grew up knowing my biological ancestry without having “roots” or an “identity”. I had to develop those for myself, because, seriously, nature, nurture, or just plain weird, I have no idea how in the world I ever came out of my roots…I wouldn’t be surprised to find out these commenters David is quoting are family members of mine.

7 years ago

Oh boy! It’s Numbskull-to-English Translation Time!

That is not a complaint dummy, it’s the observable documented facts and easily verified reality even though you are unable to comprehend it, or it’s to painful of a reminder for that frail mind of yours to process. Your really pitiful attempt to virtue signal and claim everyone is a racist because your own feeble mind can’t handle the strain of factual reality makes you even more fake, phony and delusional than your well know reputation as a fake American hack.

Translation: [This IS a complaint, because you’ve struck a nerve. And the complainer is mad as hell that you’ve been reading so much of their stuff that you can accurately diagnose what’s wrong with them, en groupe. It was supposed to be invisible and sooooooper seeeeeeeekwit! And now all the girls, gay guys, bi guys, and straight-guys-who-are-not-douchebags are laughing at them, which just makes them even madder!]

With that in mind and all your other failures, get your facts straight next time dummy, I have better things to do than waste time schooling an insecure child or the other stupid fat trollops who can’t face the facts of life.

Translation: There, that ought to show him. I’ve spent at least three hours on this non-refuting rant, and it’s so full of vitriol that if it were aimed at me, I’d be in the fetal position under my desk right now, giving my thumb a BJ!

We don’t want you, don’t need you, and could care less what you think!


Everything you see when you drive down the road, including the road, was built by men, not women. All of the world’s cities, neighborhoods and roads were built by man-ual labor, not fem-ual labor.

Translation: Giggle giggle, I’m so clever, watch me think with my dink!

All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.

Translation: Giggle giggle, I’m so clever, watch me draw stick-people geometries in the sand with my dink!

What we built, we will tear down. Men are the key to women’s survival. You can mass murder all the babies you want. You’ll only be cutting off your nose to spite your entitled, narcissistic and callous face – in an effort to destroy those that gave you everything upon which you rely for female advancement over men. Ga head. Make my day. Gunslinger time.

Fuck it, I’m not translating this. Every time I try, I just get the unholy urge to point and laugh.

MGTOW is why you sometimes bolt upright in bed at night following a mind shaking nightmare.

…and this, too. Pointing and laughing, because my 3 a.m. existential crises have fuck-all to do with a bunch of dreary, idiotic guys no woman in her right mind (or out of it, come to that) would want. I have literally never had a nightmare about some pasty-assed chucklehead from the internet coming and taunting me by waving his flaccid willy in my general direction.

(Or farting, either, which is always what I hear in my mind when I’m reading these pitiable rantlets.)

We’re here, we couldn’t care less what you think, we know all your mind games and can’t wait for your feeble rebuttal. Come at me. I dare you.

Translation: Pay attention to us! We care terribly what you think! We’re just trying feebly to psych you all out! Don’t come at us, please — you frighten us! MOMMYYYYYYYY!

I hear you brother, preach. Enough bullshit, alot of men are tired of being unnoticed and being feed bullshit since birth. Nice guys finish last for the last time in this cruel manipulative world. In the end all men want is love that is the truth, we don’t want to be manipulated by women it sucks to be used. If us men could suppress our GOD DAMNED hormones, women wouldn’t even matter to us our relatives. We would act like them and just keep walking as if they were nothing, i want women to know how it feels to go unnoticed and unloved in your prime. Tired of females exploiting men left and right. Men have been trickled down to cuckholds by watching pornography and paying for sex one way or the other.

Translation: Wank wank wank wank sob sniffle BAWL.

(Did no one ever tell these guys that self-pity is unattractive, that whining isn’t foreplay, and that misogyny is the polar opposite of an aphrodisiac? Because what they really need isn’t chemical castration, but a good solid talking-to about how self-hate, projected outward, only drives the object of one’s attractions even further away.)

It’s time for a new revolution one where women are exploited for their desires or whatever, a game where we men hold the keys to their desires and fuck with them, and see how they like to pay for it.

Translation: I feel like shit, so I’m going to be a shit and make others feel like shit. Giggle giggle, I’m so clever! Now to go drop a big bundle on Roosh V’s Bang Books!


this may sound gay to men that are slaves to pussy, the ones that give all their resources for vagina.

Fuck it, not translating this either. I will only say that yeah, it sounds totally gay. Alert Chuck Tingle, he’s gonna want to get pounded in the butt by this!

It’s still incredible how the left doesn’t see what’s happening. When you paint all white men as evil, sexist, racist bigots, tell them their masculinity is toxic, tell them their raping 1 in 4 women, tell them they are terrible oppressors, tell them to accept a religion that enslaves women or else they are Islamophobic, tell them just how terrible they are, of course you’re going to get people that push back.

Translation: I am oppressed by the truth. I’m thinking of doing something like this loser did, too. And I’m hoping it will spark some shit. Fear me!

(Dude, I don’t fear you any more than I fear that yutz who set himself on fire on a courthouse step, whose name I can’t recall at the moment. Guys who do what these guys do never spark anything, they just immolate themselves. The vast majority of people are too sensible even to contemplate taking up the banner for these bozos. And speaking as one of the sensible, I’m ready to push back, HARD, at the first one who tries anything stupid in my presence.)

This is all your own doing. You made your bed, and now you’ll have to lay in it. You deserve everything that will happen to you for what you have done. This awful propaganda game isn’t going to end well for you just remember that.

Translation: Wah wah wah wah do I sound tough and macho yet? Are any women afraid? Hey, what’s that chirping sound?

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Fungible mystery meat FTW.

The blood and soil essentialism reminds me of something. Someone else obsessed with purity of lineage and the innate superiority of certain imagined human divisions.

Oh, hey, Howard, we were just talking about you!

7 years ago

Off Topic: TW:rape and shit

Yesterday at my work (waitress) two clients were being very friendly. I was friendly too, cause I’m paid for it and it’s my nature and I’m fucking naive. I ended up giving some sensitive information, such as the fact I live close, do not go home alone, and have a fiancé. Then they disrespected my relationship implying he is probably cheating on me so I should cheat too. This upsetted me and I stopped waiting them.

Later they stayed by the door waiting for me to leave and kept talking about me.

I waived goodbye to everyone and they made mention that they were leaving too. My sister, God bless her, stopped them with a random excuse. They were rude to my sister.
Later when they were paying there was a badge at the wallet, they were police. Which here means they are probably disgustingly corrupt and had powers above the law.

I didn’t know any of that. Today my sister told me about what happened after I left. And then I remember that I eventually asked “excuse me, do I know you?!” and he answered “no, but I’ll come here more often and you’ll know me, and remember me, I assure you”
Also the other friend seemed to be trying to flirt too. Which is so weird. I mean, if your friend is flirting with a girl you don’t keep acting and talking flirty and even more naughty than your friend.

I feel controlled, betrayed, dumb, but especially so scared
I know that as policemen no one will believe if something happens
This seems to have triggered my ptsd bad. I am shaking like a twig and crying for two hours
I work covered head to toe in large clothes, no make up
I don’t know how to avoid this anymore. I don’t know why I am so freaking naive
I just want to feel safe. What did I do to deserve this much punishment?

Help is welcome. I can’t tell this to anyone I know. They just scream at me and say it’s my fault.

7 years ago

I need to leave this country.
Please tell me it’s better in the first world, tell me I have a chance to be safe. Because if this is what life always is for a woman I don’t know if it’s even worth it to just live to be in pain or scared of pain.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

No help, I’m afraid. Wouldn’t know how. Hugs and Love are all I have…

You did nothing to deserve this, nor could you have. It’s not your fault, which lies squarely on those barely human scum monsters. You’re not naive, you’re just a warm, sweet, decent human being. And, no, you can’t avoid this by not being those things. Cos 1)you can’t and shouldn’t stop being who you are, and 2)fuckers like this don’t give a shit what you look like or how you dress or how you act. It ain’t about you, it’s about them and whatever makes them think terrorizing women is a fun time. And before I injure myself running headlong into the comments policy:
comment image
So sorry this happened to you, buddy <3

And extra sorry if this isn't what you needed to hear <3 <3 <3

7 years ago

You didn’t do anything to deserve that. Those people prey on whoever they think can’t fight back or won’t harm them in the long run. I’m sorry I can’t offer much more than this. I wouldn’t know how to solve your problem nor do I know of easy and legal channels to help you move to a different country swiftly. comment image

7 years ago

“All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.”

. . .

“two circles and a triangle”

7 years ago


“two circles and a triangle”

Boobs and pussy, obvs. Because if you call it a silly name, it totally removes all power it has over you.

7 years ago

I understand that, according to anthropologists, it was most likely women who figured out how to cultivate plants and build up food surpluses. This Agricultural Revolution, which happened at different times in different parts of the world, allowed tribes to build permanent settlements and develop specialized jobs – two hallmarks of civilization that made other technological and cultural innovations feasible. In other words, women made civilization possible!

7 years ago


I am so, so sorry that happened to you. You didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing. The one who trusts is never in the wrong, the one who abuses that trust is. You’re kind and sweet and don’t deserve that, nobody does. The guys who do things like this are disgusting slime balls, and them being cops makes it extra sleazy. Is there any way to arrange things in the workplace so you don’t have to deal with them anymore, even on a short-time basis?

I wish I knew the channels and resources to get you out safely. I can only offer you Jedi hugs if you want them. Keep us posted. Nothing is too big or small to share.

comment image

7 years ago

@Scolar Visari:

How . . . How can any human being write like they do and not cry themselves to sleep upon review of that ghastly way of writing?

I think the trick is *not* to review it. They simply bash things out on the keyboard until they feel that they have adequately intimidated the person they’re commenting at, and then they hit “Submit”. For extra style points they don’t read the article they’re responding to, either.

@Chiomara: I’m with the other commenters. I’m so sorry you had to go through that and it’s absolutely not your fault.

7 years ago

I think T09 and Tim should debate eachother about whether it’s “could care less” or “couldn’t care less” instead. Preferrably for a very long time, alone in a very small room, very very far away.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

*hugs* I’m sorry those fuckers are doing this. You don”t deserve this shit. If ever it’s in my power, I will do my all to help you get somewhere better.

7 years ago

I’m sorry this awful thing happened to you. I’m glad your sister was there to help protect you.

Consider talking to the other waitresses. How do they handle this kind of situation? Also, consider asking them to keep an eye out for your safety. You could promise to do the same.

In addition, think about calling one of these numbers. If this info is out of date, do another Google search. Someone at a Brasilian help line is bound to know a lot about how to stay safe in your country.

Helpline 1: +55 51 211 2888 Helpline 2: Dial 180 (Central de Atendimento à Mulher no Brasil- Woman’s call center) Helpline 3: Dial 100 (Direitos Humanos- Human Rights)

7 years ago


Because if this is what life always is for a woman I don’t know if it’s even worth it to just live to be in pain or scared of pain.

Please don’t do anything dangerous.

Feel your feelings — and know that tomorrow is another day. You’re older and wiser now, and better prepared to meet this challenge.

Consider calling a help line.

Stay strong. Stay safe.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

All my support, Chiomara. You are not to blame, you are not friendless, and you are not unbeloved.

7 years ago

@Space Oddity,

I couldn’t resist misandering these all over you, given the combo of your comment and your nick:


I don’t *always* prefer women singers to men, but often!

ETA: Damn none embedded!
Concrete Blonde — It’s a Man’s World
Natalie Merchant — Space Oddity
Jennifer Warnes — First We Take Manhattan

7 years ago

MGTOW is why you sometimes bolt upright in bed at night following a mind shaking nightmare. –YeahThatTim

Nah, I’ve never had that kind of nightmare. That’s not to say I never will. But men deciding to go their own way could never frighten me.

Oh wait — you guys never do that, do you? Instead, you stalk women in real life and on social media. Okay, yeah, that might give me nightmares.

It’s also against the law. So there is a chance that you would face some really unpleasant consequences. Think before you MGTOW!


All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.

Have men been loaned at exorbitant interest rates?

Because that’s shocking. Not nightmare-quality shocking — but really, really surprising.

And to think that usury of men is how women won the right to vote. Tsk.

7 years ago

Hey, remember when Trump traveled the country trying to get right-wingers to beat up left-wingers — er, that is, running for president?

Me too. So I was pretty happy to see this:

Judge: Trump Incited Violence Against Protesters At Kentucky Rally

7 years ago

You have my deepest sympathy, Chiomara. If you’re looking to come to the “first world” to escape this sort of thing, I’ll warn you that you’ll find it here, though it would probably be less common. Especially if you’re in a larger city where the police are less able to coast on hick intimidation, restaurant owners will stand up to you even if the lechers have a badge, and there is a greater support system.

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
7 years ago

More fun with MGTOWS!

“MGTOW4Lyfe goes on to propose that men exploit penis-hungry women by, well, dangling their penises in front of them — as a tease.”

If some jackwagon waggled his willy at me, I would do what my late maternal grandmother did to a fellow who stuck his member through a knothole in the side of the girls’ outhouse.
I would whack it with a ruler.
This story is not hyperbole.
My grandmother was a sparkplug.

7 years ago

As for the OP:


This is somehow hilarious in what a pathetic, transparent attempt to claim authority it is. The guy actually, genuinely believes that making an incoherent, spit-covered rant in the comments with baseless claims and reactionary dog whistles (like “virtue signalling”) counts as “schooling” someone. I’m not sure this guy actually understands the colloquial use of “to school”.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Friendliness isn’t giving somebody permission to violate you.