It didn’t take MGTOWs long to find my New York magazine piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right. A number of these lovely fellows decided to challenge my evil FAKE NEWS SLANDER by posting long comments over on NYmag.com that pretty much confirmed what a bunch of hateful, self-pitying and very, very angry dudes they are.
Here are some selections from their best comments (and by “best” I mean “most ridiculously terrible”).
The most, er, energetic comment of the bunch came from a fellow calling himself T0000009, one of those I quoted in the piece. (He’s the one who went on about how women “just want some stupid savage to breed them.”)
Take it away, T0000009!
While I do realize that you’re an idiot who apparently can’t read, isn’t very familiar with the English language, or like every other moron who claims to be a “journalist” also happens to be too retarded to grasp simple concepts like research, don’t ever pretend you know my state of mind jackass!
That is not a complaint dummy, it’s the observable documented facts and easily verified reality even though you are unable to comprehend it, or it’s to painful of a reminder for that frail mind of yours to process. Your really pitiful attempt to virtue signal and claim everyone is a racist because your own feeble mind can’t handle the strain of factual reality makes you even more fake, phony and delusional than your well know reputation as a fake American hack.
Hmm. I don’t remember saying that “everyone is a racist” — though pretty much everyone in this flawed world of ours has some racism in them, if only on the unconscious level. I do think it’s fair, though, to say that guys who talk about women wanting “savage[s] to breed them” are huge racists.
With that in mind and all your other failures, get your facts straight next time dummy, I have better things to do than waste time schooling an insecure child or the other stupid fat trollops who can’t face the facts of life.
People who use the word “trollops” unironically are such charmers!
Moving on from the subject of me and my e went on to credit men — not including me — for building civilization, and like every manospherian with an apocalyptic bent he likes to fantasize that if and when said civilization eventually collapses, women who now want nothing to do with him will come to him, vaginas in hand, begging for help.
Men, not you slick, built the world while you and the cabal of tramps crying about us leaving you to fend for yourselves were blaming us for your own idiocy and poor choices. When it all crumbles that isn’t going to save you, and those tramps will be begging one of those useless vermin to save them with the only thing they have to offer, REAL newsflash kid it isn’t her personality because she doesn’t have one. Oh and all those ingrates from the third world won’t be much help either, suck it up buttercup and enjoy the pain and suffering you wanted.
We don’t want you, don’t need you, and could care less what you think!
He doesn’t care SO HARD that he just spewed forth several hundreds of words on how he DOESN’T CARE.
A fellow called YeahThatTim also wants us to know that men have created everything of value in the world.
Everything you see when you drive down the road, including the road, was built by men, not women. All of the world’s cities, neighborhoods and roads were built by man-ual labor, not fem-ual labor.
Ooh nice one.
All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.
So naturally these men are ready to knock down the civilization they built with no help at all from the ladies.
What we built, we will tear down. Men are the key to women’s survival. You can mass murder all the babies you want. You’ll only be cutting off your nose to spite your entitled, narcissistic and callous face – in an effort to destroy those that gave you everything upon which you rely for female advancement over men. Ga head. Make my day. Gunslinger time.
Gunslinger time? That’s not creepy at all.
MGTOW is why you sometimes bolt upright in bed at night following a mind shaking nightmare.
Huh. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a real nightmare, though I did have one mildly scary one the other day about being abducted by aliens. Though I think that had less to do with MGTOW than it did with the fact that I’d watched Close Encounters right before going to bed.
We’re here, we couldn’t care less what you think, we know all your mind games and can’t wait for your feeble rebuttal. Come at me. I dare you.
Na, I’m good.
A fellow called MGTOW4Lyfe responded to Tim with this:
I hear you brother, preach. Enough bullshit, alot of men are tired of being unnoticed and being feed bullshit since birth. Nice guys finish last for the last time in this cruel manipulative world. In the end all men want is love that is the truth, we don’t want to be manipulated by women it sucks to be used. If us men could suppress our GOD DAMNED hormones, women wouldn’t even matter to us our relatives. We would act like them and just keep walking as if they were nothing, i want women to know how it feels to go unnoticed and unloved in your prime. Tired of females exploiting men left and right. Men have been trickled down to cuckholds by watching pornography and paying for sex one way or the other.
MGTOW4Lyfe goes on to propose that men exploit penis-hungry women by, well, dangling their penises in front of them — as a tease.
It’s time for a new revolution one where women are exploited for their desires or whatever, a game where we men hold the keys to their desires and fuck with them, and see how they like to pay for it.
this may sound gay to men that are slaves to pussy, the ones that give all their resources for vagina.
I wouldn’t call it gay, dude, though I’m pretty sure you are wildly overestimating women’s interest in your own personal penis.
While MGTOW4Lyfe dangles his carrot (so to speak), merlyn.sheldon wields a stick in the form of a bunch of vague but still alarming threats.
It’s still incredible how the left doesn’t see what’s happening. When you paint all white men as evil, sexist, racist bigots, tell them their masculinity is toxic, tell them their raping 1 in 4 women, tell them they are terrible oppressors, tell them to accept a religion that enslaves women or else they are Islamophobic, tell them just how terrible they are, of course you’re going to get people that push back.
My NYmag piece was a response to the stabbing of a black man by a white supremacist. I don’t think the vile actions of James Jackson count as “pushing back.” I think what he did counts as a murder, as a hate crime, and (because the confessed murderer was hoping to make a political point with it) terrorism.
This is all your own doing. You made your bed, and now you’ll have to lay in it. You deserve everything that will happen to you for what you have done. This awful propaganda game isn’t going to end well for you just remember that.
I’m pretty sure that portraying people like you as “evil, sexist, racist bigots” isn’t propaganda. All someone needs to do is to read what you’ve just posted to see that an evil, sexist, racist bigot is exactly what you are.
I’m unfashionably late here, as usual, but I’m nthing what everyone else says. You did not deserve ANY of that. Being nice to a person isn’t a crime, but stalking and intimidating a person who’s nice to you should be. And here in Canada, it is…but the laws against such things are sporadically enforced, at best. And sometimes it’s the police themselves doing it, ugh. And sometimes the judges aid and abet the criminals by letting them off the hook even when the case against them is solid, which is also illegal, but commonplace and rarely censured. I don’t know about were everyone else lives, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s not too different there. Sexism is a global problem, alas, and the so-called first world has this problem as much as anyplace else. Your best bet is to learn some form of physical self-defence and/or carry an object on you at all times that’s small, compact, and can serve as a defensive weapon in a pinch. I don’t know what’s available where you live, but look around; there’s bound to be something. Even if it’s only a table fork or a pocket-knife. With any luck, you’ll never need to use it — but if you do, use it with all your might. (I learned Wen-Do, and carry a box-cutter wherever I go. So far, I’ve been lucky enough not to need to use either one, but they’re there, and knowing I have them at my disposal gives me a confidence that seems to repel baddies better than pepper spray.)
@The Real Cie:
Your grandmother is somebody after my own heart. All the same, I’m glad that indoor plumbing is the norm these days.
And door locks. Goddess bless the door lock.
There was an interesting opinion piece in the Guardian about this very thing. She ties it to the Handmaid’s Tale and how the women who became the wives sided with the men in power, but still got screwed over by the system those men created. They threw other women under the bus and ended shooting themselves in the foot at the same time. The author makes the point that we need to stick together because playing nice doesn’t work. At best, it maintains the status quo and accomplishes nothing. At worst, we find ourselves in a dystopian novel.
Thanks, Dr EJ! It was a good editorial and I’m proud of myself for closing the tab before I could start reading the sure to be fuckery filled comments.
Good choice. I read about five of the comments on that article and there were two mentions of Saudi Arabia. Because, of course there were.
I’ve got to come back to this:
“All of the rights and privileges today’s women hold over men’s heads in exchange for the those two circles and a triangle were bought and paid for through the trafficking, exploitation, usury and disposal of men.”
I was very confused by “two circles and a triangle.” On page 1 of the comments Pie said “Boobs and pussy, obvs.” Which was my first thought as well… but then the sentence just makes no sense?
Women hold rights and privileges over men’s heads to get “boobs and pussy” for themselves? And they acquired the rights and privileges (that they’re now using to get boobs and pussy, from men) by trafficking… men? (as well as exploiting men… loaning money to men? and… disposing of men?)
I was hoping that decoding “two circles and a triangle” would make it make sense… but I guess it’s just a terrible sentence in grammar as well as sentiment…?
@David (the one whose hands are presumably not bears)
Well said. Now…
…Oh. You weren’t done?
Dammit, and you were doing really well.
Cool story, bro.
No. No, there really isn’t. Because misogyny is an actual problem that hurts and kills countless women a day. It is a social force based on men being the dominant group and using that dominance to subjugate women. As WWTH said earlier, the worst “misandry” can do is cause harm to the individual man the “misandrist” is angry at. She has no power in the system, nor can she hope to rise to a position where she can use her “misandry” to great effect, nor would the actions of an individual matter much anyway because our culture doesn’t teach us to hate and degrade men as it does women.
MGTOW is nothing more than an open celebration of the lesson our patriarchal society has been teaching us for centuries: women, as a group, are inferior to men. Misogynistic men can easily find other men in powerful positions who view women the same way (and can use their power to remind women of “their place”), whereas a “misandrist” woman cannot hope to find strong emphasizing for her position, because our patriarchal culture has taught everyone, women included, to view men as individuals, to judge them based on their words and deeds alone, not for any supposed qualities of the group. Which is good, but only half the issue: Our culture has not similarly taught everyone, men included, to view women as individuals. No, women have always been expected to take responsibility of other women as well, while the onus on men to challenge other men on their sexism is still a relatively rare phenomenon.
You know what I think this is like? This is like the episode of the Justice League cartoon where the actions of an utterly implausible, man-hating straw female character who wanted to literally genocide* all men was explicitly blamed on the philosophy of Themyscira, the island of Wonder Woman and her amazon sisters. Their crime? Not allowing men on their island. Yes, really, the male writers actually thought that was a reasonable position to take. “If you won’t allow us to freely come into your midst, probably to harass and belittle you while you desperately try to live your life free of harassment and belittling, we will accuse you of man-hating and probably blame the actions of a genocidal murderer on you.”
There is a long history that men have with equating women wanting their own space to violence. Because we men are so privileged that we can genuinely believe not being allowed somewhere is as bad as being raped and murdered. We will cry “not all men!” and put the onus on women to read minds and know which men are “the bad ones”, and blame them when they aren’t able to do that. We will blow any criticism of the typical traits common to all men (due to our socialization) out of proportion to make it seem like the women who wish men would stop doing a thing that causes them distress to be an act of “misandry”.
So you’ll excuse me if I doubt the validity and honesty of your personal anecdote. It’s more than likely you are downplaying your own sexism** and overstating the reaction to your sexism.
*shut up it’s a verb now
**This is not an attack on you personally: All men, including me, are guilty of some level of subconscious sexism because we have grown up in a sexist culture. It is not entirely our fault, but it is our responsibility to deal with it. The trick is to recognize and actively question and combat the inherent sexism with which we have been indoctrinated.
> Chiomara
Arf, that is indeed horrible. Are there no means to signal them to their hierarchy ? Or is the hierarchy as corrupt as them ? Are there no woman local or national associations where you could get help and support ? Maybe preparing some mace in case of ?
> On topic
So, we have a Tim, just Tim, the Enchanter ; and Merlyn, the Enchanter too. No wonder why they often call themselves wizards too, eh ?
And Man-ual ? Seriously ? I know it is a pun but i wonder if you really have worked for any manual labor one day (except the one where you use your hands to write rants on internet) in your damn life. And even if you have, just looking at you own labor job occulting all the jobs that gravitate around it or are linked to it upstream and downstream is pretty egoïst (conceited ?).
Women probably simulating manual labor.
Have a nice day.
I sort of like fem-ual labour!
The first question!
In the UK a “dummy” is a rubber thing for babies to suck on when they are not being fed – a “pacifier” in North America, perhaps? (I believe it’s a bit frowned on nowadays).
So when I read “This is not a complaint dummy” I imagined he’s saying “This is not a nipple substitute designed to prevent me going “Waaah!”: I’ll go “Waaah!” all I like.”
@ Chiomara
I’m late to this – horrible stuff, and chilling too.
Nope you do not deserve it. You did NOT invite it: there is NO invitation which permits people to behave creepily and stalkerishly.
You behaved like a professional person in a job where you have to deal with the public and see that they have a pleasant experience.
I’m glad your sister is there and keeping an eye out. Is there anyone else – older waitresses, perhaps – you could talk to?
Ideally the management should be supportive – I realise that often isn’t the case.
All the best to you and internet hugs, and stay safe.
Dear David,
Please do not associate me with these loser.
Also, can we please all agree that “to virtue signal” is both a stupid concept and a horrible abuse of the English language? It would be “to signal virtue” if it were even a thing, which it is not.
Chad, what are you doing wasting your time here? Don’t you have some betas to cuck?
And, as HBomberguy mentioned: It’s really paradoxical.
Pointing out virtue signalling is, in itself, virtue signaling. You are signalling that you are more virtuous because you don’t virtue signal, but you’re virtual signaling by saying you don’t virtue signal.
And thus the thick, veiny ouroboros of “lojik” rolls on and on.
Oh my, is Chad Thundercock gonna be a character account or a sex-shaming troll. I hope for the former because I love character accounts.
My favorite description of ‘virtue signalling’ – a way for shitty people to criticize non-shitty people for displaying empathy.
Kettle – good point about the gender imbalance in violence. In a FB discussion on the subject, I pointed out that if most men murdered in the United States were murdered by women, many men would consider that a problem worth addressing.
In the interest of exploring the thoughts of humanity’s more pathetic exemplars, I think it’s worth exploring this notion that I’ve seen far too often (after all, it’s a variant of this blog’s own name):
Setting aside the grotesque blackmail-y delivery for the moment, I’m rather baffled by this constantly pointing to “what we built” as some kind of signal of man’s superiority over women. Sheer physical constructs, while impressive, represent merely a fraction of what constitutes the human endeavour. It’s like the tip of an iceberg: there’s a ton more just beneath the surface if you have the urge to look.
If there’s one show that I can recommend Mammotheers, it’s Worst Jobs In History, hosted by Sir Tony Robinson (better known as Baldrick from Blackadder). The show is pretty much as advertised, detailing the worst jobs throughout British history from pre-Roman times through to about the Edwardian era, and it goes without saying that a lot of those awful jobs got done by women and children. His demonstration of how women were treated in Tudor England was rather shocking, complete with Scold’s Bridles and Ducking Stools. But even some of the things people take for granted were crafted with rather harmful effects.
Consider the Matchgirl’s strike of 1888. Women were getting what was called “phossy jaw” after the white phosphorus they worked with was causing their teeth to fall out (it didn’t help they ate lunch where they worked with the substance). They weren’t building cathedrals or pantheons, they were making matchsticks. Same with the fuller who had to press wool in urine buckets for noblemen’s tunics or the tanner that had to scrape hides clean for leather.
I get that these guys think that women were just idling in the home all day until the suffragettes came along, but let’s not pretend history was just famous buildings, dates and documents. It was making matchsticks, dying wool and shoveling sewage.
So many word crimes.
um excuse me but god sent man-na from heaven, not woman-na
so therefore we should eat all the men
@ evergreen
No more comments on the article. They won’t be missed.