We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.
I recently ran across one of these manifestos in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While it was full of the same tired old BIOTRUTHS as most “male space” manifestos — only dudes “are wired to be adept at tasks with inanimate objects,” only dudes have the necessary “diligence” to be true fans — this manifesto offered another powerful(ly dumb) anti-nerd-girl argument I don’t think I’ve encountered before: Nerd girls should be kept out of male hobbies because they’re a bunch of icky uggoes, “sub-4 at best.”
Let’s let the somewhat ironically named NuclearTruthBomb explain this particular “truth.”
The simple fact of the matter is that most women are not, and never will be, into the activities of low-status, but intelligent males. Yes, a few exist. My sister loves drawing, animation, and even video games. But she’s also on the upper end of the autism spectrum, and pretty unattractive.
Dude, really? She’s your SISTER.
Women have status simply by existing. There is only a very small number of girls who are so hideous, no man will show interest in them.
Empathy, not a big thing amongst MGTOWs.
Being a nerd if often considered a sign of low status. Trust me, none of us got laid for being on the chess team. Because women are so concerned about appearences, they will refuse to associate with nerds by default.
So that means, natch, that the only “females” who want to have anything to do with male nerds will be the ugly uggoes.
Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.
These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general.
And now a cameo appearance by Chad Thundercock, or at least his brothers Brad, Joe, and Darren Thundercock, as well as their cousin Bill BigDick and his friend Tyrone.
Ironically, while women will forever flock to the sports stadium of Brads and Joes, nerds will spell the future for the human race. The guy who gets shoved in the mud by Bill BigDick this decade will be inventing the technology of the next one. The quirky glasses wearing freak will create that game Darren plays after Daisy gives him a rimjob. And all those countless code monkeys will be responsible for the social media websites she meets Tyrone on.
To do list:
- Shove nerd in mud
- Rimjob w/ Daisy
- Vidya Games
Only when these nerdy dudes get super rich will the hotties have any interest in them.
Once she realizes that these men are making bank, she’ll try to swing branches. And many simpanzees will takeher anyways. Us on the other hand, can enjoy our own specific tastes without worrying “Buh-buh-buh, what would Sally think of this!?”
MGTOWs have turned “stewing in your own bitterness about women possibly giving other dudes rimjobs” into America’s fastest-growing hobby. This is a male space no one should want to invade.
(sorry didn’t see your comment ’cause I was writing my reply to trolly)
I hope the health situation gets better. You and yours deserve all the healthies, so have all the medicinal hugs.
Re: chess, her attention span’s the problem though, not to mention the fact that she can be pretty stubborn. And since I have roughly the same attention span she has, and am stubborn too, I’m pretty sure I’m looking at some not-so-fun times for the both of us. I’m afraid chess will bore her at first and goodness knows she can’t move past that kind of first impression yet.
Glad your kid’s being treated well by the ancestral forces of game-enjoying. I tend to stay away from anything Tom Clancy – mainly because Tom Clancy, but also because Ubisoft, though I admit I did give Wildlands and probably will grab it if I spot it at an affordable price. It looks like it’s got co op, stealth, and some open environments – three things I absolutely LOVE to see together. So I may actually get into it.
These days the game I can’t shut up about is Horizon Zero Dawn, which I’m sure will please trolly here. It’s like some dirty ess-jay-dubya’s wet dream, with giant robot dinosaurs to boot.
And what, cyclones now ? Holy shit is your country scary. When it’s not the murder-critters, it’s the murder-winds ! Regarding the rail closures, I hope it gives you some time off that you actually wanted – y’know, silver linings. If not, I hope that get fixed quickly. And congrats on that article ! (What is it about ? I mean, I probably won’t understand, but you never know.)
Oh right, I forgot you don’t live too far from me! Shit, my town wasn’t even hit that badly in comparison and I’m still drying out the damn carpets. =P
Tell that to Trump’s PR team.
You are a sad, sad individual. In every way.
And boring too. Still waiting on that improv comedy.
I’m sorry to hear that the health challenges have continued and multiplied. And then a cyclone?! Too much.
I’ve been dealing with a health challenge of my own, but I believe I’m on the mend. Knock wood.
And of course, Donald Trump is still president. But we in the USA aren’t the only ones who suffer. It’s the entire world.
Mei Mei is gorgeous and smart, and I feel better just looking at her.
It’s nice to have you back. I hope your situation improves soon.
@Sinkable John
I really can’t recommend Ghost Recon Wildfire. I suppose it scratches my “clear a map of all the little mission icons” itch, but the plot is risible and the completely inept handling of the social and political complexities of the war on drugs is staggering – this is a subject crying out for an intelligent deconstruction along the lines of Spec Ops the Line, but this most definitely isn’t that.
Plus at it’s core the game play feels really unpolished – a supposedly realistic shooter where vehicles you request from your allies *literally* appear out of thin air (frequently in places where they will be instantly destroyed when you try to use them) has serious problems.
I suppose I should be grateful I got my copy for free with some hardware rather than having to pay for it.
so basically the way to succeed is to stop being autistic and become a socially charismatic neurotypical 🙁
I still don’t get this. I’ve been a gamer nerd since the mid 1970s, and the last thing we want to do is chase the women off. In fact, in our eagerness to welcome women to our game table, we may have… creeped them out and unintentionally chased them off (sorry).
But we never intended to drive women out of the community. Honestly, why chase away the only women who ‘get’ the culture we loved? Does not compute.
Oh boy, chew toy!
(I gotta admit, the one downside to having a job is that I miss the hilariously inept trolls. :< )
Though, what is it with trolls like this and being so very long winded??
Brevity, dude. If you need THAT many words to make your point, then your point needs to be simplified.
But, let’s break it down anyways:
I hope no one lights a match around all that straw. I mean, these are some huge sweeping blanket statements ya got there.
Though, running in the “SJW Tumblrina feminist” circles myself, I don’t know of a single damn person who wants to “criminalize and vilify” men for liking anime tiddies.
Hell, I like anime tiddies. I even have a Deadpool tiddy mousepad. (It’s got good wrist support! Don’t look at me like that!)
The only thing we “SJWs” are doing is having a big-person discussion about how this media can be problematic and sometimes effect the way we view people in society. But, and here’s the kicker, all media is problematic in some way or another to someone. Some more so than others, but all media is problematic.
It’s okay to like problematic things. I love Kill La Kill, and it’s problematic as hell. I love Saints Row. I love lots of “problematic” media. The thing is I don’t declare that they’re NOT problematic and try to shout down anyone who says otherwise. I understand that everyone has a different definition of “problematic”, and that problematic elements should be discussed. It’s fun!
No one is trying to take away your anime tiddies by pointing out they’re sometimes really damn silly, or that they tend to be depicted in a sexist manner.
Though, I really wish y’all would learn what the word “censor” means. Because these “SJW Tumblrinas” are talking about your tiddies doesn’t mean that they cease to fucking exist. The tiddies are still there. You can still view the tiddies.
As for “demonizing and vilifying heterosexual male sexuality”, I suppose that would depend on what you define as “heterosexual male sexuality”.
Because vilifying shit like a game where you rape people (which I’ll get to in a minute) is just basic human decency. Not an attack on you personally (unless you’re a fucking rapist).
Anita Sarkeesian: Makes a Feminist 101 level series about tropes in video games. Discusses why she thinks these tropes are harmful, and these videos serve as a discussion starter. Not an attack on “heterosexual male sexuality” unless you’re just uncritically believe everything Gators say and can’t think for yourself enough to actually watch it.
Eschergirls: A blog where people point out the crimes of artists against anatomy. I mean, if you’re into rubbery snake women, no shame here, but I fail to see how pointing out that a lot of comic book women apparently lack functioning spines is an attack on “heterosexual male sexuality”.
Women in Refrigerators: A list of women (Started by Gail Simone in 1999) who died to further male superhero manpain. Named after a scene where Green Lantern’s then-girlfriend was murdered by his antagonist and shoved into his fridge. Uh…the only way this is an “attack on heterosexual male sexuality” is if you’re jerkin’ it to the idea of dead women. WTF dude.
It’s almost like you have no actual idea what these blogs actually DO, and are just railing against them because you heard from your favorite talking heads that these are BAD because they critique your favorite porn and/or fap material.
Holy shit this is stupid.
First of all, Nintendo and Valve (who owns Steam, Steam is just their online storefront) cast themselves as being “family friendly” companies, Nintendo far more so than Valve.
Why the fuck do you think Nintendo would release a game that was hyper sexual? Their main market is children and families. You don’t sell tiddies to children and families. That’s like Marketing 099. Not 101. 099.
Valve has a rule against selling outright sexual games, but makes exceptions for censored games (though you can still purchase the uncensored versions on OTHER STOREFRONTS). Nintendo (A JAPANESE PUBLISHER/DEVELOPER) just won’t sell them period.
But, that’s their right as a storefront/publisher. They get to CHOOSE WHAT THEY SELL.
Jeezus tap-dancing Christ. How is this so hard to comprehend? You can’t force people to sell you things they don’t want to sell you, and all of these games are still available in fanslation and/or official translation versions elsewhere online. Your boner needs don’t have to be met by any one particular storefront 100% of the time.
the never-ending crusade against the heterosexual portion of the Japanese porn industry by Westerners such as CNN , BBC , and ECPAT, etc. ,
You mean where he drew Spider-Woman in a “sexy” pose that’s physically impossible to actually be in and turned out more like a Lovecraftian horror than a sexy woman?
I mean, it’s fine if he wants to draw “sexy” not-porn-but-kinda-is stuff, but why don’t people have the right to criticize it for being anatomically shit?
It’s not “free speech for me, silence for thee”, it’s free speech for EVERYONE. Including people who disagree with you.
You mean the cover where that the artist asked DC to pull because he recognized that it was going against what the comic was trying to accomplish?
Oh, and Alan Moore, the guy who originally made The Killing Joke, thinks it’s melodramatic and not nearly as interesting as comic book fans think it is.
Here’s a good snippet from that interview:
Emphasis mine.
I like how you push this as “feminazi censorship” and not “Marvel/DC/Dynamite and their artists/writers choosing to move in a different direction with these characters that they own”.
Much easier to think that it’s a seeekret cabal of feminists changing your comic books instead of believing that the companies would make those decisions on their own, I suppose.
That’s on dudes, actually. Something something “fake geek girls takin’ advantage of my PENIS”. So, which is it? Is banning booth babes good because it’s bad that companies would play with your boner feelings to get to your wallet, or is it bad because “MUH SEXUALITY”?
Though, I have to admit, I kinda agree with it. I like the idea of booth people treating us like adults and not trying to appeal to our sexuality (as a person who is attracted to women) by using sexy women as props, which is pretty sexist, but if women choose to be sexy booth babes, that’s their choice.
My issue isn’t with “sexy female cosplay”, so much that we have so few characters we can cosplay who aren’t aggressively sexy.
And when women do cosplay these aggressively sexy characters, they’re either sexually harassed by the community (and then the bullshit excuse of “Well, if she didn’t want sexual attention, she shouldn’t have been dressed sexy!” pops up), or they’re aggressively harassed by dudes who think they’re “fakers” who are using their ta-tas and spandex-clad butts to get their attention.
And when we try to do the aggressively sexy cosplays and we ourselves aren’t aggressively sexy, we’re shamed for it because how very dare non-sexy women exist.
But other than that, I don’t see feminists rallying to get rid of sexy costumes because they hate your peen.
Oh nooo, Capcom took out two animations so now Mika doesn’t slap her ass and you can’t stare directly up Cammy’s vaginal canal because they realized that hey, that’s not adding anything to the overall game and it’s kinda weird.
And now, poor, poor hetersexual men can’t see those two animations. Clearly, the whole game is ruined.
Much censorship, very wow.
Can we just sit back and admire this snippet? Because jeezum crackers that snippet.
Fuckin’ fake gamer boys, amirite?
Alison Rapp, who had nothing to really do with those decisions by the way, was fired over that. Because GGers decided she was obviously the one in charge, and therefore it was all her fault they weren’t getting a facepetting minigame anymore.
All of these examples that you’ve listed are of companies making their own choices to take things out of their games.
Why is it that whenever a company makes something really terrible, it’s their “creative freedom” to do so, but whenever they make changes to games that you personally don’t agree with, it’s “feminazis are ruining gaming! Whaaaa!”?
Reality check: These companies make their choices on their own. No feminism required.
Unless…the feminism is coming from inside the house! *ominous thunderclap*
Putting aside that you seem to completely forget that there are also women out there who are sexually attracted to women, I don’t see any “demonization” of these games.
I see a bunch of people going “meh, these games are all tiddies and no substance”, and possibly having a discussion about how these games are sexist.
Remember when I called you out for defending a rape game earlier? Yeah, we’re at that part. Trigger warning for this bit that will stop after the next quote.
Rapelay (trigger warning for the link) is a game where you abduct and rape people.
I don’t see how a game about RAPE and KIDNAPPING PEOPLE TO RAPE THEM is a part of “heterosexual male sexuality”.
Granted, some people have rape fantasies (myself included), and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to experience them in a safe space, in a safe way, between consenting adults.
However, if you include that in “heterosexual male sexuality”, you’re an awful person, full stop. Not just because you want to defend a game about rape, but because you seem to think that’s an inherent part of “heterosexual male sexuality”, which is a shitty thing to say about any man, let alone a heterosexual one.
My problem with Rapelay and games like it isn’t that it’s a game about raping people (though, I do see why people would be pissed off about that), it’s that it’s being fucking defended as something that dudes are apparently entitled to on whatever platform they want without criticism, and the fact that it’s a game where you play as a rapist is being ignored by many people clamoring to “save” it.
Well, at least you admit that a lot of us are nerds. I mostly hear “You’re not a REAL nerd, otherwise you’d be okay with all our sexist bullshit!”
No one was sneering at the concept of sexbots themselves. I mean, I’d likely get a sexbot myself if they were more affordable. Hell, I love Absolute Boyfriend, and would totally get a Night Tenjo if I could.
I just think it’s silly that they’re trying to make them orgasm now. Personally, I wish many assholes featured on this blog would get a sexbot and leave fleshy women alone.
Also, how the fuck is bashing Suicide Squad “shaming heterosexual male sexuality”??? Is shaming anything that happens to have sexualized tits in it now a personal attack on your precious sexuality?
All hail Paradoxical Intention: Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels for delving into that which the rest of us had nowhere near enough attention span and mental energy to fully dissect. Truly she is the leader of us all. Right now at least.
Also this. This is what pisses us off, and proves us right as critics. Enjoy whatever your fucking game is, but we will analyze, we will criticize, and we will discuss it. And that will help everyone who enjoys playing games cause people will get chances to hash out what they like and dislike, and the sort of things they wanna experience. The only people it doesn’t help are those whose games depend on the exploitation and dehumanization of others.
Them feels when I stare at a troll’s wall o’ text in disbelief and think to myself “Yeah, too much effort to produce a full and thorough rebuttal of that shit.” and then Paradoxy comes in and does exactly that, and does it better than I could ever hope to.
The lurkers (and of course, the rest of us) are lucky to have you. The trolls would be, too, if any of them were actually interested in the “constructive debate” that they always pretend to seek.
So what you’re saying is that it’s a Ubisoft game.
Okay, joke aside, yeah those are exactly my reasons for staying away right now. Especially the poor writing, especially when it fails at handling a subject that’s actually important to me. I used to have some degree of tolerance for that crap, but it’s dwindling fast with age.
Besides, I’m a sneaky bastard. Splosions and pew-pew-pew tire me out real fast, especially when Ubisoft’s doing them, and I’m getting the distinct feeling that stealth’s not actually that important in that game.
Fun fact: When I caught my pet Deathclaw in FO4, I reset for a Matriarch just so I could say she’s a Deathclaw Damsel.
I may spend too much time on this site. ಠ_ಠ
First, as I have said, the physical limitations of the IPhone keypad prevent me from using paragraph/sentence spacing breaks, and I simply do not have the time right now to find ways around this. Second, there are times when one is compelled to have his say, especially in speaking truth to power, particularly in defense of his hobbies, and this is one such time. Third, I am not anyone else, and if I do sound similar, it is simply because we are both anti-feminazi heterosexual male intellectuals and great minds tend to think alike. Fourth, you should all be given an A+ in taking things out of context, as I never talked about my sex life to begin with in the first place. I was merely speculating on the possible motivation why Western female nerds are so obsessed with being killjoys, sexually speaking, to male nerds (most recent example, Jezebel and the rest of the Gawker group and their anti-fan service in manga/anime crusade/controversy of 2016). Fourth (and this is just too ridiculous) , it is the pinnacle of presumptuousness that I am already automatically “unskilled” in “sexual skills” just because I stated an actual medical fact (use Google if you seek proof) which is contrary to your own blinkered ideologies. Fifth, for the record, I would daresay that I can reasonably acquit myself well enough in that department, at least on a purely physical level, and if I prefer self-stimulation to interactive intercourse, it is not due to a lack of available (ready, willing, capable,suitable) partners but because of my own personal preferences for simplicity and efficiency, convenience and experience. Sixth, (and this says much more about you all than it does me) it is a rather perverted value system you all have that dictates that a human’s value as a person is ultimately determined by how well they can sexually stimulate another human, no wonder the rest of the world believes the West is decadently depraved.
The notion that male sexuality is being destroyed by lack of access to Japanese porn is pretty absurd.
There’s a big problem in Japan with people not being very interested in having sex. Not that there’s a problem with people abstaining if they want, but it’s leasing to a problematically low birth rate.
I’m not saying that this is happening because Japanese media so often portrays sex as degrading to women and so often glorifies pedophilia. I’m just saying that if hentai and lollicon were the keys to healthy male sexuality, wouldn’t there be more sex happening in Japan?
Wait… Atlus “censored” something? Someone told them finally that Mara is a bit much or what?! ( http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Mara NSFW)
Round two!
No one’s policing them though? We’re just having discussions about how they are sexist.
I wasn’t aware that things weren’t allowed to exist unless everyone agreed they were okay. I mean, at that point the only things that would be allowed to exist would be…er…um…
Well, I’m sure there’s something all of humanity can all agree is universally good!
First of all, the USA’s Constitution only covers the USA, not the Japanese media you’re also hand-wringing about.
Second of all, the First Amendment only protects you from being arrested by the government for saying things. It doesn’t protect your media from being no platformed.
THIRD of all, even if the First Amendment did protect these things, it only covers it until someone ELSE’S rights are being infringed upon, or if you’re breaking the law. So, games where you abduct and rape people wouldn’t be covered by that.
I haven’t seen any female nerds “involved in the activism of lobbying for egregious examples of sex-negative self-censorship”. I have seen female nerds starting discussions on sexism in their fandoms of choice though.
Though I suppose it would depend on your definition of “egregious examples of sex-negative self-censorship”, which seems to be “criticizing anything that makes my boner happy”.
“I’m not a GGer but…”
Wait, wut?
You think that dudes were only doing it in “retaliation” of Bravely Default being “censored”, and it doesn’t have anything to do with their delicate masculinity being offended at the idea of having to look at a dude that was actually sexualized and not the “sexual male” that’s actually just a male power fantasy?
“When it doubt, it wasn’t us.”
“Why would a heterosexual male nerd ever recognize sexism in advertising aimed at them?!”
Actually Nintendo is pushing for that because they have a company reputation to uphold, and since a very large majority of their consumers are children/young teens…
But, again, it’s so much easier to pin it all on “Western nerd feminist women” instead of “Nintendo markets to children, and they are very puritan about the way they market games on their consoles”. That, and there’s also the fact that they change things because of how it could be perceived by a different culture. Not every culture as a whole is going to be welcoming of the exact same ideas.
I mean, I could go on a rant (and I have before) about how they “censored” Vivian from Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, changing her gender from transwoman to ciswoman for the games North American release, and how that’s really transphobic and how it’s shitty that North Americans tend to be less accepting of trans people as a lot of South Pacific cultures (though there’s still issues with fetishizing them on both sides).
But, I don’t think Humbug gives a koopa shell about that, because it’s not about his boner, and he can’t pin that on “Western Nerd Feminist Women”.
Dude, I don’t even watch Desperate Housewives enough to understand that reference.
Again, you’re blaming The Feminist Cabal for things that a company decided to do. This “something, something, FEMINISM” logic is really hilarious, even if it is tiring at times.
Tecmo didn’t want to release an official DoA port because they thought there’s no market for it in North America, not because FEMINISTS. I’m sure if they thought there was enough of a market that they could make a good amount of money on it, they’d release the game critics be damned, though I’m sure they considered critics when making that decision.
It’s also the money. Not everyone is into your tiddy volleyball game, and there’s not enough people for Tecmo to pour money into translation, voice acting and porting just to release it for your boner.
But, even you mentioned it, there’s unofficial ports. The internet can help you, dude. You don’t need an official port of everything, unless you’re less worried about the boobies and more worried about being catered to by companies so you can feel like your boner feelz are legitimate.
I’m sure the autistic people among our commentariat appreciate it. Thanks! 😀
So instead you come here and expect us to find the time to read your illegible shit, and then whine without end when we can’t be bothered.
Holy shit are you seriously that thick ?
Do we seriously need to actually spell it out for you ?
Fuck. It’s not even funny anymore.
… I thought the low birthrate in Japan was generally thought to be down to the social and economic structures being inimical to having kids and/or family life? (and inhumanly long hours leaving people too bloody knackered for as much sex as they might otherwise indulge in, probably)
In a country and an age characterised afaik by reasonably good access to reasonably reliable contraception, how on earth does a low birthrate per se even imply less interest in having sex??? (WWTH, I’m not questioning you on this because you probably know the situation way better than I do; I’m just puzzled)
Beautifully done, Paradoxical Intention, btw. Thank you.
YES. GOOD. My influence is growing…
*Takes notes on Paradoxy’s responses*
I’m learning so much about the gaming industry! Some things are starting to make more sense.
Like why some objectively great games like Ace Combat 5 don’t get HD re-releases or even fucking backwards compatibility on modern consoles. Answer: The company doesn’t think there’ll be enough money in it, and that outweighs the artistic merit of the game by their capitalist lights.
It’s like turning my perception 180 degrees without breaking my neck. I simply do not get capitalists.
Shorter Humbug:
I’m gonna get this out of the way.
Yes, you did. Your boner notes are all over the goddamn thread, for fuck’s sake.
We took nothing out of context. You pulled a “well-known medical fact” out of your ass, which we laughed at. I said “stop advertising how bad you are at sex” as a way to imply that since you can’t have gotten that “fact” from any credible source, it must be your own personal experience.
Fuck, I hate having to explain a joke to people who get angry because they don’t get it.
To “speculate”, you need actual information on which to base your speculations. I mean, if I say “ehrtbdf, and that’s a fact“, then I can totally speculate “sejhghev” based on that. Does that mean it makes sense ? Nope.
Oh, by the way, your “feminists are just frustrated uggos that wanna ruin it for everyone else” argument ? We’ve totally never heard it before.
1)leave Nippon Ichi outta this
2)I am currently playing a vidya game with rape in it. I played its predecessor, also with rape in it (way more actually, they toned it down for the new one). It’s meant to be titillating, and the devs make no qualms about that. I enjoy this game. A lot
How the fuck ever!
Rape is not a core component of my (male and mostly hetero) sexuality, people hating my game for its rapery is not an attack on me, and I would be against having this game appear on Steam or any other such major storefront. See, you can like shit and recognize the shit in your shit. At the same time!
Rigorous and studious research and citation, folks
Who you foolin, muffuga?
“I prefer masturbating to partnered sex”. See how much simpler that was. You apparently value simplicity
Except nobody said that. Your value isn’t determined by giving people orgasms. An evaluation of your skills in a sexual encounter might include your aptitude in giving people people orgasms. Not that difficult
First, Re: Rapelay, if you actually bothered to play the game, you’d know that the main character (who is actually pursuing a personal vendetta of twisted vengeance against a specific individual, the girl who got him arrested for train-groping, and her mother and sister) actually gets punished by the cosmic-justice of the story and ends up getting killed in all of the endings by his victims,who are actually brainwashed sex slaves ala Jaycee Duggar or Karoline Stan. Unlike say, Grand Theft Auto and over Western video games, where you can get away scot-free with mass murder. But you never see or hear feminists complain about those games do you? It’s like that controversy with the Games of Thrones tv series. Seasons full of graphic multiple mass murders, not a peep from the usual noisemakers, a single scene of spousal abuse by a major villain, such a ruckus! Second, why is it only Western female nerds who are always this critical of content, even if it’s foreign in origin and not/never intended for them to begin with in the first place. You never see or hear of Eastern “fujiyoshi” in either Japan, Korea, China, etc. who waste their time crusading against things they don’t like. Why, the same excesses in the series for male audiences by male creators can also be found in their series for female audiences by female creators. Why do you think shoujo and yaoi manga/ anime are so full of rape and other related risqueness? Third, as I’ve already said, Bravely Default is indeed from Squaresoft, but it’s exclusive to Nintendo, who pushed to censor it in order to appease Western female nerds . Fourth, you are either naive or disingenuous in ignoring the deleterious effects (for us anyway) that noisy feminist female nerds have had on corporate publishers of such media content? Do you think that they self-censor just for the sake of it? These things don’t happen in a vacumm. These is what is feared as Prior Restraint and a Chilling Effect, though the State may not be involved yet. Fifth, if male nerds have no right to expect or demand anything from corporate content creators, then so should female nerds. But hypocritically, they’re the ones who are always demanding this and that and threatening boycotts and protests and what have you, if they don’t get their own way.
Joss Whedon has been back on Twitter since last year. They didn’t even spell his goddamn name right.
Is this asshole just googling GamerGater points and regurgitating them? Is it suddenly 2015 again when people actually “cared” about what Joss Whedon does?
How the fuck are people still using Whedon as a cudgel when that happened TWO YEARS AGO when HE CAME BACK FIVE MONTHS AGO. It’s almost like this asshole doesn’t care about Whedon unless they’re using him as a false taking point, just like with the available in America DoA Shitty Volleyball Game 2016.
Goddamn, troll, get new material that is relevant. What’s next, whining about Walmart not stocking Manhunt because it’s AO? Jesus.