butts empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny nerd rage no games for girls no girls allowed racism

Women don’t belong in nerd-friendly “male spaces,” because nerd girls are ugly, MGTOW explains

Pew! Pew! Pew!

We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.

I recently ran across one of these manifestos in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While it was full of the same tired old BIOTRUTHS as most “male space” manifestos — only dudes “are wired to be adept at tasks with inanimate objects,” only dudes have the necessary “diligence” to be true fans — this manifesto offered another powerful(ly dumb) anti-nerd-girl argument I don’t think I’ve encountered before: Nerd girls should be kept out of male hobbies because they’re a bunch of icky uggoes, “sub-4 at best.”

Let’s let the somewhat ironically named NuclearTruthBomb explain this particular “truth.”

The simple fact of the matter is that most women are not, and never will be, into the activities of low-status, but intelligent males. Yes, a few exist. My sister loves drawing, animation, and even video games. But she’s also on the upper end of the autism spectrum, and pretty unattractive.

Dude, really? She’s your SISTER.

Women have status simply by existing. There is only a very small number of girls who are so hideous, no man will show interest in them.

Empathy, not a big thing amongst MGTOWs.

Being a nerd if often considered a sign of low status. Trust me, none of us got laid for being on the chess team. Because women are so concerned about appearences, they will refuse to associate with nerds by default.

So that means, natch, that the only “females” who want to have anything to do with male nerds will be the ugly uggoes.

Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.

These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general. 

And now a cameo appearance by Chad Thundercock, or at least his brothers Brad, Joe, and Darren Thundercock, as well as their cousin Bill BigDick and his friend Tyrone.

Ironically, while women will forever flock to the sports stadium of Brads and Joes, nerds will spell the future for the human race. The guy who gets shoved in the mud by Bill BigDick this decade will be inventing the technology of the next one. The quirky glasses wearing freak will create that game Darren plays after Daisy gives him a rimjob. And all those countless code monkeys will be responsible for the social media websites she meets Tyrone on.

To do list:

  1. Shove nerd in mud
  2. Rimjob w/ Daisy
  3. Vidya Games

Only when these nerdy dudes get super rich will the hotties have any interest in them.

Once she realizes that these men are making bank, she’ll try to swing branches. And many simpanzees will takeher anyways. Us on the other hand, can enjoy our own specific tastes without worrying “Buh-buh-buh, what would Sally think of this!?”

MGTOWs have turned “stewing in your own bitterness about women possibly giving other dudes rimjobs” into America’s fastest-growing hobby. This is a male space no one should want to invade.

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7 years ago

When I was a small child, I grew up playing LAN games of Age of Empires with my brother and his friends. Well, that’s not strictly accurate. More accurate is that I wanted to play multiplayer, and Dad said “Figure out how to do it yourself”, so I did. And that’s when our LAN parties started.

I tried to get into DnD and the Star Wars roleplaying game, but I was a little older then and I was starting to really become aware of how much my brother’s friends were douchebags and exactly how much emotional and sometimes physical abuse he was subjecting me to, and being homeschooled I didn’t really have alternate friends to do these things with. Didn’t help that every mutual friend we ever made always chose him over me, right down to our very last mutual friend – she’s his fiance now. I think I’ve developed a bit of an abandonment complex over that or something – I keep expecting people to abandon me or signify they’re abandoning me by siding with my enemies, so I don’t give most people the option to come close enough for their abandonment to mean anything. Plus the people I keep far enough away that if they attempt to harm me it won’t work.

But that wasn’t because I was a geek or a nerd. That was because he’s an asshole.

I’ve played a lot of video games – name a strategy game from the early 2000s and there’s a good chance I’ll know it intimately. For me video games give me a world where things actually make sense, at least occasionally. Reality is just hard to deal with sometimes. It helps that games give an environment where you can…try out…different philosophies and ways of approaching problems, get a sense of how that impacts your emotions and what sort of results those alternate approaches are likely to get.

I’m starting to get into cosplay, but I’m still too embarrassed to show up with a partially complete cosplay. Which is weird cause I have to do costumes for Rocky Horror, and I can do those fairly well. Anyway, I’m rambling now.

The point I’m trying to make is that I have a really long history of nerd things – of gaming, of pencil and paper stuff, of reading science fiction. It’s what I enjoy in a lot of ways.

EDIT: Holy shit I am sorry. Re-reading this, there’s emotional crap bleeding all over everyone. Just parse for the nerd shit. I’ll find a more appropriate space to consider the shit I’ve been through.

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago

I am old and have had the same nerdy, geeky hobbies since before many of these guys were born. And there have always been aggressive gate-keepers who tried to determine their or not you were a real fan.

If I ever was a young man’s dream, I’m certainly not now, so I guess I’ll have to console myself with the fact that I was only ever into these things because I genuinely love them, and not for male attention.

What are they so scared of? That they’ll turn into a woman if a woman likes the same thing as them? Better swear off sex, food and breathing. Women like all those things too.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@Elizabeth Regina

To be fair, they also claim that women ruined sex, and some have supposedly sworn off it. Others have made up hilariously dumb diets for real manly menz only.

And I’m sure some MGTOW somewhere’s come up with a screed on how women breathe some nasty stuff out that feminizes or mind-controls men somehow or maybe refuses to be breathed in by anyone but Chads.

I guess at least they’re somewhat consistent in the stupid.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

*hugs* offered; I’m sorry you’ve been treated that way.

7 years ago

Thanks. *hugs* indeed.

Anyway, one of the things I’m currently doing is playing Fallout: New Vegas. My steam says I have about 1050 hours in it, that’s wrong because I launch it using a script extender and specialized mod manager so it doesn’t crash with all the mods loaded into it (When you do that, it doesn’t count). The only achievements I don’t have are the ones relating to the Mr. House ending. Capitalists can go fuck themselves.

I’m immersed in gamer culture – I was part of a number of forums for different games, at least until people started figuring out that I’m a woman. I was on civfanatics, bethsoft forums, ksp forums, ftd forums…I still technically have accounts I just don’t use right now.

Age of Empires, Empire Earth, and Starcraft were my jam for a really long time. Like, a really long time. I was involved in the beta for Red Alert 3, however many eons ago that was.

I’m not a gamer anymore. I play games, a lot of games, but it’s not my identity. My hobby is enriched by the presence of other women…and I am sure that if these…assholes stopped being misogynistic they’d find that a lot of common names, people they assume are men, are women.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


EDIT: Holy shit I am sorry. Re-reading this, there’s emotional crap bleeding all over everyone. Just parse for the nerd shit. I’ll find a more appropriate space to consider the shit I’ve been through.

Don’t feel sorry about anything, I can assure you that no one here minds at all.

Thanks for sharing that. And have all the hugs you want.

Kiri the Unicorn
Kiri the Unicorn
7 years ago

I really wish more women got involved in amateur astronomy. It’s mostly a guy thing, but there’s no reason for it to stay that way.

Ladies: Carolyn Shoemaker wants YOU…to buy a telescope!

7 years ago

And the clitoris is forgotten again.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Sinkable John,

Herro !
Been a while 🙂

Herro back to you 🙂
It’s been a rough couple of months.

Are you well? How’s your mum and your future-world-leader niece?

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


I would never joke about something so serious.

I’m guessing there’s three hours more until the stream ends at midnight so GO GO GO.


And sorry for the cap locks I just fucking love Rick and Morty.

7 years ago

Why do people think it’s normal, expected and good to want a serious relationship with a person who shares exactly NONE of your common interests? Is that, like, a holdover from arranged marriages or something?

7 years ago

@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
HORUS HERESIES WHY DID I MISS ALMOST ALL OF IT. Well that was comically dark, as in how mundane that realism would happen. Whelp, it has been good knowing you Jerry. Wait, Samurai Jack is postponed until next week, so many conflicting thoughts and feelings.

Jesalin (Geek Grrl)
Jesalin (Geek Grrl)
7 years ago


I’m so sorry you went through that! *hugs*

Don’t feel sorry about anything, I can assure you that no one here minds at all.

Yeah, what he said.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


I’m just happy it’s 15 minutes. I read it was gonna be an hour long premiere just a few days ago.

Someone save Morty jesus.

Also, like, Beth…I think Electra complex is an understatement.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

BTW, and other Rick and Morty fans, you probably have around 30 minutes until the stream is over and you have to wait for it on TV like PLEBS who think I’m a LIAR.

Or on DailyMotion. I will be willing to provide a link.

7 years ago


I’m pretty sure that those be-G-spotted sexbots won’t have much of a market, even if they’re superb fakers. The kind of guy who’d buy a sexbot is probably preoccupied with his own orgasm, not that of his partner, be she animate or not.

But assuming anyone does buy them, yeah. The tweet about disappointment is bang on.

(They might have more luck with a G-spot-equipped Fleshlight, though. Maybe.)

7 years ago

if anything, you’d think a sexbot owner would want his bot to act like a woman in a porno, where she loudly pretends to orgasm over damn near anything the man does. Trying to trigger a fake g-spot would probably be too much effort.

7 years ago

I grew up in Perth, WA. It’s a pretty parochial place (even by Australian standards) that I’ve found to be politically characterised by wild jumps between apathy and conservatism. I was a teenager in the mid 90s. We were still pretty comfortable with casual racism in social settings and 1950s head-of-the-household style family politics were pretty common. My sisters and I were lucky to have accepting and intellectual parents. My dad, in particular, is well educated (far better than me =P) and has a fairly keen eye for bullshit.

Around here, it was understood that girls couldn’t be prevented from reading books, but they shouldn’t be messing around with technology. In this era, these sorts of ideas had largely been dragged kicking and screaming from the education system, along with the cane. Unfortunately, they endured in popular thought.

I can’t tell you how much I wish there had been girls at LANs in my day. As a young person with extensive social circles, partying every weekend, I never met a single human female with a similar love for computers, video games, sci-fi etc etc. I always understood what was happening as well. I knew that girls would eventually break through and take up computers and video games as hobbies and careers en-masse.

Now that I’ve gone this far, I’m in danger of spamming you all with a full autobiography, so I’ll just get to the point: These kids who piss and moan about geeky women make me so fucking angry I want to puke blood. Make a change and respect your (slightly) elders long enough to ponder this for a moment you snot nosed pukes: If there were no women into this nerd shit, you would most certainly never find love. For me, my most beloved interests have always been an annoyance to my girlfriends. Trying to kick women out of your hobbies only sabotages your happiness. THE END.

Oh wait, not the end. One more thing.

I think a lot of the kids who buy into this dumb-ass narrative of protecting their toys from girls (SJWs, cultural Marxists(?) etc etc) can be won back for sanity. After all, most of them are just parroting and haven’t thought about it much. Not all of them are sinister lunatics and I think many are making an honest mistake. Good luck all.

Matteo Suppo
Matteo Suppo
7 years ago

Actually, since a robot doesn’t feel emotions (yet) and it’s very different from a human, discovering how to make it “orgasm” would be nothing more than a puzzle.

Like those flash porn games in which you have to make the woman orgasm by following a strict sequence (that always ends with penetration strangely enough).

Sex with a robot will then become a challenge, a solvable challenge, as opposite to sex with another person, which is not a challenge at all, and it can’t be won.

I don’t like to kink shame, I think that if done well a robot like that could be fun. I played some of those flash porn games and I was disappointed by the lack of challenge and imagination, but I believe it can be done better.

However the important thing is remembering that sex with another person is completely different. Like remembering that war in a videogame doesn’t teach you anything about actual war.

Seeing how these guys think, though, I’m not so confident that they would understand or remember.

7 years ago


It’s been a rough couple of months.

It’s nice to see you back!

I’ve wondered how you were doing. IIRC, some members of your family were facing health challenges. I hope that the situation has worked out well.

7 years ago


I love how the most creative and important job they can ever imagine is “coder.” None of them aspire to be a physicist or chemist, or biologist, or any STEM career other than coder, or possibly electronic engineer. It’s like nothing exists in their lives other than the devices they use to play games.

Also, none of them aspire to be nurses, novelists, kindergarten teachers, farmers, social workers, truck drivers, or accountants.

Owners of restaurants or antique stores or shoe repair shops.

Veterinarians or reporters.

Car mechanics or professors.


Occupational therapists.


It’s almost as though their worldview is limited.

7 years ago

Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.

These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general.

Translation of NuclearTruthBomb’s manifesto:

Listen, guys, you might be attracted to a female nerd. But — trust me on this — she’s ugly. You’ll be the object of pity and scorn if you flirt with her. Date her. Meet her parents. Arrange a surprise birthday party for her. Marry her. Take care of her when she has the flu. Have children with her. Take the whole family to Yellowstone. Grow old together. Tell funny stories to your grandchildren about their parents when they were kids.

No, no, no, stick with me. Read this entire manifesto. Memorize it. Don’t settle for any woman less than an HB 8.

Of course, an HB 8 will never give you the time of day. So you’ll just have to keep reading my manifestos. Books, T-shirts, and protein powder to follow soon!

Why be happy when you can instead send me cash money $$$!

7 years ago


Shit, that’s awful. I can identify with a part of your story personally*, but I cannot imagine what you’ve gone through.

Don’t feel sorry that you opened up here. Part of why this community is so great is that you can get things off your chest (in full anonymity or not), because the people here are awesome.

*Mainly the part where I feel people would rather choose my brother or one of my friends to hang out with than me, and have trouble forming friendships and relationships because I feel they’d rather be with someone else, and don’t want to feel they’re ‘settling’ with me.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I took the test and then slept for 12 hours. Now I feel like I’m having a bad hangover, but I also have a full day to do absolutely nothing except cuddle with Fingie and Demi. Woo hoo! Results on Wednesday.

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