We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.
I recently ran across one of these manifestos in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While it was full of the same tired old BIOTRUTHS as most “male space” manifestos — only dudes “are wired to be adept at tasks with inanimate objects,” only dudes have the necessary “diligence” to be true fans — this manifesto offered another powerful(ly dumb) anti-nerd-girl argument I don’t think I’ve encountered before: Nerd girls should be kept out of male hobbies because they’re a bunch of icky uggoes, “sub-4 at best.”
Let’s let the somewhat ironically named NuclearTruthBomb explain this particular “truth.”
The simple fact of the matter is that most women are not, and never will be, into the activities of low-status, but intelligent males. Yes, a few exist. My sister loves drawing, animation, and even video games. But she’s also on the upper end of the autism spectrum, and pretty unattractive.
Dude, really? She’s your SISTER.
Women have status simply by existing. There is only a very small number of girls who are so hideous, no man will show interest in them.
Empathy, not a big thing amongst MGTOWs.
Being a nerd if often considered a sign of low status. Trust me, none of us got laid for being on the chess team. Because women are so concerned about appearences, they will refuse to associate with nerds by default.
So that means, natch, that the only “females” who want to have anything to do with male nerds will be the ugly uggoes.
Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.
These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general.
And now a cameo appearance by Chad Thundercock, or at least his brothers Brad, Joe, and Darren Thundercock, as well as their cousin Bill BigDick and his friend Tyrone.
Ironically, while women will forever flock to the sports stadium of Brads and Joes, nerds will spell the future for the human race. The guy who gets shoved in the mud by Bill BigDick this decade will be inventing the technology of the next one. The quirky glasses wearing freak will create that game Darren plays after Daisy gives him a rimjob. And all those countless code monkeys will be responsible for the social media websites she meets Tyrone on.
To do list:
- Shove nerd in mud
- Rimjob w/ Daisy
- Vidya Games
Only when these nerdy dudes get super rich will the hotties have any interest in them.
Once she realizes that these men are making bank, she’ll try to swing branches. And many simpanzees will takeher anyways. Us on the other hand, can enjoy our own specific tastes without worrying “Buh-buh-buh, what would Sally think of this!?”
MGTOWs have turned “stewing in your own bitterness about women possibly giving other dudes rimjobs” into America’s fastest-growing hobby. This is a male space no one should want to invade.
Funny, my wife and I are planning on cosplaying as FemShep and Liara from Mass Effect 3 at Comicon in June, and I’d like to think we’re both pretty attractive.
But we’re lesbians, so maybe we don’t count?
@SFHC: Alas, Mr. Takei was pulling a major April Fool’s on us.
@Tessa: <3<3<3 That will be AMAZING.
@ wicked witch of whatever
You got me thinking about this too. I was around in the times of the Commodore PET and the early days of home computing. I can’t recall either reality or the media regarding computer hobbyists with particular derision. It might have been seen as a niche pursuit, but not an inherently ‘uncool’ one. To bring up an Ur-example, the kid in War Games was portrayed as a perfectly ‘normal’ teen and had a conventionally pretty girlfriend.
The MGTOW view expressed above reminds me a bit like how people have that belief everyone in the past was a flat earther. Or like how Hollywood portrayed the wild west. A sort of collective fake memory of history.
ETA: come to think of it, the nearest ‘coolness’ came into it over here was that BBC Micro users were seen as a bit ‘middle class’ whereas your proper punks had Speccies. 🙂
(I was a Commodore fan. We were Boho ;-))
That is so awesome!
As an aside, I keep thinking about re-playing ME1, but then I remember how painful planetary exploration/retrieval/movement was.
I’m getting tired of people coming here with sex-shaming comments.
It’s ok to be a virgin. I’m a virgin and I’m not at all ashamed. Wether you are a virgin or had multiple partners you don’t lose value as a person you are still a person. No matter if you are a virgin or have multiple partners you can still be a misogynist and people don’t owe you anything especially sex just for being a decent person. When are people going to learn this? It’s not that hard.
How pathetic is he? He is a nerd, but rejects nerdy girls and women as ‘low quality’ , and then berates other girls and women – presumably the ‘high quality’ ones for not noticing him!
As ever no self awareness. Average geek men but below average geek women. So are there lots of sub par non geek men? Or are men more attractive than women on average?
Are the words nerd and geek interchangeable? Or have I made a terrible faux pas?!
I really hope this leads to Youtube being less welcoming to bigots.
Exactly! We don’t shine a light on these people because they’re dateless wonders, we shine a light on them because they’re hateful human beings. And as the PUAs illustrate, getting laid doesn’t magically make you a good person. Plus, making fun of guys for not getting laid just reinforces the idea that a man is not a worthwhile human being if he hasn’t had sex, which only serves to convince them that virgin men will only be accepted for who they are in the MRA/MGTOW community.
@Wicked Witch of whatever
Computer/video games? Not in the slightest. Before home consoles were ubiquitous, the cool kids could be found at the arcade; afterwards having the newest console and/or most and best games was a big status thing. There was a brief moral panic about violent video games in the mid-late 90s after some school shootings, but it petered out pretty quick, except in the minds of the usual jackasses who’ve been pointing to things as being the cause of degeneracy and hooliganism among the youth since the waltz step was the culprit of choice.
Now D&D/tabletop rpgs? That I got shit for from other kids back in the day. And reading a lotta scifi even. Not so much anymore, though. The era of the persecuted geek is pretty well over.
They are so transparent, it’s unbelievably comical. I’m a massive film and music nerd, and the idea that women are innately unable to have interests beyond trying to impress random guys is completely insane and incomprehensible. Other female nerds will know what I’m talking about. I guess you can call anyone a “nerd” in regards to things they have passion about. These guys are just super insecure and associate being a nerd with being rejected socially and unattractive. They’re bitter, but instead of solving their issues, they take out all of their pent up rage on women and society.
And Jesus H Christ – they project so much, and don’t even try to make it subtle. It’s the fantasy that they, being quiet, rejected and bullied, will somehow end up as rich geniuses with women pining after them while “Chad and Tyrone” are jobless thugs on the dole. These people are stupid and desperate, so the whole “red pill” view of the world is appealing to them.
That’s why you see so many of these sad males so readily buying into it all, even going so far as to hurt and kill people (Elliot Rodger is a prime example). These people are just sad, and it isn’t even worth getting angry over. You only need to care when they actually act on their screwed beliefs by hurting women, and also the men that they perceive as these “Chads.” Apart from that, it’s mindless spouting of misogynistic bullshit we’ve all heard a million times before.
@SFHC, Nequam
Yeah, he’s not actually running but in the reveal he’s encouraging donations to Jon Ossoff’s campaign in a special election for a US House seat. Usually a pretty safe republican seat in the Atlanta suburbs, by all accounts he’s got a good chance at it.
On the double standards when it comes to the perceived numerical rankings of male vs. female geeks; I think that because misogynists view women as having no purpose beyond being decoration, it’s an affront to men if a woman is below an 8. But it’s okay for men to be in that 4-6 average range. Because men are human and have value beyond appearance. That’s the natural way of things.
So, when women who are below an 8 have sex and romantic relationships or when women choose to have sex with men who are physically attractive to them, it violates the natural order of things.
It’s not that MGTOW and incels don’t see that there’s a double standard. It’s that they think women aren’t people. They’re only there to be decorative and to serve and validate men. To them, there’s supposed to be a double standard and they’re mad that those double standards are going away. This is why it’s always futile to point out to them the hypocrisy of whining about women being shallow and then expressing disgust at every woman that doesn’t look like a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue photo.
Never mind that even if we cancelled feminism, it would still be mathematically impossible for every man to be partnered with an above average woman.
Here I am, wondering why don’t more people share my interests, and there they are, sending away people who do.
By the way I’m playing mass effect andromeda too. Yeee.
I’ve always wondered why anyone would think they would lose anything when new people enter the scene, let alone why they’d react so viscerally, but then Slatestarcodex, of all people, made an observation that stuck with me.
Basically, a substantial number (though of course nowhere near a majority) of nerds are creeps, assholes, or overt sexists who aren’t welcome anywhere else. If too many women and “normies” enter the scene, they won’t be welcome there any more either. So, to say they won’t lose anything if women join isn’t strictly true; they fear, probably correctly, that when the women and normies say “it’s him or me,” they’re not going to win.
They could of course stop being creeps, assholes, and sexists, but that would be work and they don’t want to do it.
This. This a thousand times.
Gasp! But… but that would mean that they have no excuse except for their own antisocial behaviour! You wouldn’t suggest such a thing, would you? /s
That’s an interesting observation. It’s similar to some things that MGTOWs have said of themselves: what they want is a world which places no expectations upon them, especially expectations of basic decent human behaviour.
One thing I’ve noticed with incels and related groups is you see the above sentiment repeated constantly, just with ‘nerd’ replaced by whatever characteristic the Incel is using as an excuse for women avoiding them.
It’s never their attitude. It’s always “Women won’t be seen with (short/small wristed/non-athletic/poor/etc.) guys”
The usual bucket of crazy arse-biscuits.
Seriously, I would have killed for some nerdy female company in my youth. Whether I found them attractive or not. If any of the wimmins around me had been into 40K/Ren & Stimpy during my schooldays, life would have been more glorious, and I probably would have come out of my shell earlier.
My school was a female nerd-free zone, alas. Or maybe they were all closeted nerds? Who knows. I had to wait until I got to art college to bump into girls who were nerdy and proud. What a fantastic revelation that was.
And now I’m shacked up with a woman who is more than happy to curl up and watch Red Dwarf with me. She has damn good taste. Long may her nerdiness continue.
Fuck those guys. Nerd spaces are not male spaces. Never have been, never will be, and you can pry my NES controller out of my cold dead hand, you dead-inside, pitiful losers.
To those of you who would never date a fat woman and wonder why you can’t get girls? Fat women are more than half of the women out there, so yes, you DO have unreasonable standards.
@Andy Cooper
Comments policy, old bean
Whoops! I shall avoid in future…
I understand the sentiment, but comments policy please.
I’m watching a play through since I have nothing I can play it on at the moment. The writing in the beginning…”My face is tired.” Not good. But at least it’s been picking up. The LP I’m watching got to PeeBee.
Hopefully by the end, the game turns out alright because I’m not sure if I’d want to play this series of Mass Effects if it stays…Uh…Not as good. It makes me wanna replay the original trilogy again although, I, uh, well, it’s kinda hard for me to wanna pick it up again since I killed Tali off with a stupid mistake in 3. I haven’t replayed it in years but I should. Weirdly enough, my canon Shepard was named Andromeda, after the Greek myth. I also have a side Shepard named Perseus. I should probably finish his playthrough.
I believe the quality of writing in mass effect andromeda remained the same. Lots of cheesy dialogues, obvious things being stated. Sometimes very cool and memorable lines. Sometimes so many facepalms.
But I’m really liking the characters. They didn’t have an easy job, seeing that they had to compete with the ones from the previous trilogy.
Ryder has a very different personality than Shepard and I’m so glad they’re not a clone.
What bugs me is that romance options for a gay scott are very limited. That’s a real flaw. Hopefully they’ll fix it.
It’s 10:45pm here and I’m dearly hoping that, any minute now, someone will appear and announce to the world that everything from November to now was just the most elaborate April’s fools prank ever.
By the way, my prank today was to go about my business pretending not to know what day it is.