We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.
I recently ran across one of these manifestos in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While it was full of the same tired old BIOTRUTHS as most “male space” manifestos — only dudes “are wired to be adept at tasks with inanimate objects,” only dudes have the necessary “diligence” to be true fans — this manifesto offered another powerful(ly dumb) anti-nerd-girl argument I don’t think I’ve encountered before: Nerd girls should be kept out of male hobbies because they’re a bunch of icky uggoes, “sub-4 at best.”
Let’s let the somewhat ironically named NuclearTruthBomb explain this particular “truth.”
The simple fact of the matter is that most women are not, and never will be, into the activities of low-status, but intelligent males. Yes, a few exist. My sister loves drawing, animation, and even video games. But she’s also on the upper end of the autism spectrum, and pretty unattractive.
Dude, really? She’s your SISTER.
Women have status simply by existing. There is only a very small number of girls who are so hideous, no man will show interest in them.
Empathy, not a big thing amongst MGTOWs.
Being a nerd if often considered a sign of low status. Trust me, none of us got laid for being on the chess team. Because women are so concerned about appearences, they will refuse to associate with nerds by default.
So that means, natch, that the only “females” who want to have anything to do with male nerds will be the ugly uggoes.
Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.
These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general.
And now a cameo appearance by Chad Thundercock, or at least his brothers Brad, Joe, and Darren Thundercock, as well as their cousin Bill BigDick and his friend Tyrone.
Ironically, while women will forever flock to the sports stadium of Brads and Joes, nerds will spell the future for the human race. The guy who gets shoved in the mud by Bill BigDick this decade will be inventing the technology of the next one. The quirky glasses wearing freak will create that game Darren plays after Daisy gives him a rimjob. And all those countless code monkeys will be responsible for the social media websites she meets Tyrone on.
To do list:
- Shove nerd in mud
- Rimjob w/ Daisy
- Vidya Games
Only when these nerdy dudes get super rich will the hotties have any interest in them.
Once she realizes that these men are making bank, she’ll try to swing branches. And many simpanzees will takeher anyways. Us on the other hand, can enjoy our own specific tastes without worrying “Buh-buh-buh, what would Sally think of this!?”
MGTOWs have turned “stewing in your own bitterness about women possibly giving other dudes rimjobs” into America’s fastest-growing hobby. This is a male space no one should want to invade.
Thank goodness you’ve discovered emojis.
I liked how you picked that out because you have no rebuttal.
Excuse me while I enjoy some music.
Can I ever go to sleep without waking up to wanking all over the thread ? Seriously, shit’s getting old.
Dude what’d I tell you about the smug arrogance ? Cut the anime villain shit please, you’re ridiculous and gross.
Or you could take the hint that we’re busy right now, so go back to lurking and let the adults talk. Also “due in part to your own actions” ? Ha !
@wwth, Jack
Now we know he’s definitely alt-reich. Claiming credit for everything and anything including the weirdest shit is what betrays it.
Like, dude, you think we need your help to comment off-topic on an old thread while another, more recent one revolves around the very subject we’re talking about ? :’D
Bleh. I shouldn’t go anywhere near troll threads before coffees #5, #6, #7, and #8.
Wait, school system ? The book’s about the colonial burden of the country. But huh yeah, they got sued for that.
It’s not that uncommon in France. Our hate speech laws are much stricter than the US, so there’s always some idiots trying to take advantage of that. And it always fails, because they never grasp the difference between free speech and hate speech. Kinda like their US counterparts.
Arrogance only works if you can demonstrate a reason to be arrogant.
And if you’re attaching random smileys to your post in a pathetic and ineffectual attempt to pretend you haven’t already been crushed absolutely, then any reason that might justify arrogance no longer applies.
This is like dealing with someone stuck on stage one of grief. You never get any stronger if you don’t actually deal with your problem.
I like using smileys because it amuses me, and this thread amuses me, how worked up you all have gotten over the mere existence of heterosexual male rebuttals and refutations to your totalitarian feminazi ideologies.
And none of basic contentions has been disproven, conclusively or even slightly.
The Chilling Effect and Prior Restraint, in the context of traditional heterosexual sexuality, of creators and publishers — due to millenial feminazi sjw hysteria — in modern Western nerd culture are still facts on the ground that are happening even at this very moment.
The latter-day genderpolitical anarchists who demand that the entire 3D world become a “safe space” for their teeming hordes of arrested-development special snowflakes are ironically the same hypocrites who seek to either hijack or destroy the refuges of the heterosexual males who preceded them.
In other words, the girls won’t build their own clubhouses, they’re just going to invade those of the boys and either enslave or displace them.
*which to digress, is what happened with Marvel Comics and its current legion of “legacy” characters, which caused their recent steep fall in profits in 2016, which is why they’re now backtracking in 2017
And just because a few of you
are hyper-sexual nymphomaniacs doesn’t negate the fact that by the very same data you yourselves presented, around 10 to 15 percent of all human females apparently never experience physical sexual orgasm at all, and most of the rest do so on much lower levels than human males.
That is obviously a lot of sexually frustrated human females, across all demographics, and knowing how catty human females ultimately prove to be, all of that negativity has to inevitably go and come out somewhere.
And just looking at who are always complaining about “objectification” of even purely fictional characters in modern Western nerd culture, it stands to reason where one such outlet is located, at least for those sexually frustrated females who happen to be modern Western nerds.
Classic dog-in-the-manger (or since they are females after all, bitch-in-the-manger) attitude of human females: not able to turn on and off on their own for whatever reason, misery-loves-company, so stop the human males from enjoying themselves.
@ humbug
Those terms have pretty well defined meanings and nothing you’ve posted so far suggests they apply to “traditional heterosexual sexuality”. Can you provide an example where the government has threatened to imposed legal sanctions on straight people who like sexy stuff, or sought an injunction to prevent future heterosexual behaviour?
Unless you’re on a reconnaissance mission from another planet you can probably get away with “men” and “women”.
Now that he’s outed himself as Mark socking for the bazillionth time this year, should I email David or do you want to kick him around some more?
I’m kinda done with trolls in general.
EDIT: Also, I emailed you a while back. Did you see it?
Me , a sockpuppet, and of that nobody Mark of all people? ?
Not even one of your legendary all-time-greats? Sigh… ?
I do declare indeed such an insulting libel! ?
And assuming sans admitting that I am indeed such a being, you would be gravely mistaken as to the exact identity of any previous incarnation I may have ever had ?
Not that I really am , of course , hypothetically speaking only ?
I facepalmed so hard that now I have third-degree stupid burns on my nose and forehead.
Shorter Humbug : “Let’s pretend this is a debate and I’m winning it.” *wank wank wank*
As far as I’m concerned, he’s worn out his entertainment value, so banswatter away whenever.
As a fellow iPhone user: You couldn’t find your ass with both hands, could ya? I mean, I don’t like a lot of Apple’s bullshit, and yeah, some of it it is very non-intuitive, but holy shit you’re either willingly ignorant or seriously lacking in perception.
And since you want gifs of sexy ladies, have a Nia Jax gif:

Or two:
(I’m kinda salty about how it took THREE WOMEN PILING ON TOP OF HER FOR A PIN to eliminate her in that title match at WrestleMania. So strong, much doki doki. Happy that Bayley won, she’s really cool and she really needed a win since people were questioning her competency, but NIIIAAAAA.)
They’re not ”invading” the boys’ clubhouse. That clubhouse was built into the houses of several people and those petty child-kings keep trying to drive out the other residents.
I feel like this metaphor is a bit strained. My point is: Nerdom does not belong exclusively to you, you spoiled brat. It never has and it never will. One day you’ll get over yourself.
Are you maybe thinking of Monsieur Sans Nom? He did love him some inappropriately applied winky faces.
Oh, and @Humbug, who has just pretty much admitted to being a sock puppet, I feel I should make a point of saying that MSN was definitely not “one of the greats.”
Ah , I’m not and have never been French?
I am offended to be even compared to that pseudo Gaul ?
If this was a guessing game, no points for you, try again ?
I feel like he’s trying to insult me by saying he’s “offended” by… a completely imagined implication that he might be French.
Like, dude, if I were you, I’d rather worry about being called out on insufferable smug arrogance by an actual French. Most people would take the hint.
It doesn’t really matter whose sock you are. You all smell equally disgusting.
First, I never directly admitted that I was actually a sockpuppet now, did I? ?
Second, as in all things in life, not all in a certain class are equal. There will always be those who are more than others and those who are less than others, much more and lots less. ?
Trolly’s not all that interesting anymore so I’ma just follow up on last night’s teal deering.
Here’s a personal favorite of mine. (VII – Dernière Nuit Avec Les Chiens)
And here’s more Al’Tarba – yes, those are Clockwork Orange references. (Droogz Brigade – Pogote Avec Ton Nodz)
Also more La Gale, in that other booze song, incidentally produced by Al’Tarba and I.N.C.H. (La Gale – Qui M’Aime Me Suive)
Well, he finally found the return key on his wonderful new Iphone with the great plan he can afford because WHITE PENIS, and now he’s found the emoji key.
Goddamn, this troll is STILL masturbating all over this thread?
“Most women don’t orgasm from intercourse alone, therefor I am still right cuz I said so!!!!!” lol pathetic
Also lol at him trying to be insulting by misgendering me.

Is it time to email David and ban Mark again?
Damnit, should have went with my first thought but I tried googling the shit and I got all messed up because it was in French. ZEP is also the name of a some sort of school system thing active in the early 2000s I guess? And that’s where I got confused? I have no idea.
My bad.
So? That’s still 90% of women who can and have. You think 100% of cis men can orgasm too?
Here, I found this graph from an article about a study by Elizabeth Armstrong where she surveyed 15,000 (heterosexual) college students. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the original study (the link seems to not work in the article and trying to search for the paper just brings up other articles for me).
From the article
But as you see, college age men still don’t orgasm 100% of the time. Ooooh, geesh.
And here’s another graph from the article.
And the explanation for it.
Oh, man, you see that? Women practically orgasms at the same rate as men if the sex involved more than just penetrative sex.
In fact
Oh, man, you means when the sex doesn’t revolve around just the man, the woman orgasms more? Man, who’d of thought that?
And, from the data, it’s possible that just having penetrative sex isn’t even all that pleasurable for the dude either since first hookups only involve 31% of college aged men orgasming, and even in relationships it only goes up to 85%.
Maybe…the more you have sex…the better you get at it…and if you care about everyone involved getting an orgasm…people orgasm more.
Mind = blown, right?
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
Excellent. And here I was starting to think that I’d hallucinated the likes of Good Vibartions and Smitten Kitten, woman-created erotic fan fiction and art, and an entire genre of erotic fiction marketed to women.
May I just say, this guy,
This guy here sounds like quite the catch. Wait, no, sorry; lousy lay. This guy sounds like quite the lousy lay. I’m always getting those mixed up.
[H]eterosexual men reported an 85.5 percent orgasm rate, gay men 84.7 percent, and bisexual men 77.6 percent… While heterosexual women reported orgasming 61.6 percent of the time and bisexual women reported 58 percent, lesbian women had the highest orgasm rate at 74.7 percent.