butts empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny nerd rage no games for girls no girls allowed racism

Women don’t belong in nerd-friendly “male spaces,” because nerd girls are ugly, MGTOW explains

Pew! Pew! Pew!

We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.

I recently ran across one of these manifestos in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While it was full of the same tired old BIOTRUTHS as most “male space” manifestos — only dudes “are wired to be adept at tasks with inanimate objects,” only dudes have the necessary “diligence” to be true fans — this manifesto offered another powerful(ly dumb) anti-nerd-girl argument I don’t think I’ve encountered before: Nerd girls should be kept out of male hobbies because they’re a bunch of icky uggoes, “sub-4 at best.”

Let’s let the somewhat ironically named NuclearTruthBomb explain this particular “truth.”

The simple fact of the matter is that most women are not, and never will be, into the activities of low-status, but intelligent males. Yes, a few exist. My sister loves drawing, animation, and even video games. But she’s also on the upper end of the autism spectrum, and pretty unattractive.

Dude, really? She’s your SISTER.

Women have status simply by existing. There is only a very small number of girls who are so hideous, no man will show interest in them.

Empathy, not a big thing amongst MGTOWs.

Being a nerd if often considered a sign of low status. Trust me, none of us got laid for being on the chess team. Because women are so concerned about appearences, they will refuse to associate with nerds by default.

So that means, natch, that the only “females” who want to have anything to do with male nerds will be the ugly uggoes.

Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.

These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general. 

And now a cameo appearance by Chad Thundercock, or at least his brothers Brad, Joe, and Darren Thundercock, as well as their cousin Bill BigDick and his friend Tyrone.

Ironically, while women will forever flock to the sports stadium of Brads and Joes, nerds will spell the future for the human race. The guy who gets shoved in the mud by Bill BigDick this decade will be inventing the technology of the next one. The quirky glasses wearing freak will create that game Darren plays after Daisy gives him a rimjob. And all those countless code monkeys will be responsible for the social media websites she meets Tyrone on.

To do list:

  1. Shove nerd in mud
  2. Rimjob w/ Daisy
  3. Vidya Games

Only when these nerdy dudes get super rich will the hotties have any interest in them.

Once she realizes that these men are making bank, she’ll try to swing branches. And many simpanzees will takeher anyways. Us on the other hand, can enjoy our own specific tastes without worrying “Buh-buh-buh, what would Sally think of this!?”

MGTOWs have turned “stewing in your own bitterness about women possibly giving other dudes rimjobs” into America’s fastest-growing hobby. This is a male space no one should want to invade.

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

The University Of Humbug’s Ass.

Paradoxical Intention: Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

@Sinkable John: My money’s on a two-hour long YouTube video.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@SFHC, Paradoxy

Do all those even count as different things though ?

7 years ago

(no, it’s just the minor technicality – what are the grounds for thinking that people in Japan aren’t fucking much? I only know there’s concern about the low birthrate and the ageing demographic. I did not know people were thought not to be fucking (And yes, I agree; clearly that kind of shit you mention is not a ticket to healthy anything at all.))

(I don’t know either culture – USAnian or Japanese – beyond the impression I get from films/tv/books/a little indirect contact).

Sorry for the derail; please ignore if preferred.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


There are concerns about people not getting married or having kids or even dating so they don’t get pressured into Japan’s pretty strict gender roles, with women being pressured to quit their jobs to raise their family full time and a lot of men being pressured into the salary man mentality where they’re pretty much never home. These problems are some reasons why there’s a low birthrate and ageing demographic.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

What @opposable seems to be asking is if the low birth rate is due specifically to a decrease in the amount of sex being performed. Yes, they’re not dating, marrying, and reproducing as much as previous generations. But does that necessarily mean that they’re fucking less than previous generations? Maybe they’re all doing each other all the time, but they’re extra on point with their birth control. Not saying that’s the case. Relationships and marriages and babies are correlated with sex, but causation can’t be definitively established

Is that what you were getting at!

7 years ago

Ah. I had heard a little about social and economic pressures putting Japanese people off having a family; I didn’t know it even extended to dating.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve read that a lot of young Japanese people are also simply not that interested in sex and it’s something that the government is concerned about as the marriage and birth rates are already low. Sorry for not making it clearer. I can’t remember the source off the top of my head and I’m on the bus eight now, but later on after I can get home and eat dinner and everything, I can try to find sources if people want.

I’m not expert on Japanese culture though, so I if I’m wrong, someone feel free to correct me.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Do expand on my point a little more, it seems like Humbug views healthy hetero male sexuality as engaging with pixelated representations of women rather than having relationships with real women. Now, if that’s what someone wants to do, that’s totally fine. But to declare that it’s the only way to do things and to expect all media to cater to only your sexuality preferences, that’s another story.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


Ah, sorry. I conflated being in a relationship with sex which I certainly know isn’t the case. But what WWTH said.

7 years ago

Right, I think I get what you mean better now.

(I was paying less attention to our visiting Stripy Peppermint Sweetie/Bullshitter.)

7 years ago

First, Google is your BFF Second, if people can legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a killer, then why can’t they legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a rapist? Both are crimes after all. Third, I am not calling all Westerners or Americans prudes, in this case, just the feminazis who want to censor everything they don’t like, which is mostly everything heterosexual-oriented anyway (except if it hypocritically involves making heterosexual males look/sound bad and/or involves matriarchal femdom) Fourth, what is the logical outcome of media-art/”mediart” criticism in this situation? Legal Prohibition! Why start the slide down the slippery slope to begin with in the first place if you don’t want to each the bottom? Fifth, yes, my own personal life is such a train wreck that I can afford to buy both the latest IPhone and the monthly phone plan and the free time to argue with random strangers in the internet…Not! Hah, if this is already the life of a loser, then the life of a winner must be utopia!

7 years ago


Second, if people can legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a killer, then why can’t they legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a rapist?

I bet you don’t get invited to many Mario Kart parties.

Third, I am not calling all Westerners or Americans prudes, in this case, just the feminazis who want to censor everything they don’t like, which is mostly everything heterosexual-oriented anyway (except if it hypocritically involves making heterosexual males look/sound bad and/or involves matriarchal femdom)

Did you reach that conclusion through rigorous scientific process? LET ME SEE YOUR BAR GRAPHS.

Fourth […blah blah blah…]Why start the slide down the slippery slope to begin with in the first place if you don’t want to each the bottom?

Huh. This is also what I tell dudes in bars when they won’t go home with me.

Fifth, yes, my own personal life is such a train wreck that I can afford to buy both the latest IPhone and the monthly phone plan and the free time to argue with random strangers in the internet


Hah, if this is already the life of a loser, then the life of a winner must be utopia!

Didn’t Charlie Sheen say something similar, right before it came out that he had HIV? When was your last blood test????

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago





weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Fourth, what is the logical outcome of media-art/”mediart” criticism in this situation? Legal Prohibition!

How do you figure? Art criticism has been around for a very long time. According to Wikipedia (and searching Wikipedia is about as much homework as I’m going to do for someone so sub 101 level as you) the term was coined in the early 1700s although writers critiqued art before that.

It hasn’t killed artistic expression yet. Sure, authoritarian regimes will censor art, but I’m not aware of any evidence that it has anything with the practice of art criticism.

Also, if you are so into freeze peaches, you should know it goes both ways. The right to make art goes hand in hand with the right to critique it.

Why start the slide down the slippery slope to begin with in the first place if you don’t want to each the bottom?

my own personal life is such a train wreck that I can afford to buy both the latest IPhone and the monthly phone plan and the free time to argue with random strangers in the internet

comment image

And arguing with? I think it’s more accurate to say you’re getting laughed at. You have yet to present a serious argument.

7 years ago

Second, if people can legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a killer, then why can’t they legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a rapist?

I’m going to preface by saying that this post isn’t for Humbug, who has pretty much conclusively proven his standpoint requires pretending “nuance” does not exist as well as selectively ignoring things other people say. He’s basically gum on the bottom of my shoe at this point.

There’s a lot to unpack here. Starting with, it is legal to play such sims. That doesn’t mean you’re going to do it without criticism. You know criticism? It’s what people do when they discuss art that impacts them.

A valid criticism of Fallout 2, the greatest game ever made, is that it might cross the line between portraying violence and glorifying violence to titillate the player. Another valid criticism is how incredibly juvenile and sleazy the game gets if you play a high-charisma woman. And this is Fallout 2. This is a game with about as many words in it as a goddamn novel. This game brings forth a philosophy and explores it to its utmost.

If a game as great as Fallout 2 is not immune to criticism, to people liking it but having problems with it, or even deciding that one of its flaws is a good reason to hate it…why the hell should any other game?

I haven’t seen a game where people experience what it’s like to actually BE a killer. I’ve seen a LOT of games where people can kill or are encouraged to kill to accomplish their objectives, but that’s not the same thing as BEING a killer. I haven’t seen a game about hiding your true nature, evading suspicion from the police, and the experiences that lead up to and come down from hunting a target. There’s a lot of material there for a game, but I haven’t heard of it being done. Know why? Because if you were to make a game about this, you would need to get it RIGHT. You would need to get it goddamn right, strike the exact right tone, explore the goddamn issue, get the experience of being a killer out there, not just the titillating violence or else you’d be spitting in the eye of everyone who has ever been murdered!

And that’s what I hear about Rapelay. It’s not about “being” a rapist. It’s sexualized juvenile crap dressed up in the most offensive package possible. It’s an insultingly low energy effort that quite literally spits on everyone who’s ever been assaulted. Why, then, is it surprising that people have a strong reaction to it? Why then is it surprising that companies might not be willing to court the negative press of supporting such a blatantly bad game?

Genuinely great games are not immune to criticism. And when genuinely not-so-great games are criticized heavily, this means the system is working. And yes, the subject does have something to do with the criticism: This is an incredibly fucking sensitive subject that if you’re going to address it at all much less focus an entire game around it YOU HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT.

Feminist criticism is as valid as any other criticism, and far more important.

7 years ago

Is it still here?


Yup, it’s still here.


PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

In addition to the LOL I left, (because you all are magnificent at refuting terrible posts by terrible trolls) I would just like to say this:

Humbug, you can separate your walls of texts with paragraph breaks using your iphone keyboard.
That you do not is an affectation, and your declaration of difficulty an excuse.

Stop it.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Humbug | April 3, 2017 at 8:43 pm
First, Google is your BFF

I think that’s more or less the fault of shitty sex education and sexist ideas that women are here to please men and not care about their own orgasms. Hell, I didn’t know women could orgasm until I started watching porn at the age of 17.

Of course, due to that shitty sex education men don’t think women can orgasm either, and they also think that it’s just “pump, pump, pump” until they cum and then it’s over.

Good thing us feminists are here to advocate for better sex ed in schools and beyond!

Second, if people can legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a killer, then why can’t they legally play sims to experience what it is like to be a rapist? Both are crimes after all.

I just spoke to Jackie, who’s way more of a Sims player than me (I just like building houses, lol).

And I quote: “You, the player can kill Sims, but sims cannot kill other Sims”. In the Sims, you can kill people as an omnipotent god, not as a serial killer. So, no. You can’t commit murder in the Sims. They have unofficial mods for it, but the community at large frowns upon them.

Unless you were referring to “simulation” games. In which case, like I said earlier, I personally think it’s fine (because, again, I personally have rape fantasies and think they’re okay to express in a controlled environment WITH CONSENTING ADULTS), but your little pet Rapelay sexualizes it to a really gross extent, even for me. You’re supposed to get off to women being non-consensually raped because a man got mad they got him arrested for sexually assaulting them.

Again, I’m not saying your game shouldn’t exist, I’m saying it shouldn’t exist without critique.

People are allowed to think that that game is awful, and the idea that you think that feminists are just out to “censor” it is really a case of inflated self-importance.

Third, I am not calling all Westerners or Americans prudes, in this case, just the feminazis who want to censor everything they don’t like, which is mostly everything heterosexual-oriented anyway (except if it hypocritically involves making heterosexual males look/sound bad and/or involves matriarchal femdom)

Yup, feminists critiquing video games is EXACTLY like the Third Reich. [/sarcasm]

Seriously, the comparison is getting pretty old. Though, I would like some sources as to which feminists are wanting to censor everything that’s heterosexual.

I mean, I don’t know any feminists like that. Hell, I don’t know anyone in the LGTBQ+ community like that, and that seems more like our wheelhouse.

Fourth, what is the logical outcome of media-art/”mediart” criticism in this situation? Legal Prohibition!

No, it’s more like “We just want these mediums we love to do better and be better and evolve and grow.” We critique these things because we love them and we take them seriously enough to point out where they’re going wrong for us.

We don’t want to ban media, we want to see it fucking do better. Why is that so hard to comprehend?

Why is it that dudes like you want their games to be considered art, but cry like wee little babbies and throw a tantrum when someone takes your games seriously enough as art to critique it? You can’t have it both ways.

Fun story: I went to college for graphic design. There’s a lot of critique involved in that field. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was “Kill your Ego”. It isn’t a personal attack when someone points out something wrong. It’s them wanting you to improve and do better.

During a web design course, I was lucky enough to be in the same class as a friend of mine, Amanda. Now, Amanda was an unfortunate victim of Murphy’s Design Student Law: “The closer it is to finals, the closer you are to losing your flash drive with all your work on it”. One of the disadvantages of working in a very digital field.

Our final project, which we had worked on ALL TERM, was to build a portfolio website. She had pulled an all-weekender to get her stuff up to present around the second-to-last week.

And she presented, and she was critiqued. I told her that the color scheme was very 90’s and looked like Windows 98. It wasn’t very professional. Her logo was also too small, and it was hard to see. There was a lot of blank space that was doing nothing, and she could stand to size her divs better to accommodate.

Another classmate leaned over to me and went “I thought she was your friend!” And I said “I am. That’s why I said it.”

Amanda agreed. She knew what I knew: That I wanted her to do good on the assignment. I wanted her website to get a good grade, and to go on to be a good website that would get her a job in our field.

But she wouldn’t get there if I held back my critiques and only said good things about it. Then she would have thought it was fine, and would have went on with it. (Her website turned out really well, by the way.)

You grow when you recognize your mistakes and learn from them. And sometimes it takes someone else to point them out.

I sincerely hope you’ve never been in a critique. I hate to see how you’d handle getting your art looked at by your classmates.

“Becky critiqued my art work and said something negative about it! She must want me to get kicked out of school and get my art banned from the MOMA!”

That’s literally what you sound like right now.

Why start the slide down the slippery slope to begin with in the first place if you don’t want to each the bottom?

I’m glad you admit it’s a damn fallacy and it’s silly.

Fifth, yes, my own personal life is such a train wreck that I can afford to buy both the latest IPhone and the monthly phone plan and the free time to argue with random strangers in the internet…Not! Hah, if this is already the life of a loser, then the life of a winner must be utopia!

“Lookit me, I’m so awesome!” Says the man who has the latest iPhone but can’t find the enter key, who also is spending his time defending a rape simulator on the internet and hand-wringing about how feminists don’t think he should get his rocks off to three women being brutally raped.

Metal Shoggoth
Metal Shoggoth
7 years ago

Crap like this (the asshole in the article as well as our troll) is exactly why I don’t talk about my hobbies unless I know the other person really well. I like geeky things? I’m either “fake” or “ugly,” but either way, I should “get back in the kitchen.” I like something popular? I’m a “filthy casual.” I like something unpopular? My tastes are bad, and I should feel bad. I like something obscure? Again, I’m just being “fake.”

In my old age, I can’t abide by fanbrats any more. And manospherians are some of the worst fanbrats on the planet.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Sort of off topic, but sort of on topic because it involves something geeky. Netflix put some old MST3K episodes in advance of the reboot that’s coming out on the 14th and I’ve been watching them.

They make a ton of Minnesota references and they made a reference to my high school! HOW DID I FORGET THIS HAPPENED? Maybe I missed the episode when it aired the first time. I was pretty excited.

I’ve read the reboot is good, but the thing that makes me sad about it is that I’m betting it’s not going to have all the local flavor anymore.


7 years ago

First, since you are all that petty enough to be this obsessed with paragraph breaks — and apparently unfortunately lack the advanced reading skills to successfully process what you consider “long/huge blocks/walls” of text (you must surely not have been readers of traditional “old school” encyclopedias and periodicals) — I have deigned myself considerate enough of such pitiful unfortunates to learn how to do so on an IPhone…

There, see?! Happy now?! Blame Apple, they do not make their products user-friendly enough!

Second, for all your talk about making things “better”, the exact opposite is happening and things are inevitably only getting worse in the West because creators and publishers are now self-censoring and self-inhibiting themselves, reducing and lessening artistic and cultural expression and diversity and he target audience satisfaction of the traditional consumer base, at least for heterosexual male nerds (except maybe for those perverts who masochistically like to be dominated and ill-treated by females) , and you noisemaker busybodies are the ultimate cause of such an anhedonic tragedy!

Third, the spirit of freedom shall never die, viva liberte!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

My sleep-deprived 48-hour-Fallout-bender brain has just pointed out to me that Hamburger’s random avatar is an Iron Cross.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh, Humbug. Why are you still here repeating the same tired ass point over and over again?

7 years ago

@SFHCcomment image
Huh, so it is.

There, see?! Happy now?! Blame Apple, they do not make their products user-friendly enough!

Nah still blaming you for not knowing the concept of paragraph breaks, and the whole diversity is killing my boner thing. Dude can’t you just jerk off to hentai like the rest of us weebs?

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