We’ve been treated, over the years, to endless misogynist manifestos declaring that nerdy hobbies like comic books and video games should be kept free from pesky females, for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that usually come back to some allegedly innate characteristics of males and females that show that only men can appreciate said hobbies and that all of the women who claim to like them are only pretending, because really what they want is endless attention from nerdy dudes.
I recently ran across one of these manifestos in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While it was full of the same tired old BIOTRUTHS as most “male space” manifestos — only dudes “are wired to be adept at tasks with inanimate objects,” only dudes have the necessary “diligence” to be true fans — this manifesto offered another powerful(ly dumb) anti-nerd-girl argument I don’t think I’ve encountered before: Nerd girls should be kept out of male hobbies because they’re a bunch of icky uggoes, “sub-4 at best.”
Let’s let the somewhat ironically named NuclearTruthBomb explain this particular “truth.”
The simple fact of the matter is that most women are not, and never will be, into the activities of low-status, but intelligent males. Yes, a few exist. My sister loves drawing, animation, and even video games. But she’s also on the upper end of the autism spectrum, and pretty unattractive.
Dude, really? She’s your SISTER.
Women have status simply by existing. There is only a very small number of girls who are so hideous, no man will show interest in them.
Empathy, not a big thing amongst MGTOWs.
Being a nerd if often considered a sign of low status. Trust me, none of us got laid for being on the chess team. Because women are so concerned about appearences, they will refuse to associate with nerds by default.
So that means, natch, that the only “females” who want to have anything to do with male nerds will be the ugly uggoes.
Male nerds tend to range from perfectly average to the bottom of the barrel. Female nerds however, are sub-4 at best, genetically cursed at worst. They were rejected by the popular girls a long time ago, and will wear a shirt that screams YAOI FAN for a modicum of attention.
These discrepancies cause female geeks to be not only low in number, but of poor quality in general.
And now a cameo appearance by Chad Thundercock, or at least his brothers Brad, Joe, and Darren Thundercock, as well as their cousin Bill BigDick and his friend Tyrone.
Ironically, while women will forever flock to the sports stadium of Brads and Joes, nerds will spell the future for the human race. The guy who gets shoved in the mud by Bill BigDick this decade will be inventing the technology of the next one. The quirky glasses wearing freak will create that game Darren plays after Daisy gives him a rimjob. And all those countless code monkeys will be responsible for the social media websites she meets Tyrone on.
To do list:
- Shove nerd in mud
- Rimjob w/ Daisy
- Vidya Games
Only when these nerdy dudes get super rich will the hotties have any interest in them.
Once she realizes that these men are making bank, she’ll try to swing branches. And many simpanzees will takeher anyways. Us on the other hand, can enjoy our own specific tastes without worrying “Buh-buh-buh, what would Sally think of this!?”
MGTOWs have turned “stewing in your own bitterness about women possibly giving other dudes rimjobs” into America’s fastest-growing hobby. This is a male space no one should want to invade.
As always, their fantasies are set in the future, and described as being things that definitely “will” happen.
I love how the most creative and important job they can ever imagine is “coder.” None of them aspire to be a physicist or chemist, or biologist, or any STEM career other than coder, or possibly electronic engineer. It’s like nothing exists in their lives other than the devices they use to play games.
In the same breath that they villify safe spaces they’ll also try to claim the entire world as their safe space, will these 4chan fucklenucks.
I admit I can’t quite wrap my head around this level of pettiness and bitterness.
And honestly women reading books and playing video games and things hasn’t in any way taken away my books or video games. They’re all still there. all untouched.
And maybe this is because I have functioning empathy, but i like when the video games I love find a wider, more diverse audience. It makes me feel good to see my hobbies get wider success and do well instead of linger, stagnate and suffer.
I feel the same way.
I spent the vast majority of my time in my lone pursuits as a youngster. There was no internet, or fanclubs, and stuff for me. As a black woman I had precious few people to talk to about my interests, and the last thing I’m gonna do now is gatekeep the current crop of interested newbies. Are you wild?
I am loving the fact that nerdist pursuits have became so popular.If a newbie doesn’t know something, I’m not gonna quiz them and then declare them worthless. I’m just gonna gush at them about what I know. this is just more people to geek out with me on all kinds of stuff!
All fans had to start somewhere. That I got started a little bit earlier than them is unimportant and wins me no kudos for having done so.
Zomg they caught me. I’m just so desperate for the male gaze that I play D&D in old hoodies with my husband and our mutual friends almost every weekend. Or watch Twitch streams alone. I’m just so ugly I will lower myself to be geeky purely so that if any bitter MGTOWs ever steal my phone they will see I talk about nerdy things with my friends almost exclusively and then he will deign to consider lowering his standards and want to have sex with me. It’s a complicated plan, I admit, but it’s the best my poor lady brain can cone up with.
I sent this to some friends to inform them that we are of “poor quality in general.” They’ll be devastated to find out.
Well from what I can gather you actually seem to enjoy your hobbies. Now I don’t pretend to be an expert on black women of any age but it’s damn great when people take joy in what they do.
Plus it’s always good to meet a fellow loner.
These MGTOW types don’t seem to enjoy a moment of what they do.
Flora: Oh carful, I think that your old hoodies will make the MGTOWS jealous.
You know, the biggest “Chad” I know (he’s conventionally handsome, athletic, cocky, and has hooked up with a bunch of women) happens to love fantasy novels. Like a lot of self-professed geeks, he’s into the whole “callow white youth goes on Hero’s Journey with swords and dragons and wizards and sexy elf women” thing.
I wonder how he would fit into NuclearTruthBomb’s theory.
Well, using my data set consisting of myself, I do agree on being a sub-4 who is totally into nerdy stuff just to get uggo boys desperate for sex to chase me. It’s also why my entire group of friends that I hang out with regularly is a sausage fest when I’m not contaminating it with my clam-miness.
I read this as ‘a sub-4 nerd female uggo’ can still get laid. They can’t.
FWIW, the nerdiest woman I know (she did a degree in Japanese at Oxford because she loves anime) is literally a Vogue model.
(Recognise the outfit?)
Not okay.
I feel like this is very much related to Roosh complaining about having to use toilet paper. Because nerdy guys have created these very relaxed public spaces (so much so that people need to be reminded to bathe…) they then complain that women are also abiding by these relaxed physical appearance standards. What they want is to be able to show up “and just be themselves” and for women to show up in uncomfortable clothing and with hours of work on their hair and makeup.
Just because I CAN be hot doesn’t mean I must be at all times. And even if I did put in effort in nerdy spaces, it would be further used against me as proof of me just doing it for the attention. Hot = fake geek girl just doing it for the attention. Not hot = fake geek girl desperate for attention.
Well you did a pretty good job of establishing yourself as a fucking dick who no one should listen too right from the start. I’m not sure why that was your goal but congrats I guess.
I laughed out loud at this. Now, on to NuclearTruthBomb!
This is some next-level douchebaggery. Your sister deserves better family than you.
Some undefined number of dudes would be willing to fuck you =/= status.
Gotta love the irony of this dude yelling at women for being superficial, in a post about how only superficially attractive women are of sexual interest to him. The guy needs a damn proof reader, and a complete reprogramming of his brain.
Even more confusing, why the hell would Darren wait until after the rimjob to play vidya? Can Thundercocks not multi-task? Dude, it’s Daisy, not even Stacey! It’s not like she’s girlfriend material anyway! If you can’t play vidya while having your ass licked, are you truly an Alpha? Fucking hell.
On a personal note, I just got back from a week in Puerto Rico. Look at all my Corsolas and Heracrosses!!!
While I was away, my neighbor caught a 100% IV shiny Magikarp. 🙁
Speaking of “Male only safe spaces” involving nerdy interests:
@imaginarypetal That’s very cool!
I am proud to have in my possession an adorable Heracross plushie which I bought in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the summer of 2001.
The jokes and infighting write themselves. Anime twitter nazis vs other nazis. Whoever loses we win.
Congratulations on your plushie! :p
In this scenario, are the Anime Nazis Predator and the Other Nazis Alien, or the other way around?
I’ve met nerds of all genders who are on all places on the conventional attractiveness spectrum and I don’t even generally consider nerd to be a big part of my own identity. It’s almost like these are fake nerd boys who don’t actually get out among nerds in real life.
Also, not all nerds are straight.
See, this is what happens when you invest waaaaay too much of your identity in a hobby.
Are a lot of my interests nerdy? Absolutely. But I don’t hinge my identity on being a “nerd”, though that’s partially due to assholes like this making the word (among similar words like “gamer”) go sour in my throat.
I also don’t feel the need to constantly prove that I’m a “nerd” in some childish contest of “Nerdier Than Thou”.
Mgtoe logic:
Man who only cares about looks and status of a woman- “it’s just biology”
Woman who only cares about looks and status of a man- “it’s evil”
:Says or does something horrible:
Mgtoe: “Why doesn’t anyone want to date/friend me!?”
Also mgtoe:
I feel bad for the sister. It must be awful to have a a-hole for a brother. You go girl, we autistic sisters have to stick together.
NuclearTruthBomb just admitted to what I have assumed for years – namely, that the issue was never that there aren’t any nerdy women, but that nerdy women are no better looking than nerdy men. More to the point, nerdy women don’t look as good as the digitally enhanced or straight-up digital women in the nerd media, which many nerdy men have decided is the baseline standard by which real women shall be judged. Why go to the effort of getting to know a real woman who has physical flaws and her own personality and desires, when a superhumanly attractive female figure is right there on the screen and you can literally control her by pushing buttons?
And if that were all there was to it, it would be kinda sad but the dudes’ own business. But no – they have to vilify real live nerdy women for not being as perfectly formed and easy to control as digital women.
This is totally random but did ya get my email? You posted a comment about giving out mlp figurines a while back and I was wondering about it.
What the hell does that even MEAN? Also, STOP OUTING YOUR FUCKING SISTER, JACKHOLE.
…This deserves some kind of prize. For getting so many things so wrong so quickly. Nah. Dedicated, educated people spell the future of the human race…like the women who calculated the Apollo Project’s flight paths. People who self-identify in a way that requires them to invent elaborate conspiracy theories to justify why they aren’t currently emperor of the known universe aren’t among that group.