alt-right men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism terrorism

Check out my NYmag piece: “Inside the Dangerous Convergence of MRAs and the Alt-Right”

Confessed white supremacist terrorist James Jackson: Shouldn’t he be wearing a hood with that?

If you wondered where I was yesterday, I was writing this piece for New York Magazine’s The Cut on confessed racist murderer James Jackson and the alt-right-ization of the MGTOW movement that takes off from this post of mine earlier this week. Discuss!

You might also want to take a look at Robyn Pennacchia’s Wonkette piece on Jackson.

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GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

@Axe: Yes it seems like a mindset, and things like misogyny or racism or anti-Semitism are just the things that attach to receptors that are already there. You rarely encounter a person who is bigoted toward just one group.
Then they come up with reasons to rationalize the bigotry

7 years ago

@Sinkable John:

“MGTOW is not a geographical location !”

But I still wish it were. And I wish it were a desert island, with zero civilization, zero amenities, zero food, and lotsa scorpions.

7 years ago

I’m mgtow and I think this article is a joke.

All mgtow is is a philosophy focused on making yourself happy. And It’s not just about women, it’s about life in general.

I’m a feminist and I think this comment is a joke. The article, however, is dead on. Migtoes are miserable and it reeks off them. And yes, it IS just about women, because there’s nothing else they obsess about nearly so much…unless it’s Evil Non-White People possibly having sex with what they consider to be “rightfully” “their” women (note the quotes, there for a reason).

Migtoe isn’t a philosophy, it’s a circle-jerk of sad sacks who can’t face reality as it is. And if they’re truly Going Their Own Way, I wish they would hurry up and fuck off, already.

And yes, this applies to you too, trollicus.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


And It’s not just about women

It very demonstrably is. It ain’t called PGTOW, is it? The whole thing is based around the axiom that society caters to women, and that men, thus, needn’t have any allegiance. Or that’s the forward face anyway. In actuality, it’s about bitter misogynists being bitter with other misogynists


it’s about life in general

Has never not sounded ridiculous

7 years ago

@Jay Oh
“It’s all about life.”
“Ignore these screeds of hatred.”
“Those are outliers.”

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

Saved a link to this article for later dissemination. Thanks, Dave.

On the same page as that article there was a link to another article about how all women everywhere forgave Trump his actions after they saw this Instagram message.

Any women* here wanna test that one out?

*I didn’t watch it because 1. my phone’s data for the month is almost at its limit, and I’d rather spend that on something I enjoy looking at, like FR dragons, and 2. I was afraid it was one of those cursed videos like out of a horror movie that would take over what little mind I have left in this life.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m mgtow and I think this article is a joke.

All mgtow is is a philosophy focused on making yourself happy. And It’s not just about women, it’s about life in general.

Who do you think you’re fooling? This blog has been chronicling your “philosophy” for over 6 years now. We’ve all seen shit tons of misogyny quoted in the post. We’ve experienced for ourselves the misogyny when MGTOWs come here to troll. You might be able to sell this to people who are unfamiliar with the manosphere, but it’s not going to work here.

Also, I really fail to see how ranting about how women are so evil and slutty and ugly and then wondering why they don’t fuck you is going to make you happy.

7 years ago

Jay Oh

All mgtow is is a philosophy focused on making yourself happy. And It’s not just about women, it’s about life in general.

Serious question: can you link me to one or more MGTOW forum(s) or website(s) that focuses on promoting MGTOW as “a philosophy focused on making yourself happy” rather than on saying terrible things about women? If you can, I will happily go take a look and revise my perspective if the evidence warrants it.

This reminds me of that post you made about the guy who when into a MGTOW reddit asking why they’re yelling about how evil women are instead of talking about all their cool hobbies and got ran out of town so to speak.

7 years ago

I’m mgtow and I think this article is a joke.

So go your own way already, asshat.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


I watched it.

In it, he apologized for his pussy comment, calling women fat and ugly, and his comment about Megyn Kelley’s bleeding from her…whatever.

HA! No, he didn’t.

It was his usual bullshit, with lovely edited cuts to women (supposedly in the same room as him) looking on lovingly and attentively, with them all jumping to their feet to give a standing ovation his “Make America Great Again” sign prompt.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

I remember lurking & reading about that hobby guy a while back!

Asking the important questions directly: “why is everyone just talking about women; I want to know about everyones cool hobbies!” He was mercilessly dragged up and down by mgtows for it then was chased out of the cult.

How dare an outsider question our ways! Shun him! Shun him!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

There was a post here a couple of years about a MGTOW YouTuber who shot a video of himself trolling other non-gender politics related channels (like Enya videos) and showing off his instant ramen stocked kitchen. Cool hobby!

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I’m always impressed at how hard some of the MGTOWs work to try to convince us that they don’t care the slightest bit what we think.

Methinks the MGTOW doth protest too much.

7 years ago

Best line from the comments:

The MGTOW talking about what a gynocentric society we live in at this particular moment in history is as ridiculous as it would be if women complained about living in a patriarchy while having Gloria Steinem as President, bell hooks as VP, Roxane Gay as whatever the hell Steve Bannon does, Lena Dunham as Attorney General, and an entire senate and house controlled by riot grrrls.

Because how boss would that be?

7 years ago

Christ that James Jackson looks insufferably smug in that courtroom photo. Hope the judge shuts him down before he gets the opportunity to do his Alt-right courthouse rant.

7 years ago

Inside a bigot’s head:

“I guess they’re right that it doesn’t really hurt me if that gay or trans person gets to be their weird self over there. Now mommy or girlfriend, can I have a sammich?”

“I guess different skin colour doesn’t really matter. Besides (sex symbol POC lady celebrity) is hot!”

“If I have to respect women, then mommy or girlfriend will expect me to do my own housework. That does affect my lazy ass. Women must respect male authority!”

Bigots and rapists will reluctantly give up prejudices that don’t actually affect them, but will dig in their heels to maintain the servitude of women.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Bigots and rapists will reluctantly give up prejudices that don’t actually affect them, but will dig in their heels to maintain the servitude of women


Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago


Thank you for articulating something I had been trying to put into words for a long time, about how sexism is the last prejudice to go. Sexism is the least expendable, most prevalent and jealously guarded form of bigotry.

7 years ago

I’m late to the party, but I just wanted to say congrats on the great article! You did an excellent job at explaining how all the little branches of different hate groups overlap with their philosophies. It’s a good read for both the people unfamiliar with them, and those of us who have been dealing with them for a long, long time.

20 Points to the House of David!