Hey feminist ladies! Have you ever wondered just why it is you’re feminists?
Well, now you have an answer to that puzzling question, thanks to one slightly angry fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Apparently it has something to do with male slaves, paint chips, menstruation-themed collages and imaginary rapes.
So there you have it. Thanks, MGTOW man!
Thanks! Will post there, don’t want to bog down this thread with my question 🙂
Fellow obeeeze Feminazis I need advice on keeping my man slave in line. He has been lazy of late, claims to have illnesses. Should I use the horse whip or just a willow switch?
I’m obviously not very good at this mistress/slave thing I keep on doing ludicrous things like the washing up and paying my half of the bills n such. Its got to stop. I think what I need is two man-slaves, maybe three. One can be salary-man, one kitchen/scullery man and the last one will have impressive pelvic muscles…
@Jesalin, WWTH,
The bit where I got the projecting-more-than-a-cineplex-on-Christmas-season scent was this one:
Substitute “dick” and “rapes” with the context-appropriate words and there you have the MRA/MGTOW philosophy in a nutsehell.
I wasn’t aware of the man-slave program. How’s the dental ?
I mean, you could probably just use ketchup if you wanted to, seeing as the people who most strongly object to patriarchy-smashing are highly unlikely to have any idea what an actual period looks like.
If you get a squeezy bottle you could even get pretty ornate with it and make them boggle at what kind of gymnastics were involved in producing that pattern 😀
Off topic; This is my new favourite fitness blog – http://www.bodyforwife.com/lets-call-mens-rights-activists-by-their-true-names/
Also contains handy weight loss facts and calls out fad-diets and scams
Why is it men who’s dicks are not remotely in demand keep telling other men the women who don’t want them are secretly obsessed with getting to their dicks? Who exactly do they think they’re fooling?
Shorter translation: “Women should exist to please me, but they don’t! WWAAAHHHH!” – says pathetic babyman
Themselves, mostly. How else do they maintain the fiction that everything going wrong in their lives has absolutely nothing to do with their choices?
@ misophistry
That was a interesting read; ta for the link. I’ve been having a scout round the blog generally; it is pretty good. You’re down our way I believe so if you’re into fitness and you can get to Portreath for 6am a mate of mine runs a little bootcamp session on the beach.
(Spot who’s out of synch with everyone else. Now that’s a man going his own way)
@ Misophistry: seconding your recommendation of James Fell / Body for Wife.
His stuff is very pro science, anti scam and anti woo. And very pro feminism. MRA types regularly show up to troll there, and are well masticated by him and the commentariat. I like to hope that he acts as a good inoculation against MRA bullshit for young people who are interested in fitness and haven’t seen MRAsshattery critiqued by an obviously widely respected fitness manly man.
@Misophistry: Actually Body for Wife was what got me into WHTM in the first place! I followed a link from there to here, and…
Viscaria, everyone around me looked at me in alarm due to the laughter when I read your post. Bravo. Well done.
“They just have to not be hideous” as if a) that’s mostly on people’s control and b) their standards really are that reasonable LOL
Also, as an artist who spends a lot of time picking colors, i am… amused.
I love how every single one of these pathetic dumbfucks acts like he’s the first brilliant philosopher to think of these mind-blowing revelations. Sweetie, the only thing unique about yours and every other toxically misogynist rant I’ve read online in the past 20 years is the spelling/grammatical errors you all make. Those are all somewhat different from each other, you’re ALL special snowflakes when it comes to being semi-literate!
…but my brother reliably told me that I was the reason feminism is failing? These people seem to think its in full working order.
Did he lie to me?!?!?11!!?
@Dan, you, on your own, are apparently the reason feminism is failing? That is pretty impressive. I’ve got to know his reasoning. Please share.
@Spaniard in the Works
That stood out to me too and I meant to add in a bit about that, I ended up getting distracted by all the ZZzzz’s floating around my head though.
I think he managed to put just about every misogynist classic in there, and yet made it original by adding ‘choosing paint colours’ as another reason to hate women.
How often does he think that women redecorate? I haven’t painted in my home for 15 years.
I mean, a short list of what these duds consider “not hideous”:
– Enough makeup to look like you’re not wearing any makeup at all, and it has to be constantly on your face, and they can’t bear to see you without it because they are delicate, sheltered little flowers who think that women’s eyelids are just naturally green.
– You have to be perfectly “Photoshop’d Hollywood” skinny, but you can’t work out TOO much because then you’d be muscular and that’s gross, and you can’t eat in front of them (remember pancake man???), lest they think you’re a fatty fat fat who eats like Actual People.
– Preferably white/blonde/underwear model
– You have to constantly be dressed sexy enough to appease any man’s boner, but not sexy enough to be looked at by other men. But you still have to please MY BONER AT ALL TIMES. Seriously, why do I even keep you around if not to please my boner??? [/sarcasm]
The list goes on.
But, at the end of the day, they want a fucking Unicorn of Contradictory Bullshit of a woman, and then they turn around and act like it’s not fucking hard and women don’t try hard enough, but asking them to do something simple, like respect a woman as a person and wipe their ass is like asking them to tell us the last digit of Pi.
Graphic design is so much FUN when it comes to picking out colors and typefaces and all that jazz.
I prefer “Slightly Dried Period Blood”. It has a much darker red with lovely slightly brownish undertones. It’s so much more mysterious, and not nearly as hard on the eyes.
This is the funniest stuff I’ve read since Mass Effect fanboys whining about Andromeda’s female characters’ appearance and blaming SJWs!
Okay, that wasn’t very long, but no complaints about getting laughs often.
It’s an even more delicate balance when it comes to eating. Eat too much and it’s all unladylike. But eat too little and you’re vain and no fun. You’re supposed to be skinny, but naturally. You’re not supposed to diet.
I am, by myself, the reason feminism is failing. It was a shock to me, I did not know I had literally the future of the world on my shoulders.
See, he mansplained to a mutual friend (a woman) on facebook, that she should not be upset about the Dave Chapelle comedy special, which she turned off due to the rape jokes she wasn’t a fan of (P.C. culture is destroying everything!!1!).
I explained to him that this was obviously not a conversation he had anything to add to, so he should maybe leave the comments. He then claimed he was a feminist and continued to shout the other women down in the comments. He then told a bunch of feminists, including myself, that they didn’t understand feminism (he thinks feminism is seeing the new Wonder Woman movie, because #womanareinit).
This is why, I, all by myself, am the reason feminism is failing.
And he’s probably right, I don’t have time for his #whitefeminism.
Omg Dan, that story was even better than I thought it would be. Thank you for sharing.
I personally know like 3 versions of your brother. They should form a club.
Somewhat OT:
My hyper-conservative grandfather just provided me another reason to avoid Facebook. He said “poverty is as much an attitude as a fiscal condition; one causes the other” or words very near that. In other words, if you’re poor, it’s your own damn fault!! Why didn’t you found a multi-million-dollar business, you loathsome mooching idler!! Why, you probably did drugs as a youth! And I’ll hear nothing of this “racism” business! Don’t you know that racism ended with
Reconstructionthe Civil Rights Actthe election of a black man to the presidency?I’m not just ridiculously hideous, I’m *unrepentantly* ridiculously hideous! Hence my handle, which still makes me giggle because how does the awful manosphere come up with such an adorable and delicious insult?
Still haven’t decided which kind of hambeast I am yet; Virginia? Parma? Bayonne? Prosciutto? Black Forest? Honey-Cured? This is almost as bad as picking out paint colors!