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Why feminists are feminists, explained by some dude who hates feminists, women, and choosing paint colors

What women want?

Hey feminist ladies! Have you ever wondered just why it is you’re feminists?

Well, now you have an answer to that puzzling question, thanks to one slightly angry fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Apparently it has something to do with male slaves, paint chips, menstruation-themed collages and imaginary rapes.

Why some cunts become femicunts. (self.MGTOW) submitted 2 days ago * by FuckedExistence There is only one fucking task that parasites..ehmm...females have in order to succeed in this life. "Don't be ridiculously hideous". Everything else is done by men that became their slaves, mediocre cunts can get the life of luxury , of course it's still shit, because they are gonna waste it by gossiping about famous and having a hard time to choose what kind of paint they would buy this week, but easier life than males nonetheless. Some of those cunts though, are fat, not fat, obeese, mentally ill (aren't them all really), and unattarctive as shit , they don't find a slave, so they think that the system is bad so they try to smash it. How? By posting pictures collages of periods online and how "Patriarchy" is literally raping them, even though ironically they're the kind of cunts that never get fucked. Hmm could it be that the lack of dick makes them fantasise about sex so much, that they are talking about non existent rapes?

So there you have it. Thanks, MGTOW man!

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Jesalin (Cavo et Inani)
Jesalin (Cavo et Inani)
7 years ago

they don’t find a slave, so they think that the system is bad so they try to smash it

Hasn’t the bulb in this projector burnt out yet?

7 years ago

Hey,choosing paint isn’t easy, It took me awhile to choose which color of green to use on my Blood Bowl figures. I decided warpstone green in the end.

7 years ago

Fabe: indeed. It took my partner and I *months* before we could agree on a colour scheme for the bedroom (which was painted hospice-green before).

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

I would like to lodge a complaint about this post. This direct screencap from r/MGTOW does not reflect MGTOW values as I understand them. It is my assertion that by posting this unedited photo of a MGTOWer repeatedly referring to women as c*nts, talking about how women are terrible, and saying rape is just an invention of the cruel female mind, you are trying to smear my friends through a coordinated disinformation campaign.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

they don’t find a slave, so they think that the system is bad so they try to smash it

Hasn’t the bulb in this projector burnt out yet?

You took the words right out of my keyboard.

I’m not sure why “females” have a hard time choosing paint though. Isn’t period blood red always the correct and Katie approved choice?

7 years ago

…Men become women’s slaves?

Where the fuck is mine then? No, seriously. If the claim here is that men become women’s slaves, then because I am a woman I should have a man as a slave. Or maybe it’s that women don’t want men as slaves? I know I wouldn’t want some…person…coming in to my house and putting in a no-assed effort in doing the work that needs doing around here and expecting some kind of pity fuck from me.

And women not wanting men as slaves pisses men off because they’re naturally subservient! All this bullshit about men going their own way or men having political power over women is in blatant and obvious defiance of the natural order…else men would stop provoking women into eventually doing whatever is necessary to break men’s power.

See? You can just say pointless shit and argue for any old thing, even if you’re obviously wrong.

7 years ago



Not me, raging MGTOW.

Posting pictures collages of periods online?

Making menstrual-blood art is one way to smash the patriarchy.

But I prefer to mock MGTOWs who are lazy spellers and irresponsible grammarians. It’s a slow process but a steady one. I believe that the very foundation of the patriarchy is beginning to crumble.

7 years ago


And women not wanting men as slaves pisses men off because they’re naturally subservient! All this bullshit about men going their own way or men having political power over women is in blatant and obvious defiance of the natural order…else men would stop provoking women into eventually doing whatever is necessary to break men’s power.

True that.

See? You can just say pointless shit and argue for any old thing, even if you’re obviously wrong.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You’re undercutting your own brilliant argument about the male psyche!

7 years ago


I’m just covering my bases. I’m both the originator of this brilliant and utterly original, not to mention “scientifically accurate” argument about the male psyche…and it’s harshest critic.

If it goes mainstream, I can have lucrative book deals! And if it doesn’t, I can establish a reputation as a critic of it.

7 years ago

Tee-hee. Impressively complex.

Don’t look now but Donald Trump is copying you. He blamed the defeat of his big, beautiful health care bill on the Democrats. Also, he totally meant for his bill to be defeated so that Obamacare would implode of its own accord and the Dems would come crawling to him to fix it.

And IRL he’s really lucky that his toxic bill didn’t pass. He’d get impeached that much sooner.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Hey feminist ladies! Have you ever wondered just why it is you’re feminists?

I prefer the answer in the picture above: it’s because I want men to crawl around and sniff my ankles.

“Don’t be ridiculously hideous.”

Suppose I’m seriously hideous? Suppose I’m sedately or respectably hideous? Those are okay, right?

7 years ago


Ugh. Him. The end to his presidency, and to Republicans being involved in the American political process, cannot come fast enough.

The Democrats don’t have enough votes to defeat anything, in the long run. All this is because republicans are beginning to realize that voters aren’t going to sit around and let them avoid doing their fucking job forever.

Also, he’ll pay for stealing my strategy. Surely this will be his downfall.

7 years ago

I prefer the answer in the picture above: it’s because I want men to crawl around and sniff my ankles.

I don’t. Men on the ground try to peek up my skirt, then get mad when I spill their blood. pfft. As if they didn’t know I was going to kick them when they peeped on me. As if they didn’t want me to kick them and only peeped to convince me to do it.

7 years ago

Wait, all my life I was raised by women…

Egads, all this time, they were grooming me to be someone’s servantboy…

EDIT: Meanwhile in GOP wanting to kill us all section

7 years ago

lol joke’s on him! My period pre-dates pictures on the internet! In my day, the internet was text-based 😀

Jesalin (Cavo et Inani)
Jesalin (Cavo et Inani)
7 years ago

Suppose I’m seriously hideous? Suppose I’m sedately or respectably hideous? Those are okay, right?

I was worried for a moment but then I realized that I must be quite gifted to be superlatively hideous! Though I doubt that neither he nor his type could understand that term without a dictionary and enough time to learn how to read it.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

@Viscaria, you sound like Rob on the other thread.

Well done.

On topic, I want to make some collages out of menstrual blood, but I had a hysterectomy due to cancer. Any ketchup-spewing heathens want to help me out?

7 years ago

Why this guy hates women in general, and feminists in particular:

He’s a feckin’ loser with rotten cabbage between his ears.

And he can’t spell for shit, either.

7 years ago

Fat? Check. Mentally ill? Check.

No problem with the dick tho’. . .thank you for asking?

*wanders off to pet kitties*

7 years ago

Is there an off-topic thread currently active? I’m new here and wanted to ask for some advice but don’t want to do it in a normal comments section.

Thanks… and hello fellow feminists! Been a reader for a while now but haven’t had the nerve to comment yet.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

Well how can you possibly argue with logic like that? Game, set and match to MGTOW man, obviously.

7 years ago

I had to laugh at the paint thing though–maybe this guy was on one of my projects, for a public sector building. The (female) director of the organisation this building was in spent a ridiculously long time choosing paint colours…and then, seriously, while the builders were still trying to complete the work before the opening date, she was in there, herself, repainting with a different colour because she’d changed her mind.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


Here’s the current/most recent one, but usually nobody minds a derail of an active thread.
Also, hi, welcome aboard, welcome package is in the sidebar (bottom for mobile)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


hello fellow feminists!


Is there an off-topic thread currently active? I’m new here and wanted to ask for some advice but don’t want to do it in a normal comments section

Yeah, sure, I’ll bite
^That’s an open thread, and it isn’t too old. Try there maybe 🙂

ETA: @Dali
Dammit, darlin! I’m getting ninjad to shit today ?

7 years ago

Welcome to WeHuntedTheMammoth! Please, enjoy your stay! Feel free to post whenever you like.

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