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Why feminists are feminists, explained by some dude who hates feminists, women, and choosing paint colors

What women want?

Hey feminist ladies! Have you ever wondered just why it is you’re feminists?

Well, now you have an answer to that puzzling question, thanks to one slightly angry fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Apparently it has something to do with male slaves, paint chips, menstruation-themed collages and imaginary rapes.

Why some cunts become femicunts. (self.MGTOW) submitted 2 days ago * by FuckedExistence There is only one fucking task that parasites..ehmm...females have in order to succeed in this life. "Don't be ridiculously hideous". Everything else is done by men that became their slaves, mediocre cunts can get the life of luxury , of course it's still shit, because they are gonna waste it by gossiping about famous and having a hard time to choose what kind of paint they would buy this week, but easier life than males nonetheless. Some of those cunts though, are fat, not fat, obeese, mentally ill (aren't them all really), and unattarctive as shit , they don't find a slave, so they think that the system is bad so they try to smash it. How? By posting pictures collages of periods online and how "Patriarchy" is literally raping them, even though ironically they're the kind of cunts that never get fucked. Hmm could it be that the lack of dick makes them fantasise about sex so much, that they are talking about non existent rapes?

So there you have it. Thanks, MGTOW man!

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Dan Hoan
7 years ago


Thank you! It was a very interesting night. He then wanted to have a text debate with me about feminism, which I have been studying and a part of my entire adult life, while he just joined the program one month ago.

Its such a downer for me, because I tried to help him understand, all through growing up. I feel like such a failure as a sister. With this, and a few other encounters (he thinks that Sam Harris is the authority of the Muslim world and said some things that are just, just shy of racist), he makes me very worried about the path he is heading down.

7 years ago

Hambeast, home-cured and lovingly smoked in an old, well loved wooden smokehouse.

Some Guy
Some Guy
7 years ago

Of course, according to this theory it should be impossible for any successful or high profile woman to be a feminist. When we go to test the prediction made by this theory, we find it to be…completely true! Provided we ignore all the successful or high profile women who are feminists. Victory!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It’s always fun to be told you’re ruining feminism, isn’t it? I got told that by a Gawker commenter I used to tussle with. He was one of those guys who are progressive on every issue except he’s a misogynist.

He tried to mansplain how pro-choice women should frame the issue. We should talk about it in terms of bodily autonomy. Because none of us ever tried that before and if you just explain to right wingers that it’s an issue of personal liberty, they’ll never again try to ban abortion! Apparently calling him out on mansplaining was enough to destroy feminism.

Also, he showed up in every post about rape to whine about false accusations and was eventually goaded by some of us into basically admitting that he had raped his wife. So, yeah.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

CleverForAGirl – Add a hint of maple, and I think that’s it! My paternal grandfather had a smokehouse and a reputation for the best smoked meats in the county.

7 years ago

Is… is he accusing feminists of being both fat and not fat? :psyduck:

7 years ago

Hambeast – maple cure, makes perfect sense lol

I’ve hot-smoked with propane and electric, can’t quite talk the rest of the household into building a smoke house (or turning the garage into a cheesecave/meat curing room)

7 years ago

I know this is old, but…

Shut up, Woody.

7 years ago


It took my partner and I *months* before we could agree on a colour scheme for the bedroom.

Really? That’s what you’re bringing to the table?

One of our rooms has been painted with little patches of test paint for 19 years.

It’s like you’re not even trying.

7 years ago

Great, now Hambeast has made us all hungry.

7 years ago

You know, there are hundreds maybe even thousands of greys that can be selected when you’re painting the interior of your home. HUNDREDS. There are blue greys, yellow greys, and the mutant ‘greige’ which is grey-beige. The overwhelming number of options have led more than one person to paint dozens of stripes on their wall, one for each possible paint color choice which they can then sit and stare at trying to decide which they like better and usually get other people to give their opinion on whenever possible.

And if you think about it, with how long the stuff is going to be on your walls, that color choice is kind of important to get right. Or you can repaint every couple of years after you can’t stand to look at the last mistake color anymore.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

I happen to love grey-beige; I find it very soothing, plus, it harmonizes with almost any other color. We painted our master bedroom closet a neutral light gray with a bright white ceiling and I love the way it makes our clothes look.

I was going to school for graphic design before I dropped out to move in with Husbeast. There are still no schools that will let me major in graphic design in the area. :/

My dream job has always been to name colors; to be one of the people who come up with the ridiculous names you see on paint chips, lipsticks, designer color palettes for fashion, yarn, etc. I’ve always been fascinated by how my perception of a color can be affected by what they’re calling it this year. Numerobis’ “hostel green” might be frightful to me as well, but if it’s called, I dunno, Texas Sage or Olive Leaf, I might consider it for my living room.

7 years ago


My dream job has always been to name colors; to be one of the people who come up with the ridiculous names you see on paint chips, lipsticks, designer color palettes for fashion, yarn, etc. I’ve always been fascinated by how my perception of a color can be affected by what they’re calling it this year. Numerobis’ “hostel green” might be frightful to me as well, but if it’s called, I dunno, Texas Sage or Olive Leaf, I might consider it for my living room.

When my boyfriend and I first started dating, I told him I would give him $100 — yes, I was that desperate to keep him — if he could name the color of the sweater I was wearing. I had purchased this light gray-blue-green top from a catalog, so I knew what it was called.

Turquoise? Teal? Aquamarine? Rumplestiltskin?

None of those.

Its name was Dream.

So yeah, I was desperate enough to keep him that I dangled the notion of $100 in front of him. But not so desperate that he could ever actually get his hands on this money.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

That’s an incredibly cute story, Kat. I love it.

How long did it take him to give up guessing?

7 years ago

Ha, ha. Not long. He’s not much of a guesser.

But he was intrigued by this whole new-to-him world of catalogs and their mysteriously named colors.